HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 596 The Dementors Are About to Be Laid Off

By the way, the birthday gift I sent out last week seemed to have received no response. After the holiday, I plunged into IW to work, and it was like going to work. Only then did Heimdall realize that his life is more fulfilling than going to school, ignoring life many details in.

No matter how worried he is, it won't help. He is not the British Minister of Magic, nor is he the Chief Justice of the British Wizengamot... Heimdall cheered up and tried to change the subject, thinking about asking his father after get off work.If there are really dementors floating around, I will always worry about whether my uncle's family is safe.

He thought that those things in the UK were just over-the-mouth, and even if IW got involved, it would be a year of the monkey.Unexpectedly, the boss asked him to pack his things as soon as he entered the door, and when Hollingworth who came in later said the same, Heimdall was surprised.

"What do I need to prepare?" He hurried to Hollingworth's table. "Is there any task for me to do?"

"Take these parchments," Hollingworth pointed to the messy documents on the table. "You don't need to bring anything special... Just bring your notepad and quill." He said, getting up and walking to a cabinet, waving his wand to open the door, and rummaging inside. "You are following me today, I believe Judge Mousayev will understand."

Musayev shrugged, and said to the depressed Miss Filin who was suppressing jealousy, "That's it, you will follow me today."

Miss Feilin was overjoyed when she heard that, and her mentality was completely turned upside down. Instead of staying in the office to read the documents, she would even serve Musayev tea and water.

Miss Ferring lost her composure when she didn't pay attention.

Musayev twitched the corners of his mouth amusedly, and Hollingworth glanced at it lightly, then turned his head and continued to search.

Heimdall came to Hollingworth's desk to help sort out the documents. Looking at the parchments of different sizes and colors all over the desk, he was at a loss for what to do for a while.After calming down, Miss Filming picked up the notebook on the table, got up and approached Musayev to get close, just avoiding Heimdall's ensuing questioning.

Heimdall touched his nose and buried himself in the pages.

Everything was ready, Hollingworth nodded to Heimdall, who waved his wand in a tacit understanding, put stacks of documents into the messenger bag that he carried to work every day, and carried it on his back.Under the miraculous effect of magic, the cloth bag is as flat as before.

Hollingworth took the cloak from the hanger and dressed.

Miss Feilin was tongue-tied, "You, you want to go out?"

"Yes, Ms. Filming, these documents will be handed over to you. If there is anything you don't understand, ask Judge Musayev. If there are new documents sent in, don't make up your own mind. I will talk about it when I come back."

Miss Feilin finally managed not to gnash her teeth, "...Yes, I understand."

Hollingworth left the office with Heimdall.

Miss Feilin's eyes were a little sad.

"Then I'll go out for a walk too." Musayev smoothed his clothes, stood up, ignored Miss Flynn's eyes that suddenly brightened, and smiled. "I'll leave it to you, Miss Feilin." He walked briskly out of the office.

Miss Feilin clenched her fists for a while, finally gritted her teeth, picked up the notepad on the table, got up and chased it out.

Heimdall found that the elevator took them to the top of the building, until Hollingworth stood by the carriage door and looked back at him, Heimdall ran over in three steps at a time.

"Are we going in a carriage?"

Hollingworth snorted, and Heimdall realized the word "nonsense" from it.

Why not Apparate?

"Because I'm afraid that if the operation is not good, I will fall into the sea."

Heimdall smirked, "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"I can tell by your expression." Hollingworth frowned impatiently. "Go up."

"where are we going?"


Well, it saves him the trouble of asking people.

Before getting into the carriage, Heimdall glanced at the big green garlic in front of his eyes, not sure if Tianma still remembered him, so he lowered himself into the carriage.

Hollingworth sat down opposite him.

Heimdall touched the soft cushion under his buttocks, thinking that this should be the car owner in the wizarding world. He once imagined that when he officially went to work in the future, he would find a way to buy a used car after earning money, like Wei Mr. Sly transformed the car into a magic artifact like Mr. Sly.As long as the formalities are completed and the audit is passed, wizards can own large Muggle items.But compared with Hollingworth's personal carriage, the car was weak.

Heimdall hadn't calculated how much Galleon would be invested in raising a Pegasus every year, and he didn't know the details. Just look at Beauxbaton's silver-maned Pegasus in the Triwizard Tournament, which drank only single malt whiskey every day. It is calculated that it is definitely more expensive than raising a living person.The Wick family raised a silver mane exclusively for their own use, and the annual feeding fee allocated to the Wizard Pegasus Station is astronomical.Thinking of this, Chief Sturlusson's throbbing heart cooled down quite a bit.

The smell of food permeated the car, and Hollingworth took out a breakfast from a mini cabinet attached to the car.

"Want to eat?" Hollingworth caught Heimdall's gaze.

"No, I've already eaten, it's up to you."

Hollingworth hummed and began to chew.

Talking about work during meals can easily cause stomach pains, and Heimdall didn't want to stare at his boss, so he picked up a topic at random.

"Your Tianma doesn't seem to be energetic." This is not nonsense, the memory of the arrogant big green garlic is more profound, and I just glanced at it and felt listless.

Hollingworth paused when he ate, "I broke my stomach once at the beginning of this year, and I've been depressed ever since."

Unexpectedly, Da Qingsuan was quite sentimental, and when his health failed, he began to hurt the spring and the autumn.

"How can it hurt your stomach?"

Hollingworth's expression was a little stiff, and Heimdall secretly scolded himself for talking too much, and he obviously didn't want to talk too much.

"...we believed the slogan of a store specializing in magical animal feed."

Heimdall felt that the profiteer was so awesome that he actually cheated on Judge Hollingworth, and he didn't know if that profiteer was still alive or not.

Because the little clerk Sturluson didn't choose the right topic, the scene was even more lonely and empty than before.

Hollingworth didn't feel that the atmosphere was different. After finishing his late breakfast, he asked the little clerk to take out a stack of documents and flip through them page by page.

"I heard some rumors when I entered the office today. Is there really something wrong with Azkaban?" Heimdall couldn't hold back.

"If there is no problem with the wizard prison, it is not a wizard prison."

The boss's words were like Zen language, and Heimdall was stunned.

"How to say?"

"Generally, the gatekeepers in wizarding prisons are not wizards. Long ago, we hired goblins to guard the prison gates of IW. Do you think there are still goblins in the International Federation of Wizards?"

Heimdall shook his head, "IW and goblins are irreconcilable." Up to now, the saying "goblins fish in troubled waters and steal the golden balance" is still prevailing in IW, and the goblins naturally deny it. The legendary wizard with the highest level of justice The whereabouts of the symbol are still unknown.

"I also heard about Harry. I mean, Mr. Potter encountered a dementor. Will he be questioned for using magic without authorization?"

"Yes," said Hollingworth. "In fact, it's today. When we arrive at the British Ministry of Magic, we might be able to catch up with the end."

Professor Dumbledore came to greet them in person, and Heimdall was flattered. This man has several "chairman" titles - the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards, the chairman of the British branch of the International Federation of Wizards, and the rotating duty of the International Wizengamot. One of the chairs, and the chair of the British seat.

Compared with Dumbledore, the British Minister of Magic is like a little boy.But Heimdall didn't see the minister.

No matter what kind of crisis Dumbledore was in, he always gave people a sense of calmness. This temperament was conveyed to the people around him through his words and deeds, which successfully played a soothing role.Heimdall nodded vigorously in his heart, leading cadres should have such an aura.

"Hello, Mr. Sturluson."

"Hi, Professor Dumbledore."

Heimdall was about to find an opportunity to ask about Harry's situation, when someone called Dumbledore's name and ran towards him, but when he ran to him, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't help but slow down.


Heimdall nodded to him, "Hello, Mr. Black."

Sirius couldn't help smiling, then frowned, "Why are you here?"

Britain was not peaceful at the beginning, he didn't want to see Rieg involved, he just started to learn to "forget" him a while ago, after this period of hard work, he thought it was quite effective, but who knew that Merlin would not allow him to do so.

To his "You're welcome", Heimdall smiled, "I will go wherever the boss asks me to go."

"Boss?" Hollingworth said in a flat tone, unable to hear any emotion.

"Boss, boss." Heimdall regarded Hollingworth as his parents from the bottom of his heart.

It was only then that Sirius noticed Hollingworth on the side. The judge was wearing an eye-catching robe of a judge and wizard, and his identity was clear at a glance.

"Mr. Black?" Dumbledore's voice reminded Sirius who was distracted.

The two walked to the side and talked in a low voice, Harry's name was vaguely heard, Heimdall knew that eavesdropping was not good, but he still couldn't help stretching his ears, it's a pity that even the exact words couldn't be made up when those babbles were connected together .Heimdall had to give up.

A hand fell on his shoulder, Hollingworth's hand was strong, and Heimdall gritted his teeth secretly.

"Sturluson, you need to figure out what you are doing now and what institution you represent."

Heimdall quickly restrained all his thoughts, lowered his eyebrows and said calmly: "It's my fault, I shouldn't be distracted, and I won't do this again."

Hollingworth glanced at him casually, and Heimdall felt a little cold on the back of his neck.

"You're still young, it's better to be honest. When you learn to hide your thoughts at any time, then I won't be able to control you."

The corners of Heimdall's mouth curled up, and he hastily straightened his face again, with a cold and deep expression on his face.

It's a pity that he still couldn't see Harry. According to Dumbledore later, the inquiry about Harry's use of magic had just ended before they came. At the same time they arrived at the Ministry of Magic, Harry happened to leave here.

Heimdall shrugged, taking advantage of Dumbledore's discussion with Hollingworth, he asked Sirius in a low voice.

"Did he receive the gift I gave him?"

"Got it." Sirius added. "Harry loved it, and I thank him for that."

"Sturluson!" Hollingworth's stiff voice came, and Heimdall hurried forward.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Black." Heimdall patted Sirius on the shoulder and back like an adult. "If there is a chance, let's eat together next time." The adults usually say to have a drink together. He is underage, so for the sake of health, it is better to behave.

Sirius smiled and nodded, watching him disappear into the distance behind the two adult wizards.

They didn't avoid Heimdall's conversation, and after listening to him as a setting board for a while, Heimdall understood a meaning, although they seemed to be talking dumb all the time, and there was no definitive positive statement.

Dumbledore seems to intend to allow IW to have a solid footing in the wizarding prison, but the officials of the Ministry of Magic seem to be unwilling to see such a development, especially a group of wizards headed by the Minister of Magic, who always think they are weakened In the past, another wave of wizards who fought against the minister and aimed at pulling him down, coincided with the minister's thinking on this matter.This is the first time in many years that the two parties have decided to abandon their previous suspicions and unanimously speak out.

Now Professor Dumbledore is fighting alone.

"It is more conducive to the stability of the wizarding society to be guarded by IW in the wizarding prison." Dumbledore made no secret of his thoughts.

Hollingworth couldn't see it, and smiled coldly, "Well, if there is something wrong with the prison, a few prisoners escape, kill a few people, and cause a few large-scale accidents, the Ministry of Magic doesn't have to rack its brains to calm down the prison. The resulting public resentment and distrust, when the time comes to push the matter to IW, everything will be fine."

Dumbledore blinked, "I am very confident in IW's methods, and I am very impressed."

"I think your country's means are better." Hollingworth said not to be outdone. "Dementors are not something ordinary wizards can and are willing to drive."

"Each each other."

The two wizards looked at each other for a while, and then smiled at the same time.

What riddle?The little clerk Sturluson was at a loss.

"I have negotiated with the dementors. They are unwilling to give up Azkaban. My face is useless to them." Dumbledore looked regretful.

That dementor can negotiate?Can you obediently listen to people's words instead of rushing forward to offer kisses?Heimdall really admires the awesome Principal Deng.

"Such a good slaughterhouse, a natural source of food, if I were a dementor, I would not give up." Hollingworth thought for a while, and said: "I understand, if IW wants to re-enter Azkaban, The lingering dementors must be subdued first."

"Our Ministry of Magic once had an agreement with them. Even if the dementors are no longer needed, we will not send wizards to drive them away. They must leave voluntarily."

Hollingworth laughed, "At the beginning, I thought that letting the dementors guard the prison would be a sensational feat. I admire you British wizards more and more. You actually negotiated deals with black magic creatures and left them a way out."

After all, Dumbledore is a seasoned great wizard, whose mind and self-cultivation are unmatched by ordinary people, and he did not change his face under Hollingworth's sarcasm.Hollingworth had no suspense that he could take Rita Skeeter's sarcastic slurs at him and make fun of himself.

"Well, since that's the case, I should go back and prepare." Hollingworth didn't expect Dumbledore to be more straightforward than him. It was a waste of effort to ask Heimdall to bring the information before, and he just threw out the question. Let them figure it out for themselves.

"I will try to persuade Mr. Minister to agree to this decision during your preparations." Dumbledore had a smile in his eyes.

"Good news."


Hollingworth turned around, "Anything else?"

"I have a hunch that something about Azkaban is not a good thing," Dumbledore's expression became serious. "I've had similar feelings before, none of them ended in a satisfactory way, some were even pretty bad, and I was frustrated by my powerlessness," grief flashed in his eyes, "I sincerely hope it won't be like that this time , so I hope there will be some change, rather than make it really bad and then fix it, who knows how many times I will see the end."

"Understood." Hollingworth was silent for a moment, then nodded.

They returned to the office building of the International Federation of Wizards. After leaving the elevator, Hollingworth went directly to the chief office on duty. He didn't dismiss Heimdall, so Heimdall went together cheekily.

Supreme Justice Marselan Girond raised his eyebrows when he saw Heimdall following behind Hollingworth and poking his head, but he didn't say anything, let alone drive him away.

Heimdall stood behind his boss with a smiling face, and the boss sat in front, so his servant had to stand upright.

"Sturlusson, why haven't you come to play with us for so long?" A judge in the chief office on duty waved at him. It was a gray-haired aunt with a candy box in her hand, and she thought he was a teacher from two years ago. Children coax.

Heimdall opened his mouth, glanced at his boss who seemed to be concentrating on it, then moved a few steps, took the candy from his hand, quickly put it in his pocket, and then moved it back at the speed of light.

The female judge staggered to and fro when she saw Le.

Heimdall was proud of his strength, Hollingworth turned a dead face.

"How dare you try eating snacks during working hours!"

"Don't dare." Heimdall had a hellish expression on his face, and the boss was also extremely sharp-eyed.

Unexpectedly, Hollingworth stood up and said to the smiling judges: "These sugars may not be enough, is there any hot chocolate?"

"I have a strange smell here." An old man took out a bag, regretting that there is no heat, but there are some that can emit smoke.

Hollingworth shook his head, "I just need the heat, and the flame whiskey candy is also fine."

The little clerk Sturluson was at a loss. Who warned him not to eat snacks just now?Now openly asking for it?Looking at the piles of chocolates rejected by the picky Hollingworth, I envy and hate.

In the end, Hollingworth took a small pack of flame whiskey candies and a small pack of 12 yuan hot chocolate, and urged the little clerk Sturluson to leave the office of the chief on duty.

"Here." Hollingworth handed the sugar and chocolate to Heimdall.

Heimdall thought he would keep it for him, but Hollingworth ordered him directly, "Remember to eat more later."

"Isn't it forbidden to eat snacks during working hours?"

"Except for special missions."

Heimdall asked impatiently, "Are we going on a special mission now?"


"May I know what the mission is?"

"Go find the new warden."

"...Should we use it ourselves, or prepare it for Azkaban."

"Sent to England."

The dementors are getting laid off.

"What is the new prison guard like? Has it been decided?" It seems that none of the people watching the gate of the wizard prison are human beings.

"You'll know when you go."

Heimdall looked at the candies and chocolates that he hadn't had time to put away, and couldn't help but think wildly.

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