I took a step back in fright, the sapper shovel in my hand was almost full of water, and I kept thinking about whether I could kill this guy if I hit it with a shovel, but it was obvious that it was completely unrealistic to use the sapper shovel to deal with this terrifying and abnormal blood baby.

Because when it slowly crawled out of the shadows and was completely exposed to the light of my flashlight, I found that there was more than one wronged soul on this baby, and those wronged souls were entangled with each other, including males, females, old and young, But none of them belonged to the babies themselves. They looked miserable, with teeth and claws, twisted bodies and ugly faces, which made people's scalp numb and sweaty.

Who on earth is so vicious, forcing so many inexplicable souls into a baby's body, and soaking the baby in blood, who can tell what the hell this thing is? !

Those five or six twisted and entangled souls squeezed into a small body, they are even more terrifying than evil spirits, they have already surpassed the level of monsters, the inhumanity and conscience cannot describe my current feelings.

Seeing the baby crawling slowly to a distance of only two meters from me, my hand holding the wolf eye was still trembling, and my feet seemed to have taken root. I was thinking of running away, but my body could not move. My delicate body bears so many disgusting things, and I can't help but feel bitterness in my mouth. I can only stare at the things in front of me with the complicated mood of disgusting and pitiful.

"Chu Yang!" Dao Feng's low voice suddenly came from behind, my stiff body was turned around by him forcefully, and then my eyes were covered by a big hand: "Don't look, go quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Xuan raised his submachine gun and relentlessly fired on the baby. The loud impact of the bullets woke me up. I took a look at Dao Feng, took his hand away, and silently accelerated my pace towards the baby. go forward.

I think Dao Feng and the others probably thought that I was scared out of my wits, but they didn’t know what kind of terrifying picture I saw. The picture not only made people shudder, but also tested my conscience. If the mother's woman came to see it, she might cry on the spot.

For such a thing, I can't do it at all, and I don't know what kind of ghost sealing technique should be used to deal with it. Those unjust souls are tied together and sealed into the baby's body. Just lighting the ghost fire probably won't have any effect .

I remember seeing a passage in a book when I came here, what people classify as ghosts, follow people, and look like ghost heads.Ghosts have yin qi, and ghosts have something to return to, so it's not serious.Ghosts and thieves harm you, and you will be punished if you come from Si.The husband who seals the ghost, seals the soul and destroys the soul.

This passage is too difficult for me to fully understand. I only know the general meaning. It means that the so-called ghosts since ancient times are all composed of Yin Qi. Harmless ghosts can be saved, but evil ghosts and fierce ghosts cannot be saved. Yes, they are about to be exterminated. The real meaning of sealing ghosts is to exterminate souls.

Sealing the soul and destroying the soul refers to the most advanced strange technique in the ghost sealing technique, which is used to deal with those evil spirits that cannot be transformed, and the grievances in the baby's body, even if they were not evil spirits originally, are so many entangled and closed all year round. In the blood-soaked coffin, the resentment had already turned into a ghost that could not be reincarnated.

To deal with them, crossing grievances is useless at all, but I don’t know how to do other things, so I can only run away first. I have indeed finished reading the book Feng Gui, but most of the content in it is incomprehensible. I don't know where to start.

Frowning, I suddenly felt that I couldn't go on halfway like this anymore. Some things have to be faced by myself after all. I don't want to harm others, harm myself and implicate others. Even if I can't solve everything, I must ensure the safety of my friends, otherwise It doesn't make any sense for me to follow here.

The sound of gunshots continued in my ear, and I looked back, and saw that the bullets hit the baby like they were piercing cotton, which only increased the speed of the blood bursting in the baby's body, and had no actual effect on itself.

"Sister Xuan, don't waste bullets." Holding Ji Xuan's hand, I urged: "Go, guns are useless to it."

Ji Xuan froze for a moment, then shook her head in frustration, put away her gun, turned around and left, it seemed that she also had a little sympathy for the baby, and she couldn't even bear to look at it.

I don't know whether it's the blood in the baby's body or the five or six ghosts on its back. Its crawling speed is not very fast. We trotted forward and quickly got rid of it.

The other end of the platform is connected to countless beams, all of which are carved from nanmu, very strong, without any signs of decay.The beams are criss-crossed, and only one person can pass through, and there is a possibility of falling if you don't pay attention.There seems to be a large hall under the beams, and a faint green light can be seen in the depths of the hall. I think it may be some kind of permanent lamp made of special materials.

When I got here, the cold air around me became more and more severe, giving me the illusion of being in an ice cellar. I felt as if a strand of ice thorns were sucked into my body while I was breathing, and my hands and feet were numb from the cold.

Turning his head and looking around, the uncle glanced at the way he came here, and said: "It seems that we can only pass over here, and we can't go back with that thing behind, but I don't know if these nanmu beams can survive hundreds of years. Bearing the weight of four people, it’s not a joke if you step on the air and fall.”

"I'll go first, you can go up if there's no problem." Dao Feng took out a rope from his backpack and put it on his left hand, handed the other end of the rope to me, then turned and walked towards the beam.

The black cat that was lying on his shoulder also jumped down obediently, and followed him onto the beam.

The depth of the hall is very wide, and the end of the beam cannot be seen, which probably exceeds the area of ​​a football field.

Dao Feng leads the way, and my uncle and Ji Xuan hold the rope in the middle, which guarantees the basic safety of the four of us. Even if someone accidentally falls, others can catch it in time. Not to wipe out the whole army.

The green light in the hall became more and more obvious as we approached. We all guessed what kind of object the light came from. The whispers of four people echoed above the empty hall, adding a touch of life to the eerie silence.

However, when we really stood above the green light, we realized how naive all the previous speculations were.

That green light is not an ever-burning lamp, nor is it a luminous pearl, but piles of skeletons piled up like a mountain. Those skeletons have long since rotted into mud. The green light is what people usually call ghost fire. Ghost sparks gather in the pile of corpses. up, looking poignant and terrifying.

The green light is continuous and extends to places that cannot be seen. The four of us walked on this beam, and we were as small as ants.

I looked down and found that there were all kinds of strange ghosts hidden in those bones. They were all covered with thick chains, and they knelt down beside the bone pile like slaves. The number was beyond my imagination.

I shuddered, with goose bumps all over my body, thinking that if I fell at this moment, even if I didn't fall to death, I would be eaten up by these densely packed evil spirits.

Thinking of this, I lightly tugged on the rope, and signaled them not to speak loudly, there are ghosts down there, so don't disturb them.

After understanding what I meant, the faces of the three of them sank instantly. Looking at the spectacular scene of corpses below, they realized how serious the consequences would be after a little thought.

But before we quickened our pace and left quietly, the baby’s weird giggling came from behind us again. At this moment, the laughter suddenly sounded like a thunder on the ground, and all four of us froze.

After a little thought, I realized that I could walk on the platform before, and the speed was naturally faster than the blood baby, but when we got to the beam, we were always on guard to prevent ourselves from falling, and the result of being careful everywhere was that the speed was more than half slower than before. But for the blood baby, there was basically no difference between the beam and the ground, its speed remained the same, so it quickly caught up.

Every step I took, there was a slight creaking sound of wood, and cold sweat began to break out on my forehead. I looked at the interlaced beams in front of me like an endless maze, and said, "It's chasing us, everyone, speed up."

At the same time, I forced myself to recall all the strange ghost sealing techniques mentioned in the book "The Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts", hoping to find a way to completely solve the blood baby. It is not a long-term solution to procrastinate. more favorable.

After walking for five or six minutes, I noticed that the baby's laughter was getting closer, so I couldn't help but turn around and take a photo with my flashlight, but I didn't expect that this photo made me discover something even more shocking.

I saw the black and red blood gushing out from the baby's body dripping down the beam onto the skeleton below. As it crawled all the way, the blood kept dripping down the beam, like animal mucus, disgusting and repulsive.

Most importantly, those innocent souls kneeling beside the bone pile, like bees attracted by nectar, gradually discovered the blood flowing out of the baby's body, and indirectly discovered the four big living people on the beam.

They observed silently, started to riot, and finally swarmed in groups, scrambling to climb the pillars, and slowly climbed up along the baby's blood.

My head buzzed, and I forgot to go forward for a while, and was chased by countless ugly and ferocious ghosts. This is definitely the most terrifying and bloody scene I have ever seen, bar none!

My heart beat faster and my breathing became short of breath. I am afraid that my face could no longer be described as pale. I gripped the rope tightly, only feeling that my hands and feet were cold like normal people.

"Quick! Run!" I paused, thinking that since I had been discovered, I simply let go of my voice and yelled, "Dao Feng! Uncle, Ji Xuan! Run, if you don't run, it will be too late! That kid will kill all ghosts!" Bring it up!"

Following my roar, all the ghosts below were almost stunned. They looked up at the four of us in unison, as if wondering why they were discovered, but this strangeness only lasted for two seconds. After two seconds, those The evil ghost showed a distorted smile at the same time, with razor-like fangs looming in its mouth, and then climbed up even more crazily.

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