For a moment, the evil spirits surged like a tide, and no matter how strong the beam was, they couldn't bear such ravages. At this moment, not only me, Dao Feng and others also felt the terrible vibration under their feet, and for them, this vibration was inexplicable, it was Suddenly and for no reason, the originally hard and stable nanmu beam shook immediately after the blood baby appeared, which directly confirmed the authenticity of my words.

Looking at each other, the four of them started to run wildly almost at the same moment. Dao Feng and I stretched the short rope less than ten meters straight. Ji Xuan and the uncle ran steadily between the two of us holding the rope. At this critical juncture, the coordination of the four reached an unprecedented height, and every step was taken in an unusually tacit understanding, and no one was left behind. This is probably the stimulation of human potential, which only appears when facing special dangerous situations.

Sprinting on such a high crossbar was something I couldn't imagine before, but now, I don't have time to care how unbelievable it is, because I only have one thought in my mind, and that is to escape.

There are hordes of evil spirits behind them. They have been sealed in this place for hundreds of years, and they will never give up the opportunity to eat the living easily. The beams are shaking more and more violently as they fight and push, and some even look ugly and have strange shapes. The evil spirits have already begun to gnaw on the beams with their bloody mouths wide open.

There was more and more sweat on my forehead, but I didn't bother to wipe it off at all. With the roar behind me, the beams under my feet gradually showed signs of collapse. If we can't find a way out, we are likely to be buried here In the ruins of bones.

Below is a sea of ​​corpses piled up in mountains, and behind them are ghosts and blood babies who are constantly chasing. Many evil spirits who have been hiding in the festering pile of corpses have also emerged to squeeze into the chasing team. It is a terrifying and depressing scene. It reminded me of the legendary Abi Hell, but in the eyes of Dao Feng and the others, it was probably just beams that broke and collapsed for no reason, but they didn't know that these were all done by evil spirits.

Dao Feng was striding ahead, pulling the three of us to escape. I followed behind the uncle, breathing the cold air in the hall due to the ghostly aura, and the wind whizzed past my ears. The ghost's fear all turned into a desire to escape.

At this time, I suddenly thought that the blood baby covered in purple might be using its own special blood to attract ghosts and guide them into its body, so it turned into the appearance I saw on the platform. In this way, there are thousands of fierce ghosts in this hall, what kind of monsters will appear after they are all sucked into the body by it?

Gritting my teeth, I shook my head slightly to shake off the cold sweat on my forehead, and I didn't dare to continue thinking about it. It is already very pitiful, and the only way to save it now is to completely eliminate it.

wipe out……

Thinking of these two words, a thought popped into my head suddenly.

Back then, when Old Chu was courting his mother, he used a trick of manipulating ghosts. Although that trick could not completely disperse the countless evil ghosts behind him, it might be the best way to save us and the baby.

According to the description in the Book of Sealing Ghosts, Zonggui is a ghost control technique evolved by using dark fire and a unique formation, so the white paper in Old Chu's hand at that time was actually a formation, as the saying goes It is said that gods and ghosts are afraid of evil people. Most people often feel fear when they mention ghosts, but they can’t think of ghosts who are more afraid of powerful people. The purpose of controlling ghosts.

To play ghosts requires not only a complete knowledge and understanding of the ghost sealing technique, but also a strong self-cultivation and aura. Playing with ghosts and gods requires unparalleled wisdom, as well as strong enough spirit and perseverance.

These are simply fantasy to me now.

However, at the time of life and death, even if I don't enter the mainstream, in order to ensure the safety of the four of us, I have to resort to a dangerous move, and try the trick that Old Chu used back then.

I made up my mind, so I quickened my pace while recalling the formations drawn in the book in my mind. Old Chu used only a blank sheet of paper to recruit ghosts to seize the bowl, and I wanted to control the tide-like sea of ​​ghosts behind me. It is not enough to use white paper alone. Since the number of objects is huge, I have to prepare a similar size.

The plan slowly took shape in my heart. I looked at the figure of the uncle in front of me, and my nervous palms broke out in cold sweat. This move can only succeed and not fail, otherwise it will not only be me, but Dao Feng and the others will also be implicated.

Another beam collapsed, and the uncle looked back anxiously, with surprise in his eyes, as if he thought it was inconceivable that the nanmu beam suddenly broke.

I couldn't help smiling wryly, thinking that if the uncle saw the real situation here, he would faint from fright.

The hard beams under our feet were no longer reliable, and the four of us ran panting and sweating profusely, and never dared to slow down. Seeing that several evil spirits had already circled around from the front, Dao Feng didn't notice it at all. Finally, wanting to remind is also powerless.

Just as I was watching with trepidation a ghost stretched its withered black claws towards Daofeng, the strange cat following behind Daofeng jumped onto the ghost's head lightly before I could yell. Then, with a strong kick with four claws, the evil spirit stepped on the beam and jumped in front of Dao Feng.

Seeing this scene, Dao Feng also sensed that something was wrong, so he chose another way to escape under the leadership of the black cat.

I was surprised in my heart, thinking that the black cat can also see wronged souls. No wonder people often say that dogs share human nature and cats share ghost nature. It seems that the tomb beast of the Dao family is really extraordinary.

Time passed quickly while running, and the black cat was extremely sensitive, and seemed to be able to find the direction of the way of life, and actually brought us to another platform.

As soon as our feet touched the solid ground, all four of us breathed a sigh of relief. I looked back and found that no matter where we ran, it made no difference to those ghosts.

"Don't stop, keep running, they'll be here soon!" Panting twice, I greeted the other three and continued to run forward.

This flat ground is not as good as the crossbeam, so we don't need to deliberately suppress our footsteps, and we came to an iron gate in a short while.

Affected by the platform, the iron gate is not very wide, but it is very tall, as tall as four adults. The wolf-eye flashlight can barely reach the top of the gate, which looks majestic and imposing.

There is a strange circular pattern carved on the door, and four gods with different shapes are carved on the surrounding corners. The only thing in common is that there is a fierce and mighty wolf at the feet of these four gods. The head of the wolf is facing the circular picture in the middle, as if worshiping and staring.

I glanced at the pattern carefully, and saw that there were many depictions of stars, yin and yang, ghosts and gods, livestock and human beings on the pattern. I thought about the appearance of those evil spirits kneeling on the ground respectfully and obediently when I saw them for the first time. It is very likely that the map is a kind of sealing formation, so those evil spirits are willing to guard here, because they can't get out at all.

In this way, as long as we gain time and let Dao Feng open this ancient and heavy iron door, we will have a chance to escape from here.

Squeezing the lighter tightly in my hand, I looked at the iron door in front of me, which had a strong atmosphere of history, and said, "You guys find a way to open this door, I'll hold those guys back, try to leave first, and leave me alone."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the three of them to express their opinions, they turned and ran in the direction they came from.

To be honest, this is just my ostrich mentality. I haven't been with Uncle Daofeng Ji Xuan for a long time, and I don't really understand them. When this kind of disaster is approaching, I can't guarantee that they won't abandon me, so I have to put If I don’t see it, I pretend I don’t have it, and I go to meet those evil spirits with peace of mind, hoping that they at least don’t close the door to death after they escape. I don’t want to really die alone in this kind of place.

I quickly ran to the middle part of the platform, I waved away the miscellaneous thoughts in my mind, took out a military folding knife from my backpack, cut a small cut on my finger, squeezed the blood out of my finger with pain, dripped Sprinkle it on the ground, then recall the strange formation diagram in the book, draw the pattern in the brain bit by bit with the blood on the ground.

When the formation with a diameter of two meters appeared on the ground completely, thousands of evil spirits of various shapes and shapes had come to me. I took a deep breath and stretched out my left hand burning with the fire Those evil spirits, the wounds on their fingers suddenly ached sharply at this moment, and the blood that had been coagulated for a long time rushed out as if being bewitched, soaking the formation pattern on the soles of their feet strangely and mesmerizingly.

With the dripping of blood, the formation under my feet gradually ignited a dark purple fire, and all the evil spirits seemed to see the gods high above, no longer fighting, no longer making noise, and bowed their bodies obediently, kneeling on the ground. On the ground, I dare not raise my head again.

Being awed and worshiped by thousands of hell ghosts, I suddenly felt a sense of superiority that no one can match. Looking at the boundless unjust souls who surrendered to the ground, I felt as if I was already the supreme emperor.

But after the feeling of superiority passed, it was followed by an uncontrollable sharp pain in my chest. I could clearly see through the expressions of each evil spirit, but I couldn't see my own arm right in front of me, I only felt that my eyes were blurred One piece, the buzzing in the ears continued, it seemed that I and those ghosts were slowly merging into one.

I clenched my right hand tightly, gritted my teeth and endured the obvious strange feeling in my body, and forced myself to concentrate on finding the blood baby in the sea of ​​ghosts. Then I stretched out my left hand, and those evil ghosts obeyed my order and rushed forward, showing their sharp teeth and purple-black hair. With a big mouth, he gnawed the blood baby into dregs in an instant, and together with the ugly soul in the baby's body, blood and flesh splattered, and the soul flew away.

it is finally over……

I closed my eyes and sighed silently, thinking that as long as this pattern exists for a day, those evil spirits will not be able to pass through this place, and my heart is at ease.

After the tense mind was relaxed, a bloody smell suddenly surged in my chest, I couldn't hold it back, I fell to my knees, raised my hand to cover my mouth, but blood flowed out from between my fingers.I kept choking and coughing, my whole body was not right, and a certain part of my body was twitching. The pain made my hands and feet go weak, and my body trembled uncontrollably.

Could it be that Laozi managed to get rid of these evil spirits with great power, but he didn't die at all?Who the hell invented such a ridiculous magic trick!

I kept complaining in my heart, and my consciousness became more and more blurred. I struggled to get up several times, but fell back in embarrassment. Just when I gave up and closed my eyes and let myself fall into the dark abyss, I heard something in my ears. A muffled call.

"Chu Yang!"

I raised my eyelids slightly, and found that there was a pair of white and small feet in the array in front of me, with thick and long black hair scattered around the feet, which obviously belonged to a woman.

Strange... I was in a daze, thinking in a daze, it was him who called me, how could it be a woman?

"Chu Yang, wake up..."

"Chu Yang..."

It's so strange, in the end, who is calling me...

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