HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 287 What's the matter with me

Heimdall does not read the Daily Prophet, nor did he when he was in England.

It's a sycophant's paper to please a few wizards, and it's rubbish—that's what the residents of Knockturn Alley say.

Just like Zeng Zi killed people, every day someone will say in your ear, "The Daily Prophet is rubbish, it's rubbish, it's rubbish...", even if it is at least recyclable, after hearing it a thousand times, it will become unacceptable. Recycled.

The publication Heimdall read the most in England was Witches Weekly—the favorite of Knockturn Alley wretches, the "scenery" in it is beautiful and surging—so Duncan can't help himself in the appreciation of "graphic art"; Next is the "Sunday Prophet Daily" - there is a lottery in it, it is said that the prize money for the first prize is 10 Galleons. The publication was quickly abandoned, and the photo was given to Molly Weasley; finally, "The Old Club" The Quibbler.

After entering Durmstrang, he insisted on subscribing to The Quibbler, and gave up all other British publications. He followed the introduction of his classmates—mainly to follow the crowd—and subscribed to several German publications, so Heim Dahl couldn't remember the last time he read the Daily Prophet.

When he passed by the wizard newsstand, he unexpectedly found that Reykjavik actually sold "The Witch Weekly", but he did not find the "Daily Prophet" and other publications related to the newspaper. The "Daily Prophet" has always emphasized that their market share in the UK ranks first in the country, and even boasted to the wizards in their country that the international share of "Prediction" is also among the top in the world. After leaving the UK, they found that the newspaper is rarely seen abroad. Not to mention the "top of the world".

Not Bulgaria, not Iceland, nor Norway, one of the host countries of the European Quidditch League Cup.

However, the "Witch Weekly", which was denounced by the "Daily Prophet" as a scum in the wizarding media circle - one of the acne and cancers of the British wizarding publishing industry, has been sold overseas. Phase one.

Heimdall did not hesitate to pay for a copy of the newly arrived "Witch Weekly". When he handed over the money and delivered the goods, the owner of the newsstand had a very conflicted expression, and the expressions of the two men standing behind Heimdall were also very confused. subtle.

Most wizards who have never read "Witch Weekly" will have a prejudice against it, thinking that it is a pornographic publication, but in fact, if you don't read it, you will never know it and you will never forget it.

Of course, in addition to the impressive "body art", the various gossip and gossip it publishes are also very attractive.The wizards in Knockturn Alley love to read it for this reason-"Witches Weekly" writes what other publications dare not write.

The reason why Heimdall bought this weekly magazine was attracted by the gossip about the popular British witch singer Celestina Warbeck on the cover. He had listened to many vinyl discs of this popular singer before, so he was a small fan. It is said that She was the one who sang Puddlemere United's support song, and Heimdall couldn't resist buying a copy when he saw that the former idol was about to step back into the background.

Walking with the magazine in hand while turning pages, he turned his head and chatted with his father and boyfriend from time to time, and said in a serious manner: "They don't understand, how can the Witch Weekly be attacked so innocently by those defenders!"

Rommel laughed, "Why isn't it simple?"

"It's very complicated!" Heimdall was categorical, as if he was a fan of women's magazines. It was obviously a dirty magazine, but he defined it as the discovery channel of the wizarding world.

Victor couldn't help laughing, "How complicated?"

"It's like the Warbeck special topic in this issue..." As he spoke, he began to flip backwards vigorously, and the pages rattled in his hands.

When the magazine turned to a certain level, Rommel's eyebrows twitched suddenly, and there was a slight crack in his gentle smile, but it was fleeting.

Moreover, "a certain degree" was quickly covered by layers of paper in Heimdall's hands, and he was so focused on "complexity" that he didn't notice it.

"Look! Warbeck!" Heimdall stopped turning the pages, and slapped down the huge title horizontally on the paper.

Rommel was very emotional. When the "Daily Prophet" distributed reward orders to flatter the British Ministry of Magic and released one after another special topics on the so-called followers of the Dark Lord, the "Witch Weekly" sold overseas Going all over the place for a wizarding singer who's torn between whether or not to retire early.

The smile on Heimdall's face gradually faded, and the action of turning the page was changed to turning forward.

Rommel sighed in his heart, even if some things are stopped, it will not help, let Rieger grasp the scale by himself.

Heimdall's movements of turning the pages forward slowly accelerated. When he saw the double-page color pages in the center of the magazine, his eyes widened involuntarily.

"So this is the complexity of this issue..." he muttered to himself.

The protagonist of the coloring pages is not the popular singer Warbeck, but a young man in Hogwarts school uniform robes, casually sitting in front of a tapestry embroidered with Gryffindor's golden and red lion shield pattern , high-spirited, full of vigor, brows filled with contemptuous and worldly publicity, and bright eyes full of fearless vitality.

Just like the majestic and majestic king of beasts behind him, he is so bold and upright, going forward indomitably.

Sirius Black.

No wonder Ivy Malfoy fell in love with such a Blake at first sight so that he became morbid and out of control. The sword that was drawn had a terrifying silvery light that made people dare not stare at it.

It's a pity that the shortcoming of the sword is also well known. When you lift it up, one side of the blade is facing you...

It was almost impossible for Heimdall to see the radiant and energetic young man in front of him as the same person as the criminal with crazy eyes and distorted facial features that he had seen in old newspapers.

Heimdall quickly glanced at a large section of text at the bottom of the coloring page, raised his eyes in surprise and said, "He escaped from prison?"

Rommel did not hide from him, nodded and said, "The news I received is the same."

Heimdall said in a daze, "How did he do it? Isn't Azkaban claimed to be invincible?" The power of dementors is world-renowned.

"Who knows, if you want to blame it, you can blame Azkaban for talking too much. There is no absolute in the world."

Rommel obviously didn't want to talk about it. It's really not worth it to talk about a stranger. Rieg, who he regards as a treasure, might not be rare. Although he knew this, he subconsciously rejected this perennial squat The biological father of the prison.

Victor, who had not spoken or moved all this time, suddenly reached out and stroked Heimdall's cheek, and drew circles on his neck with his fingers. Heimdall was so itchy that he dodged left and right.

Rommel's face darkened suddenly, he was quite courageous, actually eating his son's tofu in front of his parents? ! !

However, after such an interruption from Victor, Heimdall was not bothered anymore, and turned the magazine back to Warbeck's special page, and continued to read just now.

Victor quickly took one of his hands to prevent him from bumping into the Muggle pole.

Rommel glanced at Victor.

Victor did not squint, with a calm expression.

Rommel had a smile on the corner of his mouth.


The British Ministry of Magic was completely overwhelmed by this incident of Sirius, and they complained endlessly.

Almost every department is working overtime, even if the department has nothing to do with the judiciary, it has to be on call at all times. The staff who are responsible for Gobstone, Wizard Chess and Quidditch don't understand what the department can do by keeping them on standby?

Could it be possible to have a wizard chess duel with Sirius first when catching Sirius?Or let the stones in the gobstone spray him with stinky liquid?Then beat him with a broomstick while he's not prepared?Hit him with a Quaffle?Let the Snitch bite him?

Osam Dalton, head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, also joined the night-staying army, and even Lucius Malfoy, a member of the Wizengamot British seat, was ordered not to Half a step away from England.

Lucius really wanted to protest with the minister. He is a member of the British seat of the International Wizengamot. How can he work if he doesn't go to the headquarters for a walk?

But seeing Minister Fudge's green face, he immediately changed his mind and decided to obey the orders of his superiors—anyway, if the International Wizengamo was dissatisfied, he would put all the responsibility on the minister, and then ran to talk to O'Brien with peace of mind. Sam went out of business all together.

"I clearly remember that in order to catch Sirius Black, almost all the police forces under the Department of Law Enforcement were mobilized, and in the end even Aurors were mobilized to catch him." Osam held his coffee cup and tsk tsk. emotion. "To be honest, I'm not too surprised that he escaped."

"Let's take a few words out of sarcastic remarks. Haven't you seen that Director Burns has grown gray hair in the past two days?" Lucius looked serious on the surface, but his tone was not the same at all.

Osam ignored his words and said with a smile, "What do you think he escaped for?"

"Every wizard in Azkaban wants to escape from prison." Lucius raised his glass leisurely.

"He has always claimed his innocence."

"Only Merlin knows." Lucius sneered.

Osam glanced at him, "Does he know Rigg exists?"

Lucius froze for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"It means literally."

But Lucius thought too much. In his heart, his nephew Rig is a very good kid. It has to be said that, from the perspective of talent, Draco can't match it. Mr. Malfoy suddenly has the urge to "preserve himself with a broom" .

Did Sirius finally understand Rigg's excellence?Finally decided to look directly at the existence of his son?The purpose of escaping this time is for Rigg?

Lucius became so anxious to see his nephew that he felt more and more restless.

Narcissa's comforting him didn't work. It didn't mean that Narcissa's words didn't work, but that this noble lady couldn't comfort people at all, and she never got the point. Lucius couldn't listen at all.

Even Professor Severus Snape's sarcasm was of no avail, and Lucius was getting restless.

"Instead of bouncing around like a jumping bean, why don't you talk to Rigg directly!" Snape, who had lost his patience by being disturbed by him, had a cold face.

"I understand that you miss him too, okay, let's go together!" Lucius was waiting here.

Snape's eyebrows furrowed into a ball.

"The minister forbids the employees of the ministry to leave the UK. Please help me to solve it and make up a reason for my business trip."

Snape could have killed a fly between his eyebrows.

In the end, Lucius left England in a hurry after taking a photo with his returning son. His business trip goal was achieved, although it is said that the person who helped him achieve his goal was that old madman... Well, it was Deng Principal Bully.

Lucius endured and endured, but decided not to thank him in person.

In order to "disguise people's eyes and ears", Snape was forced to set foot on the land of Kapok Ancient Town with him.

Before waiting for Rommel to send the people, they sat in the teahouse of Qingmian to pass the time.

"Do you know who will succeed Lockhart as Hogwarts' latest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" Snape's tone was tinged with malice and resentment.

"Isn't it you?" Lucius smirked.

Snape gave him a gouging look, Lucius raised his hand and said, "Okay, it's my fault, so please tell me which lucky one it is?"

"Remus Lupine." Snape squeezed the name through his teeth.

"...Is that old lunatic finally crazy?" Lucius was stunned, actually hired that werewolf? !Why didn't you hear any wind before?Just as he was about to ask, Snape gestured to him.

"Let's talk later, he's here."

At the same time, Heimdall gently pushed open the wooden door with the golden bell hanging on it.

Heimdall came by himself, without anyone else following him. Lucius was filled with emotion for Rommel Strulusson's sensible arrangement.

Although her younger sister had been a fool all her life and ended up committing her own life, the act of entrusting her son to the Sturluson family before her death was the wisest decision she had ever made in her life.

Judging from today's situation, the Sturlusson family is more than a thousand times stronger than the Black family.


Whenever the night was quiet, Lucius couldn't help feeling sad, why did he have to wait until he died to make himself smarter?

Their conversation was carried out in a very pleasant atmosphere, Lucius was mainly responsible for speaking, Heimdall responded at the right time, and Snape was at the side as a decoration.

But listen, Professor Snape was getting impatient.

Lucius was used to talking in circles, so he talked for a long time and asked a lot of nonsense (to the professor's ears, it was nonsense), but he failed to get to the topic.

So Professor Snape cleared his throat.

Lucius immediately stopped talking and looked at him blankly, thinking he had something important to say.

"Do you understand?" Snape directly asked the person - Heimdall.

Heimdall froze for a moment, then said, "Understood." He was just asking about Draco's summer vacation life.

"Wrong, actually what your uncle wants to know is about Sirius Black."

Heimdall quickly shook his head, "I don't know how he spent his summer vacation!"

Lucius almost laughed when Snape glanced at him.

After such an interruption, Lucius no longer kept secrets, and said bluntly, "I heard from your father that he has sent someone to protect you, so we can rest assured."

"Are you worried about me?" Heimdall blinked. "Why?"

"Don't you know that Sirius Black escaped from prison?"

"I know." Heimdall nodded, and then said puzzledly, "It's none of my business if he ran away from him?"

Snape said, "Your uncle is worried that you will be found by Black, who is believed to be a loyal follower of You-Know-Who."

"How?" Heimdall laughed.

Lucius was stunned for a moment by his decisiveness, only to hear him say again, "I'm not Harry Potter!"

The two English wizards suddenly had nothing to say.

[V·囧囧God third grade]

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