HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 288 Here Comes

Heimdall has always had an indescribably complex feeling about Sirius, Rigg's biological father and Ivy Malfoy's sweetheart.His figure is all over Ivy's entire diary. He has loved, thought about, and read all his life.

Bits and pieces of Sirius’ past can be seen from old newspapers, and his story can be learned from the conversations of his fathers. His image gradually emerges from the paper and words, bit by bit, clear and three-dimensional. As for whether this image is real or not? Mdar dare not draw conclusions early.

Those who love him are happy, those who hate him are thorns in the back.

Good and bad, right and wrong, can’t be generalized. In this matter, the position determines everything, just like Remus Lupine and Lucius Malfoy. It's not a problem to insert a knife; the latter...

Heimdall didn't know what Lucius thought of Sirius. He was his wife's natal family, his in-laws, his sister's sweetheart, and his nephew's biological father.

hate it?Perhaps, from the elder brother's standpoint, it's not surprising that he hates the "thin and ungrateful" Sirius, but from another perspective, Sirius is so innocent, he just doesn't love Ivy.

There is nothing wrong with Ivy Malfoy's love itself, what is wrong is the behavior advertised as "love".

Heimdall thought about it, Lucius might not be very entangled, after all, the Malfoys are naturally defensive.

At the same time, Heimdall also analyzed his mixed tastes. Although he understood intellectually that Sirius was only the sperm contributor to this body, emotionally he was not as calm and calm as he appeared.The news of Sirius would always cause him to lose his composure for a moment. Fortunately, he was used to it so he didn't let himself really lose his composure, but this impulse kept rolling in his heart.

Why is this so?After much deliberation, he only thought of one possibility, could it be the instinctive reaction of this body?In other words, maybe the former Rig didn't know everything?Is it not as muddled as Heimdall thought?Maybe he already knew something from Ivy?Even know much more than him, the dove occupying the magpie's nest?

If this is the case, then everything has an explanation.

The original Rig's impulse towards Sirius can be regarded as the son's longing for his father, a kind of admiration, and his longing for fatherly love.As a latecomer, Heimdall inherited some "conditioned reflexes" through this body.

What would Rigg's Sirius look like?Do you think your father is the best in the world, like all boys do?

Through Ivy's description, through his mother's love, and through his own desire, how would he describe the image of his father?Did he know that Sirius had gone into Azkaban?Did Ivy's persistence distort the truth?The "real situation" instilled in her son is actually her wild fantasy?Is the Sirius in Rieger's heart just as "beautiful" as imagined by his mother?

Every time he thinks of this, Heimdall can't help but sigh sadly.

It doesn't matter what the truth is.

Sirius may never have the chance to know that there was once a boy in this world who yearned for him from the bottom of his heart, longed to see him, longed to talk to him, longed for his attention, longed for fatherly love, longed to call him "Daddy".


Students of the German School will leave the picturesque South Tower and live in the East Tower next to the Astronomy Tower after they enter the third grade.Living in the East Tower means that you have completely broken away from the category of the lower grades and become middle-aged. The fly in the ointment is that you have to live with seniors from the upper level. You have just been a big brother for a school year, and the taste is not enough. , This year, it will be "lower and smaller" again.

The internal facilities of each dormitory tower are almost the same. After Heimdall moved from the south tower to the east tower, he still shares a dormitory with Leon, and it is still room 017. Everyone basically maintains their original living habits.

Hanging by the door is still a portrait of a guide with a lantern.

Carlo and Ryan have changed from 021 to room 018 next to them.

After a summer vacation of "tempering", the mental outlook of the students basically remained unchanged, and the appearance characteristics changed significantly. In other words, everyone began to scramble to develop.

Carlo, who was originally about the same height as Heimdall, suddenly stood upright, his eyebrows and eyes were sharp and sharp. The posture, the bluffing in the clichés - incredible!This guy has become so stylish!

Heimdall looked at Carlo who was more than half his head high with envy, and asked him what he ate. Carlo told him confidently, "Eat six meals a day like me!" Snacks and snacks were not included... …

Little handsome guy Rian has become more handsome, plus he knows how to dress up, he is really a bit of a yuppie posture. According to him, his goal is to be like Professor Roy Laurent.

The most surprising thing is that during the summer vacation, he actually made a girlfriend, who was the daughter of his mother's best friend. Before he could tell Heimdall and Leon about this, Carlo stabbed him out.

After Heimdall, Ryan became the second "family" student in the same grade.

After three interrogations, the three of them found out that Ryan's girlfriend is currently in the fourth grade of Beauxbatons, one year older than him. Judging from the appearance in the photos that Ryan carried with him, although she is not very beautiful, she looks young. Beautiful, lively and cheerful, he is the typical example of boys of Li An's age who are most likely to fall in love with. In short, the first impressions given to the three friends are basically good.

Carlo said sourly that he was lucky with shit, and Rian retorted that he couldn't even step on cat shit, which made Carlo fall on his back in anger.

What pleased Heimdall most at the beginning of the new school year was that Victor still chose to live on campus. Not only his boyfriend, Duncan, Bernick, and the seventh graders on the school team also chose to continue living on campus.

In fact, the departure and departure of the Quidditch players affected the entire seventh grade, and almost all the students stayed.

And the North Tower, which was refurbished to host the Quidditch event, went back to its original job as a matter of course-to be the seventh-grade dormitory tower.

Heimdall is excited because he can continue to get along with his boyfriend day and night, and Carlo is also excited. The president of the student union, Ray Dias, has graduated, and his replacement is the original vice president, Jean Tanestam.

Carlo's excitement is here. Chairman Dias has been pressing his application for running the school newspaper. I have the idea of ​​retreating.

On the same day when he returned to school, Chairman Tanestam personally came to the door and hinted that he would submit a new application after school started, but Carlo was so happy that he didn't sleep well all night.

At the opening ceremony, Tanestam took over Ray Dias and became the moderator of the meeting. The new chairman still maintained a concise style even in the meeting, but he would respect people more than Dias , especially those professors behind him have found the good virtue of respecting teachers from him.

Compared with Dias, who is warm-faced and cold-hearted, everyone prefers Tanestam, who is cold-faced (?) and warm-hearted (?).

Durmstrang College recruited 9 boys and 3 girls this year, but for some unknown reason, the three girls who had decided to enroll in the German school suddenly changed their minds and turned around to wear cloth. The silk gowns of the Sparton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were lost, and the matter was never resolved—though according to Carlo's gossip, the three girls complained openly at Beauxbatons that the German school uniform looked as ugly as a Bowtruckle Unbearable.

In other words, the number of new students in the German school this year is a positive integer less than ten.

"There is one more thing that I believe everyone has heard before the summer vacation," Tanestam chose to mention lightly before the meeting ended. "A few exchange students from other schools will come to our school to study for a year this year. It's actually not a big deal. Let's see the specific situation at that time. The meeting is over."

The students below were sweating from their temples. Since "it's not a big deal", why did Mao deliberately bring it up to talk about it?

In any case, Tanestam's superficial touch was quite effective, and the exchange students quickly became a public topic at the beginning of the school year, and everyone expressed their views on it.

Heimdall is better than those students who don't know anything. Lucy, the head of the Magical Beasts Lab, has already confirmed that he will go to Hogwarts to study in his last year. I heard that he will be contacted by Hogwarts next week. The staff went to England together, so they harassed Heimdall all night because of the Sigma mermaid on the day they returned to school.

It is said that this news was still in a semi-secret state before, and even Carlo was not very clear about it. After learning of the letter, Carlo beat his chest and babbled for nearly an hour, saying that he spent the first half of his summer vacation in England. Not as good as a Nordic kid.

Unmoved, Heimdall asked him if he read the Daily Prophet, and Carlo said yes.

Heimdall glanced at him, and Carlo said calmly, "Could it be that the newspaper published about the exchange students?"

Heimdall shook his head at him, Carlo held back for a while, and then said cautiously, "What do you want to ask?"

Heimdall said, "I don't ask anything, just lend me the Daily Prophet."

Carlo liked to carry the publications with the big news around in his luggage, and they were there where other people were.

When Carlo brought the Daily Prophet to Heimdall, Heimdall took it and flipped it on his face, then laughed, and it was all Sirius Black's business, as expected.

Carlo was very embarrassed, scratching his head. In fact, he didn't know about it, and he didn't care about it. If it wasn't for his stepfather who worked in the British Ministry of Magic, he might never have had the chance to meet him in his life. When the fugitive wanted by intelligent creatures might be Rigg's biological father, he had to digest it for a long time before he went on with difficulty.

When Carlo didn't know what to say, Heimdall asked him to borrow these newspapers, and Carlo nodded generously, "It's all right, it's all right, it's all right if you tear it up, set it on fire, and even less if you don't return it to me."

Heimdall couldn't help laughing, and he was even more sure that the little fat man knew everything in all likelihood.

Carlo suddenly hesitated, and Heimdall couldn't understand his coyness. He obviously had a temperament to speak out loudly, so he frowned: "Ask if you have anything to say, or don't bother me!"

Carlo dawdled for a while before posting it and whispered, "Are you in danger?"

Heimdall saw the worry in his eyes, his heart suddenly warmed up, and he replied in a harmonious voice, "No..."

"Don't talk too much!" Carlo rolled his eyes, dissatisfied with his carelessness.

Heimdall said strangely: "What danger will I be in?"

"He is a loyal follower of that mysterious man." He mumbled the words out of his throat. Since his stepfather used to talk about Voldemort in this way, his stepson watched half the summer vacation and followed suit. up.

"Oh, so?" Heimdall was obviously out of shape.

"What if he comes to you? This Sirius escaped from Azkaban Prison, Azkaban, you know, that Azkaban! It's Azkaban!!" Carlo said He gritted his teeth like he hated iron but steel.

"I know I know, calm down." Heimdall turned to comfort him. "I know that Azkaban is a wizard prison in the North Sea controlled by dementors (I always think that the Taiwanese version of the dementor is more vivid). It is said that the escape rate is zero."

"It's not zero anymore!"

Heimdall felt amused, why are you staring at me? It wasn't me who made the escape rate go from zero to one.

"He won't come to me," Heimdall said.

Carlo obviously didn't believe it, "You are his son, he will definitely find a way to visit you after he gets out of prison."

Carlo's focus is different from others. He is afraid that Heimdall will be implicated. After all, that person is a fugitive.

Judging from his stepfather's feedback, the British Ministry of Magic has attached unprecedented importance to this matter, and it is very likely that they would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go.

"I stay in school every day, how could I have the chance to meet him." From Carlo's words, it can be deduced that he only knows that Sirius is his biological father, and he doesn't know anything about it at a deeper level, so Heimdall doesn't want to talk to him. Too much talk about the entanglements in this.

Carlo's face looked better, and yes, although Durmstrang is not as solid as Hogwarts' self-promotion, there has never been a record of an unknown person breaking in since ancient times.

Grindelwald does not count, he is a dropout, not an unknown person.As if to "cover up the shame" for his alma mater, the little fat man hurriedly said one more sentence in his heart.

"That's right, let alone Sirius Black, you won't even see anyone with a slight relationship with him."

As if to verify his father Rommel's saying that "there are no absolutes in the world", a few days later, "relatives and relatives" entered the German school campus unimpeded.

On that day, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Heideggerack sent their respective exchange students over. On behalf of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it was Percy Weasley who came to Germany to exchange and study. The man who sent him here was Remus Lupine, Hogwarts' new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year.

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