"There...is there a child in here?!" Hearing the cry of the baby, I was shocked and turned pale. I looked at the coffin motionlessly. I couldn't tell what it was like. That was inhumane.

"Children who died at birth are the most resentful. Many emperors like to use them to guard their tombs. It's normal." The uncle frowned. Even though he said so, his face didn't look normal at all.

The crying of the baby in the ears became louder and louder, and even the coffin began to vibrate slightly. The black-red viscous liquid gushed out with a strong smell of blood, making one wonder if it was going to wipe the whole coffin in the next second. The tomb was flooded.

"What should I do now, stand here and wait for it to come out?" I looked at the other three people, and found that everyone's faces were gloomy, and they seemed to be thinking about what to do next.

"What to do, of course I have to run away." Ji Xuan impatiently pushed back her long hair scattered on her shoulders, her beautiful eyes fixed on the blood coffin with a trace of fear in her expression: "Children are the most annoying, and they are so angry. Click back until you meet here."

"Ji Xuan is right, we will be in trouble when it comes out." The uncle pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "It is impossible to go back, the secret passage is too high, it will take time to go up one by one, not to mention there are foreigners nearby We can only move forward and not retreat."

"Where are you going?" I turned my head and looked around. The range of the wolf-eyed flashlight was full of lifeless walls, and there was no walkway for people to pass through: "Could it be possible to break the wall and break out?"

"Smash?" The uncle sneered when he heard the words: "The tomb bricks here are made of several kinds of rare metal minerals, which are heavy and hard. There is also an anti-theft interlayer in the tomb bricks. not bad."

"Fuck." I couldn't help admiring the uncle's wording. I thought that what I said was enough to make my ears hurt, but I didn't expect that there are people out there.

After the uncle finished saying that, he stroked his chin and looked around, then his eyes suddenly lit up, he strode to the wall, raised his hand and gently stroked the blue-gray stone brick: "It really makes you stupid The kid is right, we may have to break through the wall today."

"Why, can this wall really be smashed?" It's not really going to be smashed with a base bar... The corner of my mouth twitched, and I walked around the blood coffin carefully, and came to the wall where the uncle was.

Looking at the neatly piled brick walls that have been deposited in the underground palace for a long time, every crack seems to be integrated into the heavy feeling of history. I secretly sighed at the diligence and wisdom of the ancients, and couldn't help touching it with my hands. I found this A few stone bricks are different from the rest of the wall.

Seeing that I had already discovered the mystery of this, the uncle stopped playing tricks, and while telling a history of the development of Chinese tombs in concise words, he asked Dao Feng to work hard to dismantle the tomb wall as quickly as possible.

What modern people usually refer to as "grave" is actually two completely different concepts. The tomb refers to the earth on the ground, and the tomb refers to the tomb below.

The tombs before the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were not sealed with soil. There is a saying in "Book of Rites Tan Gong": "The one with the highest soil is called a tomb, and a burial without a tomb is called a tomb." The location of the tomb is convenient for future worship.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius wanted to pay homage to his father’s tomb, but he couldn’t find the cemetery. After many visits and inquiries, he learned the specific address from some old people. At this time, Confucius thought about it. Do you still have to go through all this trouble? What if you can't find it?So after a fierce ideological struggle, Confucius finally chose to be filial to his parents between observance of propriety and loyalty.

Since then, it has become a habit of people to pile up soil on the tomb, and later it gradually evolved into a status symbol. "The tomb of the emperor is three feet high, and the tree is pine; Luan; a scholar is four feet long, and the tree is a locust tree; the common people have no graves, and the tree is a willow."

The largest imperial mausoleum sealed so far is the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. In the Tang Dynasty, mountains were used as mausoleums, and the actual effect was not much worse than the huge volume of the Mausoleum of Shihuang. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Baocheng and Baoding appeared again. Among them, the only one that did not seal the soil was the Yuan Dynasty.

Although the Mongolian dynasty was established for a short time, it is an extremely mysterious branch. Almost all the tombs of the Yuan Dynasty emperors have not been discovered until now, and some of them are just speculations. The Mausoleum of Genghis Khan on the grassland is just a tomb of clothes.What is the Clothes Tomb?In the final analysis, it is fake, and it is used to deceive people.

No one has ever seen what the real underground palace of the emperor's mausoleum in the Yuan Dynasty looked like.

Not only that, after many years of reforms in the construction of the mausoleum, there are more and more hidden organs inside, with endless tricks, all of which are intended to kill the tomb robbers. In the end, even the surroundings of the mausoleum have become more treacherous and dangerous. One step, that is the disaster of death without a whole body.

In addition to hidden weapons, the emperors of all dynasties also liked to use clothes tombs to create false appearances to confuse the thieves who came to rob the tomb, while the real underground palace was often hidden in other places.When the palace was completed, those skilled craftsmen who were responsible for the construction were buried in the tomb together to prevent them from revealing the secret.

Over time, these craftsmen also gradually understood the emperor's mind. At the beginning of the construction of the underground palace, they would secretly repair a narrow passage that no one knew about. When the underground palace was sealed in the future, they would escape from the narrow passage.

"If I'm not wrong, this is the escape route left by the craftsman who built the underground palace at that time, but judging from the situation, he didn't really escape from it." The uncle watched Dao Feng and I use the engineer shovel to remove the tomb bricks. The solidified mud around it was smashed, and he said: "However, we only saw these two burial chambers after wandering around for a long time. It is estimated that these are just empty tombs. The real underground palace is probably behind this wall."

As soon as the uncle finished speaking, Dao Feng had already pushed the loose tomb brick out with one hand, and the sound of the stone brick falling to the ground sounded. We looked at each other and were basically sure that the underground palace was behind.

The uncle shined a flashlight on the vacated cell, but found that it was pitch black inside, and he couldn't see anything, so he turned his head and said, "Go ahead, remove these bricks, and move quickly, or the thing will come out." gone."

I looked back and saw that the disgusting liquid had already flowed down to my feet. I couldn't help stepping on it with my feet, and immediately there were countless sticky bloodshots.

Seeing this, Ji Xuan jumped to the wall with a strange cry, raised his hand and gave me a shudder: "It's disgusting, why are you playing with it!"

"Damn, I can't play anymore." I held my forehead that was beaten, and said to myself that this aunt is really ruthless, no wonder she can handle such a heavy gun with ease, this kind of woman must not be married, whoever marries whoever You idiot, when you get home, you can only serve as Empress Dowager Cixi, wear small shoes for yourself every day, and be ready to be whipped at any time.

I grumbled viciously in my heart, and out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at the bloody coffin. I was surprised to find that the wooden board on the right side of the coffin had opened a thin crack at some point, and two delicate little fingers were picking at it. On the coffin, stretched out bit by bit, the fingers had already been stained crimson with blood, and the skin was so tender that it could be broken by blowing bullets, it seemed that countless black blood would burst out from it if touched.

"Fuck! It's out!" I froze for a moment, then yelled to remind others: "Go, go."

"What?" The uncle panicked when he heard my shout, he turned his head and glanced hastily, and then waved his hands even more anxiously: "Okay, okay, as long as you can get into people, hurry up!"

Pulling out the last tomb brick vigorously, Dao Feng got into the hidden compartment first, I looked at the half-headed ghost baby, and let the uncle and Ji Xuan go first, I held the engineering shovel and was in charge of the rear.

Turning into the secret compartment, I realized that the temperature difference between the two sides is actually hundreds of thousands of miles. When I was in the tomb outside, I only felt a little cold, but inside the secret compartment, my whole body felt as if I had fallen into a cave of ice. It's as simple as the coldness. As soon as the four of us settled down, we were shocked by the sudden temperature difference.

"Why is it so cold?" Ji Xuan hugged her shoulders with both hands and shivered, the black submachine gun stuck in its arms trembled with her movements.

The uncle pulled the zipper to the top, shined a flashlight on the front and said, "I don't know, there are probably ice cubes or something in the underground palace."

"Ice cubes? Used to embalm corpses?" I said, gesturing casually for a corpse.

"It's possible." The uncle nodded and continued, "We'll have to go and have a look to find out what's going on."

"It's coming." Dao Feng looked at the hidden compartment, and waved his hand to signal us to leave quickly.

The tomb passage behind the hidden grid is much more gorgeous and wider than the previous one. There is a gilt lamp every two meters on the walls on both sides of the passage. Under the lamp are exquisite murals of galloping horses singing and dancing. It looks majestic and simple and solemn. , but it is completely different from the styles I saw when I had hallucinations. Not only does the strange woman not appear in these murals, but the implication is very simple, nothing more than peace and prosperity for the people to be healthy.

This suddenly gave me a strange and depressing feeling. For some reason, I always feel that the non-existent murals I see are real, and these in front of me may be illusions...

At the end of the tomb passage, there is a very empty platform. I was standing at the entrance of the tomb passage, and suddenly heard the clear and clear sound of a child giggling behind me. Use a flashlight to shine in the direction you came from.

In the orange-red light of the wolf-eye flashlight, a strange baby covered in blood red and purple, with two big black eyes without a trace of white, was lying on the ground, slowly crawling forward with its two fleshy little hands, Black blood continuously gushed out from the purplish red flesh, and thick bloody liquid flowed everywhere.

"Giggle..." Under the big black eyes, the baby's small lips gradually formed an exaggerated arc...

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