
After returning home, the two faced a very serious problem, that is, how to sleep tonight...

Time took the initiative to take his own pillow and quilt from the bedroom and put it on the sofa. Xu Kai nodded when he saw this, and was about to close the bedroom door when he heard Time ask, "Apart from A Nuo, Tian Tian and you, is there anyone else in Xiao Luo's body?"

Xu Kai raised his chin slightly, with a provocative smile on his face, and said, "What? Should we quit in spite of difficulties?"

Shi Shi shook his head and said sincerely: "Even if we broke up, it's not now. Xiao Luo is now vulnerable and needs help. I can't leave him. I hope you can understand."

Xu Kai touched his nose boredly, thought for a while, and left the bedroom door open.

He didn't sleep deeply at night, and he woke up as soon as there was any movement on the bed in the bedroom. He heard the sound of Mao Xiaoluo walking towards the sofa, opened his eyes, and the eyes of the two were facing each other.Mao Xiaoluo asked, "Why are you sleeping on the sofa?"

Shi Shi sat up and held his hand, confirming: "Xiao Luo?"

Mao Xiaoluo hummed and said, "Am I sleepwalking again?"

"Well, when we get up tomorrow morning, let's go to the brother's place again, shall we?"

Mao Xiaoluo nodded obediently, he squatted on the ground for a while, and suddenly put his arms around Shi Shi's waist, and buried his face in his chest.

Shi Shi hugged him, stroked his hair lightly, and said, "It's okay, I'll be with you."

Mao Xiaoluo didn't speak, he smelled the smell of Shi Shi, and pressed against his cool body, for some reason, a sudden sadness surged in his heart, his soul was in a trance, as if he had left his body, as if there was nothing in this world that he could grasp In hand, not even time.They are passers-by in each other's lives, just like all the fates in this world, either life or death, there will be separation...

"Time, don't ever leave me, okay?" His voice was soft, filled with moist sadness, like grabbing a life-saving straw, praying in a low voice, almost melted into the air.

"...If you don't let me leave, I will never leave."

Mao Xiaoluo called the school early in the morning to ask for leave.Zhang Zijing was already waiting for him, and when he saw him, his expression was always gentle. Mao Xiaoluo sat on the chair in the consulting room, and after a long silence, he said, "I saw the note he left for me yesterday..."


"Xu Kai, he said his name is Xu Kai, and he is a resident in my body." When Mao Xiaoluo raised his head, his eyes were red, and he choked up and asked, "Why me? Do bad things, why me?"


Mao Xiaoluo cried very subduedly, biting his lower lip, only weeping, not crying.He covered his eyes with one hand, and curled up his veins with the other on his knees. Even if he was crying, he didn't dare to disturb others.There are so many people in this world, why him?Why is he the only one so miserable?

Zhang Zijing looked at him, sighed quietly in his heart, waited for him to cry for a while, and said, "Did he say anything else?"

"He said..." Mao Xiaoluo wiped his face before continuing, "He said they wanted to use the diary to communicate with me in the future."

"What do you think?"

"I don't know..." Mao Xiaoluo said, "I hope they don't exist, can we make them disappear? Taking medicine or electric shock or something..." At the end, his tone was a bit hasty, and his emotions were obviously in a state of depression. On the verge of collapse.

"Xiao Luo, calm down first." Zhang Zijing poured him a glass of warm water, and said, "Don't rush to reject them, okay? Calm down first, drink some water, and I will explain to you slowly."

Holding the water glass in both hands, Mao Xiaoluo took a sip when he heard the words, and stared at him with wide eyes, with tears in the corners of his eyes, obviously waiting for his reply.

"Your situation, in terms of psychology, is called 'Dissociative Identity Disorder', or 'Multiple Personality'. You have probably heard of the latter term."

Mao Xiaoluo nodded.

"I talked to two of them yesterday. One of them is an eight-year-old named Tian Tian, ​​and the other is a young man who loves physics named Xu Kai." Zhang Zijing looked at him with gentle and firm eyes and said, "In our According to the current observation, they are all healthy and upward, have no criminal tendencies, and have no intention of harming you."

"If health is upward, how can it live in my body?"

Zhang Zijing shook his head and said: Xiao Luo, it's not that they live in your body, they are your separate personalities, they were originally part of your body, but now they have their own identities. "

Mao Xiaoluo was helpless and said, "It's my fault..."

"You're not wrong, it's the people who made you suffer."

Mao Xiaoluo didn't understand. He raised his head, with tears still on his eyelashes, and asked, "What?"

"Tell me every day, when you were eight years old, you were raped by your stepfather for the first time." Zhang Zijing carefully observed his expression.

Mao Xiaoluo's lips parted slightly, looking very shocked. The tears from earlier rolled down his cheeks. After a while, he found his voice and denied it in a low voice: "I don't know, I don't remember. ..."

Zhang Zijing looked at him and didn't speak.

After a while, Mao Xiaoluo asked again: "...is it true?"

"You need to find the answer yourself." Zhang Zijing never left his eyes.

"When I was in the second year of junior high school, my mother was sent to prison because she killed my stepfather. It is said that in the middle of the night, she came home from the night shift early and killed him... But I have no memory of that night at all. They all said I was there, but I don't remember anything." Mao Xiaoluo stared at the brown bear doll on the desk, and his tone seemed to be narrating other people's affairs, very dull, this was the first time he took the initiative to confess his mother to Zhang Zijing The thing about going to jail.

Zhang Zijing noticed what he called his mother and asked, "Do you know why your mother killed him?"

"I don't know, my mother didn't say the reason until she was in prison, she just kept scolding him as a beast, but now...if...if what Tian Tian said is true, I might guess a little bit of the reason... "

Zhang Zijing asked, "Is your mother still serving her sentence in prison?"

Mao Xiaoluo nodded: "No date."

"Have you ever seen her?"

"I go there once a month, but the two of them sit behind bars and have nothing to say every time."

Zhang Zijing was silent for a while, and asked, "In your memory, before she was imprisoned, did you have anything that left a deep impression on you?"

Mao Xiaoluo sat there, her eyes glazed over, she didn't know whether she was remembering or in a daze, and after a long time she said: "Before the accident, she worked in a food processing factory, and sometimes she would bring back some defective dim sum products, put them away. On the top of the cupboard, it makes me rest my stomach when I’m hungry. She is very busy at work, and she has to work two jobs sooner or later... When she was eight years old, she remarried my stepfather. At the beginning, life was okay, but after marriage, she found out that my stepfather Without a job, I used to scrape together and borrow money to live. Later, my stepfather’s gambling addiction became more and more serious, and the debts also increased. She began to work two jobs at the same time, and sometimes even three jobs. The busier you are... the less time you have for me."

"I don't have time to care about you. Specifically...in what aspects?" Zhang Zijing was careful with the question, fearing that Mao Xiaoluo would be stimulated too much, so he paused for a while, but then asked again after hesitating.

"Sometimes, she is too busy to cook, or forgets to hold a parent-teacher meeting for me, and hardly talks at home. If my stepfather is not at home, she will often fall asleep with her head tired..."

"What if your stepfather is home?"

"...my stepdad would beat her for not cooking in time or doing chores in time or whatever...but she would close the door every time and lock me in the room and not let me see... I don't remember that part very well..."

Zhang Zijing thought, probably later, even this part of the pain was borne by Tiantian, that's why Mao Xiaoluo couldn't remember clearly. "And then? How did you live after your mother went to prison?"

"...Later, I lived with my grandma for several years, and she passed away in my freshman year."

"Do you have a deep impression on grandma?"

Mao Xiaoluo shook her head: "My memory of those years is very vague, it seems to be fragmented, I only remember that she was in poor health, bad temper, and liked to scold people, but I can't remember exactly what she scolded... "

Mao Xiaoluo's expression was very tired. He almost showed Zhang Zijing all the unbearable things in his life. Most of them were scars revealed in his vague memory, some had scabs, and he had forgotten most of them... …

Zhang Zijing asked, "Do you want to chat with them?"

Mao Xiaoluo was stunned for a moment, realized who he was talking about, and subconsciously refused: "I...I'm a little tired." Then he looked up at the wall clock on the wall and said, "Is it time?"

Zhang Zijing didn't force him, but nodded and said, "Xiao Luo, your situation is not as pessimistic as you think, try to get to know them."

Mao Xiaoluo nodded.

Zhang Zijing added: "In addition, you can try to ask your mother about the past."

When Mao Xiaoluo came out of the consulting room, she waited outside as usual, saw the traces of crying on his face, went up to him and gave him a hug, and gently kissed his forehead to comfort him.

Mao Xiaoluo's emotions, which had been sorted out originally, lost control when he touched him, and wrapped his arms around his waist, unconsciously hugging him a little tighter.

The two passed by a shopping mall on the way back, and Time proposed to take a stroll inside. "We haven't had a serious date yet."

Mao Xiaoluo was originally in a low mood, but when he heard him say this, he raised the corner of his mouth and nodded.Shi Shi entered the mall wearing a helmet, took it off when he was inside, and changed into a peaked cap and mask, and also wore black leather gloves on his hands.Mao Xiaoluo hesitated, and said, "Why don't we go back? Come back at night."

"The mall will be closed at night." He insisted, took Mao Xiaoluo's hand, and said, "Let's go shopping for a while, and we still lack a blanket at home. We will have lunch here at noon later, and go to the movies after dinner. After watching the movie, I went out to eat desserts, they have an online celebrity shop here, durian smoothies are very famous, do you eat durian?"

Mao Xiaoluo couldn't help smiling when he said that, and nodded.Shi Shi held his hand and clenched it a little more, and said, "There is also an underground supermarket here. After dessert, we can go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients and go home."


At about eleven o'clock in the morning, they were walking slowly in the shopping mall holding hands, and there were frequent people staring at them on the road. Mao Xiaoluo realized it and struggled lightly to break away from the grip of time.

Time didn't force it, but leaned over and whispered in his ear: "They are jealous of us."

Mao Xiaoluo was a little embarrassed: "What are you jealous of?"

"I'm jealous that you have a boyfriend as tall and handsome as me."

Mao Xiaoluo's ears were flushed red, she bit her lower lip, but the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile, and she heard Time go on to say, "I'm also jealous of me, I'm jealous of having such a good-looking boyfriend like you."

Mao Xiaoluo whispered: "It must be jealous of me, not you."

Time argued with him: "It's definitely more jealous of me."

Mao Xiaoluo was embarrassed to argue with him in the mall, but was so teased by him that her face was blushing and her heart was pounding. For a moment, she forgot all her troubles. She gently pulled his arm and said, "Stop making trouble, it's a public place."

Time deliberately said: "I ask you, if there is a man who is taller and more handsome than me who likes you, will you not want me?"

Mao Xiaoluo shook his head subconsciously, and quickly said: "How can there be a man who is taller and more handsome than you?"

Shi Shi laughed, raised his hand and hugged him hard on his shoulder, then let go quickly.Although he was wearing a mask, Mao Xiaoluo could still feel that he was smiling happily. The eyes under the brim of the hat looked like stars, bent into two crescents, so she unconsciously laughed along with her.

Passing by a toy store, there were three rows of claw machines in the store, time grabbed Mao Xiaoluo and walked in: "I'm very good at grasping dolls."

Mao Xiaoluo felt that he was good at everything, so he believed what he said, followed him in, and bought 100 yuan coins for him to play with.Shi Shi took a stride, fixed his eyes on the dolls and pliers in the machine, and asked Mao Xiaoluo, "Which one do you like? Brother, I'll grab it for you."

Mao Xiaoluo subconsciously said, "I like whichever one you catch."

Shi Shi was staring at the claw machine, but when he heard what he said, he turned back to look at him, and called him softly: "Mao Xiaoluo!"


"Why is your mouth so sweet? I'm blushing when you say it."

Mao Xiaoluo didn't know if Time really blushed, but he did. He turned around embarrassingly, put one hand on the coin slot of the claw machine, and put in three coins, saying: "Hurry up, it's about to start."

Shi Shi looked at him as if he couldn't take his eyes off, and pressed the operation buttons a few times indiscriminately, but nothing came up.Mao Xiaoluo immediately threw three more coins into him: "It's okay, try the hand first, and come again."

Time is obviously not as good as he said, and he tried a few times without even catching any hairs.Mao Xiaoluo said: "There must be something wrong with this machine! Let's change it."

The two of them changed a machine, but the game currency was used up, and they still got nothing. The time didn't say anything, but Mao Xiaoluo seemed to have done something heinous, and he lowered his eyes and dared not look at the time.Time came over quietly, with a shameful expression on his face, and whispered: "Xiao Luo, I actually lied to you, I have never played this before."

Mao Xiaoluo raised his head with a cry, met his eyes, they looked at each other for a while, and said, "That's okay." He had a question in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask it, why did time lie to him?What's the point of lying?

Time took the initiative to say, "Why don't you ask me why I lied to you?"


"Because I want to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail in front of you, and I want you to like me and worship me..." He looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

The blush that had just fallen on Mao Xiaoluo's face rose again, and she said after a long while, "I always like you, I adore you."

There were not many people in the toy store on weekdays, and the shop owner had been staring at them from time to time since they came in. Sometimes they saw their faces close together, and sometimes they saw the shorter man blushing again. It was obvious that they were a couple.

After a while, leading Mao Xiaoluo to the cashier, the boss asked in a low voice, "You two, is that the one?"

Shi Shi took off the mask, still smiling, but he looked quite unfriendly: "Which one?"

Fearing that he would cause trouble, Mao Xiaoluo gave him a hand.The boss was full of gossip, and whispered, "It's that... gay, I haven't seen a live one yet, you two are quite in love."

"..." Shi Shi and Mao Xiaoluo had black lines all over their heads.

The boss looked at the two of them again: "You both look handsome."

"..." Shi Shi laughed helplessly, "Do you sell the dolls in your store?"

"If you don't sell it, you two will sell it if you buy it."

The two couldn't laugh or cry for a while, and Shi Shi deliberately whispered: "Boss, you don't know what to do, do you?"

"No, no, no..." The boss repeatedly denied, "I'm not, but I read manga, and I accidentally turned to shoujo manga, which opened the door to a new world." The boss was quite funny, and asked, "Which one do you two want? The eighty, the small sixty, the mini forty-five."

Shi Shi turned his head and asked Mao Xiaoluo aggressively: "Which one do you want?"

Just as Mao Xiaoluo was about to answer, his whole body trembled suddenly, and an obviously childish voice shouted: "That, that! I want that pink monkey!"

The boss said, "That's not a monkey, that's a leopard."

Shi Shi immediately realized that it was Tian Tian, ​​but there was no reaction on his face, and he said to the boss: "I want the pink panther, and I want a large size."

I am very happy to hug the pink panther every day, and I still hug the pink panther when I go out.

Time pulled him to find a corner and discussed with him: "Every day?"

Tian Tian hummed.

"This pink panther is for you, but can you go down first and let Xiao Luo out?"

Tian Tian was obviously a little disappointed: "Why?"

"Today is our first date." Shi Shi said kind words to him, "Next time I will definitely take you to play and buy you other toys, okay?"

Tian Tian nodded reluctantly, and said, "Then you have to keep your word."

Time nodded firmly at him: "Pull the hook."

Tiantian was happy because of the next appointment, closed his eyes and stepped back, opened his eyes again, but it wasn't Mao Xiaoluo, Xu Kai's obviously mature and deep voice rushed to his face and said: "You are so far away from me!" Why are you near?"


Hearing Xu Kai's voice, Shi Shi finally couldn't help sighing in his heart. He didn't speak for a long while, still thinking, if Xu Kai is invited to go down now, will it be A Nuo who will replace him...

Xu Kai took a step back and stood up, surveyed the surrounding environment with his eyes, and asked, "Is this a shopping mall?"

Shi Shi nodded: "I'm dating Xiao Luo, I just bought a toy in the toy store, and I came out every day."

Xu Kai glanced at the pink doll in his hand and asked, "Do you want to buy anything here?"

"I planned to go to dinner later, but also to watch movies, eat desserts, buy blankets, and buy vegetables."

Xu Kai stuffed his hands into the pockets of his coat. Hearing this, his original steps stopped. He really felt awkward to be with time. "Wait first, I'll replace someone else."

Xu Kai went down as soon as he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there were a pair of slightly resentful eyes, looking at the time, not long after two tears accumulated in his eyes, but he just watched and didn't speak for a long time.

Time knew that it was A Nuo who came out, and he took the initiative to say, "I'm sorry."

Arnold's tears fell with his words, and he asked, "I'm just sorry?"

Time lowered his eyes without looking at him, waiting for him to vent his emotions.

A Nuo didn't speak, turned around and walked to the toy store just now, went into the store and bought another [-] coins, stood there watching the time.The store owner's eyes turned between the two of them, only when they had quarreled, he didn't dare to ask, just sat silently at the counter and listened.

Time can only follow up and ask: "What do you want to do?"

Arno walked up to a machine and said, "I'm going to play with this."

Time said: "You play."

"I don't know how to play, show me how you play."

"..." Time knew that he probably wanted to repeat the scene just now.

A Nuo stuffed three coins into the coin slot, wiped away his tears, and forced a smile on his face: "It's started."

Time had no choice but to click the operation button, but nothing was caught.Arnold pushed him to the next machine and caught nothing, they caught almost every machine.A Nuo looked at him and smiled: "You are so stupid."

Shi Shi reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, saying, "Yeah, I'm so stupid."

A Nuo looked at him, the smile on his face gradually dimmed, and the corners of his mouth could not be curved. After a while, he stood in front of the colorful claw machine and asked: "Time, why? The playground at the back of the school, you confessed to me first."

Time's mouth was bitter, he didn't know that Mao Xiaoluo had dissociative identity disorder at the time, but he didn't say anything, he was afraid that speaking out would make A Nuo's emotions break down even more.

In the end, A Nuo didn't wait for anything. After a while, he closed his eyes with sobs, and when he opened them again, Mao Xiaoluo had a blank expression on his face. The two were still standing in the toy store, holding a The big pink panther is hanging its head in frustration.Mao Xiaoluo grabbed his sleeve and shook it lightly: "Time?"

Shi Shi raised his head, saw him, and confirmed, "Xiao Luo?"

Mao Xiaoluo nodded and asked, "Who came out just now?"

"It's Tiantian. He wanted the Pink Panther. When I told him it was for you, he cried."

Mao Xiaoluo raised his hand to touch it, and sure enough, he touched tears on his face, then smiled and said: "He is still a child, you can just give it to him, anyway, we are too..." When he said this, he suddenly stopped for a long while. He continued, "Anyway, we are alone."

Shi Shi handed the Pink Panther to Mao Xiaoluo for him to hold, Mao Xiaoluo wiped away tears, deliberately put on a smiling face, Shi Shi also laughed together, both of them were concerned about each other's emotions, but they both understood that the atmosphere at this time had already changed. The original plan could no longer be carried out harmoniously.

Time asked: "What do you want to eat?"

Mao Xiaoluo glanced at the logo of the restaurant on the top floor on the poster in the elevator, and said, "Eat hot pot? What do you want?"

"I also want to eat hot pot."

The steam from the food barely concealed Shi Shi’s slightly trembling hands when picking up the dishes. He hadn’t drank blood for a day and a night. There was a plate of duck blood tofu on the dining table, and he poured it all into the pot, suppressing his desire and eating slowly. .

Mao Xiaoluo noticed and asked, "Do you like blood tofu?"

Shi Shi nodded, and Mao Xiaoluo kept it in his heart, and asked again: "I haven't paid attention to porphyria before. I checked it in the office yesterday when I was at work. The photos on Baidu are quite scary." He deliberately smiled. Two voices eased the atmosphere, "It said that the skin of porphyria patients is extremely fragile, should we replace the furniture in our house with soft bags in the future? There is also the kitchen, you should not enter it in the future, I can also learn to cook..." He Said in a whisper.

Shi Shi suppressed the thirsty itch in his throat, and said with a smile, "Don't bother, actually my illness is not too serious, and I can live a normal life, just be careful not to bask in the sun."

Mao Xiaoluo saw that he didn't want to mention it, so he didn't ask any more questions. He stared at him after eating for a while, and said, "Then let's go home after eating later? It's the same when we go home to watch a movie. Home." He thought for a while, and then said, "I'll look for a home projector online later, buy a projector, and you won't be bored when you are alone at home during the day..." He was sensitively aware that, since When he came out of the toy store, he obviously had less time to talk, so he had nothing to say, for fear of annoying Time because of his mental illness, so he clumsily flattered him.

"Okay, buy a better one, don't worry about it, I have researched on this aspect, but if we have time in the future, we must watch a movie in the cinema, I just promised to take him out to play every day It's time." Time pretended to be relaxed.

Mao Xiaoluo became really happy when he saw his unconcerned appearance. He reached out and touched the pink panther on the chair next to him, and said, "It's very cute."

They went home after lunch. For some reason, Mao Xiaoluo hugged Shi Shi's waist on the motorcycle, and felt his body trembling. "Time, are you cold?"

After a moment of humming through the helmet, Mao Xiaoluo hugged him even tighter, and said, "Next time you go out, wear more, don't wear it so thin, you look good in cotton."

Time gripped the handle of the motorcycle tightly, and he couldn't help thinking that maybe his father was right. If he died in the sun at the age of eight, his life might be boring and short, but it might not be a kind of relief and happiness.

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