HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 289 Exchange Students

The exchange student from Heideggerak talked to the girl from Beauxbatons for a while, then turned to greet Percy, Percy nodded briefly, with a restrained indifference that did not frighten Hassler. , Hassler still came up to chat with him with a smile on his face.

Percy murmured inwardly.

So they gossiped one after another, and when Percy suddenly realized that he had said everything, his face immediately became very ugly, but Hassler didn't seem to hear anything, and changed the subject and said On to the gossip about Beauxbatons.

Percy's face gradually softened, but he still showed 12 points of caution.

In fact, the third son of the Weasley family was too worried. He didn't have any shocking secrets worthy of being inquired into by others. Hassler was just chatting with him. The most important thing is that as soon as you talk to strangers, you always think that you may, may, and seem to say something that you shouldn't say, and these "should not say" are of no use value to Hassler.

Percy was more and more on pins and needles.

Finally, he couldn't help but gave their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor a look similar to asking for help, and before Lupine could make a move, Hassler took the initiative to walk away with a suppressed smile.

Just as he sat back in his seat, the astronomy professor at Heideggerach said flatly, "Don't bully students from other schools."

"The representative of Hogwarts is a bit stubborn." Hassler answered irrelevantly. "It's exhausting talking to him."

"I heard that he has won the first place almost every year. Hogwarts has obtained twelve certificates in the OWLs. If he hadn't taken this exchange student exam and passed it, he is very likely to be Hogwarts this year. President of the Male Student Council."

"Oh, a nerd, and a nerd who likes to drill." Hassler nodded.

The astronomy professor glanced at him, and Hassler said plausibly, "Don't look at me like that, I just passed by cramping."

The professor said with a smile, "That requires skill."

How could Hasler fail to understand what the professor meant? His grades at the Liechtenstein School of Magic were at an upper-middle level. If Chairman Sturluson hadn't sent someone to make up for him, those textbooks would have been gnawed over and over again. I also tried to help him narrow the scope, and nine out of ten he couldn't pass the level smoothly.

Which means I'm still a little smart!Every time I think of Hassler, I can't help but feel a little elated.

"Sorry, I've kept you waiting for so long." The one who entered the door following the pleasant greetings was Durmstrang's principal, Igor Karkarov.

People sitting in the room stood up one after another, or nodded with smiles on their faces, or stepped forward to shake hands with him enthusiastically.

The handshake order of the principals represents the closeness of the three schools to the German school.

Karkaroff graciously held the hand of the astronomy professor at Heideggerach School of Magic and Magic, and did not let go for a long time. Thoughts, I thought about hiring you to be our astronomy professor two days ago, but I didn't expect..." He sighed heavily, with an exaggerated look of regretting that he had missed his chance for the rest of his life.

The professor of astronomy hired by Heideggerach for the new academic year is Hofs Strulusson.

Afterwards, Karkaroff exchanged pleasantries with Beauxbaton and the two professors of Hogwarts respectively. The length of the conversation was obviously lower than the average level, especially for Hogwarts. When facing Lu, his gaze was even slightly Dodging, the smile lines at the corners of the mouth also hide a trace of stiffness, giving people an illusion of reluctance.

Maybe not an illusion.

"Mr. Principal, won't you take us to visit the campus?"

Seeing that Karkaroff was going to make a long speech again, someone asked a question at the right time, and Karkaroff didn't show off and was questioned about his work arrangement. The students in the school were embarrassed, so they could only squeeze out a smile patiently.

"Miss Sliven, if I remember correctly, haven't you visited Durmstrang several times?"

"Several times" was pronounced particularly loudly.

Anita raised her chin confidently: "I still want to visit, can't I?"

Hasler lowered his head and whispered to himself, "Do you still want to visit, or do you still want to be guided by someone?"

Anita turned her head and gouged him out, she did not back down in words or deeds, she stared at Karkaroff, as if she was not allowed to visit and she still had a trick to wait.

Quickly weighing the pros and cons, Karkaroff decided to adapt to the changes, let these guests from other schools visit the campus, and comforted himself over and over again: Isn't this just right, save me trouble!

Anita happily followed Karkaroff out of the gate, but when she saw that the person who was going to lead them was not the person she thought she was, her pretty face immediately collapsed.

Tanestam turned a blind eye to her sudden change of face, and led a group of people out expressionlessly.

Anita fell clouded and lifeless at the end of the line.

"Why not Rigg?" She murmured in disappointment.

"The prefects and deputy prefects of all grades were helping the students of the academy at that time, and they were not members of the student council." Hasler deliberately muttered as he passed by her.

Anita stared at the back of his head, fuming.

As Hasler said, she has been here more than once. Without the person who misses her day and night, everything she sees and listens to is naturally boring. After finally getting through the visit, Anita feels that her legs are like I couldn't take a step as if I was tied to a board.

When you are in a bad mood, your body will be in a state of disharmony.

However, when a group of people passed by the cafeteria, the dejected Miss Anita Slivan suddenly regained her spirits, and rushed in quickly.

Regardless of the astonishing gazes around him, he walked lightly through the layers of human walls, came to the long table in the center, inhaled and exhaled at the back of the figure, then inhaled and exhaled again, and then said softly as best he could, "Rig ~~~"

Someone spit out the tea in his mouth, and Carlo wiped his mouth in a hurry while turning his head, "Who?! I have goosebumps——" The words stopped abruptly, startled by Anita's cannibalistic eyes.

The frightening light like a knife was fleeting, and in the next second, Anita returned to a gentle and innocent state.

Women are born to be great actors.Carlo suddenly thought of this sentence that his stepfather often talked about.

I would rather offend a villain than a woman.He thought of another "sage saying" from his stepfather, so he hurriedly turned his head to pretend to be hungry and thirsty, devouring it without looking sideways.

Anita rolled her eyes at Carlo several times in her heart, didn't she see that Rigg was looking at me, the little fat man was too worried!

Heimdall has always responded to all changes with the same attitude, and he really didn't know how to change now, so he had to adapt to the situation.

"Miss Slivan." She smiled politely.

"I've told you several times, just call me Anita." Anita stretched her legs and sat beside Heimdall without hesitation, pushing Rian aside.

Not daring to squeeze Victor Krum on the other side, Rian, who was not as tall as him, could only consider himself unlucky.

Victor, who was eating, raised his eyebrows, staring at the food on the plate thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

Naturally, Heimdall didn't dare to count on his boyfriend to greet guests for him, so he decided to be self-reliant.

"That means we are classmates now?" Heimdall laughed.

Anita immediately released a gorgeous laughing flower, and all the male creatures around were picked off their horses.

The big guys stared at her like the Fleur Delacour effect.

Seeing this, Heimdall suddenly became worried about her personal safety.

"Do you live on campus?"

Anita was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

Heimdall said pointedly: "Where will you be arranged? The four dormitory towers in our school are all boys."

Anita blushed all of a sudden, and lowered her head infinitely shyly.

Heimdall was dumbfounded, this, this... looked blankly back at the ambiguous and jealous gazes of his classmates, and then at his boyfriend with a dark complexion, Heimdall expressed his inexplicability.

"You care so much about me..." Anita quickly glanced at Heimdall shyly and timidly. Of course, she heard what Heimdall meant. She felt that she was about to faint with happiness.

Heimdall was really afraid of what would happen. What Heimdall was most worried about was giving the other party wrong hints, so he hurriedly remedied, "We are friends, and we should care about friends. You can ask Carlo, I usually care about them too!"


Carlo wanted to complain, but after all he couldn't beat Heimdall's "wink" offensive, puffing out his cheeks and nodding desperately.

Miss Slivan, who had a beautiful face and beautiful face, became depressed in the blink of an eye, and her whole body turned gray.

Carlo couldn't bear to turn his eyes away, thinking what a crime, why would such a beautiful flower stare at a tree and "hang itself"?

At this time, the visiting group finally entered the cafeteria. They could not be blamed for being late, but Anita Slivan made her own decision.

Beauxbaton's teacher sighed helplessly at her, and Anita immediately stood up blushing.

"This is the cafeteria. You can take whatever you want. The morning tour ends here. We will continue after two o'clock in the afternoon." Tanestam nodded to them after speaking, then turned and left.

"Chairman, does he start a small stove every day?" Li'an watched the figure gradually disappear at the door, and then frowned. "I don't think I've ever seen him eat in the cafeteria."

No one answered because no one knew the answer.

"... Rig?"

Heimdall turned around and stood up, "Hello, Mr. Lupine."

"It's really you?" Lupine's tone was a little dazed and embarrassed. "I didn't even dare to admit it just now."

"Have I changed a lot?" Heimdall asked with a smile.

"It's not just big..." Lupine was stunned for a moment.

"Hello, Percy, welcome to Durmstrang School, we will be classmates from now on!" Heimdall threw a friendly smile at Percy Weasley behind him.

The latter nodded stiffly, opened his mouth several times but couldn't come out with a word, this shock made Percy very frustrated, it turned out that he was so clumsy and clumsy.

It wasn't the first time Heimdall had dealt with him. He knew his personality traits very well, so he didn't care, and instead took the initiative to find him a chance to talk.

"How's the rest of the Weasley family? How's Ron? He wrote me last time saying he's trying to be on the Gryffindor Quidditch team for the new school year."

"His grades last school year were terrible and mum was furious."

Heimdall smiled helplessly in his heart. His focus was obviously on Quidditch rather than academic performance, but he didn't show it on the surface. He followed Percy's words and said, "Then let Miss Granger supervise, they We are friends, maybe it is more useful to urge each other to learn than other people's persuasion."

Percy obviously didn't know much about Hermione's affairs, so his expression was not natural, so he had to say yes vaguely, and his heart became more and more frustrated.

"What about the others? How about Fred and George? They're still active, aren't they?"

Percy's eyes lit up, fearing that Heimdall would suddenly switch to other topics, he rushed: "They planned to sneak out during the summer vacation, and they left a letter saying that they were going to Norway to watch the Vulcan team game, but they were discovered by their mother in time, Twelve days of confinement."

Keeping the Weasley twins at home was tantamount to killing them.

"Did they not protest?"

"Mom's attitude is very firm." Percy suddenly laughed out of nowhere.

Heimdall looked back at his boyfriend, Victor had been paying attention to their conversation, and naturally understood what Heimdall meant, so he smiled at Percy, "If they still want to watch Vulcan games in the future, I will Tickets can be given to them."

Percy hurriedly thanked him, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. Tickets alone were useless. With the financial conditions of the Weasley family, it was impossible for the two sons to go abroad, let alone watch the Quidditch match.

Heimdall also has a deep understanding of the Weasley family's financial situation, but he can't guarantee anything at will. First of all, he has no source of income himself and spends his father's money; secondly, Victor and the Weasley family are very different. It's not a family relationship, and free tickets are already the limit; again, the twin parents are still alive, and Mr. Weasley is a man with principles and self-respect, and he will not accept charity from others for no reason.

"I'll mail them a Vulcan fan product," Heimdall said to Victor, seemingly cheerfully. "You have two more fans, you should win over them well!"

Victor laughed, "Didn't you listen to what Mr. Weasley said, they are Vulcan fans, not mine."

Percy nodded. "Well, it's not Krum that Fred and George are rooting for. They're rooting for the batsman and the chaser."

Heimdall's smile froze on his face, and then he thought with a headache, this Percy... no wonder he is not welcomed by his brothers at home...

Remus Lupine, who had been watching carefully, sighed softly, trying his best to hide his leaked emotions, feeling really mixed feelings in his heart.

He saw Heimdall's words and deeds in his eyes and kept them in his heart. He pondered over and over again, and the youthful and frivolous past flashed before his eyes one by one. Then, a thought jumped out and became more and more serious. Clear, more and more vivid, the voice echoing in the head is getting louder and louder——

Blake, you know what you're missing...

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