HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 804 Poster


Mionir knocked on the door of the guest room just after dawn, and the person who opened the door was Da Baba. Mionir was dumbfounded for a moment, but didn't go into it, and immediately turned his neck with a smile on his face, showing off the wizard hat he was wearing on his head.The wizard hat woven with colorful threads is cute and cute, with a long tail that drags behind, and the top is decorated with neither balls nor tassels, but a bright woolen flower.

"Mionir's big red flower." Xiaomi turned around and posed a few poses particularly smugly.

Victor couldn't help laughing, and praised, "It's beautiful."

Mionier grinned, "Rig is watching too!" He said and rushed into the room.

Victor hurriedly hugged the excited milk baby, and "advised" him, "Big Daddy accompanied Mionier back to the room, let's get dressed, and I'll show you when we have breakfast, it doesn't look good in pajamas and a hat .”

Mionir thought for a while, and thought it was very reasonable, happily took Da Papa's hand, and turned his head three times reluctantly when he left.

When Victor returned to the guest room, Heimdall had already sat up sleepily.

"It's still early, sleep on later." The master kissed him on the forehead after going to bed.

"It was Mionir just now?" Heimdall hugged the master.

"To show off his hibiscus," said Victor.

Heimdall laughed, "He likes it?"

"Love it so much."

"It's not in vain that I made it up for him all night. Fortunately, there is Anna," Heimdall said with the corners of his lips curled up. "I hope Plov won't blame me for taking up their husband and wife's time."

Breakfast time made Mionier's hat show.

Everyone who got up to eat breakfast praised the baby, the baby was so beautiful that he couldn't close his grinning mouth.

Rommel's scrutinizing eyes showed a bit of scrutiny. He doesn't know knitting, but he can tell the basics from good to bad, such as the big red flower hat on his grandson's head, not to mention the color matching, but the difference in tightness, The weird and unpredictable stitches are definitely not something that Santa Claus, who is always busy with everything, can do-Xiaomi firmly believes that all the gifts for children come from Santa Claus.

Anna got up late, and she told everyone to sit down in the morning, and Mionier came to her in three steps and two steps.Anna did not disappoint Mionir, and quickly satisfied his vanity.

"Is it ok? If you don't come for breakfast, I'll ask Hina to remove your breakfast!" Heimdall pretended to be angry.

Mionnier hurriedly climbed onto his chair, and refused to let little Papa take off his hat even after eating.

"Do you have plans for today?" Rommel asked Plov.

"Anna and I are going back to Bulgaria to visit my mother." Plov said and glanced at Victor.

The latter pretended not to notice, and after breakfast, Victor still expressed his willingness to return to Rhodope Manor with his parents.

Plov was very happy. No matter how bad the old lady was, she was also their mother and grandmother, so they had to ignore them during the holidays anyway.

"Rig and Mionir won't come with me." Victor said bluntly.

"Okay, got it." Anna suddenly responded blankly, blocking what Plov was about to say.

"Is Snow still working overtime today?" Heimdall asked.

Snow had a meal with them last night and left in a hurry.

"The Quidditch World Cup." Rommel reminded, and then jokingly said: "My brother can eat Quidditch as a meal."

Before Victor and his parents left, Rommel said: "We will go out later, and we will also visit relatives and friends."

These words completely dispelled Plov's hesitation, and he simply let go of his worries and left with his wife and son.


Elder Lange moved into a wizarding hotel on Christmas Eve, not because of family disputes, but to provide a spacious and comfortable meeting environment for every visiting guest.According to Lange, the home is too small to receive large quantities of guests, and he is afraid that the hospitality will not be adequate.

"The Great Elder thinks his house is too small?!" Heimdall was incredulous.

"He suddenly felt that way." Rommel said indifferently.

Wizards have been fond of messing around since they were very young. After seeing his father's endless and exhausting "brilliant ideas", Chairman Sturluson is already invulnerable and familiar with strange things.Lange just moved, at most embarrassing his descendants, it has no effect on others.

The hotel Lange chose looked fairly ordinary, bright and spacious, and spotless. Living in such an environment would not cause too much pressure.At least the head of the office felt that he had been in a peaceful state of mind when he was here as a guest.

"Merry Christmas, Grandpa Lange." Mionier still had an impression of Lange.

According to seniority, Lange should naturally belong to the great-grandfather's generation. Everyone was afraid that the child would be confused if he was too young, so they asked him to call him "grandfather" uniformly.

Lange hugged the child happily.

"Grand Elder, may I use the fireplace in your room?" Heimdall asked.

"The fireplace in my room is not connected to the Floo network. Go to the lobby and ask the manager. I remember they have a communal fireplace here," Long said.

"I want to take the children with me." Heimdall said again.

Lange was unwilling to let go of Mionier, and asked, "Come back soon."

Heimdall took his son to the lobby, and under the guidance of the duty manager, he found the public fireplace connected to the Floo network system.The communal fireplace was built for the Floo, tall and massive, with black marble mantels gleaming and rugs in the hearth.

Heimdall took out a piece of paper from his pocket, told his son to stand far away, then grabbed a handful of Floo powder placed on the fireplace shelf, stuck his head into the fireplace, and shouted out the paper while dropping the Floo powder. the address of.After the green flame disappeared, Heimdall first saw a strange face, which was a witch. The witch was sitting on a chair, and she was not surprised to see the sudden appearance.The witch held up a blackboard with a series of numbers written on it. Heimdall carefully read it several times, and after confirming that he had written it down, he nodded his thanks to the witch and retracted his head.

He hastily recorded the numbers in his head, and reported the series of numbers when he threw floo powder into the fireplace for the second time, this time the fireplace was at Grimmauld Place.The Floo network transferred from the fireplace monitored by the witch can only be used once, and the Floo records will be destroyed on the spot after the connection is cut off. This is done for safety reasons.

"Hey hey hey, here we come!" The sound of the twins jumping came first, and then the fireplace was surrounded by a circle of people, and everyone looked at him happily.

"Hey guys, Merry Christmas, it's great to see you in such good spirits!" Heimdall laughed.

"Thank you for the Christmas present, we like it very much." The twin representative spoke before everyone else.

"It's too expensive, maybe you can try more practical consumption!" Hermione teased with a smile.

"You obviously like it very much. If Rigg really bought ordinary things, you would definitely not like it as much as you do now." Ron muttered.

Don't you know what scene talk is when you grow up so old? ! ! !

Hermione was so embarrassed that she laughed a few times, but it was not easy to refute in front of Heimdall, so she turned her hands away and pinched Ron's lower back severely, and Ron's expression immediately twisted.

Heimdall looked around and his eyes fell on someone.

"Hi Harry, how are you?"

"It's not very good to be honest, but I still want to make myself happy for Christmas."

Harry looked a bit haggard, with light shadows under his eyes, as if he hadn't had a good night's rest, but he didn't look listless. Maybe the cheerful and strong Christmas atmosphere made people vigorous and positive.

"You're right, don't think about those bad things these days."

Someone coughed hard, but seeing that Heimdall didn't notice, he coughed more frequently.

Heimdall had no choice but to end the conversation with Harry, and looked over with a smile.

"Merry Christmas, Draco."

"Can you recognize me?" Draco asked in surprise.

"Didn't you cough on purpose just to let me recognize you?"

"That's not right, they guarantee that no one will recognize me."

"...I recognize your face, and I'm sure you haven't taken compound soup." Heimdall was simply baffled.

"I knew that Muggles are vile liars!" Draco said angrily.

Hermione coughed and Draco pretended not to know.

Heimdall understood something, "Do you think people won't recognize you if you wear sunglasses?"

Draco took off the big sunglasses hanging from the bridge of his nose, and pointed out angrily, "They say wearing these sunglasses can hide people's eyes and ears!"

The golden trademark on the frame of the sunglasses is very telling. It seems to be an international famous brand of Shenma. This pair of sunglasses is expensive in any currency in the Muggle world. Rather than saying that Draco was fooled, it is better to say that he was deceived by a boutique. The local tyrant killed him.

"I'm amazed you deigned to go to a Muggle shop," said Heimdall.

Draco put the sunglasses on instead, an attitude of unwillingness to face the problem.

Heimdall resumed the topic, "It's not that you haven't seen sunglasses. In fact, they are right. Sunglasses can make people unrecognizable to some extent, but this must be based on the fact that the other party is not an acquaintance, excluding family and friends."

Draco was still furious.

Heimdall said casually: "Wearing a pair of toad glasses on the street in winter is more eye-catching. At least I can't help but look at people like this when I meet such people on the street."

Draco finally realized the seriousness of the matter, hurriedly took off his sunglasses, and no longer focused on pretending to be cool and handsome.

Molly stood up to preside over the overall situation. She clapped her hands and raised her voice, "I made some snacks, everyone have a try."

Everyone looked back and saw Sirius Black standing at the door, he hadn't entered for a long time, and the friends left the room one after another as if nothing had happened, but Draco stood there proudly, and was pulled out by Harry and Hermione.The young master was very unhappy, his face was tense.

Molly was the last to leave, closing the door intimately before leaving.

"Hello, Rigg." Sirius walked quickly to the fireplace.

"Merry Christmas," said Heimdall.

"Merry Christmas!"

"I received your Christmas present, thank you very much," Heimdall said.

"How do you like it?"

"Yes, I like it very much, but I haven't figured out what they are for for a while."

The New Year's gift from Sirius was a set of weird magic silverware, they would whine and hiss fire, and the pointer in the compass rotated at different speeds, looking very mysterious.This set of magic artifacts reminded Heimdall of the silverware in Professor Dumbledore's room that also had no use for it. The set he gave to himself was obviously not that old, they were brand new.

"I got it from Bokin-Bock store. To be honest, I don't understand those things, as long as you like it." Sirius said happily.

Heimdall was a little surprised, but said nothing.

"Where's the child? With you?" Sirius couldn't help asking.

"Stay with me, you wait, I'll tell him how to use the Floo Network."

"No, I'll come!"


"I insist."

"Okay." Heimdall shrank his head.

Heimdall used this time to instruct Mionir a few words, and after a while, Sirius' head appeared in the fireplace, and his eyes lit up when he saw Mionir.

Heimdall quickly said, "Do you still remember Grandpa Sirius?"

Speaking of this, Heimdall couldn't help being a little funny. Sirius Black has become a grandfather at this age. Seeing his excited appearance, he must not mind being a "grandfather".

"Remember." Mionier nodded.

"Merry Christmas, Mionir." Sirius smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Grandpa."

Sirius wished he could pick up the milk baby and kiss him twice.

"I'm relieved to see that you are all well." Sirius said with relief.

"You have to be careful in England. If... come to me, we will serve you with delicious food and drink." Heimdall emphasized.

Sirius laughed and winked at him, "Okay, listen to you, if... I'll go to your place, and if it's not comfortable, I'll make a big fuss." He deliberately imitated some vague words from Heimdall. Resignation, Heimdall can't help but laugh, Sirius Black is still a child at heart.

"Our situation is very complicated, but we are basically under control. Don't go to England if you have nothing to do." Sirius was worried in every possible way, for fear that Heimdall would act bravely on impulse.

Heimdall promised well on the surface. He didn't tell Sirius that there was a wedding invitation among the Christmas gifts sent by the Weasley family. Their eldest son, Bill Weasley, would marry Fleur Delacour. Jie Siluo, the wedding is scheduled to be held in the spring, and the Weasley family didn't leave any spectacle on the invitation that they hope to come at that time, but Heimdall made up his mind to go there.

The head of the room said to himself that the former male god is getting married, and no matter what, he must personally send his blessings, and the current male god—Master Krum—does his part to accompany him.


In the small conference room on the basement level of the International Federation of Wizards, the chairman of the Portugal branch, the rotating chairman for this year, put down the materials in his hand, and smiled as he watched the twenty review representatives on the long oval table.

The chairman of the Portuguese branch said: "The above are the 19 wizards who participated in the selection of the host of the annual meeting. After the introduction just now, I must have understood the situation of the wizard. Next, I need you to pick up the quills in your hands and write down the number of the ideal candidate in your mind. After writing, please leave this room, and you are not allowed to whisper."

"Stricter than the exam." A representative joked.

Everyone else snickered.

"Perhaps the work of the host is not worth mentioning in your eyes, but it is not the case for these young people who are eager to make a difference. Please choose carefully."

The expressions of the representatives involuntarily became serious.

"I'll report their numbers again, please listen carefully." The chairman of the Portuguese branch pressed the parchment in front of him.

The chairman of the branch reported the number slowly. When she read "Recommended by the International Police Corps, Heimdall Strulusson, No. 19", she quickly raised her eyes and glanced around, then nodded to the representatives as if nothing had happened, as a gesture of meditation The look of waiting.

An hour later, a well-trained squirrel courier delivered the freshly released list of hosts for the annual meeting of the International Federation of Wizards Headquarters to the public mailboxes of the International Wizengamot and the International Police Corps.

In the afternoon of the same day, Heimdall and Ferring were urgently summoned to the building of the International Federation of Wizards.

Felin was ecstatic when she heard the good news. She excitedly grabbed the hand of the person beside her. When she realized that Heimdall was standing beside her, she threw away the other's hand. Then she thought of something and touched it outside. Pulled the opponent's hand back.

"I already have a sweetheart."

Felin was startled, and turned around to find that the person he was leading was actually Peter.

Peter didn't mind her screaming and throwing his hand away, and said with a smile: "I admit that you are very beautiful, but unfortunately you are not my type, please forgive me, I cannot accept your kindness."

Feilin's expression was so brilliant.

The next day, the wizards who had to work overtime or take turns during the holidays noticed some subtle differences. If they hadn't paid attention, this change might not have been noticed.The posters of the annual meeting of the headquarters are posted on the notice boards of every department in the federation. There are two types of posters, one is a regular one with pure letters; the other is more like a movie poster, in which the protagonist sits In the spacious and bright meeting room, the eyes are looking in a certain direction, and the face is thoughtful. The latter poster is divided into male and female versions.

The witch in the poster is dignified and generous without losing its brilliance; the wizard in the poster is well-dressed, bright and handsome, and the wizards stop and watch from time to time.Bright colors are easy to arouse people's goodwill. Generally speaking, the poster leaves a good impression on the public.

Ferrin's good mood lasted until the lunch break. There were many empty seats in the staff restaurant, which was much lighter than usual. Ferrin quickly saw Heimdall and that...shameless Peter, and Ferrin couldn't help curling his lips.She thought for a while and walked over briskly.

"I saw the promotional poster for the annual meeting." Peter said.

"You have to see it if you don't want to, and now the whole building is full of them." Heimdall teased.

Peter smiled, "My feeling is not bad."

"Thank you. In fact, the photographer wanted me to be more serious. I think I have been following his orders with trepidation. He always thought I was distracted, criticized me for not being focused enough, and threatened me. Later, I said 'you dare to threaten the police'. back."

"Great job! Which department is that guy from?" Peter stuffed a well-done steak into his mouth.

"I heard it was hired from outside."

Peter nodded, "Those hired guys always like to behave professionally in front of us. People say it's because they're afraid that they won't be able to get out after they come in." He laughed out loud.

"What do you mean?! What do you mean you can't get out?" Heimdall was also amused.

"Wizards outside seem to think that the International Federation of Wizards is a terrible institution, and once they get in, they can't leave."

"That's the police force." Don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if you don't do anything wrong.

Peter shrugged, and the next second he asked enthusiastically, "Is that photographer a very old man?"

"It's really not young anymore."

"He must be jealous that you are younger than him," Peter analyzed. "Your poster is good for everything, the only problem is that it makes you ten years older!"

"People say I look mature and masculine."

"That's a polite way of speaking. When you are old, you are old. It's okay." Peter shook his head.

"The make-up artist said a few words to make me more mature, because Miss Filming is older than I—"

A cough came from behind.

"...a little bit bigger." Heimdall always admired himself for his tongue not being broken.

Ardelia Ferring turned around in satisfaction, took a seat at another table, and smiled charmingly at the two of them after she sat down.

The two males pretended not to start.

"Is this woman a mouse?" Peter couldn't help complaining.

Heimdall said in a low voice: "This is the reason why I am ten years older. Don't be as old as a woman in age, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."


On the morning of the last day of December, Heimdall posed in front of the full-length mirror several times, feeling that something was missing. The noisy full-length mirror was ordered to shut up five minutes ago and was humming aggrievedly.Victor grabbed his shoulders behind him, looked at the mirror and told him you were the best.

Heimdall kissed his son, hugged his animal friends one by one, and left the Blue Velvet Cottage.

Victor sent him to the International Federation of Wizards building.

"Don't send it off, let's go, you're going to be late for practice," Heimdall said. "I'll take my son to watch your game tomorrow!"

The first qualifier for the Bulgarian national team will start on January 1.

"I don't necessarily have to play tomorrow," Victor touched his cheek. "It's a pity that I'm not qualified to participate in the annual meeting, and I can't cheer you up on the spot." Then he said, "Let the practice go to hell!"

Heimdall laughed, and the tension was relieved a lot.

"Thank you, dear." Heimdall kissed Victor on the lips a few times, then turned and walked into the lobby of the building.

Adeleia Firing, who had been looking out, saw him come in and hurriedly put on a hasty look as if she had just come in, and said good morning to him seemingly in good spirits, and the surprise of a chance encounter was appropriately interpreted.

"Good morning, Sturluson."

"Good morning."

"How was your rest last night?"

"not bad."

Feilin didn't believe it, but she saw the inseparable appearance of the couple with her own eyes. Sturlusson was not as calm and composed as he appeared.

"I went through the information again last night." Feilin was at a loss for words.

"No wonder you have dark circles under your eyes. If you can't sleep, it's better to close your eyes and take a nap than stay up late."

Filin was embarrassed and depressed. He wanted to expose Sturlusson's "inner nature", but he was exposed instead.

She stared at the back of Heimdall's head and said, "We'll see!"

The two walked into the elevator, and there was no one else in the elevator except them.

The elevator doors closed.

Felin lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Heimdall suddenly said: "If you do something you shouldn't do at the annual meeting, I swear you will regret it forever."

Ferrin looked up in surprise, and realized that Heimdall was not joking, his expression immediately changed.

It is more frightening to say threatening words calmly than to yell and curse in a vicious manner.

Heimdall smiled, "Do you remember?"

Flynn was at a loss.

Heimdall said again, "Do you remember what I said?"

Feilin backed away unconsciously, nodded indiscriminately, feeling guilty for a while.

With a ding, the elevator arrived at the floor they were about to go to, and slowly opened the door.

"We're here, let's go." Heimdall stretched out his left arm nonchalantly.

Flynn put his hand up tremblingly.

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