
"I called you over for Christmas, I hope you don't mind." Peter handed over his own Christmas present. "Merry Christmas, my friend."

Heimdall took it after thanking him, and took out the gift he had prepared for Peter.

"What is it?" Peter shook the rectangular cardboard box to his ear.

"Shoes, a craftsman with great craftsmanship, the shoes he makes are particularly strong," Heimdall laughed, "Merry Christmas."

Peter smiled, it seems that he likes this gift very much.

"Thank you." Peter waved his wand, and the shoebox was stuffed into his donkey leather satchel.

Then Peter took out the record book that Heimdall had left with him, and it contained Heimdall's questions about Mendoza's criminal record. After leaving Captain Hunor's office, he put the record book with Peter.

"Good news?" Heimdall didn't rush to flip through the notebook.

"The half-vampire succeeded." Peter disagreed.

"He was your instructor after all, so can't you at least pay lip service to him?"

Peter pouted.

Heimdall didn't go any further, and said with a smile: "The instructor has a way, thank him for me."

Peter didn't say anything, he should have agreed.

"Come to my house for dinner tonight?" Heimdall invited.

Peter shook his head.

At first, Heimdall didn’t know much about Peter’s family situation. Seeing him coming and going alone, he thought he lived separately from his family. Later, he heard that his family was afraid that he would be a werewolf, especially on the night of the full moon. A terrible thing happened, long before Peter was spotted by the police force and recruited into the team, he left without saying goodbye, and moved to a foreign country overnight, but it is not known exactly where he moved.Peter didn't seem to be looking for it deliberately. He said very well that it would harm his family, so it's better to miss each other than to meet each other.

In fact, after a series of training, Peter can control his emotions on the night of the full moon. He may not be as thoughtful as a human when he becomes a werewolf. He often acts on instinct, but he rarely attacks innocent people. Heimdall has experienced this personally. , have the right to speak.

It's a pity that his family didn't have the chance to know this, and maybe knowing it wouldn't help. Not all wizards dare to let go of their grudges and try to get close to werewolves.

No, no, there are still people who are willing to try, such as Peter's new boss, a handsome woman who fell in love with Peter at first sight.

"Go, it won't take much time to have a meal. I can ask my father's house elf to provide you with fresh beef. I heard that the supply is sufficient and the quality is good." Heimdall persuaded.

"Thanks, no," Peter declined. "I have already accepted the half-vampire's invitation."

Look, don't they have a great relationship? !

"... Vampires also celebrate Christmas?"

"Yes, why not?"

That's right, why not?Wizards have done it, why can't vampires?Can't engage in discrimination!

Heimdall didn't know how to explain it, so he simply let himself accept it calmly.

They walked through the hall on the first floor, which was obviously quieter than before, to the outside, turned around the corner flower bed, and walked about ten meters away, and there was the pick-up station for the staff of the International Federation of Wizards.At this time, the pick-up station was empty, and the poster pasted on the stop sign was blown up by the wind, rattling--the person on the poster frowned in dissatisfaction, and there was no pick-up carriage in the station, nor could anyone take the carriage. wizard.

The branch chairman of the Portuguese Ministry of Magic stood there and smiled when he saw the two.

"Merry Christmas," said the chapter president friendly.

The two responded in unison.

"Ready?" the chapter president asked.

The two nodded.

According to the circle drawn by the chapter chairman on the map, they first apparated to Brussels, then used the Floo network of a fireplace in a certain house in Brussels to fly to the Netherlands, and the three finally boarded a direct train in The Hague, the Netherlands. Flying horse-drawn carriage from Lisbon, Portugal.

They were traveling in the most common convenience carriage. The moment the carriage lifted into the air, the cheap carriage vibrated. It didn’t take long but it was accompanied by loud noises. Peter seized the time and whispered in Heimdall’s ear, “It’s like a spy.” act the same."

It can be seen how much attention the Portuguese Ministry of Magic paid to Mendoza's case. Before the official trial, even the slightest mistake was not allowed to happen, so as to avoid unnecessary complications.What the Portuguese Ministry of Magic is most afraid of now is probably that the black wizard who heard the news would try to rob the prison at any cost... So the Portuguese Ministry of Magic has not officially announced that Mendoza, who has committed many crimes, has been brought to justice.


Mendoza hadn't been tried yet, so he couldn't be put in prison directly. Out of prudent considerations, the Portuguese Ministry of Magic didn't put him in a fixed detention center, but changed places every day like a guerrilla.Doing so may go wrong during the transfer process, but the Portuguese Ministry of Magic maintains a high degree of consistency. Mendoza is stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and it is difficult to fly.

Mendoza was not in Lisbon. After the carriage arrived in Lisbon, the chairman of the Portuguese branch left, accompanied by a judge from the Portuguese Wizengamot.They stopped somewhere in Porto and were told that they had reached their destination. Heimdall had no way of knowing where in Porto, and the detour made them dizzy.

The surroundings look a lot like a Muggle factory, but it's been abandoned.A huge crane, a dilapidated brown factory building, and a large rusty iron gate. The ground was crushed by car tires into ravines. There was a huge chimney on the other side of the factory building, and a towering conveyor belt that needed to be looked up.

Mendoza is in a factory building.

When they entered the factory area, they were intercepted and interrogated. The wizard who blocked the way seemed to have descended from the sky. He was wearing a black high-necked wizard robe, and there was no decoration of different colors on the robe. He had sharp eyes and a serious smile.Heimdall believes that these people will not hesitate to let them disappear from the face of the earth if they do not have valid documents to prove their identity.

After 10 minutes, they were allowed to pass. The investigation work of these people was so meticulous that Peter, who had always been impatient, almost ran away.

When they entered the door, Mendoza was lying on an expensive-looking sofa and reading a newspaper. The tea table in front of the sofa was piled up with various drinks, snacks, melons and fruits in a mess. Those who didn’t know where they thought this was an aristocrat master.

Heimdall expected to see an extremely miserable prisoner, but to his surprise, Mendoza remained normal except for his lack of energy.Mendoza was locked in a bright and spacious room with all the furniture and fireplaces. The texture of everything was very exquisite. The Portuguese Ministry of Magic did not abuse him. He dresses even better as a coach.

"This dejected old man is Mendoza?" Peter muttered.

As one of the detectives of the IW police unit, Peter has seen many criminals. It is rare to see men as hopeless and lifeless as Mendoza. In other words, they are particularly spineless and afraid of death.

Heimdall nodded.

Mendoza turned his head absent-mindedly when he heard the movement, and then sat up straight suddenly. The judge who led the way turned a blind eye and led the two to the sofa chair by the window. A powerful wizard who seemed to be a guard was carrying a chicken He dragged Mendoza up from the sofa, ignored Mendoza's resistance and yelling, and put him on the wooden chair in front of Heimdall and Peter.

The iron chain under the chair was like a snake coming out of the hole at the same moment Mendoza sat down, intertwined and rising to tie him tightly to the back of the chair. Mendoza gritted his teeth and struggled, the chain became tighter and tighter until Mendoza Howling in pain, but the guard and the judge just watched coldly and did nothing.

In desperation, Mendoza gave up struggling, and slowly loosened the iron chain, so that the person would not run away, and there was no problem with normal breathing.

"Hi Mendoza, remember me?" Heimdall said.

"A ghost will never forget you." Mendoza gritted his teeth.

Heimdall smiled, "You look very energetic, yes, it is a good thing to return to the embrace of the motherland after so many years, the wandering is over, and the fallen leaves return to their roots."

Mendoza turned a deaf ear, staring at Heimdall with both eyes, and suddenly smiled, releasing a bit of evil.

"What do you want from me?"

"I'm glad you didn't pretend that I came here to visit you." Heimdall said lightly.

Mendoza ignored the sarcasm again and just smiled, "Whatever you want to know, I won't tell you." Then he stretched his neck like a stripped chicken, shaking his head and said, "Unless you Let me leave Portugal, I once said that I am willing to accept the trial of the international Wizengamot, as long as it is not in Portugal, any place is heaven, and I will agree to whatever you want me to say."

Mendoza's strange voice fell, and as expected, all eyes in the room focused on Heimdall, who remained motionless.Mendoza laughed gleefully.

"You are such a bad bastard to the bone, but unfortunately not smart enough." Heimdall shook his head regretfully. "It's come to this point, and you still want to take advantage of the opportunity to sow discord. Do you think it will work? You can't change your ending with just one word from you. Why don't you fight for it, behave better, and show your willingness? Be cooperative and keep a low profile, so that the Portuguese Wizengamo might give you a slack and give you a whole corpse."

Mendoza seemed to be strangled, and the triumphant laughter stopped abruptly.All the eyes that fell on Heimdall disappeared, and the Portuguese judge's eyes became much more kind.

Ashes permeated Mendoza's face, and the fear of facing death finally broke out of his shell.

Mendoza knew his result. There are so many countries in the world, but Portugal, the motherland, will not forgive him.The reason why Mendoza has repeatedly emphasized that he is willing to stand trial in IW is because IW may not sentence him to death compared to his doom in Portugal's Wizengamo.The International Wizengamo only carried out a few executions against the consensus during the Great War. Those condemned criminals seemed to Mendoza to be hundreds of times more heinous than the crimes he committed. Those people committed a massacre. And there are only a handful of people who died under Mendoza—Mendoza himself firmly believes that he just accidentally killed a few people when he was in a bad mood, and maybe he also blamed those people for not having eyes, so he ran to Before his wand...

Mendoza's only thought now is to survive, even if he is sentenced to life imprisonment, it is better than being killed in humiliation.

Peter, who was watching coldly, suddenly said, "Then show your sincerity!"

Mendoza was shocked, and looked at Peter in a hurry.

Peter said again, "Don't look at Mr. Strulusson's position is not high, he has someone on top, he can talk, otherwise he would not come to see you at such a time, and now it is difficult to see you in Portugal .”

Mendoza's eyes became fiery, and he weighed quickly, showing a cooperative attitude that knew everything without saying anything.

Heimdall glanced at Peter calmly, and the latter looked back blankly.

Heimdall suppressed the rising smile, took out the notebook and flipped through it.

He stood up the notebook: "Do you remember all the cases recorded here?"

Mendoza looked at it carefully for a while, then shook his head and said, "...not very clear."

"Don't force me to 'open' your brain to force memory." Heimdall threatened.

Mendoza's expression changed, "Let me see again."

After a while, he admitted, "I did that."

"Don't be so secretive, these people were all killed by you."

"I didn't do it on purpose. I was running for my life at that time, and I was prone to nervousness during the running away." Mendoza quibbled.

"I'll give you another chance." Heimdall closed his notebook.

Mendoza swallowed his throat and lowered his head, "...I have accepted several commissions."

"Let you kill someone?"


"For a reward?"

"That's part of the reason."

"The client promised to arrange a good place for you, so that you can get rid of the past and become an ordinary person?"

"That's almost what it means, but if the other party needs it, I still have to get rid of the people he asked me to get rid of."

Heimdall held up a photo of the event, "The third person from the left, have you seen it?"

Mendoza's expression was a little surprised.

"It seems that I have seen it before." Heimdall put down his hand. "Is he still alive?"

Mendoza shook his head.

Heimdall was silent for a moment, as he expected, the real Professor Patrick Lacey had been caught.

He took out Brown's sketch and Henry Drey's photo, "Have you seen these two people?"

"I know him." Mendoza pointed to Brown.

Heimdall's expression didn't change, "Hasn't the other person seen?"

"Of course I have, Henry Dray, no one who has ever been in the Quidditch business knows him."

"In what year did your memory of Henry Drey first appear?"

Mendoza frowned, showing a confused expression, "I don't remember..." Probably afraid that Heimdall would not believe it, he hurriedly assured, "I really can't remember, it seems not so long ago, it seems to have appeared suddenly... "

"Just like the client who suddenly appeared?" Heimdall said.

Mendoza froze for a moment, then looked at him gaping.

Heimdall stood up and said to the Portuguese judge, "I have no further questions, Your Excellency."


They left the abandoned factory building, and the Portuguese judge sent them to the largest sky horse cart distribution center in Porto, and offered to buy two tickets for them to Bruges, Belgium.

They stood in front of the huge take-off and landing notice board, several flight records flipped and flickered on the notice board, and there was an endless stream of people in front of the notice board.The tall Christmas tree is placed in the center of the hall, attracting many children to watch and play.The wizards coming and going exchanged blessings and were beaming.

The Portuguese judge couldn't help asking, "Are you really going to intercede for Mendoza?"

Heimdall raised his eyebrows, and Peter laughed.

The Portuguese judge was a little embarrassed, he was concerned but he was in chaos.

"Don't worry, walk out of that room, all promises are bullshit." Heimdall said bluntly.

The judge was not offended by his vulgar language.

It wasn't until they got into the car and the judge left that Peter said, "He's more naive than I am."

"You're not naive at all," said Heimdall.

Peter pretended not to hear, "Is there something wrong with Henry Drey?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with him."

"I remember you saying Patrick Lacy was alive."

"Brown told me."

"Brown lied."

"still unsure as of now."

"What do you mean?"

"I suspect that Brown was also kept in the dark. He thought that the person he was impersonating was still alive. Of course, the life and death of that person is not worth mentioning to a villain like Brown who cares about human life."

"You mean Brown doesn't care? I think he might have killed people."

"I don't rule out this possibility, but based on the circumstances I encountered before and the series of things that happened later, I have a preliminary judgment. I don't know if this judgment is correct yet."

"What judgment?"

"Henry Drey and Brown are actually competing secretly, smearing each other, black pinching black."

Professor Lacey is probably a victim of their rivalry.

"By the way, I just thought that you should go and find out if there are any strange movements in Portugal recently." Heimdall said.

"Strange movement?" Peter had an idea. "You mean about Mendoza?"

"The first step to confirm my conjecture is: someone may try to find Mendoza. The Portuguese Ministry of Magic should be hinted through unofficial channels, so that they must be vigilant and must not relax."

As for whether it was jailbreak or silence, Heimdall guessed that the latter had a greater proportion.


Victor opened the door and said, "You're late."

"I'm sorry." Heimdall took out a bouquet of flowers from behind, "My dear, Merry Christmas!"

The master took the red anthurium flower and smiled.

"Thank you." The master welcomed Heimdall into the room, and kissed him on the lips.

Mionnier dropped his drawing book and ran over. When he saw the eye-catching bunch of flowers, he was so greedy that he hugged Heimdall's leg in a hurry.

"Rig, Mionir wants big red flowers too!"

Heimdall told this baby before that children who behaved well would be rewarded with big red flowers, and this baby thought it was the big red flowers that Heimdall sent to Daddy to commend good performance.It's the end of the year, and Mionier has been thinking about the big red flower for a long time.

Victor handed the flowers to Xina, then picked up his son and said, "The big red flowers were distributed, not asked for."

When Mionnier heard this, he immediately closed his mouth, and looked at Heimdall eagerly. The little eyes that wanted to greet but refused aroused little Papa's guilt.

"This is for Mionir." Heimdall took out a red box from his pocket.

Mionier was a little disappointed, why isn't the swelling a big red flower?He wants big red flowers like Dababa...

Milkman opened the box in disappointment, and the first thing that caught his eye was a red toad with a small crystal glass bottle on its head. Mionnier touched the bottle curiously, and the toad croaked twice, but was still jumping on the spot After a few steps, Mionir jumped up and fell to the ground when Mionir was not prepared.

With a flick of Heimdall's wand, the Red Toad was pulled back and fell into Mionir's hands.

"This is the toad ink bottle that little daddy made for you. Although it's not a big red flower, it's a reward from little daddy to Mionir. Mionir has always been a good boy." Heimdall praised with a full face.

Mionir pinched the red toad, with tears in his eyes: "Mionir wants big red flowers..."

Have not forgotten his big red flower.

Heimdall almost said bluntly, this thing is worth more than the bouquet of flowers just now!

Little Papa scratched her head, and rolled her eyes at the gloating master.

"Close your eyes baby," Heimdall said.

Mionir closed his eyes expectantly.

Heimdall raised his wand and drew red lines in the air. Under his operation, these lines converged into a layered red flower. In order to highlight the effect, he let the flower "grow" on the on the table.

"Big red flower," said Heimdall.

Mionier opened his eyes, and then showed a silly smile, the big red flower...

Little Papa praised her for her wit, and then she was overwhelmed with frustration. Her son was too easy to be satisfied, so Papa was very worried because he didn't pursue him so much.

"Son, don't you like the ink bottle little Papa made for you?" Heimdall asked cautiously, for fear of getting a knowing blow.

Milkman had seen enough of the big red flowers, and hugged the ink bottle tightly.

Fortunately, it's not really that undemanding.

In order to prevent the child from touching the big red flower after reacting, Heimdall hugged the milkman and kissed his little cheek, "Merry Christmas, baby."

Mionnell snapped at him too, "Merry Christmas, Rigg."

The family was enjoying themselves happily, and Hina came out to inform the guests that they had arrived one after another.

"Go and see if Dad is still working in the study, don't be too nervous about the holidays," Heimdall said.

Hina led the way.

The first guests to arrive are Victor's parents.

Seeing someone coming, Mionnier called out sweetly, "Grandpa, grandma."

Plov and Anna walked towards him with smiles on their faces.

"Merry Christmas, baby." Anna took the child's hand.

"Merry Christmas, grandpa and grandma." Mionier said obediently.

Plov was elated, and touched Mionier's little head.

"Mionir got the big red flower!" Milkman showed off impatiently.

"Big red flower?" Anna and Pulov were puzzled.

"Mionir is a good boy, behaves well and has big red flowers!"

Anna and Plov were still confused, but hearing the big red flower seemed to be a reward.

"Let grandparents see Mionier's big red flowers." Plov enthusiastically proposed.

Mionier turned his head and pointed, huh?Why is the swelling gone?Where did Mionier's hibiscus go?

Mionir looked at Heimdall aggrievedly, the latter was almost remorseful, he didn't expect Mionier to be so obsessed with the big red flower.

The master laughed out loud, and was pushed by the head of the room with an elbow.

"Don't worry baby, my little dad is afraid that the big red flower will get dirty, so I asked Hina to put it away," Heimdall began to fool around. "Papa promises that when Mionir sleeps, he can see the big red flower in Mionir's room."

Mionnier had always believed in Heimdall, and danced with joy.

"It's wrong to lie to children, be careful not to break it." Victor blew into Heimdall's ear.

"Who said I lied to him, I'll go back to my room and make a big red flower later!" The head of the room was extremely noble and glamorous.

Victor chuckled.

"You must have a long talk with Pulov, don't worry, I will sleep in the guest room tonight." The elder said "consciously".

The master's joy begets sorrow.

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