Before the trial the next day, Heimdall changed into a purple IW robe without the attention of his superiors.Although the clothes are the same as the uniforms of the police force, without wearing or hanging any marks representing titles, it is just a whiteboard outfit, but the color of the clothes alone is very deterrent in court.

Seeing Heimdall's serious and joyful appearance, Musayev raised the corner of his mouth.

Unlike Andrew, who was in dire straits, Lange's reversal of the case did not attract much attention. Media workers dedicated their pages to provocative headlines and provocative headlines such as "extorting confessions through torture", "doing perjury", and "doing nothing for the future". Compared with the content, Langer's wrongful, false and injustice cases seem too plain.

What's more, this is not the first wrongful judgment accepted by IW. The media are not even as interested as they were when they reported Sirius Black.The reason why Sirius caused an uproar among the people at that time was mainly due to the strength of British wizards; coupled with Dumbledore's high attention; it coincided with the largest case that IW took over many years that was not handled by IW itself; People are fueling the flames. All in all, the comprehensive factors have achieved the attention of the public.And Comrade Lange doesn't have so many conditions. First of all, the wizards in Estonia have long been distracted by various scandals, right and wrong, and cannot inspire the enthusiasm of British wizards, let alone their Ministry of Magic. Fighting is a joy, no wizard has the consciousness to work together, let alone work together to overcome the difficulties in front of him.

Andrew Lange's murder is apparently trivialized by Andrew Ansip's powerful presence.

Even so, on the day of the first official court session, the auditorium was still full of wizards who came to observe.Different from Mr. Black's trial at that time, Lange's case only used a small courtroom. In addition to the five-seat judge's long table, a seat for the plaintiff and defendant on each side, and a special seat for prisoners, the remaining [-] tables The chairs are the auditorium.Twenty wizards can be seen at a glance.

When Heimdall followed Musayev into the court through the small door next to the giant IW badge, he saw the faces of 20 people clearly at a glance.

As today's presiding judge, Musayev sat in the middle of the long table. Heimdall is not even a judge, and it is not easy to take the position of the recorder—typewriter—from others. He looked around and stood at the long table. side.

"Sturluson," said Moussayev, gesturing to him, in a low voice. "Today's long table is not full, you should sit too."

Heimdall blinked twice, seemingly asking, is it really possible?

Musayev waved his hand.

Heimdall smoothed the wrinkles on his face vigorously, and with a restless heart, he sat behind the long table where only judges and judges could sit.The last time I sat here was a small clerk screening exam, how long has it been... Director Sturlusson touched the shiny lacquer surface, stared at the wood grain on it, and was unrestrained.

I imagined the scene of wearing the justice's wizard's robe, being energetic in the court, and making the final decision. The enemies of the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks were devastated and dejected. Musayev, who was concentrating on the documents in his hand, noticed the two judges who were writing quickly as soon as they sat down. He looked down at the oily tabletop, which seemed a little empty, and he clenched his paws tightly, and couldn't leave his pockets. The small book with a small body was placed on the table in a decent manner, and the angle of the book was carefully adjusted to keep it parallel to the edge of the table.

Everything was ready, Chief Sturlusson waited for the trial with a serious expression on his face.

Lange was sent to the court by the police officers through the special channel for detainees. The moment he entered the court, the scene was suddenly silent.The twenty wizards watching him stared at him intently, and it was obvious that some of them were his old friends, and some were just here to join in the fun.Lange approached the special seat for prisoners. The chair was erected on a platform about 20 centimeters high. As soon as he sat down, the iron chain spread under the chair was like a boa constrictor. Skimming, spinning around the back, and finally stopping on the shoulders, twisted together with another thick iron chain on the top of the chair back to form a whole.The whole process takes place in the blink of an eye and in one go.

Of course, the iron chain doesn't care about the feelings of the person being tied up. Lange seems to move his hands and feet uncomfortably, and there is no change on his face.

At this moment, the minister's wife in the auditorium got rid of her daze, looked away as if she had just woken up from a dream, subconsciously raised her handkerchief and pressed her cheek, and quickly scanned her surroundings to see if anyone noticed her gaffe.

The lady was obviously overthinking. She lived in seclusion and was not a celebrity or a politician. The wizards present were attracted by Lange's appearance, and they couldn't imagine that the wife of the Minister of Magic of Estonia was in the same room with them.

Following Lange is a female wizard who is Lange's lawyer, entrusted by Lange and appointed by IW.The witch's wine-red hair was tied into a ponytail and hung behind her head, and the simple braids were meticulously arranged. This lady's facial features are very individual, not beautiful in the traditional sense, and she is covered by a large black wizard robe Can't help her unique style.The eyes of the men at the scene lingered on her for a few seconds.

The female lawyer didn't seem to notice it, and she sat quietly on her seat and flipped through the thick materials. It seemed that she was well prepared.

Half an hour passed, and Musayev took out his pocket watch. If Andrew Ansip was not present at the trial, the judge would have to announce an adjournment. However, IW has a reason to ask Ansip for an explanation. He is in contempt of court .

When Musayev's gaze turned to the gavel, Andrew Ansip's attorney finally rushed into the courtroom out of breath.While wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, he walked quickly towards the judge's bench, with a cautious smile on his face and a very low posture.

Seeing him like this, no matter how great the unhappiness was, it disappeared a bit.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ansip is in poor health these days, and his old illness relapsed before going out," the lawyer opened the briefcase, took out a parchment, and handed it to Musayev. "This is the test certificate issued by the doctor. Mr. Ansip is unable to appear in court today, and I will represent him with full authority."

Musayev took the document calmly, and flipped through the pages of parchment in the time it took to finish reading a dictionary. The expression on the lawyer's face became more and more rigid, and his smile began to distort.

"Tell Mr. Ansip for me, please take care of your health. Many people expect him to live a long life, especially Mr. Lange, who has been looking forward to this day for 20 years."

The lawyer pulled out a dry smile, disapproving of this speechless judge in his heart. With Mr. Ansip's qualifications, this man in front of him is not worthy of carrying shoes for others.

Without Ansip's trial, most of the enthusiasm in the auditorium was extinguished. Everyone came to watch the conflict and drama, and had no interest in those clichés.Wizards who have experience in auditing understand that [-]% of today's trial will not result. At most, they will repeat the previous investigations one by one, and after the ambiguity of both parties, they will say some nonsense that everyone knows well, and the judge will start to carry the gavel. up.

Musayev announced the opening of the court, and the next thing was the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two lawyers.

Ansip's attorney took out Lange's guilty plea, which was in keeping with the fairness of the trial. Lange's confession was straightforward, and his contemptuous attitude throughout the trial process could not be ignored.Lawyers have repeatedly hinted to the court that Lange desecrated justice, disrespected judges, and contempt of court.The lawyer said Lange did this entirely because he knew he was guilty and the evidence was solid, and he was giving up on himself.

However, anyone who knows Lange well understands that this person probably doesn't even know how to write "self-defeating".Andrew Lange is a man of extreme self-control, his calm can make the hair of anyone who has known him for many years creepy.Suppose he thinks life is hopeless, he will arrange everything as if nothing had happened, keep his mouth shut during the period, still live a normal life in front of you, keep in touch with friends, and then one day, you receive his obituary.It's that simple.Until the moment of his death, he would not reveal any news that was unfavorable or beneficial to him.

It is even more nonsense to say that he killed someone because he gave up on himself.

This is what the lawyer said he believed to be infallible. Andrew Lange accidentally killed because of the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife. The unfortunate person who was killed was an unarmed Muggle.This statement caused embarrassment to the minister's wife in the auditorium. She didn't expect it to be used as a cover 20 years later. Perhaps only she, Lange and Merlin knew whether Lange was really "sad" about her departure. Desperate" to the point of "out of control".

Andrew spent 20 years in prison because his "murder" was a Muggle.To put it bluntly, assuming that he killed a wizard, maybe his charges were not as serious as the original sentence, coupled with his calm reaction in court, and his statement without emotional fluctuations, even the injustice would be followed. Saying good morning is an understatement.It is not surprising that he will be sentenced to life imprisonment. If he is willing to shed a few tears that day, I believe the judge will try to make some efforts on the side of the net.

Ansip's lawyer spoke with a special tone, with ups and downs like telling a story, and his attack on Lange was also very fierce, easily controlling the audience's emotions and making suggestive guidance. The wizards in the auditorium obviously They all followed his way.

A wizard who understands the ins and outs of the whole case will certainly not be bewitched, but this shows that Ansip is in a hurry, and he has already started to gain points for himself through sideways.

The lawyer was still very satisfied with his performance, especially when he realized that the audience's emotions had all gone in the direction he wanted to see, he couldn't help feeling elated.Turning to the judge's bench in a blink of an eye, even the little clerk in the whiteboard at the far end looked calm, the lawyer was shocked, calmed down, and sat back obediently.

Andrew Ansip didn’t know how to upgrade his CPU for so many years, and he still manipulates the court 20 years later in the same way as it was 20 years ago. This is not the Estonian Wizengamot. There is no wizard in IW who is willing to sell his face. His old qualifications Not worth mentioning in the family of the International Federation of Wizards.

Lange's lawyer listened to the other party's statement calmly, without interrupting or objecting to a word, until the other party left the stage unmoved by the judge, and she straightened her skirt and stood up.The female lawyer spoke concisely, in stark contrast to the opposing lawyer who spoke at length.

"This is the information I collected about the whole story of my client's case, as well as the evidence to refute the original charges. Please have a look." She walked directly to the judge's table and handed over a thick document.

The opponent's lawyer's eyelids twitched, and he really wanted to rush over and cast a shattering spell on those materials.

Musayev took the parchment blankly, raised the gavel with his right hand and hit it, announcing the adjournment.

Immediately, sighs sounded from the auditorium, and the onlookers felt a little bit of a taste at first, and this feeling was as frustrating as if they couldn't see the ending of the movie.

The wife of the Minister of Magic of Estonia didn't get up until the people were almost gone, and she got up and walked out. She kept paying attention to Lange, hoping that the other party could see her, but she didn't want him to pay attention. She quietly left the court in this entangled state of mind. .

"How does it feel?" Hollingworth asked over lunch.

Musayev said with a look of jealousy, "Sturlusson is my assistant."

Hollingworth pretended not to hear.

Heimdall laughed a few times, and said, "Is Ansip planning to take advantage of the illness to prolong it? Does he still expect changes?" This matter has been going on until now, even if the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards is replaced, it will not hinder it. IW sentencing.

"I heard that he is really not in good health. I don't know if he really fell ill today." Hollingworth said. "The trial will not be postponed indefinitely because of his absence. Any small action in front of the overwhelming evidence is self-inflicted. Now Ansip should thank him for his poor health, and he will suffer a lot less crime after he goes to prison."

Heimdall didn't dare to say anything anymore, he was cursing people for being so early.

"A month," said Hollingworth.

Heimdall looked bewildered.

Musayev understood, he nodded.

"One month is already an extrajudicial grace. He must be allowed to appear in court in person within this month, and there is no longer any delay. Otherwise, outsiders will think that our IW is not doing well, and they will condone and raise rape."

"Sturlusson, you will go to court with me from now on," Hollingworth told Heimdall. "I read the court records you wrote. Yes, those comments are very interesting. Although they are one-sided and naive, but at your current age, I can draw such conclusions. I have nothing to complain about. Keep up the good work."

Those so-called trial records were actually Heimdall's essays during the trial. After the trial was over, the sharp-eyed Musayev asked for it, but unexpectedly it was transferred to Hollingworth.

Faced with the boss's "I'm optimistic about you", Heimdall was so miserable that he was dying, and the joy and joy that had just emerged suddenly disappeared, and he dared to treat him as a typewriter.

Rommel squinted his eyes in the snowstorm, and turned to look at Heimdall who was happily talking to Snow. Is this the fun place he said?Climbing barely enough, Chairman Stulusson wondered how to fish in the mountains of Durmstrang and break the ice on the lake?

"There are 42 centaurs in total." Here, Chief Sturlusson was still talking about the centaurs to Snow.

Snow laughed, "You've told me three times."

"Really?" Heimdall rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Snow grabbed his shoulders, walked towards Rommel who didn't seem to appreciate it, and warned his brother with his eyes that it was appropriate to stop.

Rommel thought to himself that I didn't say anything wrong, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. He thought that his son would at least take them to an island with a charming scenery, no matter how bad the sea was. He didn't expect to run around or return. Go to the place where the birds don't shit.Chairman Sturluson really realized now that he shouldn't expect too much from his son when it comes to eating, drinking and having fun.

They came to Lindao, where the centaur had been received. Just as they stood firm, they heard a sound of horseshoes stamping on the ground. Heimdall turned around in a hurry and saw the vanguard of the centaur.E'anur and E'anur led the battle, followed by three burly centaurs, each with a bow and arrow and a quiver on their backs.A dagger wrapped in a brown leather sheath hung from Eanil's waist.

"Welcome, welcome." Heimdall felt that he should be more enthusiastic. Dad must not count on this matter. Snow has already graduated, and the current students are duty-bound.

E'anil glanced at Rommel and Snow, and nodded to Heimdall expressionlessly.Eanur smiled at Heimdall, more approachable than his brother.Heimdall noticed that Eanur was wearing a copper-colored ring on his finger. Because of the distance, he couldn't see it clearly, so he thought it was something quite old.

"Our principal is right ahead, I'll take everyone there." Heimdall saw that Eanil didn't intend to introduce him, so he stopped thinking about introducing his family to him.

E'anur winked at his younger brother, and E'anur was obviously hesitant. Under his brother's cold-eyed insistence, he turned and left along the old road.

Heimdall didn't understand why, thinking it was just ordinary communication, he didn't take it seriously, and watched E'anur go away with a smile.

Rommel pursed his lips unobtrusively, and the lines on his face became a little more rigid.

It's all about this, and the horse man is still careful, thanks to his son being so concerned about their arrival, he has been thinking about them since last night until now.Rommel believed that the horseman with a chestnut body must have received the order, and turned back to tell the people behind to hold off on their progress until the leading troops in front sent back accurate information before acting, otherwise they would not be fully armed.They didn't believe in Heimdall from the bottom of their hearts, and they didn't believe in wizards.

Chairman Sturluson wanted to throw his son into the sunny tropics, play with the sand, and bask in the sun.

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