The strongest magician

Chapter 96 Reconciliation

Fusu said in surprise, "Cheating?"

Ling Duanyang smiled sullenly: "Yeah! She thought I was a very powerful mage, and I deliberately used her husband's death to provoke her to force her to accept my challenge. We made an agreement before our decisive battle that only spells are allowed. No magic weapon, but I used a magic weapon that can evade attacks in private. This magic weapon was buried in my body, and she couldn't feel it. When her spell hit me, the damage was transferred to the magic weapon. But every time Every time I pretended to be seriously injured, but I actually hurt her when I hit her, who do you think will win in the end?"

Fu Su sneered, and said: "You are invincible in victory. It's not kind to bully a woman like this. But why do you insist on defeating her?"

Ling Duanyang smiled and said, "It's not for my master."

Fu Su wondered: "Why do you have a master? You are also a warrior?" He didn't understand, what is the identity of this Ling Duanyang?It looks like a mystery all over.

Ling Duanyang smiled indifferently: "No, I'm just an ordinary person with a little bit of ability. My master wants me to keep some important things and asks me to look for a suitable guardian in the world, so I chose Ye Suna. Ye Suna After losing to me, I wanted to go back on my word, so in order to force her to submit, I made a promise with her."

Fusu asked, "What agreement?"

Ling Duanyang smiled and said: "At that time, the king of Xiaowan sent Ye Suna to Chang'an under the pretext of paying tribute to the big man. He killed her husband while she was away, and then planned to hunt her down. Her husband. She hated her so much that she even angered all the nobles of Xiaowan, because they refused to save them at the time. She wanted to take revenge on the entire Xiaowan country. However, Xiaowan is not the only mage in the country, she is alone and weak It is not easy to do these things. Therefore, I made an agreement with her that I can help her destroy the entire Xiaowan Kingdom, but she must walk into this tomb and guard such important things for me."

Fusu stopped in shock: "Destroy the entire Xiaowan Kingdom? How did you do it?"

Ling Duanyang laughed lightly and said: "It's very simple. People die for money and birds die for food. If I give corresponding benefits, someone will do things for me. It's just that I wrote a bad check. Xiaowan Guozuo There is Ruoqiang, Shanshan on the right, and Qiemo on the side. I spread rumors among these three kingdoms, saying that Xiaowan has obtained a treasure of the gods. Xiaowan’s national teacher is hidden, only waiting for the right time to open it. If one person says something, it is empty words; if 100 people say it, it is a rumor; if 1000 people say it, it is a rumor. If everyone in the world says it, That was the truth, and in the end Shanshan sent troops to destroy Xiaowan. I'm not breaking my promise."

Fu Su's thoughts wandered, and he thought to himself, I don't know if what Ling Duanyang said is true or not. If it is true, this person is really cruel and cruel. In order to achieve his goal, he will not hesitate to destroy a country alive, but it doesn't sound like him. He was telling lies. After all, there is no benefit in lying to him. Ling Duanyang had no need to lie to him. In the end, he could only sigh and said: "Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty. This Xiaowan country was destroyed. It's unfair."

Ling Duanyang sneered: "What are you talking about wronged. Shanshan has long coveted Xiaowan, and I just gave him a legitimate excuse."

Fu Su was silent, Ling Duanyang was right, the rumors he spread at that time were just a fuse, in fact the explosives had already been buried, but the flame that ignited the fuse was missing.

Ling Duanyang smiled sullenly, and said nothing after that.

Fusu carried him on his back for another walk, and the two walked out of the narrow passage. This time, there was a staircase with twelve steps in front of them. Fusu climbed the stairs and saw a huge platform in front of him.The entire platform is carved out of white marble. At the end of the platform is a huge tree root. The root is twisted into a spiral and tangled up.The roots of the tree spread upwards. Fusu looked up and saw that the trunk was upright on the roots, but the crown of the tree could not be seen from below. From a height of hundreds of meters, there was a deep darkness, so thick that the naked eye could not see through it.

Fusu admired it and said: "What a thick tree root, I don't know what kind of tree it is."

Ling Duanyang slid down his back and walked to the root of the tree. With a melancholy expression on his face, he said, "This is a tree that was catalyzed by Ye Suna's magic power. In the desert, this kind of tree is called hozen wood, but Good thing. But Ye Suna used her spell to turn it into a demon, and this is where Ye Suna placed the treasure I gave her."

As if responding to his words, the giant tree suddenly seemed to wake up, and Fusu saw with his own eyes that the entire tree root swelled up.

Ling Duanyang chuckled: "Look, Ye Suna sensed my arrival. She must have known that I had tricked her once. Ye Suna is not a fool. She couldn't figure it out at the time, but she would definitely understand the mystery afterwards. At that time But I forced her to death with my own hands, she will die with no regrets, I am afraid that the wronged soul will stay here and wait for me to come back." He turned his face to Fusu and said: "Fusu, I really want to stay with you for a while, but it's a pity , I still have important things to do."

Fusu looked at him inexplicably, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ling, just do it if you have something to do, don't bother me. It's just that I'm worried about Mr. Duan, you..."

Ling Duanyang interrupted him and said, "you don't have to worry. I will destroy this tomb. My master has been lying to me, and now I already know where what I am looking for is, get it, and I will destroy this place , send you out."

Fu Su nodded and said, "Can you handle it alone? I'll go with you? Your legs..."

Ling Duanyang walked towards him, hugged him, put his chin on his shoulder and smiled lightly: "Fusu, thank you for caring about me. I just want to stay alone with you for a while, but the rest of the way, I have to go in alone, you are not Ye Suna's opponent. Don't worry, your master, and Duan Jinming, I will take them out for you. You can try to look back, there will be another way You went back."

Fu Su was stunned, his body lightened, Ling Duanyang had already let go of him, and after giving him a cool smile, he turned and walked towards the roots of the tree. His steps were light and steady, and his legs looked injured.

Fusu looked at Ling Duanyang's back with complicated emotions. How could his leg recover so quickly?He has always had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this man, but he doesn't know anything about him. This man is full of mysteries, but he is pampering him in his heart, and he can't figure it out.He shook his head helplessly, and walked off the platform, he still had to go back, otherwise he would not know about Duan Jinming's situation, and, according to what Ling Duanyang said just now, Li Fanggu also came?Thinking that the boy who always had a playful smile was his real master, he suddenly felt very concerned.What do you care about?He wondered, what did he care about?

Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming are considering how to get out of trouble.They looked at the nearly 20-meter-high mud wall with sad faces.

Li Fanggu clicked his tongue and said, "Could it be that we can only climb up?"

Duan Jinming sighed helplessly, and said, "I've searched all over here, and there is no other way out, I can only climb up."

Li Fanggu wanted to cry, but he couldn't cry. The wall was covered with wet and slippery sand. When he touched it with his hand, it began to rustle and peel off. There was no support at all.Duan Jinming said before that he climbed up for a whole day, but unfortunately he was knocked down by him who couldn't open his eyes. He was really sorry for Duan Jinming.

Li Fanggu cried and said: "With your ability, you will have to climb up for a whole day. I am far behind you. I am afraid that I will not be able to climb up. Jin Ming, I am sorry for you."

Duan Jinming laughed: "It's nothing, just keep climbing. You came alone?"

Li Fanggu shook his head and told him the experience of Laiqiemo. Duan Jinming pondered for a while, and then said: "I didn't expect Hei Liu to be targeted by the Xiao family because of me. Go and see him. But, it's really hard for you." He touched the faint marks on Li Fanggu's face, and said with a light smile, "You beat Hei Liu, you're much better than before."

Li Fanggu laughed, is this a compliment? "Forget it, let's climb first. I don't know if it's an illusion. I always feel that these tree roots seem to be moving just now."

Duan Jinming also frowned: "Maybe it's not an illusion, I seem to have seen them move just now."

Li Fanggu was about to answer the conversation. Suddenly, a long rope hung down from above them, and the rope moved slowly downwards. Then, a head poked out from above them. who.

"Hey, Li Fanggu, are you still alive?" Zhou Liang shouted down.

Li Fanggu waved wildly: "Uncle, uncle, that's great! You finally think of me. I'm still alive! I'm living well!" Not only is he alive, but he has also found a wife. Li Fanggu is really happy now.

It was too dark underneath, Zhou Liang couldn't see below, but he finally felt relieved when he heard Li Fanggu's voice, he groaned, and then asked, "You didn't fall down, did you? Can you climb up by yourself?"

Li Fanggu replied: "Yes, yes, are you all right?"

Zhou Liang replied: "It's okay, let's go up first. Can you climb by yourself? Do you want me to go down and pick you up?"

Li Fanggu smiled and said: "No need, uncle, let the rope be longer. Make it longer, okay, it's fine. You wait for me!"

Li Fanggu asked Duan Jinming to climb up with the rope first, and then buckled the rope around his waist, and then with the help of the above, he finally got out of the dark ditch bottom.

Hua An and the others were resting by the door. They had just experienced a life-and-death battle, and their faces were ugly.When the battle was over, they realized that Li Fanggu was gone. There were no other organs in the palace. Li Fanggu could only have rolled down the slope.Thinking of this, Zhou Liang immediately jumped down to look for him, but was stopped by Jin Zhicheng, and then he took out the rope from his backpack, intending to go down to look for it, but fortunately, Li Fanggu replied to them.

They didn't know that Duan Jinming was also below, and saw the rope moving, so they tried their best to help, but unexpectedly saw a strange man climbing up, Hua An was dumbfounded: "Your father, Li Fanggu, is South Korea connected to this place? Why did you come back with a different face after falling for a while? But your face is much prettier than before. "

Song smiled slightly: "Hua An, this is not Xiaogu." She greeted Duan Jinming, "Mr. Duan, why are you here?" Falling into one place, the world is a bit too small.

Duan Jinming greeted them awkwardly, then turned around to help pull Li Fanggu up.

After all the people sat down, Li Fanggu looked at the situation in the palace. Seeing it, his scalp exploded. He saw that the palace was full of stumped limbs and broken arms, as well as human heads rolling all over the ground. That tragic scene , Needless to say.

"Sister, what's going on, what the hell are you doing!" Li Fanggu exclaimed dumbfounded.

Song Weiwei smiled slightly, and replied: "I didn't do anything, I just screwed off the heads of these corpses, and I was careless and rude when I did it."

Hua An listened on the sidelines, his face turned pale, and he almost vomited again.

Things have to go back to the moment when Li Fanggu fell.

After being attacked by the sound waves, the few people in the palace were all stuffy in their minds, as if they were hammered on their heads and chests, and they couldn't use the magical weapons on their bodies, and couldn't use their spiritual power. Contend against these corpses.

These corpses are also very evil, they don't do anything else, they just keep emitting super strong sound waves, and the closer they are, the stronger the sound waves are, Hua An is the youngest, and soon he can't hold on, bleeding from his ear canals.

Jin Zhicheng covered his ears, and lip-synced with Song Weiwei: "These corpses must be destroyed."

Song Weiwei had worked with him for a long time, and the two had a tacit understanding, so Song Weiwei quickly tore off two pieces of cloth from his clothes to plug his ears, took out a whip from his waist, and rushed into the pile of corpses.

The closer she rushed, the stronger the sound waves from those corpses, Song Weiwei's heart was almost split open by the impact, she vomited a mouthful of blood and retreated.

Zhou Liang and Lin Jiajia immediately understood what she was going to do, so together with Jin Zhicheng, they also blocked their ears with pieces of clothes and rushed forward to disperse the attack from the corpse, so that Song Weiwei could finally rush forward.

While the whip shadows were flying, the necks of those corpses were entangled by Song Weiwei, and they were directly twisted off and rolled to the ground.The heads that rolled to the ground still had their mouths open, but they couldn't make sound waves.By wringing all the heads off the corpses, they got through.

Hua An's gaze towards Song Weiwei is much more subtle now, not as stunning as it was at the beginning, but a little more in awe. After all, anyone who sees a woman tearing off dozens of heads with a whip in her hand will feel ashamed. I don't think she is an angel, no matter how beautiful she is.

Li Fanggu noticed the look in his eyes, and deeply sympathized with him, his sister Wei Wei is not a mortal, boy!

Hua An's ear canal was bleeding all the time, although they could hear normally, several people still showed worried expressions.

Jin Zhicheng was a little embarrassed and said to Zhou Liang: "Ah Liang, please help Hua An take a look, don't let him hurt his hearing."

Hua An's reaction to the voice was obviously weak, and what Jin Zhicheng said just now was not too loud, he almost didn't hear it.

Li Fanggu looked at Zhou Liang worriedly. He and Hua An had never been on good terms. Now that Hua An is injured, will Zhou Liang refuse to save him?

Zhou Liang didn't say anything. He opened the medical bag on his body, took out the flashlight, and went to see Hua An's situation. When Hua An saw him coming, his expression changed, and he said, "Your father, what are you going to do?"

Lin Jiajia frowned and said, "Hua An, Zhou Liang is a doctor, show him your ears." He guessed that Hua An didn't hear what he said just now, so he spoke very loudly.

Hua An was taken aback when he heard that, and then twitched in embarrassment. He didn't expect Zhou Liang to be a doctor. Seeing how good he was, he thought he was also a curse master.And the two kept bickering. They didn't expect that Zhou Liang would check on him even if he was injured.

Zhou Liang didn't say anything, went up and pinched his ears, and checked the situation inside with a flashlight.

Hua An's ear canals were red and swollen. After being pulled by Zhou Liang, he let out a muffled snort. Zhou Liang's hands stiffened, and his face suddenly changed.

Several people looked at him with worried faces, and Lin Jiajia asked with trembling lips, "Mr. Zhou, what's wrong?" Judging by Zhou Liang's expression, could it be that Hua An's ears were seriously injured, could he be deaf?Hua An is the treasure of the Hua family, the Hua family is rich and powerful, they are considered a famous family, and the family rules are strict, but Hua An wears women's clothing when he wants to, and the magic tools made by his family are also closely used by him, so it can be seen that he is at home How favored.In the end, he went out with Lin Jiajia on a mission, and his ears were deafened. This is because Lin Jiajia failed to protect him.Hua Yongshan dotes on Hua An very much, if Hua An's ears are really broken, Lin Jiajia may not be able to bear it in the future.

Li Fanggu also showed a look of pity, Hua An is so beautiful and so young, how could he become deaf?

Zhou Liang put away the shocked expression on his face and said: "It's nothing, my previous patient never made a sound during my examination, not even a child snorted, this is the first time, I was shocked."

Everyone fell down, Li Fanggu was sweating, uncle, are you serious?You are a forensic doctor!Your previous patients were all dead! !

Zhou Liang is a forensic doctor of the Spiritual Detective Department, so his usual job is really to be in charge of autopsies. It is not his job to identify injuries, so he is not bragging when he says that his patients can't make a sound.

It's a pity that Hua An didn't know his real identity. He showed a disconvinced expression on his face, and said, "I was careless just now. I'm not afraid of pain."

Li Fanggu looked at him sympathetically, if he knew Zhou Liang's real occupation, he might vomit blood.

Zhou Liang looked carefully, then put away the flashlight, and said, "It's okay, it should be just a slight perforation of the eardrum, and it will heal after about ten days." He took out the medicine, so he took it out for Hua An to take.

Hua An took it over and said "thank you" embarrassingly. This is considered to be reconciled with Zhou Liang.

After a few people rested, they began to discuss the next step.

Jin Zhicheng looked at the palace and said, "Xiaogu, the door on the right, has just been seen below. It is a sacrificial ditch. It seems that it has nothing to do with our purpose. Now there is a door on the right and a room above. I suggest going directly to the next door." One room. According to the regulations of tombs, the left and right sides are generally symmetrical, and the room on the left may also be used for offering sacrifices or funeral objects. Let’s save time and go directly to the top.”

He was the leader of the group, and he spoke, and the others agreed, and rose, determined to go to the next room.At this moment, there was a rustling sound. Except for Hua An, several people raised their heads. Li Fanggu's face changed, because he felt that this voice was very familiar.

He looked at Duan Jinming in shock, and said, "Jin Ming, this is..."

Duan Jinming's expression also changed.

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