The centaurs seemed overly cautious, which forced Heimdall to think about what he thought might be insulting to the centaurs, for example, they were defending themselves.After they started on the road again, the three centaurs separated seemingly naturally, one on each side, with E'anil cutting the rear.This made Heimdall think about the layout of the police force in the process of escorting prisoners to a certain place.

The idea of ​​getting close to them disappeared, and Heimdall fell silent. Dad Rommel and Uncle Snow were keenly aware of his change, and cursed in their hearts at the same time.

The three centaurs were unaware of the subtlety of the atmosphere, or they didn't want to.

A group of people walked quietly on the forest road. The horsemen deliberately slowed down out of precaution, and the three of Heimdall had to slow down.I can't imagine a day when the wizard will think that the centaur's legs are too short.

Turning around a dry and fallen tree trunk, there was a rustling sound from the bushes on the other side of the tree trunk. The quiet environment amplified the sound effect, which was shockingly sudden.The three centaurs immediately bent their bows and set their arrows, with tense faces, aiming at the plants that kept shaking strangely.

The plants shook violently, the bushes split in two, and a black figure emerged from the split gap, and walked towards Heimdall cheerfully on four legs.It's buns.

Whoosh, three arrows left the string.

Heimdall understood that persuading them to let go of their vigilance was better than proving it with actions in the future, so he didn't stop them when they bent their bows and set arrows, and he didn't intend to waste their words. He quietly took out his wand.At the same moment when the horsemen shot their arrows, they quickly cast three layers of armor spells in front of Little Bread.

The three arrows fell to the ground with a ping-pong-pong sound as if hitting solid metal.

In order to prevent the centaurs from attacking again, Heimdall quickly made a gesture that the wizards could not understand. The three centaurs including Eanil were taken aback for a moment, and the centaurs on the left and right turned to look at Eanil. Er, as if waiting for his order, E'anil nodded slightly, and the three centaurs let go of their strings at the same time.

Heimdall's gesticulations were stolen from the Forbidden Forest, from Margaret, the leader of the centaur in the Forbidden Forest.When Heimdall made a big fuss about the Forbidden Forest centaur tribe, he discovered that the centaur used many complex gestures as a means of communication during actions, not just using language.He didn't understand the gestures, but he remembered several simple gestures made by Margaret.This gesture that seemed to represent the disarming of the alarm was figured out by himself. When Margaret made this gesture, the other centaurs stopped fighting.

Eanil and the others stopped attacking, indicating that he made the right gesture and it was effective.

Eanil looked at Heimdall more and more complicatedly, but he still kept himself at a certain distance of vigilance, and was not in a hurry to enhance friendship with Heimdall.Because in his opinion, the alarm has not been completely lifted, and he still needs to be sure.

After all, it was Chimaera, the three arrows falling from the sky could not deter Little Bread, let alone hit it.Little Bread continued its plunging path with its limbs dancing. Heimdall put away his wand and bent down to pick it up.

"Oh, it's sinking, and if it goes on like this, I won't be able to hold it." Heimdall said with a smile on his face.

Little Bun arched affectionately in his arms, and the small tail wrapped in scales behind him swayed like a pendulum. Rommel and Snow watched with smiles, while the three horsemen just looked on coldly although they were curious.

"What about toffee?" Heimdall asked.

As soon as the words fell, the toffee rushed out through the exit of the bun just now, and the scene of the normal-sized adult body guest Myra beast suddenly approaching was quite shocking, and the horsemen hurriedly raised their bows... Xiao Bayan followed closely behind, He was still yelling, and the last one who ran out was the king.

The three horsemen stared blankly at a group of ferocious creatures circling Heimdall to show their cuteness, and dismissed the living creatures other than Heimdall. They were stupid for a while, and lost their temper completely.

"They all inhabit here?" E'anil couldn't hold back.

"No, they live with me, not in the mountains." Heimdall reassured him.

E'anil didn't say anything more, and retreated to the end.

After walking forward for about tens of meters, Karkaroff and several wizards stood on the edge of the upward ramp and waved at them.

Heimdall turned his head and said, "My task of leading the way is over, everyone just follow our principal."

"Where are you going?" E'anil blurted out, a trace of annoyance flashed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

Rommel and Snow quickly glanced at the centaur.

"If I don't go anywhere, I'll go with you." Heimdall said with a smile. "I like to watch other people move, and count their belongings by the way."

On that day, when he stepped on the spot, Eanil only took a circle outside the valley. When he saw wisps of misty white smoke floating towards the sky from a distance, he knew that it was the hot water pool that Heimdall was talking about. He was really very happy that day. I want to see it, but unfortunately, just as they can't let go of their wariness against wizards, wizards also have a bottom line.Fortunately, the results after the first trial were not satisfactory, but when the clansmen asked about the specific situation after returning home, it was inevitable that they would be vague.

Finally saw it today.

After the joint exploration of Hernando and other researchers, the valley behind Durmstrang College is deeper than imagined, and the little robber’s family of chirping beasts only occupies a small part of the entrance. In fact, there are several similar depressions of different depths.Now researchers arrange the animals that were introduced later in various small environments one by one according to the size of the individual and the size of the group.Most of the new animals were small magical creatures, and the Pegasus family of twenty Raindrop Pegasus was the largest of them all.In order to let the centaur see the sincerity of Durmstrang College, the researchers discussed with the principal and decided to reserve the largest and most beautiful mountain for the Eianil tribe.

The rugged stone road that Grindelwald led Heimdall through was the main road running through the entire valley, and the trails leading to each depression were branch roads branching off from the main road.This can not only ensure the smooth flow of roads, but also consider the privacy of various animal groups.

The layout of the Durmstrang Mountains shows the uncanny workmanship of nature, like a rental house for animals, which is different from the location of the German school which is immutable, frozen for thousands of miles, and the weather in the valley is full of wonders.

As soon as the Aianil Sanma people entered the col that Hernando and other researchers dubbed "peanut cheese", they were reluctant to leave. Here, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, lush flowers and trees, and the temperature is higher than outside the valley. The plant is covered with white berries and tastes like cheese with a hint of peanuts, hence the name.It could be seen that the horseman was extremely satisfied, he kept looking back and forth, and stomped the horse's hooves urgently and hastily.

The wizards didn't understand why they were like this, and Heimdall couldn't help but feel complacent. In a blink of an eye, they saw the toffees jumping into the pool with a splash, and the water splashed everywhere.

Since the valley was discovered, the toffees have been going to the little robbers to take the bath. Eight or nine out of ten are influenced by the master and Heimdall, especially the master, who likes to take a bath, and is very particular about it. It's a conditioned reflex, and as soon as I see steaming water, I plunge into it.

Heimdall told them to get up quickly, and the landlord needs to show the tenants the water god?

Eanil didn't mind, the facial lines softened a bit, and the environment was probably better than he imagined. The big moving stone that had been passed down for hundreds of years finally fell to the ground, and his mentality changed, and he began to love the house.

After obtaining Karkaroff's consent, a centaur who was traveling with him took off the huge horn hanging from his waist, and blew it vigorously.The sound of the horn echoed over the valley. The animals in the valley passed the momentary panic caused by the sudden sound, and found that the sound of the horn was long and slow, without any sense of urgency. The voice is calm and composed.

After blowing the horn, the centaur ran to the way he had come to meet the tribe behind him.

None of the wizards present moved. Heimdall stood by the pool and watched the toffees flopping about in the pool. Little Bread also used Little Eight Eyes as a diving platform, tossing up and down, having a great time.Heimdall had the illusion of parents standing by the doll pool watching their children play in the water.Rommel and Snow looked around with great interest. They did not expect such a good place behind the school when they were in school.

The first wave to come in was E'anur, looking very excited. He and three young centaurs who seemed to have a good relationship with him stayed at the entrance of the valley for a few seconds, and then the wizards heard a few immature voices. Shouting, five ponies rushed in from behind Eanur and the others.

The first pony man exerted too much force, Eanur retracted his legs, he screamed and fell forward, ran a few steps, and fell to the ground beside the pool where the toffees were splashing.The pony man held the painful part, got up with a mournful face, raised his eyes to meet Toffee's four eyes, and saw Heimdall looking at him with a smile in a blink of an eye, coupled with Xiao Ba and his group watching, the pony man's mouth shrank, Ignoring the pain, he turned around and ran back, hugging one of Eanur's hind limbs, trying to hide himself.

After waiting for a long time without any movement, the little pony poked his head out curiously. His companions had already gathered around the toffees, looking longingly at the hot water.A pony man who had just gotten rid of his stagger and whose legs were starting to stiffen stretched one leg into the pool. The temperature was probably satisfactory, and he jumped in happily.The pool that had just subsided became lively again.

The pony man holding E'anur couldn't help being tempted, let go of E'anur, and moved over...

The joy of the clansmen for their new home and the affirmation of his work by the elders in the clan made Eanil heave a sigh of relief, and he stopped showing his face to the wizards of the German school. After thinking about it, he proposed to take a walk in the valley , Familiarize yourself with the environment and visit your neighbors.

Hernando and other researchers first took him to see the habitat of the Pegasus Pegasus. Eanil witnessed with his own eyes that the living environment of the Pegasus Pegasus was no worse than that of the centaur, and he affirmed the good intentions of the German school. Our impression has been raised to a higher level.When he entered the territory of the Chicha Beast and saw the legendary dragon egg, the awe on his face was obvious.

He also respects the Chicha Beasts. Even though they were almost trafficked, the Chicha Beasts still guarded the dragon eggs and their habitat, and lived a heartless and happy life.For this big man who suddenly appeared and could speak human language, he didn't show the slightest fear, and those who gathered together chattered without knowing what to say about others.

The centaur will definitely decorate the new house next. After confirming that all the centaur tribes have settled down, the wizards will disperse.

Before leaving, Heimdall took out the gifts prepared to celebrate the centaur's housewarming, a dream catcher the size of a basketball and a small packet of seeds wrapped in a beautiful cloth bag.

The material used to weave the net is unicorn's mane, with different shades of silver and gold intertwined. Even without sunlight, the entire net is still shining.The feathers that Olar shed during moulting replaced the bird's feathers. They were smoothed and bundled into a few handfuls, hanging under the net. Together with the colorful obsidian that was fooled by the astronomy professor, Anna carefully taught them , although this Rigg version of dream catcher is quite different from the traditional dream catcher, the intentions contained in it are self-evident.

Eanil took the gift carefully, and Heimdall revealed that the origin of the materials used to weave the net was absolutely legitimate. When Eanil opened the cloth bag, his excitement was beyond words.

"This is..." He looked at Heimdall eagerly.

"I know you're used to these things for a long time, but I still want to express my desire to live in harmony." Heimdall said. "These seeds are gifts from my horse friends, so you can use them with confidence."

At this moment, Heimdall finally admitted that he knew the centaur, confirming Eanil's previous guess.

"Thank you, we accept your wish." Eanil showed his first smile since he met Heimdall.

This weekend, Heimdall left his master and went to the beach with his father and uncle for vacation.

On Monday, Mr. Stulusson, with a full battery of batteries, walked briskly into the office. A room full of colleagues made him stop involuntarily. After confirming that the time displayed on the cuckoo clock on the wall was the same as the pocket watch, he He sat down behind his small table with a puzzled expression.

"What's going on?" He grabbed a passing colleague, who usually talked and laughed with him, and the two had a good relationship.

"I'm not very sure." In fact, this man was very eager to express himself. When he heard that Heimdall didn't know, his face was rather hesitant, but his actions were not the same. He sat down on the chair next to him.

"The management scope of our IW is about to expand by [-]%." The mysterious man lowered his voice.

The war was won, especially after all the trials were over, IW became increasingly depressed, and the Wizengamots of various countries began to go their own way, and IW almost became an empty shelf.In recent years, thanks to the efforts of all parties, there has been improvement, and part of the authority has been withdrawn, but in most cases, the local Ministry of Magic has the final say.

When Heimdall heard the news of the expansion of management rights, he couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with the Wizengamot somewhere.

"What country?"


Heimdall opened his mouth, he thought several times, but he didn't turn his thoughts to English.As we all know, Dumbledore is a British wizard, and that country has been in charge of everything since a long time ago, much earlier than those countries that took advantage of the loopholes.

"The minister looks pretty solid." Heimdall hesitated.

The colleague burst out laughing.

"It has nothing to do with their ministers. You know about Azkaban?"

"It's like thunder."

"The dementors over there came out to torment people."

"how is this possible?!"

"Why is it impossible."

Heimdall didn't speak for a while, "...the dementors don't run around when they have nothing to do, or they would have been in trouble for so many years—" Director Sturlusson suddenly thought of the dementors in the ancient town of Kapok in the third grade. Day trip event.

"It's just that something went wrong, maybe they need such a long incubation period." The colleague's expression was very funny.

"It has nothing to do with us if there is a problem with the dementors." Heimdall thought that this should not be the cause of the perversion in the whole office.

"That's true, the problem is that those dementors came out..." The colleague rubbed his chin. "How do I remember that there was an incident two years ago that was also caused by dementors running around?"

"Sirius Black?"

The colleague suddenly realized, "Yes, you..." The colleague looked at him hesitantly.

"Well, I participated in the trial at that time."

The colleague frowned, "From this point of view, it's not just that the dementors like to run around occasionally. They have a criminal record."

"At that time, it was to chase after Mr. Black, and this time it was also to chase the escaped prisoner?"

"I haven't heard similar news." The colleague said. "If there is another prisoner escape in Azkaban, we will be able to intervene openly."

"In other words, no matter what the situation is, it is very bad for the British Ministry of Magic."

The colleague said meaningfully: "This incident is probably going to be a big blow. Not only the wizards in the UK have suffered, but the dementors have also attacked the Muggles in the UK. The worst thing is that wizards outside the country have also been affected."

"Are those dementors crazy?"

"Can you talk about sanity with dark magic creatures?" a colleague disagrees.

Heimdall was silent.

The colleague thought of something, and whispered: "I heard that Harry Potter's name is listed in the list of wizards who were attacked."

Heimdall's expression changed.

"Don't worry, he's fine. I heard that he successfully summoned the Patronus, beautifully expelled the dementors, and protected his companions. He is now a hero praised by British wizards, and his life is much more comfortable than yours."

Heimdall heaved a sigh of relief, it's fine.

"Hopefully the British Ministry of Magic won't bother him."

Heimdall was puzzled.

"He's underage, dear," the colleague smiled. "British restrictions on minors using magic are the most stringent in the world. If you are more euphemistic, you may be summoned by the British Wizengamot for questioning, and then you will make a decision based on the situation of the inquiry; if you are more direct, you may let him drop out of school; if you are more direct Destroy the wand."

Heimdall believes that Mr. Black will definitely not let such a thing happen, not to mention Professor Dumbledore mediating for him.Harry used magic to drive away the dementors. Could it be that he is a qualified underage wizard by doing nothing but standing there and letting the dementors do whatever they want to him?

"It shouldn't matter." Heimdall thought of all the rumors about the Wizengamot he had heard when he was in England, including their inhumanity, and felt worried.

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