HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 805 A Good Memory Is Worth A Bad Pen


One of the organizers of the annual meeting of the headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards accurately captured the sound of the elevator opening. He swiftly shuttled through the noisy corridors, and soon came to the two people who walked out of the elevator.

Ali from Uganda works at the Wizarding Spirits Standard Setting Center. He usually deals with spirits from various countries. The Spirits Standards Setting Center holds hundreds of seminars every year. Wizards from various countries are particularly interested in the work of sitting together to drink and comment on it. Motivated, the Spirits Standards Center is one of the most popular and well-run institutions within the IWW building.

Ali has rich experience in organizing conferences, and he has taken over the task of annual conferences for three consecutive years.

Ali looked at the two quietly.Heimdall raised his eyebrows in confusion, and Ferrin stroked his hair uncomfortably.

"Miss Ferring, if time permits, you can sit in the lounge for a while before the annual meeting." Ali's eyes flashed a flash of understanding.

"No, thank you." Ferring said stiffly.

Fei Lin was a little annoyed when he was pointed out by the man twice in a row that his complexion was not good.

"Are you sure?" Ali asked.

"I'm sure." Ferlin nodded impatiently.

Ali has always been a person who knows how to read words, "The mirrors in the lounge have rich experience, maybe you can discuss it."

Miss Ferring laughed dryly and rolled her eyes secretly.

"Sturluson!" Ali excitedly held Heimdall's hand, and said in an exaggerated tone: "What should I do? Someone didn't follow the rehearsal route, if the guests said or did something that caught people on stage off guard, if everyone got the time wrong, if I forgot something, if the outlaws attacked the Wizarding United The meeting building..."

"No!" Heimdall interrupted his unfounded worry loudly. "None of that will happen!"

Ali said worriedly: "No?"

"will not."

Ali suddenly smiled shyly, "Okay, listen to you."

I forgot to tell everyone that Ali is a sensitive and slender uncle.

Feilin's expression was a little numb, but the two men didn't care.

Uncle Ali, who was only as tall as Heimdall's shoulder, hooked Heimdall's arm and babbled about his worries.Heimdall was in charge of stabilizing his emotions, preventing him from having a nervous breakdown due to excessive pessimism before the annual meeting.Every year, a young male wizard takes over this work, and Heimdall is the "chicken soup for the soul" dedicated to Ali during these few days of this year.

"These people came early in the morning?" Heimdall looked at the crowd around him. Some of them were actors in the performance session, and some were workers who organized the annual meeting. Naturally, the upper echelons of the federation would not be early.

"I asked them to come earlier." Ali said as a matter of course.

Heimdall appreciates Ali's work attitude and enthusiasm, but his behavior of constantly forcing himself is not worth advocating.

"I like the feeling," Ali said. "Everything is done with my permission, people need me, I can give my passion without reserve, no one thinks I'm superfluous, and no one blames me for making a fuss. I can't help but invest in it this time of year, Whenever I see the annual meeting successfully held and concluded under our organization, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction in my heart, and I think that feeling cannot be replaced by anything.”

It is precisely because of Ali's dedication that he was entrusted with important tasks for three consecutive years.A leader is not blind, and everyone can see his contribution.

"Shall I take you around the venue?" Ali proposed enthusiastically.

"Okay." Heimdall turned around and found that Ferrin was gone.

"Leave her alone, you won't get lost." Ali grabbed his hand and walked forward excitedly.


It wasn't until they could no longer see the two of them that Feilin, who was pressed against the corner, came out a little bit, and then a sneer sounded in his ear, Feilin's face became hot, but he tried to stay calm.

"Didn't you say he's not worth mentioning? Why are you afraid of being like that?" The one who spoke was a witch who was about the same age as Ferrin. She had long chestnut hair and a pale face. She was not ugly but lacked features. unusual.

The witch was wearing a navy-blue wizard robe from the Special Magic Products Monitoring Committee. The wide robe made her already thin figure look even more frail, and coupled with her unhealthy complexion, this was the only thing that left a deep impression on her.

Ferrin didn't speak.

Navy Blue said again: "Your sister is your sister, you are you, there is no need for you to link your future with your sister's future."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ferlin became annoyed.

Naval Blue knew that her words hit Feilin's heart, and the smile on her face was a bit malicious.

"It is impossible for the former Minister Lacarini to marry your sister. He once vowed not to marry a second wife. Why do you pin your hopes on your sister? The old man in the past tense can't do you any good. "

"I told you to stop!" Ferlin glared at Navy Blue angrily.

Navy snorted at her screaming like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, "Why are you mad at me, I'm not your sister."

Feilin was about to walk away when he suddenly thought of something and said, "Let's not do that."

Navy Blue said in disbelief: "You changed your mind again?!"

"I thought about it... I always feel that it's not good to embarrass Sturlusson in full view..."

Navy Blue scolded a coward in his heart.

"At the beginning we agreed, you swore that you would never regret it, now you're quitting with me?!"

"I'm an employee of the International Wizengamo, embarrassing Sturlusson is embarrassing the International Wizengamo, I can't do that!"

Navy Blue thought to himself, what have you been doing? !

"What made you change your mind?" Navy Blue didn't believe that she changed her appearance overnight and planned to start a new life.

"Sturlusson seems to know something..." Ferrin said uncertainly.

Navy Blue didn't believe her words at all, thinking it was her excuse.

"What did he know? How did he know?" Navy Blue asked patiently.

"I don't know... When we got down from the elevator, he said something to me, to the effect that I must keep myself safe..."

"He's just frightening you, and you're that frightened? You're just that useless, Ardelia Ferring! Don't make me look down on you!"

"Why are you making trouble with Sturlusson?" Ferin asked in puzzlement.

Navy Blue showed a smile that was uglier than crying, "Miss Ferring, this is all to vent your anger. Have you forgotten your previous swearing and complaints? Did you get hit by magic like memory write-off on the way here? ?”

Feilin was obviously frightened by the words "for her", and fled in a hurry after saying "I won't participate, don't come to me, I don't know!"

Navy Blue glared at her panicked back as she ran away, and it took a while to calm down. She left the corner as if nothing had happened, boarded the elevator, and walked out after the elevator door opened. Return to the office located within the Special Magical Products Oversight Committee.

She sat at her desk and pretended to look down at the file until the target finished talking with someone else, and she stood up and walked over.

Navy Blue looked around, lowered his voice and called out, "Jacob!"

Jacob Moreau glanced at her kindly, and winked at her quietly. The two left the office one after the other, and met tacitly in the common room of another deserted institution.

"What is it?" asked Jacob Moreau.

"Adelia Ferring backtracked, she told me just now that she quit." Navy Blue was very annoyed. "I should have guessed that this woman is not worth cooperating with. She seems ambitious, but she is very timid. I shouldn't have too much hope for her."

Jacob Moreau didn't speak for a long time, frowning and not saying a word.

Navy Blue said anxiously: "It's my fault, I shouldn't have proposed to start with her."

"I don't blame you." Moreau smiled, and the navy blue stared back infatuatedly, his eyes full of fascination.

Moreau said: "Maybe this is a warning from God to us, let us not do that. Sturluson's selection is a foregone conclusion. No matter what we do, it will not help."

"No! I'm not reconciled! You are the best, and your excellence is obvious to all. You should be the one who shines at this year's headquarters annual meeting, not that little fool who has nothing but to go through the back door!"

"Don't talk about him like that, he's still a child..."

"Did I say something wrong? Son? He's an adult! Since an adult has to be responsible for his actions, I won't give up. I want to see how he cleans up the mess!" The navy blue smile revealed a bit of malice .

Jacob Moreau tried to persuade him again, but she firmly stopped her. The anger in Navy Blue's heart was getting bigger and bigger, and he would never let it go if he didn't spit it out!

This woman was incited without knowing it, allowing negative emotions to control her thoughts, thus losing her mind and becoming a poor child at the mercy of others.

And at a moment when the poor boy didn't notice, Jacob Moreau's charming smile was so chilling.

(PS, probably few people have an impression of this man, you can review Chapter 695, he was the host of the Midsummer Festival Awards Ceremony.)


"Here are your reminder cards, put them away." Ali handed two thick stacks of reminder cards to the two of them. "The cue cards are arranged in order, and the magic has been pre-applied. Even if they are disturbed, they will rearrange themselves. All you have to do is to take a look at the cue cards before going on stage to determine what is going on next. After taking the stage, you are not allowed to take it.”

"Aren't you allowed to watch after you're on stage?" Heimdall asked.

"Theoretically not. If you really can't remember, you can take a quick glance or two, but not many, otherwise the process of letting you read the materials before is unnecessary. It's better to just let you go up and read it with a big book. It’s too ugly!” Ali had his own insistence on the arrangement of the annual meeting.

"It's so strict, I'm starting to get nervous." Heimdall smiled.

Feilin seized the time to look through the cue cards, for fear of missing something.

"You will do well, I believe in my vision." Ali encouraged Heimdall.

Heimdall grinned sheepishly.

Feilin carefully calmed down the spontaneous envy and hatred.

The two waited in the waiting room for their appearance, and there was still nearly an hour before their appearance.Heimdall couldn't sit still after quickly flipping through the cards in his hand.

"Where are you going?" Feilin was prone to nervousness at the slightest disturbance.

"Take a walk and get familiar with the venue." Heimdall said casually.

Feilin didn't care where he was going, but asked, "Can you leave me your cue card? I want to have a look at it, so that I can correct it in time if there are any mistakes or omissions."

Mistakes and omissions generally do not happen, but Heimdall took out the cue card and said casually, "You are not planning any bad ideas, are you?"

Fei Lin, who just refused to join forces with others, felt uncomfortable for a while, but pretended to be unhappy and said: "Will you give me love!"

At this moment, Miss Feilin retorted with a lot more confidence.

Heimdall handed her the cue card and left the lounge.


On December 1997, 12, the sky in Bruges was clear and sunny, and the data fed back by all the broomstick detectors were quite beautiful. It was the best choice for visiting relatives and friends, traveling and practicing Quidditch. select.

The street where the International Federation of Wizards Building is located looks a little different from the past. The walls on both sides of the road are still old and mottled, but every scene and object has become more solemn and solemn. The delicate flowers on the street and the golden sun above the head ease the seriousness. There is a lively fragrance in the air.

The wizards invited to the annual meeting wore elegant wizard robes and walked into the headquarters building in a happy mood, full of energy and laughter, full of anticipation for the upcoming annual meeting.Branch chairmen from 197 countries arrived one after another, and many of them wore wizard robes with ethnic characteristics. The heads of various organizations of the International Federation of Wizards shuttled back and forth during the visit.

Today's weather at the main venue is cloudy with occasional easterly gusts.

The guests walked into the venue together and looked for seats according to the invitation letter in their hands. There were signs with their names on the table.

The wizard in charge of the costume props was nervously doing the final operations in the background. Heimdall's hair was done again, making his head look very similar to that of Master Malfoy, and the wizard robes of the police force on his body were temporarily replaced. He had to put on a dress-style wizard robe that was said to be specially used for specific occasions. This fancy new police force wizard robe was heavy in his hand, but fortunately he didn't feel too much on his body.

Miss Ferring rubbed and wiped her face nervously, Heimdall was afraid that she would lose her face when she spoke later, but judging by her confident appearance, she decided to pretend she didn't see it.

Ali knocked on the door of the break room and led them behind the scenes. Ali didn't have to do it himself, but as he confessed himself, he was uncomfortable not doing it. This is what people call OCD...

The entire venue suddenly went dark, and the guests who were still chattering didn't make a fuss. The wizards present all had experience in the world. They gradually calmed down and turned their eyes to the stage.

The touching singing sounded, and a white witch in a white tuxedo came out from behind the black curtain. A light shone on her, making her seem to descend from the sky, and there was warm applause from the audience.

This witch is said to be a well-known wizard singer. Heimdall couldn't understand what she sang, so he was not familiar with her. Dad Rommel had a vinyl disc of her.There is no lack of knowledgeable wizards in the audience, and some wizards even closed their eyes intoxicated.

Then, the second, third, fourth, and fifth singers stepped onto the stage one after another and sang together with the first witch on stage.Singers from different countries and with different skin colors were the first to appear on the stage at the opening of this annual meeting. Their collective appearance highlighted the theme of this annual meeting: listening to the voice of the world with the soul.

While the singers were singing, except for a few beams of lights on the stage that illuminated the singers, everything including the audience was integrated into the black background, and only the singing voice was unrestrained and flapping its wings in the vast night.

When the singing ended, the light on the stage disappeared suddenly, and the lights in the venue were turned on one by one, and the guests just woke up from a dream and applauded.

A pleasant baritone voice rang above the head: [Ladies and gentlemen, the 1997 International Federation of Wizards Headquarters annual conference hosts, Ms. Adelia Firing and Mr. Heimdall Strulusson, are invited. 】Heimdall and Filin glanced at each other quickly, then stepped forward together, greeted the applause of the guests, walked onto the stage with smiles on their faces, and walked to the other side of the stage, where a podium dedicated to the host was set up with a simple shape.

"Thank you, thank you very much," said Miss Filming.

There was another round of applause from the audience.

The stage of the venue has been carefully designed, so that the host does not need to hold his wand to his throat and yell, and the ordinary voice can be clearly transmitted to the last row of the auditorium.Of course, wizards don't use Muggle amplification equipment, and there is no such thing as a microphone on the stage. I don't know how the wizards who were engaged in stage design did it. Anyway, Heimdall didn't figure it out.

"Thank you," Heimdall put on a nervous expression. "I believe that most of you here don't know us, and we also believe that you don't know us. The problem is that the more you know yourself, the more pressure your applause will bring to us. God, the International Federation of Wizards The headquarters annual meeting?! I actually have the opportunity to stand on this stage? My legs were weak when I came out just now. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Miss Feilin, she kindly helped me."

Felin's reaction was not slow, "Yes, I was almost brought to the ground by you."

"Thank you," Heimdall said.

"Oh, don't be like this, I'm going to lie down on the ground when I hear thank you again."

The guests in the audience smiled from time to time.

After talking like this, both Ferrin and Heimdall felt a lot more relaxed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the singers who performed for you just now are..." After reporting a list of names, Feilin said, "Please give them the warmest applause to thank them for their wonderful performances."

After the applause stopped, Heimdall said: "Today is the last day of 1997, and the new year is coming. For the family of the International Federation of Wizards, this year's wizarding world is both ordinary and extraordinary. The wizards on the front line are doing ordinary work within their capabilities, and have achieved extraordinary soul flashes."

Ms. Ferring continued: "There is such an organization in the International Federation of Wizards. They are responsible for supervising the education of the wizarding world, paying attention to the enrollment rate of wizarding schools, and caring about the degree of knowledge absorption of every wizarding child. They hope that one day, the wizarding world will Every child can go to a good school and read a good book."

Heimdall quietly flipped through the cue card when Flynn was speaking, and took a sneak peek. There was a strange flash on his face, and he forced himself not to lower his head to confirm the second glance, and followed Flynn with a proper speech. Smiling, he continued seamlessly, "Next, I would like to invite Chairman Mario Garcia of the International Council for Wizarding Education. Chairman Garcia will introduce us to the education situation in the wizarding world this year and the outlook for the work of the next year. Please. "

Garcia came to the stage amidst the attention and applause of the guests, and walked behind the podium in the center of the stage under the guidance of the two masters of ceremonies.

The lights on the stage changed, the central podium was deliberately enhanced, and the host podium on one side went dark.

The two of them in the dark couldn't make too many movements. In order not to cause accidents, they still stood obediently, not even daring to talk.

With the dull light, Heimdall looked down at the cue card, and Filin beside him was also taking the time to consolidate his memory.His extremely fast flipping action caught Feilin's attention, and she turned to look at him.

As expected, there was a problem with his prompt card, and the content from the beginning of Garcia's paragraph was all the same as before, and it was repeated until the last page.

His cue card was only given to Ferlin before... He squinted at Ferlin, who was focused on his cue card, oblivious to his scrutiny.

Heimdall was silent for a moment, put the reminder card into his pocket, and took out another small book from his pocket, which recorded the few words about the content of the host that he had written down earlier to help his memory.Heimdall closed his eyes and concentrated on thinking, and then looked at the notebook for a few times. After confirming something, he closed his eyes again to recall, and then compared it to the notebook after finishing it... and so on.

Felin was baffled by his actions, and was about to ask in a low voice, when Garcia finished his speech, the audience applauded warmly, Garcia walked off the stage with a smile, and walked back to his seat with the help of the staff.

"The next is the Wizarding Education Committee?" Heimdall asked quickly when everyone's eyes were on Garcia.

Flynn was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the cue card, "Wizard Exam Supervisory Committee."

"Yes, yes...the Examination Supervision Committee, the Examination Supervision Committee..." Heimdall muttered mechanically.

His strangeness made Fei Lin feel uneasy, "Why do you..."

It's a pity that before she finished asking, the lights once again focused on the hosting platform.

"Thank you Chairman Garcia for your wonderful speech." Heimdall quickly took over the hosting task, and Ferring obviously didn't recover.

"Thank you, Chairman Garcia." Ferring entered the state in due course.

"I can proudly tell everyone that Chairman Garcia and I are old acquaintances." Heimdall said deliberately smugly.

"You are acquaintances with everyone." Ferlin complained with a smile.

As for how many simple complaints and how many things other than complaints are contained in her words, I am afraid that only she can understand.

"It means I'm popular," Heimdall continued shamelessly. "I'm a well-known three-good student in school. With Chairman Garcia's research spirit on wizard education, it's not surprising to know the names of one or two three-good students."

"Chairman Garcia, he's flattering you. I know you're very happy, but don't be fooled by his sweet words." Filin's complaint skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

Garcia in the audience laughed from ear to ear.

"As a student who has not yet graduated, there is one link that is indispensable, and every student must take part in it, and that is the exam. To be honest, I hate exams, but at the same time I love exams." Heimdall said.

"I don't believe you love exams," Ferring responded.

"If you do well in that class, of course you will love it from the bottom of your heart," Heimdall said.

Flynn knew without looking at the cue card that this was the rhythm of entering the Witch Examination Supervisory Committee.

At the same time, the mystery still lingers in her heart.She had a premonition that something must have happened to Stulusson.

What happened?

Ferring suddenly thought of navy blue...and couldn't help but change his face—it's not a happy thing to be distracted in a situation where everyone's every move is being watched.

Heimdall, who was waiting for her response, saw that she hadn't fought back as sharply as before, and realized that she was distracted. He said wisely, "Look, Miss Ferring's face changed when she mentioned the exam. Well, now I I believe you really don't like the exam, whether it's a good subject or not."

The wizards in the audience smiled, and many of them were quite understanding.

The first crisis was successfully fooled.

After recovering, Feilin heaved a sigh of relief, and said thank you in his heart.

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