The strongest magician

Chapter 98 Dodge

Jin Zhicheng lowered his voice: "There is movement outside."

Several people restrained their breath and listened quietly to the movement outside.It was the sound of voices coming from outside.

A somewhat feminine male voice sounded: "No. [-], are you sure they have all entered the upper room?" Li Fanggu and the others had never heard this voice.

"I'm not sure." The voice of No. [-] came, "When Xiao Ling was still alive just now, the group of curse masters clearly said that they would stop us and not allow us to enter the room inside. It seems that they are in that room. found something."

The feminine male voice sounded again: "How did Xiao Ling die?"

Hearing this, Li Fanggu and the others were all taken aback, how did Xiao Ling die, shouldn't they all be there to see it?Could it be that the Xiao family has another backup coming in?

Sure enough, No. [-] replied respectfully: "My lord, this room is a bit evil. Xiao Ling was shot to death by a man who had never seen her before. She wanted to change into a clone to escape, but in this room, our abilities cannot be used." , so she didn't hide..."

"What a waste! I have always said that she is too proud. She should have changed her temper long ago. This time she should have learned her lesson. You too, No. [-], whoever is the master has all the subordinates, follow Xiao Ling, who is always so defiant, has suffered a great loss, and was almost wiped out before he even finished his journey, it is really shameful to throw it at grandma's house."

No. [-] said yes, it sounds like this man's status is far higher than No. [-]'s, even a little higher than the previous Xiao Ling's.

Li Fanggu and the others heard footsteps coming from the hall. The footsteps were very uniform, like the most regular army marching. Occasionally, there were one or two noises mixed in, which sounded like a large number of people in the hall.

The faces of several people became serious, they didn't expect the Xiao family to have backup, and they came so timely.If they can enter the room on the steps as they expected, and deal with the puppet corpses first, then they still have a chance of winning, even if they are afraid of being spotted by them, they will join the army at that time.I don't know what kind of roles these new Xiao family members are.

There was another rustling sound in the hall, and a deep voice rang out: "Xiao Zhan, No. [-] is right. I can't use any ability in this room. Neither can the magic weapon on me. Changes. No wonder Xiao Ling was killed by a gun, she was wronged."

The feminine male voice answered him: "Xiao Jing, can you see if there are any traces of the magic circle in this room?"

Li Fanggu and the others heard footsteps coming towards them, walked in front of them, walked away again, seemed to circle around the room, and then Xiao Jing said: "I've checked, there is no spell left The traces should not be caused by the magic circle. Think about it, what would be the reason? If none of our abilities can be used, but the enemy has a gun in his hand, we will be at a disadvantage."

Xiao Zhan also agreed with him: "That's right, we have never thought so far-reachingly. We all rely on our superpowers and never put guns and other things in our eyes. This time it is our mistake. If we want to take the lead, we You have to find a way to lift the restriction in this room. Take a look, if it wasn't caused by the magic circle, what could be the reason?"

Xiao Jing's footsteps went a little farther away, and the voice that came over was also a little farther away. Li Fanggu and the others couldn't hear it clearly, and they all scratched their heads in a hurry. Jin Zhicheng's face was serious. Li Fanggu thought that his five senses should far exceed They, he should be able to hear what they were saying, but Jin Zhicheng's face became more and more serious, obviously Xiao Jing didn't say anything good.

Jin Zhicheng's face was so cold that he could almost scrape off ice scum, and said in a low voice: "These bastards brought explosives. They suspect that we are not in the inner room, and plan to use explosives to blow up the two rooms on the side first."

The faces of several people were not good. They finally knew how the previous shock was generated. It seems that this group of guys also learned high-tech methods and used explosives to open the way all the way. They thought it was an earthquake.It's just that the previous violent vibration should not be caused by explosives. After all, that period of vibration lasted much longer, and no matter how powerful the explosives were, they could not cause such a long-lasting vibration.

Li Fanggu cursed in a low voice, this Xiao Zhan is not stupid, but it also means that he is not easy to deal with.He really wanted to see what role this Xiao Zhan was.

"What should I do?" Several people mouthed Jin Zhicheng.

Before they could figure out a countermeasure, they heard a loud rumbling sound from the opposite side, as if a huge explosion had occurred, the room they were in was affected, and another burst of dust fell down.

Several people looked serious, this Xiao Zhan was a quick striker, it seemed that the opposite room had been blown up by him.Then it should be their turn. If they continue to hide in this room, according to the strength of this room, they will not be killed by the explosives, but will also be buried alive by the falling rubble.

Jin Zhicheng gritted his teeth and stood up, making gestures, ready to forcefully rush out and fight to the death with those Xiao family members. Li Fanggu also loaded the bullet, opened the safety catch, and was ready to strike those Xiao family members at any time. At this time, Zhou Liang stopped over him.Zhou Liang pointed to their backs.

Puzzled, Jin Zhicheng turned on the searchlight. Where the light shined, the darkness was dispelled, and they stepped back. They saw a depression less than a person's height in the corner. Jin Zhicheng took a quick look. It turned out to be a passage, and the footsteps of the Xiao family could be heard, Jin Zhicheng no longer hesitated, and directly gestured for a few people to go in first.

A few people got into the passage, which was very low. Song Weiwei and Hua An were fine, they could barely stand upright, but Lin Jiajia and Jin Zhicheng were a bit miserable, especially Lin Jiajia, who was nearly two meters tall and extremely majestic. Just bend over.

However, time is running out now, so they can only go in low.

A few people thought that there would be a road behind the passage, and after entering, Hua An walked first, and he cursed: "Your father! This is a dead end!"

The few people behind him looked sideways, and sure enough, they were blocked by a smooth and thick boulder in front of them. The stone wall was impenetrable, and it seemed impossible to pass.

Hua An vented his anger and kicked the stone wall, then jumped up covering his feet in pain, but the passage was too low, and his head was touched again, Song Weiwei was afraid that he would cry out, so she quickly hugged him and put his head on the ground. Press on the shoulders and rub the touched places for him.

Hua An's face blushed almost to the point of bleeding, and he immediately transformed into a little white rabbit, softly leaning on Song Weiwei's shoulder.

Zhou Liang glanced at him, touched the stone wall with his hand, and said in a low voice: "It seems that this is a mechanism. There is a groove on the side of this stone wall, and this door was originally open. Could it be that someone passed by here?" gone?"

Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming glanced at each other and thought of Fusu and Ling Duanyang at the same time. The room above was full of puppet corpses. If the two of them entered that room, they would probably be dead.For some reason, Li Fanggu felt that Fusu was still alive. If that was the case, it was likely that Fusu and Ling Duanyang passed by here.

Could it be that these two people touched the mechanism when they passed by, so the road was blocked?Duan Jinming wanted to ask aloud, but Li Fanggu stopped him with gestures.Just kidding, Ling Duanyang's name can't be mentioned in front of Song Weiwei, and now the two of them don't know whether they are dead or alive, if Song Weiwei knows that Ling Duanyang is here, she will definitely be impatient, so it's better not to say it yet.

Duan Jinming raised his eyebrows when he saw Li Fanggu's gesture, but did not speak.

Zhou Liang said again: "But there is no unparalleled road. This is granite, which is very strong. Even if the Xiao family threw bombs into the room, we are not afraid of being buried alive."

After hearing this, several people hissed.Jin Zhicheng nodded and said in a low voice, "Then hide here for a while."

He saw a bronze chime beside him, which looked extremely strong. He called Lin Jiajia, and the two tried to lift the chime, but the chime seemed to weigh at least a ton. Although Jin Zhicheng and Lin Jiajia were strong, their faces The redness that rose only lifted a little bit.

Jin Zhicheng saw those Xiao family members were about to push open the door, with a ferocious expression on his face, his face instantly became like a ghost, and his strength also increased. Finally, he lifted the chime bell and put it against the entrance of the passage to block it. It seems that this small channel will not be noticed at all.

Several people bent down and got into the passage, and Jin Zhicheng's expression slowly returned to normal.It was the first time for Lin Jiajia and Hua An to see such a change in him, and they all showed horrified expressions, but they calmed down immediately. They had heard about the Jin family's bloodline, but there hadn't been an awakened curse master in the Jin family for many years. Jin Zhicheng is also the first in these years.However, after all, they are all children from the five major families, and they quickly returned to calm after being shocked.

Panting heavily, Jin Zhicheng turned off the light in his hand, and there was silence in the passage.

Li Fanggu said in a low voice: "No, Ah Cheng, isn't it forbidden to use supernatural powers in this room? Why can you transform?"

No one answered him. After a while, Jin Zhicheng said in a low voice, "Because this is not my ability, this is my real face."

Li Fanggu felt embarrassed, and said, "Why can't Lin Jiajia transform?"

Lin Jiajia was silent for a while, and then said: "I only brought a pair of pants..."

Everyone fell down, Hua An gritted his teeth: "Lin Jiajia! You are playing lazy!"

Lin Jiajia blushed, and said, "This is my mistake. If it really comes to a critical moment, even if I run around naked, I will change."

At this time the door was pushed open, and everyone immediately shut up without making a sound. They saw something was thrown in, and then the door was closed again, and then a bright light came in, and they crawled on the ground like earthworms. Soon to point to something on the ground.

Zhou Liang said in a low voice: "It's a plastic bomb. It's very powerful. You all pay attention. Cover your ears and open your mouth."

A few people followed suit immediately, and a few seconds later, there was a bang!The bomb exploded, and huge energy rushed out. The chime bell blocking the entrance of their passage rang wildly, and then the face of the chime bell twisted instantly, the entire bell frame fell apart, and the deformed Qingtong bell fell to the ground. The huge explosion caused by the explosion The heat was coming, and Lin Jiajia was on the outside of the group of people. He almost used his whole body to protect the crowd. Seeing the flames from the explosion, they saw that the skin on Lin Jiajia's body seemed to become extremely tough, like a layer of leather armor. Wear it on him.

Li Fanggu turned around and hugged Duan Jinming tightly, protecting him in his arms.Duan Jinming looked at him in surprise, he seemed to open his mouth to say something, but Li Fanggu's ears were full of roaring, and he couldn't hear anything.

The ground under the feet of several people trembled violently, and the whole room was shaking. After the loud noise, there was the sound of falling stones. Countless stones fell to the ground, and after a while, the entrance of the passage was blocked, and their There was a roar in my ears, and then I couldn't hear anything.

Fortunately, what Zhou Liang said was right. The passage was very strong. The entrance of the passage was blocked by falling rocks, but the inside of the passage was still solid, but the dust inevitably flaked off, and several people instantly became ashamed.

It took a long time for the surroundings to calm down, the shaking stopped, and the passage was completely dark. Several people shook their heads to shake off the dust on their bodies, and their hearing gradually recovered.

Li Fanggu let go of Duan Jinming, and used his little finger to dig his ears. His ears were covered with a film, but Duan Jinming grabbed his hand.In the dark, he couldn't see Duan Jinming's expression clearly, but he felt that Duan Jinming was looking at him intently.Then his lips were wet and cold, and he immediately realized that Duan Jinming was kissing him.

He opened his mouth in surprise, feeling his lips being brushed quickly, and the cold touch left quickly, and then Duan Jinming's cold hands came over and gently rubbed his ears for him.

His heart was beating wildly. Both of them were sitting on the ground. The passage was very narrow, so the two of them were very close. He slowly felt Duan Jinming's breath, and the haze in his ears gradually disappeared. He couldn't help stretching out his hand. , encircling Duan Jinming's body.

Duan Jinming followed his gestures and leaned over, resting his chin on his shoulder, the two of them quietly felt each other's breath, Li Fangu was extremely grateful for the rest of his life, and his heartbeat slowly calmed down.

Jin Zhicheng's five senses are much stronger than theirs, he can see the actions of several people, Hua An leans on Song Weiwei's shoulder, Song Weiwei pats his back to comfort him gently, Zhou Liang sits alone in the dark with his knees hugged Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming hugged each other, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was tired of crooked at this time, then he looked at Lin Jiajia, Lin Jiajia's body returned to its original state, and then he fainted A gray imprint.

Ai Ai and Ling Lan floated in the air, looking at Jin Zhicheng worriedly, Jin Zhicheng waved his hand, and went to check Lin Jiajia's back, he reached out and touched, Lin Jiajia whispered: "It's nothing, it seems that there are a few pieces of bronze bells drilled into the flesh inside."

Jin Zhicheng nodded: "Be patient, I'll let Zhou Liang show it to you later."

The room slowly returned to calm, and their hearing gradually returned to normal.Jin Zhicheng turned on the light, and asked Zhou Liang to pull out all the fragments behind Lin Jiajia under the light.

With a concentrated expression, Zhou Liang took out a scalpel for simple disinfection, and then dug out the debris.Fortunately, Lin Jiajia's skin was firm and fleshy, and the fragments were not mixed deeply, and they were all slight flesh wounds.After Zhou Liang bandaged him, he sterilized the instruments and put them away.

Several people narrowly escaped death and relaxed.

Hua An asked Jin Zhicheng: "Brother Cheng, what shall we do next?"

Jin Zhicheng said in a deep voice: "Wait for the Xiao family to go to the big room first, and they will probably deal with those puppet corpses."

What Jin Zhicheng said was correct, Lin Jiajia was injured, and the rest of them started to clean up the gravel at the entrance of the passage.The rubble was quickly cleared up with the cooperation of several people. They drilled out of the passage and found that the room was blown to pieces. When they looked up, they could see the mottled stone surface. There were ruins under their feet. The door of the room was half blown away. Looking into the hall from behind the door, there are several sinuous cracks on the white marble floor in the hall, the hall is empty, and there are several shrill screams from the large room on the steps.

Li Fanggu was amused: "It seems that those Xiao family members are being caressed by the puppet corpses."

Song Weiwei chuckled: "Yeah, it seems that our strategy has worked. Let's sit here now and wait for them to bite dogs."

The sound from the upstairs room was horrific. They watched helplessly as a handsome young man wanted to rush out of the room, but was dragged in by two spider-like humanoid monsters, and then his body was ripped into several pieces.The scene was so tragic that Hua An couldn't help retching again, but he had already vomited his stomach empty before, and now he could only retch with his mouth open, without vomiting anything out.

The screams in the room lasted for a long time, so long that the legs of Li Fanggu and others who were listening to the movement outside were a little weak. After about half an hour, the screams inside stopped.

Li Fanggu stood up a little anxiously, wanting to check, Jin Zhicheng waved his hand, telling him to be patient, sit down and wait.

After waiting for another ten minutes, there was still no sound coming from the room, and no one came out, so Jin Zhicheng released Lily and ordered her to check the situation.

Ling Lan approached the room with a timid face, lingered at the door for a while, and then forced herself to look in from the door under Jin Zhicheng's cold stare, and then Jin Zhicheng's expression gradually eased, and he said in a deep voice: There are still a few puppet corpses, and the Xiao family cannot be seen, nor can they see what is in the room."

Several people breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the Xiao family was completely wiped out by those puppet corpses. Fortunately, fortunately, they hid in the past. Seeing how sturdy these puppet corpses are, if they were the ones who just entered, I am afraid they are also those Xiao puppet corpses. What happened to the family.

"Ah Cheng, what should we do now?" Lin Jiajia asked Jin Zhicheng.

Jin Zhicheng could finally sit down in a relaxed manner this time, and said with a sigh: "There is no other way now, let's take a break and prepare to go for it. There is only this road in front of us, even if we want to go another road, we can't do it. The only trouble is that the abilities are useless now, so it is not easy to deal with those puppet corpses."

Song Weiwei bit his lip, and then said: "Ah Cheng, I know you will definitely stop me, but after a while, if we are in danger, no matter what you say, I will let Hu Tong and the others go out, then you can Don't stop me."

Jin Zhicheng and Li Fanggu froze for a moment, Li Fanggu looked away and said, "Sister, let's talk about it when the time comes. Let's think about it, maybe there will be another way."

Song slightly raised her long hair, smiled coquettishly, and didn't say much.

Li Fanggu stood up and raised the question that had been in his heart for a long time, saying: "Why can't we use our abilities anymore? What's wrong?"

Zhou Liang replied calmly: "Maybe I know why."

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