The strongest magician

Chapter 97 Accident

Li Fanggu's face changed when he heard the rustling sound. He and Duan Jinming looked at each other and said, "Jin Ming, what does this sound sound like to you?"

Duan Jinming's expression was also ugly, and he said, "It sounds like the voice of a puppet corpse."

After saying this, several people remembered one thing, isn't Master Xiao Wan famous for making puppet corpses!

Jin Zhicheng's face was also ugly, and the puppet corpse was difficult to deal with. Moreover, there was not only a rustling sound in their ears, it seemed that slowly, waves of rustling sound merged into the sound of the tide, and surrounded them.They thought the voice had come to them, but after a while, the voice slowly receded and seemed to be quiet again.After a while, the voice sounded again, and after surrounding them for a while, it slowly receded.

Hearing this voice, several people felt cold sweat on their backs.

With a serious face, Jin Zhicheng stood up and ordered Ling Lan to check the source of the sound. Ling Lan floated up and walked around the whole palace, and then came back. Jin Zhicheng said, "It seems that we are going to be in trouble. It came from the room on the steps. If my guess is correct, the entire room should be full of puppet corpses, at least dozens of them. Moreover, the room is not locked, and it may be opened at any time. I don’t know. Why didn't those puppet corpses rush out, but we have to go into that room."

Several people gasped. Hua An and Lin Jiajia had never seen the power of the puppet corpse before, so they looked at them in bewilderment.

Hua An muttered: "Your father, what is a puppet corpse? It's all in one room, so how do we deal with it?"

Li Fanggu smiled wryly and said: "If it's true that the whole room is full of puppet corpses, we don't have to go on, we all lie on the ground and wait to be wheeled."

Song Weiwei sneered, and said: "It's too early to give up now, even if they are all puppet corpses, I still have a way."

Li Fanggu and Jin Zhicheng looked at her, yes, if the five crazy monks in her body were released, it would be difficult for gods and demons to stop them, however, Song Weiwei would have to pay a huge price.

Jin Zhicheng gave her an ugly look, and said, "Don't be willful. Let's think of a countermeasure first."

Li Fanggu was also a little dissatisfied and said: "Ah Cheng is right, let's think of countermeasures first."

Duan Jinming knew what the two of them were concerned about, and nodded in agreement.

Song Weiwei smiled helplessly and stopped talking.

Several people lowered their heads, thinking hard about the countermeasures. Hua An looked at them in confusion, and suggested, "How about we go through the door on the left?"

Lin Jiajia said in a deep voice: "This is a temporary solution, not the root cause. If the left side is just a sacrificial pit, then even if we go to the left side, we still have to go to the upper room."

Hua An was a little mad: "Then let's go directly to the upper room. What are you hesitating about? Time is precious! There are still those Shadow Curse Masters behind."

Li Fanggu smiled wryly: "It would be great if we could let that Shadow Curse Master be the vanguard. We can also reap the benefits."

Jin Zhicheng's eyes lit up, he looked at Li Fanggu and said, "Xiaogu, it's rare that you can offer some constructive suggestions."

Duan Jinming also laughed, and said: "That's a good idea, let those Shadow Spellmasters play forward first. It's just that I don't know where those Shadowspell Masters are now."

When they mentioned Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. Just as they talked about those Shadow Curse Masters, several familiar shadows appeared under the steps of the palace.

Xiao Ling led three men and stood on the steps at their lower end. When he saw Li Fanggu and the others, his face darkened again. Why didn't Kung Fu disappear after a while, and they ran to the front, there was one more person?what's the situation?

Li Fanggu couldn't help being happy when he saw that Xiao Ling and the others were all dirty, as if they had just rolled out of the mud.

In fact, Xiao Ling is also a peerless beauty, her beauty is comparable to that of Song Weiwei and Hua An, but now she looks miserable, not to mention the dirt all over her body, even half of her eyebrows are missing, I don't know how she made it, it looks like Extraordinary embarrassment.Seeing Li Fanggu's overjoyed look, she narrowed her beautiful eyes angrily, wishing she could put her shadow on him and chop him up.She can't be humiliated, this man with a lecherous face, she remembered.

Li Fanggu rolled his eyes, put his mouth close to Jin Zhicheng's ear and whispered, and deliberately turned his mouth in the direction of Xiao Ling and the others, saying: "Ah Cheng, we have to block it here, and don't let them rush to the top." Go to the room. Fusu is still guarding the seal in the room, we can’t let these Xiao family make trouble.”

Jin Zhicheng has also been training him during this time, he immediately understood what kind of tricks Li Fanggu was playing, he nodded coldly and said: "Yes, we must guard well, otherwise things will definitely fall into these In the hands of the Shadow Curse Master."

Li Fanggu bet that Xiao Ling and the others would know what they were talking about, sure enough, Xiao Ling put on a smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "Depending on you, it may not be easy to block us, if you are sensible, get out of the way quickly."

Jin Zhicheng put his hands behind his back and gestured to the left. The people behind him looked at him calmly and understood.Jin Zhicheng wanted to mislead the Xiao family and let them break into the big room, while they temporarily hid in the room on the left.This seems a bit difficult.

Jin Zhicheng thought for a while, and made a few more gestures. The people behind were confused, but Song Weiwei and Li Fanggu understood that Jin Zhicheng meant to pester them for a while, and then retreat while fighting.

Li Fangu thought about it, if the Xiao family can be led into the room, they hide in the small room on the left, and let them bite the dog, no matter what the result is, it will be great for them.If the Xiao family is not fooled, then it is a good idea for them to clean up the Xiao family here first, and then concentrate on dealing with the puppet corpses in the room.Now that he has made up his mind, he no longer hesitates, draws the gun from his waist, and shoots at Xiao Ling first.

Xiao Ling sneered, what a mere gun can do to her, she was about to transform into a clone to dodge, but with a bang, her eyes widened, her chest was pierced by the bullet shot by Li Fangu, and she fell directly to the ground.Xiao Ling was stunned, her body hit the ground heavily, and blood flowed out from the wound, what's going on?Can't she change into a clone?

The three men behind her were also stunned?what's the situation?Xiao Ling is from the inner court of the Xiao family, when did the children of the inner court be so vulnerable, what is the origin of this man?It's so powerful?His spear can penetrate even Xiao Ling's real body?

Li Fangu and the others were also stunned, and then they suddenly remembered, by the way, there must be a restriction in this room. In this room, the ability cannot be used, the magic weapon cannot be changed, and the spell on Li Fangu's bullet has no effect , but his gun is not fake, and his marksmanship is not fake.They were all too accustomed to their own abilities, and as a result, without the ability, they couldn't even recognize their own position and ability.

Xiao Ling's heart was hit directly, and after falling to the ground, he struggled a few times, but he didn't have the strength to get up again, and he died directly with his beautiful eyes wide open.

The remaining three members of the Xiao family were stunned inconceivably, impossible!What's happening here?Such a powerful Xiao Ling was actually shot to death by an unknown man with a 92 pistol?What kind of international joke is this?

There was an eerie silence in the huge room, and everyone was stunned.Li Fanggu's shot was shocking. They were so used to fighting with supernatural powers that they didn't expect that a humble pistol could directly kill a top Shadow Curse Master.

Li Fanggu himself was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he immediately put away his surprise. He raised his hand and shot at the remaining three men, shouting, "Hurry up and deal with them, we can't let them go!" Rush to the room inside." Three gunshots rang out, another man fell down, and the remaining two grabbed the man who was shot to block the bullets, and quickly backed away.

"Let's retreat first!" No. [-], who attacked Zhou Liang before, said to the other person.

The two men retreated to the steps, peering up defensively.

Li Fanggu put down his trembling hands. He was surprised and got rid of two members of the Xiao family. This was his first time to kill someone. Although he killed an enemy, he was under a lot of psychological pressure.Xiao Ling's body was still lying across from them, and her angry eyes could be clearly seen from him.

Duan Jinming looked at his trembling hand, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his hand to hold it. Li Fanggu immediately looked at him as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and then held his hand tightly.

Zhou Liang checked Li Fanggu's expression, and was about to say something, but saw his and Duan Jinming's hands clasped, so he gave up.

Song Weiwei woke up from the shock, showed a big smile, and said, "Xiaogu, you're doing great! You impressed us today. Although you didn't lure those Xiao family members into the room, you wiped out half of the enemies as soon as you made a move." ,awesome!"

Li Fanggu smiled a little stiffly, he was relieved a lot because of Duan Jinming's reassurance, it's okay, she is a man, she killed the enemy, why panic!clam down!

Duan Jinming saw that his hand was no longer trembling, so he wanted to let go, but was held firmly by Li Fanggu, he sighed inwardly, and let him go.

"What should we do now?" Hua An was at a loss.

Lin Jiajia was also melancholy. If they were the only ones, regardless of other things, they would definitely want to break into the upper room, but there were still enemies below. Even though there were only two of them, it was like carrying a bomb behind their backs, which might explode at any moment.

Jin Zhicheng pondered for a while, and was about to speak, when suddenly the ground under their feet trembled violently, and then began to vibrate.Like an earthquake, the wine utensils on the lacquered table in the room rolled to the ground due to the vibration, and rolled towards the steps with a rumble.The heads and severed limbs on the ground also rolled on the ground one after another, and some rolled down the steps, making the two Xiao family members who were already terrified became frightened birds.

"Your father, what's the matter? An earthquake?" Hua An complained with a pale face. Lin Jiajia stretched out his hand to support him. Jin Zhicheng motioned for several people to hold on tight. The range was getting bigger and bigger, and it was difficult for them to maintain a standing posture. As the bumps became more and more intense, they could only slowly bend down and lie on the ground.

Jin Zhicheng noticed that the door on the steps creaked open amidst the vibrations, his face changed, and he dragged everyone to hide in the door on the left.

Several people helped each other and hid in the door on the left in a crawling posture. Jin Zhicheng was the last to go in and then covered the door.Hua An tried to use a magic weapon that could illuminate here, but found that it was the same as before, their magic weapon couldn't be used.

Lin Jiajia took out a light from her backpack so that they could see the surrounding situation clearly.After a while, the shaking stopped. Several people stood inside the door and looked at each other, a little confused about what was going on.

And the two Xiao family members at the bottom of the stairs couldn't figure out the situation. No. [-] looked up with a sullen face. The palace was empty, and the curse masters were gone. The person was only focused on stabilizing his body, and didn't pay attention to the movements of those people. Did he take advantage of the vibration and hide in the inner room?

But there are only him and NO.19 left on my side.Xiao Ling and No.15 died for no apparent reason. Their Xiao family has lasted for thousands of years, and their affairs have always been smooth. However, starting from a year ago, the elites of the family lost hundreds of people overnight, and the children of the inner family lost more than half. It was all caused by Ling Duanyang.

Since then, although they wiped out the thorn in their side, the Xiao family was almost devastated. This time they dispatched seven people at a time, and these seven people were the remaining elites of the clan. Formidable enemy, but before even seeing the target, there are only two people left.No. [-] has always been an arrogant person, and rarely feels fear. Before he saw Zhou Liang, he mistakenly thought it was Xiao Lian, and he did it without hesitation. But now, he is starting to be afraid, he has a premonition, This time he can't go out, he can't go back to Xiao's house.

Just when he was in doubt, the sound of uniform footsteps suddenly appeared behind them. When they looked back, their eyes widened.

Li Fanggu and the others hid behind the door on the left, looking at the surroundings by the light.There is no steep slope like the one behind the door on the right. This is an ordinary room where funerary objects are piled up. The ground turned into a pile of debris, a mess, like a typhoon passing through.

Jin Zhicheng's face was serious, and he looked out from the crack of the door, as if all his attention was on listening to the movement.

Song Weiwei asked in a low voice: "What happened to the shock just now? Ah Cheng, what should we do? Staying here is not an option."

Duan Jinming said: "We are now in the active position. But if we go out and force our way into the room inside, we will become passive, and we will be attacked from both sides. It is too dangerous."

Li Fanggu gritted his teeth and said, "Otherwise, let's go out and kill those two from the Xiao family first, and then concentrate on breaking into the next room. It will be a disaster if the two Xiao family members are kept." Shaked a bit.Before this, he never thought that he would get human life on his hands, but today, he snatched two of them as soon as he made a move. And Duan Jinming expressed his heart, how could he be willing to die here.

Duan Jinming stood by his side, stretched out his hand to hold his hand calmly, his fingers intertwined tightly, Duan Jinming's hand was cold, but now this cold hand gave Li Fanggu infinite warmth and courage, Li Fanggu turned to look at him, smiled at him, and said that he was fine.Duan Jinming glanced at him lightly, then turned away calmly.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Zhou Liang raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Lin Jiajia agreed: "Xiao Li is right. Either kill the Xiao family first, and then concentrate on fighting the enemy. There are only two people left in the Xiao family, and they probably won't force their way into the room. We have to make a plan first and find a way Kill those two Xiao family members, and don't let them escape through the gap."

Although Hua An had a hot temper, he was still a child after all. When he heard them discuss the topic of murder, his face turned pale, but he stubbornly pursed his lips and remained silent.He can now see that if the magical weapon still cannot be used here, he is the weakest person in the team now.What he has to do now is try not to hold back everyone.He is short-tempered, but he is not a person who cannot see the situation clearly.

Jin Zhicheng nodded and said, "Okay. Then let's discuss a countermeasure first, and we'll talk about it after killing the two enemies outside."

Li Fanggu nodded, squeezed Duan Jinming's hand reluctantly, then let go, and loaded bullets on his wall. Now they are waiting for Jin Zhicheng's order, and they are ready to rush out to deal with the two Xiao family members first.

There was silence in the room, and Li Fanggu's hand was rubbing the barrel of the gun. Now, this gun is the best weapon. In this strange field, their abilities suddenly disappeared, and they all became Ordinary people with sharp skills, at this time, the firearms that have been neglected by them are the most effective weapons. Li Fanggu felt absurdly the burden on his shoulders.

He laughed at himself, and thought: Li Fanggu, Li Fanggu, sometimes you think about it, you are really funny.He looked at Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei, these two people have never panicked at any time, they can remain calm at any time, without fear, hesitation, or shrinking, they are truly strong.And what about myself?

He looked at Duan Jinming again, with infatuation in his eyes, Duan Jinming is also very strong, such a strong nobleman, why do you like him?

He shook his head funny, what are you thinking about so much at this time, since you are here, don't think about other things, the most important thing is to get out alive.

Jin Zhicheng stood by the door, took a deep breath, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Several people nodded, the people of the Xiao family were very difficult to deal with, just now Li Fanggu's two strikes were to catch them off guard, but now that they are prepared, they are not so easy to deal with.Even if there are only two enemies.

Jin Zhicheng was about to open the door, when suddenly there was another loud vibration from outside, like a huge bomb exploding outside the door. In an instant, the whole room shook, several people fell down one after another without standing still On the ground, this room was obviously not as solid as the palace just now. Gravels fell from the top of their heads, and several people suddenly became ashamed.

Hua An cursed in a low voice: "Your father! It's going on again, it's not over yet."

However, Jin Zhicheng's expression changed, and he made a silent gesture to them, saying: "Shut up, there is movement outside!"

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