Knowing You Pingxie

Chapter 1: My Happy Life with Poker Bottle

Later, our group returned to Beijing smoothly. The original celebration wine became engagement wine. The blind man drank it very happily. Xiaohua worried that his body would not let him drink more, but she drank too much instead.Having said that, in fact, Poker Ping and I did not drink less, and Fatty just didn’t have a meal without drinking... In the end, Zhang Haixing had to cook a big pot of hangover soup Give us.Alas, there is no way, since I drank too much, I won't leave, anyway, Xie's family has a place.

After a drowsy sleep, when I opened my eyes and saw Boyouping staring into my eyes, I felt sweet in my heart, why does this dead bottle look at others like this, and everyone who looks at it is embarrassed, really.So I turned over and planned to continue to sleep for a while, but just this turning over, a terrifying incident happened.I rely on!What's the situation?Can anyone tell me why there is Wu Xie lying on the bed?

I must be dreaming, I must be, I just have to wake up.Thinking of this, I quickly rubbed my eyes, there was still Wu Xie lying there!No, I haven't woken up yet, I pumped myself twice, and there is still Wu Xie lying there!Am I being haunted?This time I was so cruel that I bit my tongue directly, and the blood flowed out. The pain was very real, but that Wu Xie still didn't disappear!Isn't this a dream?

I was deeply confused and powerless, so I had to turn to Poker for help, "Qi Ling, do you know what's going on?"

Poker-Face had been quietly observing my every move before, but now that I spoke, he shook his head and said, "When I woke up, there were two of you by my side. I watched for a long time and didn't see why."

What?One more me after sleeping?Or is it really possible to deceive Poker Ping's eyes?Could this be some millennium fox demon?If not aliens?But now is not the time to study the evolution of this Wu Xie, the most important thing right now is to convince Poker Bottle that I am the real Wu Xie.

Having made up my mind, I got up and got out of bed, walked to Poker Face, held his hand, and just about to speak, I felt a figure approaching, also holding Poker Fase's hand, and said in unison with me Said, "Qi Ling, believe me, I am the real Wu Xie."

Seeing this situation, it was really rare for Poker to still maintain a paralyzed face.However, I couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately quarreled with this impostor, "You're fucking Wu Xie! What about me! You fucking dare to touch my man, do you know that this is me? The man who traveled all over the country and went through untold hardships to finally catch up with him! How dare you touch his hand! Are you tired of living and crooked you!"

"It's so funny! Do you think you can tell the truth if you know the love story between Xiao Ye and Poker Finger? Let me tell you, no matter how good your disguise is, it's useless! Because there is only one Wu Xie, and that is me!"

"You say you are the real Wu Xie! Where's the evidence? Show it!"

"Okay, let's talk about it and see who will reveal it first!"

"Okay! Come on!"

In this way, the two of us were noisy and noisy and finally woke everyone up.When everyone saw this incredible scene, they were all dumbfounded.Only the black blind man cheerfully said to Poker Bottle, "Dumb, you are so charming! Look at it, everyone is vying to be your daughter-in-law!"

"Blind man, you won't be able to sign up for Fangjiewa for three days, right? In this situation, what are you talking about!" Xiaohua glared at the blind man angrily, but the blind man shrugged nonchalantly, and then went out with the oil bottle .

"No, Master Hua, I think what the blind man said makes sense. If you want to know who is the real naive, just let the little brother sleep for a while."

"Fatty Wang! Don't you fucking fart here! How can you make him touch his soul!" We both pointed at each other and cursed.

"Damn it! The two naives went crazy together! There's still a bit of momentum! Then what do you think? You have been tossing all morning, Fatty, I have been listening to it for a long time, but I can't tell the ugly conspiracy. It can't all be true. Bar?"

"Well," Zhang Haiqiong said suddenly, "Why don't you do a DNA test. I saved Wu Xie's blood sample before. Let's see if your two genes match the sample. How about it?"

"Okay!" we both said together.

It will take a day to do a DNA test, there is no other way, at least within this day, I must stay with this counterfeit, but Poker Bottle is not allowed, although I really want to find Poker Bottle, but as long as Bo If this counterfeit product appears in the oil bottle, it will definitely be posted on it!That's my man!I don't want others to touch it!Therefore, I must prevent him from coming into contact with Poker Bottle!Not even a word!Apparently he thought the same thing as I did, so for the rest of the day we just watched and checked each other.

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"Hahaha! Let me say, naive quadratic, are you two tired? Hurry up and stop competing, come over and have something to eat."

"Fatty! You think I'm a pig! Who wants to eat it!"

"Can you stop being so neat! Could you two really be one person? Why do you always say the same words every time? It's really scary! Isn't it, daughter-in-law?"

"Isn't it? Do you two feel that you are looking in the mirror? Don't you think it's scary?" Zhang Haixing chimed in.

"Fatty Wang, Zhang Haixing, you two, shut up, young master!"

"Hehe, it's really surround sound!"

"Zhang Haike, stop laughing. What's the matter with you, why are you making fun of me?"

"Don't be angry, both of you, sit down and listen to me." Seeing us sit down, Zhang Haike continued, "I have played Wu Xie for some years, and I have a good grasp of Wu Xie's speech and behavior. But with one of you I feel ashamed when I compare with you. I dare to conclude that one of you must be a fake, but this fake is definitely not using a trick like disguise, but a more advanced skill or spell, right? "

Hearing what Zhang Haike said, my back immediately felt chills, yes, if it was the disguise technique, Boyouping and Xiaohua are both masters, they probably would have been exposed long ago.And according to the performance of this counterfeit, and everyone's speculation, this counterfeit really has a lot of background. Could it be some kind of goblin?Could it be that Boyouping's beauty has reached the point where even goblins can't hold themselves?So what should I do, sir?The more I thought about it, the more depressed I became, I couldn't help but take a peek at the impostor. If there was any smugness or cunning in his eyes, I could immediately conclude my guess.But his eyes were the same as mine, full of confusion, bewilderment and helplessness.Oh my god!Who can save me!

People will want to grab the last straw after falling into the water, and Zhang Haiqiong's DNA test is my current straw.I firmly believe that as soon as the results come out, the counterfeit will immediately show its true shape.But things backfired, and the result turned out to be that both of our DNAs were consistent with the samples.Oh my god!This, this... how to explain this?Could it be that he is me?Materialized me?I do not want!Who can make him disappear!

We stayed in Beijing for a few more days, but there was still no progress. It seemed that all the evidence proved that both of us were Wu Xie.My world is messed up.I really don't know what to do anymore.There is also Poker Bottle, although he didn't say anything, but being pestered by the two of us all day is really choking, especially at night...

"Qi Ling, do you have any plans?" The two of us spoke together again.

At this time, Poker Fing was lying between the two of us. He heard our question and just said "hmm", and then held both of our hands at the same time, "Since all the methods can only prove that both of you are Wu Xie, then let’s go back to Hangzhou.”

"Back to Hangzhou?"


"No, I don't want him to come into our home. We just got married and we brought back a third party, I don't want to."

"But that's not yourself."

"Then I don't want to! You are mine! I am alone!" Sometimes I have to admit that a man's possessive desire is terrible, even if it is himself!Poker bottle, this person, this heart, can only be mine!Don't want to get your hands on anyone!

Poker bottle sighed softly, and then closed his eyes. He didn't know if he was asleep or he was too lazy to talk to us, but he didn't make a sound anyway.And after we looked at each other, we said in unison, "Do you want to go back to Hangzhou?"

"I think, without you..." We were speechless at the same time, yes, how to solve this situation?I looked back feebly, looking at the ceiling, this stuffy old lover, begging for an answer.

.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......

We went back to Hangzhou after all. After all, Xiao Hua and Hei Xiazi were preparing to get married.After returning to Hangzhou, the three of us started living together.Of course, this kind of life is very awkward, think about what it feels like to have a third party by your side every day.Especially when Poker-finger and I were newlyweds, if it wasn't for this sudden third party, we would definitely be like glue.But now, Poker-Face has moved to the guest room by himself, and there are only the two of us staring at each other in the room.

"Hey, let me say, who are you?" I couldn't help but speak first.

"I'm Wu Xie."

"Is this interesting? I really don't understand, what are you trying to do like this?"

"It's boring, why don't you go?"

"This is my home, okay! The man in that room is my man! I'm not here, where do you want me to go?"

"That's what I want to say too. Don't bother us anymore, okay? I'm easy, sir!"

"Yes, it's not easy for you. It's not easy for you to turn yourself into Wu Xie."

"Stop yelling, catch the thief here, okay?"

"You, can we have a good chat, tell me, are you materialized by me?"

"Why aren't you materialized by me?"

"Okay, okay, I won't quarrel with you, if you want, we'll spend it like this."

"Okay." Looking at his evil smile, I seemed to catch something, but it seemed like I didn't.In short, I have a feeling that he is not a product of my materialization, nor is he a fairy, but another kind of existence.Thinking of this, I took the initiative to hold his hand, "No matter who you are, no matter what purpose you have, please don't hurt Qi Ling, okay?" I looked into his eyes and continued, "You are also very Clearly, I don’t want to say how much I love him, how much he needs me, and so on. I just remember that when he came to Hangzhou to bid farewell to me, he said that I was the only one in this world and him. I have never told him that he is the only meaning of my existence in this world. If you are willing to love Qi Ling with me, I will try to accept you. If you want to hurt Qi Ling, I am sorry , I will never let you go." She said and squeezed his hand hard.

"Don't keep grabbing my lines, okay!" He withdrew his hand, turned over and went to sleep.

"Damn!" I paused, turned over and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, I still saw Poker Bottle staring into my eyes, and I suddenly frowned, "Is there another me? Qi Ling, don't scare me, okay?"

My messy heart was immediately cleaned up by Poker's hug, "No, there is no other Wu Xie, my Wu Xie is only you."

"No, what about him?"


"What?" I pushed the oil bottle away, and searched the bed, under the bed, room, bathroom, living room, kitchen, and toilet, but there was no one there.Did it go out?I waited restlessly for a day, but I still haven't seen him come back. Could it be that he really disappeared?I looked at Poker Bottle at a loss, waiting for his answer.

"Wu Xie, come here."

Poker bottle held me in his arms, kissed my face, and said, "Wu Xie, actually the blind man told me that day that Wu Xie might be related to the Queen Mother of the West. Even if he won't hurt us, I dare not be reckless." Act. I'm sorry, Wu Xie."

"Blind man? How does he know? Could it be his eyes?"


"Then you know, you still treat me like this all the time! Do you know how depressed I am these days!" I scolded Poker-Face while hammering on his chest.

"I'm sorry, Wu Xie, I was wrong."

"I know I'm wrong, so hurry up and kneel on the washboard!"

"Okay, it's not too late to make out first!"

"Zhang Qiling, you beast! Put the young master down quickly..."

The author has something to say: Since I have to go to work today, I will change it. I hope you like it.

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