Knowing You Pingxie

Chapter 1: My Happy Life with Poker Bottle

The night is long, destined to have many dreams.

However, the night was not half over yet.

Poker-Face and I were lying on the bed back to back, there was a gap between our bodies, just like the distance between my heart and his heart at this moment, and there was no intimacy anymore.Oh, by the way, I forgot, Poker-Face and I have switched bodies now.That's right, it's just so bloody, Poker-Face is using my body now, and I'm on Poker-Face's body again.Although such a change was sudden, we still got used to it. Our Cold War was not caused by an accident, but because of the troubles caused by Wang Meng and the others when Pokerfing used my appearance to lead people into the fight... ...

It is said that when Poker-Face led people into the main tomb that day, he found the fainted Wang Meng. Because of my factors, Poker-Face rescued Wang Meng.But this damned Wang Meng didn't say "thank you for your kindness", but said something like "Boss, you are so kind. I have liked you for a long time. What and what..." made it boring The bottle turned into a vinegar bottle, and it never ended with me as soon as I came back.I coaxed him cautiously at first, but later I saw that his face was always dark, and I became angry, so I simply broke the jar and threw it.It's broken now, Boyoufeng completely ignored me.For three days, there was no language at home.I ignored everything, not even answering the phone.Apart from eating and sleeping, Boyouping just leaned on the sofa, bowed his head and said nothing.There are far fewer things he can do than me, so the degree of closure between me and him is different under the same emotion.I can at most turn off my mobile phone to be isolated from the world, but he seems to have never been in touch with the world. (In particular, he also made an incomparable gesture with Xiao Ye's face, it was just owed! How could he beat him, I had to bear it.)

It sucks that a fucking old mushroom has been out in the sun all autumn.So, I couldn't bear it anymore, and turned over and sat on the edge of the bed.

I know that I will always be the first to speak.I sneered and said, "Are you interested, Zhang Qiling?"

He seemed to pause when he heard the words, and then sat up like me, back to back. This scene suddenly reminded me of JJ Lin's song called "Back to Back Hug", but at the moment I was back to back with him, but I couldn't hug him.Oh, what a fucking irony.

Seeing that he didn't speak, I continued talking to myself: "I was wrong that day. But I didn't mean anything else at the time. I just wanted to tease you. How could I think Wang Meng is better than you! We have gone through so much , don’t you still understand my heart?”

"Then do you really understand me again? Do you know what I want?" Poker Bottle finally spoke.

But when the word "understand" was mentioned, I suddenly became angry, understand!I, Wu Xie, have never understood "understanding" with you Zhang Qiling in this life!

I stood up, walked in front of him, and said fiercely, "Zhang Qiling, don't talk about understanding with me in the future, I can't understand those weird thoughts in your mind. As for what you want, I don't know! I I don’t want to think about it anymore, I’m tired, I don’t want to study your bored man anymore, I’m tired, let’s do it!”

He also stood up in a hurry, I saw the anger on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "I think you are tired, tired of me, dumb!"

I was trembling with anger, tears rolled in the already red eye circles, and my throat was also choked.

I said angrily, "That's right, I'm just tired. I'm just tired of you doing whatever you want, tired of your sensitive personality and bad temper, tired of you being able to hang out with me for three days and three nights without saying a word whenever you're unhappy. Zhang Qiling, I've had enough!"

When I finished speaking every word, there were tears in his eyes, which he had never seen before.He frowned slightly, as if enduring some kind of pain.Like him, my heart felt like being bitten, and the pain was unbearable.

It turned out that the hurtful words came from his mouth, hit his heart, and hurt in his heart.

"That's good," he said, and ran to the closet to pack his things.

"What are you doing?"


"Don't go!"

He sneered and said, "Why am I the little Buddha Wu now!"

"I don't care about you, the Great Buddha and the Little Buddha! I said you can't go!"

"Whether I live or die has nothing to do with you. Aren't you tired of me? Then stay away from me."

After he finished dressing and was about to leave, I stepped forward to stop him and yelled at him, "Zhang Qiling, if you dare to come out of this door today, you fucking kill me first!"

He said viciously, "Get out of here!"


I was finally so angry that I pushed and shoved him with all my strength, but he didn't dare to use force for fear of really hurting me, so he just faltered with me...

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound.It was the crisp sound of my hand falling on his face, I slapped him! (Actually, I slapped myself with his body! 55555555555)

I swear I immediately regretted it after I made the shot, because I was so angry that I couldn't control it.As the saying goes, you don't slap people in the face when you hit someone. This time, I felt that it was a bit too much.

My hands were still in mid-air, not knowing what to do.Poker bottle was off guard all of a sudden, and was beaten to the side by me.

I was angry and regretful, wanted to apologize, but was unwilling.

I closed the bedroom door to keep him in so he wouldn't "escape" and sat outside, grieving alone.

After a while, there was a "crash", and something might have been smashed against the wall by the oil bottle.I thought to myself, if I smash you, I will smash it! Who wouldn't smash it!

I got up and picked up the ashtray on the coffee table and slammed it against the same wall.Probably hearing my "response", another object flew to the wall on the opposite side and smashed to pieces.Not to be outdone, I smashed everything I could see nearby, to see who smashed loudly, even the goldfish tank.

There were broken sounds in the house one after another, and my heart was broken along with these things.

When I realized that I was tired, there was nothing I could move that could be smashed as far as I could see.The ground was covered with shards of glass and porcelain, and two red goldfish were lying on the ground gasping for their last breaths.I bypassed the debris and sat down on the couch, feeling uncontrollably sad and disappointed.Finally, I burst into tears.

I don't know how to describe how I feel right now.It's like I don't know how to clean up the current situation.

There was no movement from Poker Bottle, and I didn't bother to think about the situation on the other side of the wall.All I know is that I'm finally driving the relationship to the brink with him.

It was dawn, and the sun was streaming in, when Pokerfair opened the bedroom door.

Carrying almost all his equipment and ancient black gold knife, he glanced at the mess on the ground, and glanced at me by the way.

Just when I was about to speak, I realized that my throat became hoarse. I coughed and said, "Where are you going?"

"Go down and find death."


He looked at me without any warmth in his eyes, "Can you stop me?"

"Then you go. I'll die in the house as soon as you walk out the door."


With his words, I feel like I am in the North Pole in summer.

"In that case, let's separate."

At this point, I don't think there's anything I can do to undo it.

"it is good"

He pushed me away and brushed past me.

He stopped at the door and said to me, "Wu Xie, I won't be coming back."

Then he opened the door and went out, neatly.

After he left, I couldn't digest what had just happened for a while.Finally, I pushed the relationship to an end.

Is that the end?I slumped on the ground, bewildered.Zhang Qiling, no one can live without him!I'll be without you.I started to comfort myself and got up to clean up the debris on the ground. For some reason, I couldn’t clean it up. The more unclean it was, the more upset I became. In the end, I simply threw the cleaned garbage on the floor again...

I went back to the bedroom, only to find that the floor was full of shards of glass, and the wedding photo of me and him on the bedside table was lying on the ground with broken frames.

I lay in bed, trying to sleep and cleanse my brain, but the bed was full of the smell of stuffy oil bottles.

I tossed and turned, still couldn't bear it, there was still his blue hoodie in the closet, but now it's gone, I can't breathe in pain, this family can't fucking stay!

I'm switching between the living room and the bedroom like a ghost, trying to find something to do, but I can't do anything, like a handicap.I want to sleep on the sofa for a while, where is Pokerfoil now?Where did he go?Will there be any danger?

I have a splitting headache and can't think about it anymore.

I turned on the TV, and the variety shows on it were noisy, and I seemed to see that those people on the TV had all turned into oily bottles. "Am I in a daze?" This sentence shocked me. It turned out that the room was so quiet, so quiet that my own voice was so loud.I passed the morning in a state of stupor, during which I forgot how I got through it.

"No, I have to go find him!" Thinking of it, I picked up my coat and walked to the door. The moment I opened the door, Poker Bottle was standing behind the door in a knocking posture.

"Fuck me!"

I couldn't believe everything in front of me, and without a word, I hugged him tightly. At this moment, my mood seemed to be lost and recovered, and it was like the rest of my life after a catastrophe.I dragged him into the house and quickly closed the door, for fear that he would fly out again.Still hug him tightly.He threw the things and Xiao Heijin to the ground, and hugged my waist.

I said, "Damn Zhang Qiling, aren't you coming back?!"

He bit my ear and said, "I hate you."

"If you come back later, wait for the young master's body to be collected!"

"But you opened the door first."

I didn't want to argue with him, so I bit down on his lip.Immediately, I was thrown on the bed by him, and he pressed over and tore my skin wantonly...

"Hmm... wake up, let me be on top."

"Wu Xie, aren't you on top?"

"Fuck! This is unscientific!" (Originally, now my body is on the top, but the senses are on the bottom. But after changing, it is my body on the bottom! Why is the young master always the one who is pressed!)

"Wu Xie, are you sure you want to be on top?"


"Okay then," Poker-Face led me to turn over as he said, into a position where I was on top and he was on the bottom. (Although in fact, as far as our bodies are concerned, he is on top and I am on bottom.)

To be honest, he put me on top, I was a little nervous, I have no experience, just tease him like he used to.After a long meal, I lay on the bed with him, he hugged me, and I rubbed my waist...

I complained to him and said, "How can we get it back after doing it once? Master's waist! Why is it always me who is unlucky?"

"It was obviously you who wanted to change it just now! You have done it several times so excitedly!"

I rolled my eyes at him and asked, "Where did you go this morning?"

"It didn't go anywhere, it was just at the door."

I had black lines on my face, "Then why don't you come back?"

He kissed the back of my neck and said, "I'm so angry."

I touched my face and said heartbroken, "It hurts so much!"

Thinking about it, I regretted that slap. If Zongzi, even Hun'er would be torn by him now!What he can bear, I'm afraid I'm the only one in this world.But now we have changed back, my face! 555555

He looked at the tangled expression, gave an evil smile, reached down with his hand on my waist, and said, "Does it hurt?"

"Zhang Qiling, be serious..."

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