Chapter 150 Four: Huangyan

The light that was so intense that it made people's eyes go black swallowed up the sound and everything.

Careless!Xia Yi frowned, and rushed into the light ball without stopping.You must know that the four of them were separated one by one before, maybe some people did it deliberately.In this way, he should have advanced and retreated with Senior Xie from the very beginning, so that he would never hear from him again.

Although the light at the entrance of the cave is extremely dazzling, it does not hurt the body.The moment Xia Yi crossed that boundary, the burning white light suddenly dissipated.

Suddenly, without warning.

A gust of hot wind and rolling gravel brushed Xia Yize's cheeks. When Xia Yize's eyes recovered from the dizziness, he saw endless yellow sand lying in front of him under the hot sun.

"Here is..." Xia Yi looked around. In front of him was the undulating sand, with no green dots in the rough yellow sand; behind him, there were hot sand dunes, and the fine quicksand was constantly sliding down .

Xia Yi tried to take a few steps forward, the soft yellow sand would sink with every step.If it is a long-distance trek, the road conditions where you have to pull your legs every step of the way, I am afraid it will consume a lot of energy.

With the boundless sea of ​​sand and the scorching sun in the sky, Xia Yi couldn't help suspecting that he came to a certain desert.Or, did he return to the previous sand hill?

But looking at the flat, hot sand in front of him, Xia Yi dispelled this idea—the sand mountain is extremely steep, and it will never be so open.

Obviously, after experiencing sand mountains, forests and underground caves, he came to a desert inexplicably.

It's just... where is Senior Xie?He couldn't leave himself alone.

So, is it true that they were separated again?


The fact that the Emerald Wall was destroyed really alarmed those snake people.Facing the armored snake men swimming past in groups from time to time, Shen Ye and Le Wuyi had to hide all the time, carefully concealing their aura.

But judging from the trajectories of those snake people, they seem to be going in the same direction.

"Great Master, they are going to block the exit, right?" Blocking the exit, can't they wait for the prey to crash in by themselves?

Shen Ye didn't look back: "This huge catacomb, do you think there is only one exit?"

They entered through the robbery cave, but they were able to come to the center where the snake people gathered.Not to mention that the internal structure of the mausoleum is very complicated and winding. Just adding the robbery hole they entered, there must be more than one exit.

"Uh..." Le Wuyi scratched his head, "Didn't I make a random guess..."

While the two were talking quietly, a few anxious-looking snake girls suddenly swam out of the tomb passage not far away.

As far as the snake people Shen Ye and Le Wuyi have seen so far, there are only two kinds of snake people in this mausoleum.One is a powerful male snake man dressed in armor, who should be a general and soldier.They dress the same, and they don't know how to distinguish their status.There is also a kind of female snake people who are more feminine. In addition to serving the superiors, they seem to be performing duties such as sacrifices.

The leading snake girl stopped the patrolling soldiers, and a snake letter hissed in Cherry's mouth.She kept gesticulating with her hands, and the snake's tail swung back and forth violently, almost knocking down a huge rock beside her.The male snake man just listened, and the snake tail swept back and forth regularly.

The armored snakes have always been wandering in the tomb passage. The appearance of these snake girls seems to be an accident?I saw that the skirts worn by the snake girls were soaked in blood, and on their snake tails, Shen Ye sharply saw the gunshot wounds.

The human blood paired with the blue and black blood of the snake girl is very interesting.

"Great Master, could this be..." Le Wuyi also saw those wounds.

"It's possible." Shen Ye nodded.

You must know that in the ground, if it is an ordinary tomb, it is okay, but if you encounter a more powerful tomb, thermal weapons are the most useless things.The four of Shen Ye and his party believed in their abilities more. Guns were of little use to them, and those who could use hot weapons were probably those Huang family members who disappeared halfway.

I don't know what the armored snake man responded, but the snake girl was gradually appeased.She seemed to be relieved, and the tail of the snake was neatly curled behind her.When Snake Girl's anxious gaze became cold and fierce, Le Wuyi whispered, "Do you want to follow?"

That vision, no matter how you look at it, is to "dispose of garbage".

Shen Ye nodded and said, "Naturally."

Some things, it's better to figure it out.


Thanks to the intricacies of the tomb passage, Shen Ye and the others were not found by following the snake girls all the way.It's just that when passing by an abandoned tomb passage where sundries were stored, Shen Ye suddenly reached out and stopped Le Wuyi.

In the air, there was a faint smell of blood—if Shen Ye and Le Wuyi hadn't walked towards the narrow place, they probably wouldn't have noticed it.

This bifurcated tomb passage has been blocked in front, and there is also a layer of dust floating on the ground, obviously abandoned for a long time.Different from other places, all kinds of beds, tables and chairs, pots, pans and pans are piled up randomly here, like hills, making the already narrow tomb passage even more messy.Among the wooden fragments and torn gauze curtains all over the floor, there was one place where two beds were stacked one above the other, and the crimson silk curtain just completely covered it tightly.

Although he tried his best to conceal it, as long as he walked against the wall, there was nowhere to hide the bloody smell.

Not far away, the snake girl has drifted away. If you don't keep up at this moment, it may not be so easy to find them again.

Do you want to split up?Shen Ye made a choice, and finally let Le Wuyi stay in the same place with him.

It is said that when a wild animal is in a desperate situation, it will fight back more fiercely, and the same is true for people.Le Wuyi was on guard outside, while Shen Ye quietly approached the tent.

With every step closer to the bed, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, accompanied by inaudible heavy breathing.

Presumably the other party is also an extremely vigilant person, when Shen Ye felt that the other party was breathing heavily, he did not hesitate to block the sword in front of him, only to hear a "bang", barely blocking the muzzle of the other party's charging gun .

The man didn't expect Shen Ye to react so quickly, before he was dying to struggle, he heard Shen Ye say calmly: "So it's you."

Shen Ye's voice was as calm and mellow as his, always giving others a sense of security.The eyes of the hider turned black, and he was able to stand up and resist, but it was only because of his obsession with not wanting to die.Hearing this very familiar voice in an instant, the man was so happy that his body softened and he fell down.

Le Wuyi turned around when he heard the voice, and when he saw the person Shen Ye was staying with, he asked in surprise, "Huangyan?"

Although this person's head is covered with blood, but with a calm face and a strong body, who is it other than Huang Yan who disappeared from the beginning?

"Sir...Mr.?" Huang Yan's eyes were soaked in blood, stinging.He tried his best to open his eyes, and after seeing the face of the person in front of him clearly, he smiled.

"You...that's all..." Shen Ye turned his head to signal Le Wuyi to come in, while transporting the exhausted Huang Yan back to the original place.It's just that behind the overlapping beds, there is still a person, or - "snake man".

The lower body of the snake man was covered by the old gauze curtain Huang Yan found, so it was not conspicuous among the pile of sundries.It's just that the snake man's face surprised both Shen Ye and Le Wuyi.

The face that had always been smiling brightly turned gray at this moment, and this was another acquaintance—Huang Hua.

After the separation and reunion, now, one person is dying and the other has become a snake man, how can it not be surprising.

Huang Yan's body continued to slide, obviously weak in the future.Shen Ye lined him up next to Huang Hua, judging from his bulging belly and the deep red, it was probably more ominous than good.

Without asking why the Huang family had prepared to act alone, and without asking about the traces of other people, Shen Ye said indifferently: "Do you have any last words that we should take out?"

The word "last words" is in the middle of the phrase, not tactful.

Huang Yan's nasal voice was very heavy, but when he heard the words, he coughed up a mouthful of blood with a smile: "Heh... I said, I shouldn't have acted on my own at the beginning... If you are not capable, you have to be brave... Haha..."

Shen Ye and Le Wuyi stood aside without making a sound.

Huang Yan didn't even look at the wound on his abdomen - he knew the blood he was bleeding.

When it comes to death, that's what happens.

Despair, disappointment, regret, but powerless.

If, if he had persuaded the boss back then, if, if he had followed Shen Ye and the others back then, would it have been a different result?

From the very beginning, he knew that Shen Ye and the others were different from ordinary people, and they were not necessarily rare in what ordinary people sought after.

It's a pity... Boss doesn't want to believe anyone.

The short gun with metallic luster fell to the ground, and Huang Yan grabbed Shen Ye's arm with one hand: "Mr. Shen... cough cough... the reason why the boss came in... is because the young and the young... have terminal cancer."

In the advanced stage of cancer, no amount of treatment is futile.No matter how strong the will is, the youngest of the Huang family is still terminally ill and unconscious.It was precisely because of this that Huang Jue wanted to take the risk.

The ground is true, the plane crash is true, the ruined temple is true, and the rest are all false.The real information is all in Huang Jue's hands, even Huang Yan can't know it.

Shen Ye's mind moved, but his face remained calm: "Here is the holy medicine for healing...or, something that is immortal?"

"Haha, as expected of Mr. Shen," Huang Yan said with difficulty, "I heard that it is something that can live forever, but it's a pity...the boss can't possibly know." He turned his gaze to Huang Hua, who had already lost his breath: "The so-called immortality ...Hehe, how could there be such a good thing?"

When Huang Hua rolled and struggled on the stone platform, and when he gradually grew a snake tail, Huang Yan felt something—these snake people may have become such monsters because of their immortality.

It would be fine didn't follow me this time.

Huang Yan stretched out his hand and held Huang Hua's palm tightly.If it was only because of lack of ability, he would die if he died, and he would not be too resentful, but now...

"Mr. Shen... you have helped Huang Hua... you can take away our things."

Shen Ye just wanted to say that he didn't need it, but Huang Yan insisted on tearing off his backpack.But obviously, the wound on his abdomen was too deep, such a simple movement made the red color even deeper.

Seeing Shen Ye frowning, Le Wuyi immediately took a step forward and helped Huang Yan take off the backpack.

For the sake of the other party's imminent death, Shen Ye endured the blood stains patiently and asked Le Wuyi to open the backpack. After that, both of them were silent.

Seeing this, Huang Yan smiled slightly: "It guys still like it."

In the backpack, a blue jade is so conspicuous, with a faint white light, as deep and quiet as the deep sea.

The author has something to say: A wave of things is coming to A Tian (⊙﹏⊙), and the timetable is colorful OMG.

Therefore, I would like to inform you: try it first, update it on the second, fourth, and sixth, and see if it is within my tolerance to update it three times a week.If it works, everyone is happy; if not, it will inevitably reduce the number of updates, please understand m(__)m

PS: Judging from the sequence of events that can be processed, the whole day will be free on Thursday after October 10, and it should be much better by then (⊙﹏⊙)

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