HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 290 Take Over

"Hehehe, I'm here too, why didn't you greet me from the beginning to the end?" A slight complaint came from behind Percy.

Startled, Percy stepped aside.

Hassler stepped forward, with a persistent mouth, but a deep smile on his face.

Heimdall immediately went up to meet him, and Hassler raised his hand happily, and saw Heimdall brushed past him, Hassler opened his mouth slightly, staring blankly at his hand hanging in the air.

The sound of laughter got into his ears, and Hassler turned around helplessly.

On the other side, Heimdall had already had a friendly meeting with Hofs. After the two exchanged simple greetings, Heimdall turned his head to look at Hassler who was staring at him.

"Professors are ranked ahead of students."

Hasler exclaimed strangely, "How do you know that Mr. Strulusson is a professor?" Thanks to him, he still wanted to make a surprise.

"Brother told me himself."

Hasler suddenly felt chills all over his body, "Who do you call big brother?"

"Brother Hofs, his father and my father are of the same generation, of course I want to call him big brother." Heimdall turned his head to look at Hofs, whose face changed slightly, "Isn't it, big brother?"

Hofs surrendered, "Just call me by my first name!" The big brother sounded weird.

"Why?" Heimdall pointed out calmly. "Your son's 'Uncle Rigg' is long and 'Uncle Rigg' is short, and he can pronounce it smoothly, but he has no psychological barriers."

Hoffs was silent for a moment, then said, "I see."

Heimdalton smiled all the time, and it was easy to talk to smart people.

Although Anar and Hofs are not close, it is not the fault of the godfather. No matter how bad the parent-child relationship is, before breaking away from the relationship, as a father, he has the responsibility to teach his children. Sometimes blind indulgence or evasion will only make Things got even more out of hand.

Besides, they just didn't kiss each other, not to the point of no return.

Heimdall felt that his father Rommel and Hofs could always have a good conversation, and that his father was not an easy-going patriarch. From this alone, it can be known that Rommel's impression of Hofs should be good.

In the Sturluson family, who can be warm, who should turn a blind eye, and who needs to maintain harmony on the surface... Heimdall, the "fake" Sturluson, really has a dark eye, and after much deliberation, the safest thing to do The way is to take the father's preferences as the standard.

Since Dad was willing to take the time to stop and chat with him, Heimdall let himself have more contact with him.

"That game was such a pity, Mr. Kroom." Hoffs turned to look at Victor.

Victor held his outstretched hand and said with a smile, "There are winners and losers in football games."

There was a hint of appreciation in Hoffs' eyes.

Heimdall was confused, why did he become "Mr." when he came to Victor?But I can't call him brother?

Jealous eyes swept back and forth between Victor and Hoffs.

Probably because his demeanor was too expressive and exaggerated, Hofs, who is more serious, couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help touching his head. This movement didn't seem natural to him, and his hands didn't matter how serious they were. It hurts a bit from the blow on the head.

Heimdall raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not hide.

Hofs might have sensed it, and smiled apologetically at himself.

Hassler watched the interaction between them quietly, and there was a hint of a smile in his eyes. Out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly caught sight of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, and saw his eyes staring at him without blinking. Looking at Heimdall Strulusson, his eyes and expressions are full of intrigue.

A little bit of melancholy, a little bit of annoyance, a little bit of confusion...

Before Hassler finished his research, the professor suddenly looked away. Hassler was startled and hurriedly looked away.

Unlike Remus Lupine who was overwhelmed, Percy Weasley was more panicked. Although he had studied German for a long time before coming here (actually only two months), he really arrived in Durmster Lang, after listening to their conversation, he suddenly realized that what he learned before didn't work at all.

Just like now, he didn't understand what the professors of Sturlusson and Heideggerak were talking about, including that Hasler Gustav who also spoke fluent German, and the representative of Beauxbatons as well.

For Percy, who had been proud of himself as a top student since he was a child, this was undoubtedly a huge thunderbolt.

So much so that he was listless for the rest of the time.

Lupine asked him if he was unwell, but he vaguely refused to tell the truth, and finally went back to the room in the north tower to rest early on the grounds that he was not acclimatized.

In fact, we can't blame Percy for being awkward. Facing a strange professor who has never been in contact with anyone, no one would immediately confide in him. In addition, Percy used to be eager to show off and only cared about complaining. Know how to open this mouth.

Lying on the bed staring at the hollow carvings on the bedposts, Percy suddenly realized that his future was in jeopardy. He even began to suspect that his original choice was wrong. In order to work for the British Ministry of Magic after graduation, he should have stayed at Hogwarts instead of not staying at Hogwarts. Ran thousands of miles to this place where nothing shit happens to seek the so-called higher opportunity.

What is wrong with me?Percy was deeply self-doubting.

On his first night at Durmstrang Academy, top student Percy Weasley suffers from severe insomnia.


The main force of the school team is about to graduate this school year. Although everyone is still "serving" in the school team, the amount of practice has been significantly reduced. touch work.

Bernik's goal is to be a herb cultivator, and he has always been working hard in this area, and among all his grades, herbology and potions are the best. He originally planned to go to the cultivation center under the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic to enroll for further studies... the plan Can't keep up with the changes, he is not in a hurry to find a way out for himself now, because the original heir has quit, and he is the second automatic substitute, although his grandmother has not officially admitted it, but seeing Victor's desperate situation Momentum, to recognize their legitimate rights and interests is sooner or later.

Therefore, everyone said that he is the most leisurely one among all the seventh graders in the school team. His daily work and rest time is still the same as before, and he has been in the school team for a long time. Dilemma.

The reputation of the Durmstrang School Quidditch team cannot be ruined in his hands.

Without the ace Seeker, the playing style of the German school gradually moved back, and the barbaric style became stronger and stronger, which made Hasler, who often came to the school team, scratch his heart and lungs, wishing to join in and be barbaric.

Victor gradually faded out of the sight of the school team, or in other words, out of the sight of the teachers and students of the whole school.

Even Karkaroff tacitly stopped circling him.

Heimdall found that except for the consistent support of the members of the VK group, the people who blindly followed the trend disappeared, and there would no longer be "chance encounters" where people would suddenly appear wherever they went in the past.

Heimdall asked him if he would feel a sense of loss, Victor thought for a while and said: "I feel a sense of loss, but not because of those so-called admirers, but because of the time that will never come back."

The school team left many fond memories for Victor, and the youthful years are irreplaceable.

The habit is terrible, even if the school team no longer needs him, Victor still gets up every morning before dawn to go to the school team for a walk, and then go to the No. Read a book for a while.

From Heimdall's point of view, everyone was wrong. Among the seventh graders on the school team, Victor was the most leisurely. Didn't you see that Captain Bernick was busier than before?

On the way to Greenhouse No. [-] this morning, Heimdall met Hofs and Katenen, who are also used to getting up early. From a distance, they looked serious. They might be discussing something important. If it wasn't for Hofs Si took the initiative to stop him, and Heimdall had no intention of going up to join in the fun.

After saying good morning to each other, Hofs said with a smile, "Where are you going so early?"

"Go on a date with Victor."

Hofs laughed even wider, and said to Katenin: "He's honest."

Katenen smiled: "You didn't see when he was dishonest."

Heimdall pretended not to hear anything, and raised his head, "Even if Dad came to ask me, I would answer like this."

"No wonder Rommel gritted his teeth when he mentioned Victor Krum." Hoffs raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

Heimdall laughed twice.

"What are you talking about?" Heimdall turned around.

He didn't expect to be told, but they did.

"We're saying that the board of education will probably start a new education program this year," Katenen told him.

"What new plan?"

"That is, there may be an 'eighth grade' in the future."

Heimdall felt very strange, and quickly asked, "Will the magic school extend the education time?"

"It's not a magic school, but the Wizards Federation wants to hold an 'eighth grade' advanced training class. Many representatives of countries in the federation have submitted reports in this regard, mainly for graduates of magic schools in various countries, and continue to work on a school-by-school basis. The advanced training ranges from one to three years, and the majors are also very targeted. After the advanced training, you will directly participate in the employment test of the major.”

Hoffs said: "I heard that Victor Klum is very interested in this aspect."

"...He didn't tell me that." Heimdall pursed his lips when he heard that.

Hoffs teased him, "Aren't you guys going on a date, why don't you hurry up and find out."

Heimdall nodded vigorously, turned and ran away.

Looking at his figure running away, Katenen squinted at Hofs who was full of interest, "You're trying to sow discord, and you haven't said anything about this matter, so Krum has a reason not to say it." .”

"Rommel asked me to 'revenge' for him whenever I had the chance. I was following the order of the patriarch to fight against the enemy. There is no way, I can't help myself."

Katenin grinned.


Heimdall suddenly remembered something when he ran halfway, he slapped his head hard, ouch, I forgot the Pine Lake agreement with Luce - Luce can still stay at school for three days, and he has been pestering Heim almost every day for the past few days Dahl fills in on Sigma's past, present and future...

I was just about to turn around and run to Songhu, but I felt that my current location was closer to the greenhouse, so I decided to go to "Xingshi to question the crime" first, and then go to Songhu after the questioning.

In Director Sturluson's mind, the mermaid who is not very popular with him certainly cannot be compared with her boyfriend.

As a result, before entering the greenhouse, he met Le Fay Nice first.

The latter turned around under a tree with a bitter expression on his face, and Heimdall was also thinking about something in his heart. The two of them didn't see each other, and Heimdall bumped into each other as soon as they turned a corner.

They all looked at each other in surprise.

Seeing that it was Heimdall, Lefey Ness immediately dragged him to complain.

It turned out that Le Fay was about to go to Heidegerak for a friendly visit on behalf of the German school. Heimdall always believed that his grades must be very good. It is quite remarkable that he can stand out from the siege of many senior brothers.

You know, the exchange students that Durmstrang sent to the other two magic schools were all in the seventh grade, and Le Fay just entered the fifth grade this year.

Lefey Nice didn't think so, "Don't you think it's strange, why did I go to Heideggerak?"

Heimdall shook his head inexplicably, "Your grades are very good..."


Heimdall fell silent.

Le Fei looked around for a while, then leaned over mysteriously and whispered: "My mother must have resorted to tricks!" with a wink of "Don't be afraid, we have a good relationship, I will tell you if I don't tell others".

Who is his mother...

Heimdall thought for a long time and finally remembered that this man's mother seemed to be the "Empress Dowager Cixi" who held great power and listened to politics behind a curtain in a certain Nordic country.

Le Fay added: "My mother wanted me to transfer to Heideggerack last year, but I refused to do so, and now she is finally satisfied!" As he spoke, his eyes turned red.

Heimdall was speechless, why didn't he find Le Fay so sentimental?Is it really a relationship with less contact?

Heimdall was worried about how to comfort him, Le Fay adjusted himself, and the red eyes disappeared in a blink of an eye, which was faster than Sichuan opera.

Heimdall was even more certain that this guy was simply looking for him to take out the trash.

"Here, here you are." Le Fei took out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

"What do you do for me?"

The workmanship of the bunch of keys is very delicate, they are all metal keys, but they are strung together like a bundle of colored crayons, and each one is embedded with gemstones the size of rice grains of different colors and shapes.

Heimdall didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.

"Hold it!" Le Fay stuffed the key into his hand. "This is the door key and the key of the cabinet of the shop in Mumian Ancient Town. Take it and don't lose it. By the way, the golden one is the key of the safe. In the safe is the gold Galleon that was earned throughout last year. .”

Heimdall originally wanted to play with the key for a while, but after hearing what he said, he immediately pulled the key into his pocket like a thief, and then he was not so relieved, so he simply unbuttoned his robe and stuffed the key in his inner pocket. .

Seeing his cautious look, Le Fei wanted to laugh, and then took out a small book. The first page was a school leave letter signed by Karkaroff, and the back of the book was a blank page for stamping.

"I have already mentioned it to the principal, and the principal also agreed. I applied to go to Mumian Ancient Town eight times a month. Before I leave school, I have to ask the chairman of the student union to stamp it. You have to take care of it."

Heimdall silently accepted.

Le Fei reminded him a few more words about the situation in the store, and then he looked carefree and prepared to go back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep.

Heimdall hurriedly grabbed him, and he was a little incoherent, "You, you just gave me all these?" Just explain these?No more instructions?

The standard emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry.

"I have nothing to worry about!" Le Fei patted him on the shoulder. "You paid for the store you opened with me, and you already have your part in it."

Looking at his [-]% trusting eyes, Heimdall had no choice but to swallow his words.

After 10 minutes, Heimdall finally walked into the greenhouse. Victor noticed that he was staring at him with a tangled face, and asked in puzzlement, "Why is it so late today?"

Heimdall was even more confused, "There are two things, I don't know which one to say."

"Then come one by one."

"One may get angry at you, and the other is a happy thing." What to do, it's really embarrassing.

Victor couldn't help laughing, "Then get angry first."

Heimdall immediately turned cold, and just about to explode, Victor quit, "Aren't you going to get angry, how did you get angry when you were so cold?"

Heimdall choked, "Then what should we do?" Is it important to get angry?

"Come, come." Victor patted the chair beside him.

As soon as Heimdall sat down, he was embraced by his boyfriend, and then he lowered his head and began to gnaw.

"Hey!" Heimdall wanted to protest, but his mouth was blocked.

Victor bit his lips and said vaguely: "Don't worry, it will be hot later..."

There was indeed a fire that morning. Although this fire was not the other fire, Heimdall himself was very happy, so he decided to generously forgive his boyfriend for his self-assessment.

Lefey Nice's "Walking" notebook was used by him in the afternoon. After class in the afternoon, he greeted Victor, and then went to the student union to get the chairman to stamp it. Although there were only seven times out of eight It's not the first time I've been back to Kapok Ancient Town. Heimdall couldn't bear it anymore. This is different from leaving school in the ordinary sense, so I'm very excited.

After the pod cat found out, he insisted on going with him. This cat came and went like a gust of wind, making people unpredictable. He must know everything in Kapok Town. Heimdall felt that it was just trying its best.

As a result, as soon as they arrived in town, they ran into familiar faces.

Heimdall just bought a small cup of hot chocolate, and he was holding a small mouthful in his mouth before swallowing it. The restless pod squatted on his shoulder and scratched his paws to compete with him for food. One person and one cat were competing with each other. Seeing Remus Lupine across the road looked at him in surprise.


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