Chapter 150 Three: Five Color Stones

Shen Ye and Le Wuyi left the tomb in a hurry, but they didn't see little snakes coming out of the dragon's mouth of the Golden Pillar of Panlong.

These small snakes are only the size of a thumb, with only one eye on their heads, which grows right in the center of their foreheads.The little snakes gathered more and more, and after falling to the ground, they entwined and climbed up, forming a human shape very quickly.When the appearance of the human figure began to take shape, standing in front of the bed was a man in fine clothes.The man was wearing a black crown dress with red edges. If he and Le Wuyi were standing together, no one would be able to guess who the "bride" was preparing for.

The man looked at the rags all over the bed and sighed softly.Originally because of the good mood with that person, now it is gone.He thought it was something that his subordinates called him in a hurry, but he didn't expect it to be such an oolong.

Grab a queen for yourself?

Not to mention that he has never succeeded in proclaiming himself emperor, even this "queen" is not his destined person.

The Snake Clan has lived underground for too many years, and it seems to be their nature to plunder.Unexpectedly, there are some things that others don't want, and he himself doesn't want to.

It was a pity that the wedding dress prepared for that person was completely ruined.

But what is even more troublesome is that if the later emperor sees his queen wearing a wedding dress prepared by someone else... The man has a headache and his forehead is raised. The emperor has always been domineering. It's good to forget about the concessions you made.


When Le Wuyi's body returned to normal, the first thing he did was to ask Shen Ye for clothes.Not to mention that I looked like a beggar in ragged clothes all the way, even the feeling of naked lower body is really not good.

But the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

"What? Master, you didn't take out my backpack?" Le Wuyi's hair fell down, "I put all my things in it!"

Shen Ye glanced at him lightly: "What? Do you have an opinion?"

Le Wuyi didn't dare to speak but dared to be wronged, and said with a puckered mouth, "No..." But that accusing look, clearly the best expression of inappropriate words.

Shen Ye snorted: "Do you want the snake man to realize that you ran away when he found out that the backpack disappeared?"

Clothes = signals = endless troubles, Le Wuyi suddenly became quiet.

"Then Grand Master, where are we going next?" Le Wuyi asked, trying to ignore the clothes.

Shen Ye said: "Before I go to your master, I have a place I want to verify."

The red jade in the pocket is hard to ignore, and what he saw before is also vivid in his memory, maybe, he can get something extra.


Touching the bright emerald wall, letting Le Wuyi search around there like a fly, Shen Ye didn't make a sound.The place where he was was obviously destroyed by him before, but now it is as bright as new.

Are there no traces left?Hmph, it's really weird.

"Great Master, no way," Le Wuyi wiped off his sweat, feeling dizzy, "It's so big here, there's nowhere to find it."

Shen Ye's answer was only one word: "Look for it."

Le Wuyi let out a breath and could only grit his teeth and continue to bite.

The reason is that Shen Ye asked Le Wuyi to find the core of the emerald wall.But the passage is extremely long, and the emerald green light spots are as numerous as stars. What the two of them are facing is intricate and intersecting countless lines-it seems to be well-organized, but in fact it is very chaotic. It is indeed difficult to find its core.

So, instead of relying on unwarranted luck, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to try?

Therefore, just when Le Wuyi was dazzled, he heard a "bang", turned his head and saw an obvious depression in the stone wall in front of Shen Ye.But due to the restrained force and angle, Shen Ye's move was not loud.

Seeing Shen Ye showing a smug smile, Le Wuyi couldn't help walking forward: "Grand Master, what did you see?"

Shen Ye didn't answer, but just pointed to the stone wall.

Le Wuyi looked carefully, and then suddenly realized: "So that's how it is."

But it turns out that once the Emerald Wall is destroyed somewhere, when it repairs itself, it has to absorb spiritual energy from the surroundings.The spiritual energy in the space outside the emerald wall is relatively exhausted, and only its own interior can replenish it.Therefore, when this part is damaged, the direction and the line from which the spiritual energy can be absorbed will definitely be able to explore the core of the stone wall.

Sure enough, the light green spiritual energy seemed to come alive, and it seemed to be transported by water, bit by bit, flickering, and the veins of the entire emerald wall were rushing in this direction.

In some places the veins are clear, while in others they are concealed. Shen Ye and Le Wuyi followed the veins and distinguished them carefully, and finally stopped in front of a corner of the stone wall.Although it is not visible, the little starlight is indeed slowly swimming out from here.

What Shen Ye had to do next was to prove his conjecture.

Destroying the core of the emerald wall, the two thought it would be very difficult, but they didn't expect Shen Ye to strike down with a sword, and with a flash of sword light, the stone wall cracked open, and spiritual energy gushed out like money.The aura flowed extremely quickly, but the strength was still gentle, and it felt comfortable when it was blown on the face.

And the emerald wall itself, while being destroyed, has a tendency to heal.

Before the stone wall closed, Shen Ye stretched his hand into the stone wall very quickly, and when he pulled it back, he saw a yellow jade stone in his hand - except for the color, it was exactly the same as the jade stone in the previous brocade box.

"Great Master, what exactly is this jade? Could it be the essence of emerald?" After receiving the jade handed over by Shen Ye, Le Wuyi couldn't help asking.He didn't want Shen Ye to ignore him, and cut him down with his sword again.The vibration of the sword body was so powerful that the slow-healing emerald wall cracked more and more.

Le Wuyi was a little surprised: "Grand Master?" But when he saw the thing in the center of the gap, he had to sigh for Shen Ye's shrewdness, or, the emerald wall's cunning—it was another jade stone with white jade as the base, Pale blue texture.

As this jade stone was taken out by Shen Ye, the emerald wall, which was originally full of aura, gradually turned white and faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Ye sent the jade to the left, and said, "Let's get out of here as soon as possible."

With such a huge loss of aura, those snake people must have felt it.

Le Wuyi said with a straight expression, "Yes." But looking at the jade that Shen Ye handed over again, he pursed his lips and couldn't help but reminded, "Master, I can't put such a precious thing on my clothes. .”

Shen Ye was taken aback when he heard the words, and followed Le Wuyi's gaze to look at his tattered hem and the same tattered sleeves.

That's what it looks like when it's scattered and miserable.

It seemed too much before?

Grand master and apprentice looked at each other, and in the end, Shen Ye calmly and expressionlessly took back the jade in the opponent's hand...


Holding the dark green stone in his hand, Xia Yi obviously felt a burst of relief.This is the feeling of being warmed and nourished inside the body, so fresh, as if trembling, the whole person seems to be alive again.

"Thank you senior, what exactly is this jade..." Xia Yi couldn't help asking as he walked slowly up the stone steps—the two of them chose to go up in the end, not for anything else, but because it led to the bottom. The road to the world has been closed, and the key to open the mechanism is blood.

Without the blood of the snake man, the two can only go up.

Xie Yi felt something in his heart, but he was not sure: "I just feel a little similar."


Xie Yi didn't answer, but asked instead: "Has Yi Ze seen the records of refining five-color stones?"

Xia Yi shook his head and said: "I have heard about it, but I have never seen it before." His heart jumped suddenly, and he couldn't help but look at the stone in his hand, "Thank you, senior, is this very similar to the raw material of the five-color stone? But this It's too...ordinary."

It is indeed a bit ordinary. You must know that in the prehistoric period, the sky was cracked and the floods were so great that Kyushu was overthrown and the people were in dire straits.Therefore, Nu Wa refined five-color stones to mend the sky. Since then, the four poles have been rectified, the lewd water has been dried up, cunning insects have died, and Zhuanmin has lived.How can such a great power be compared to this small piece of jade in his hand?

But since Xie Yi said this, there must be something strange.

Sure enough, Xie Yi went on to explain: "As part of the Shennong tribe, the Lieshan tribe assisted the gods in refining the five-color stones in Liuyue City. Although there are not many ancient scrolls for refining the five-color stones, I was lucky enough to see them when I was young. [-]. There are as many as [-] five-color rough stones in different categories, and one volume records the five-color rough stones that are very similar to this jade, but..."

"But is there something wrong?" Xia Yi said.

Xie Yi nodded and said: "According to the records at that time, all of these jade stones were taken away by Nuwa, so there shouldn't be any leftovers." The refining of five-color stones is extremely difficult. slow.Therefore, this very important rough stone should not have slipped through the net.

Xia Yi doesn't think so. In his current view, the gods are not omnipotent: "In the prehistoric time, the sky collapsed and the earth fell apart. Even in this intact land of Kyushu, it is very difficult to search every corner." Speaking of here , he smiled slightly, "I think it's more normal to leave a legacy."

"It's true," Xie Yi said with a smile, "I'm the one who stands still."

Xia Yi played with the jade in his hand: "In this way, it is indeed a five-color rough stone?" If it is a real five-color rough stone, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure.

Xie Yi didn't want to draw conclusions so early, but the specialness of this jade is obvious to all: "Even if it is not, this jade is very special, isn't it?"

Xia Yi smiled.

At the beginning, the two still had the energy to think about talking, but in the second half of the journey, they lost this thought, because the "person" inside the crystal wall changed again.

This change was extremely slow, especially in the end, the people inside the crystal wall were only half of their bodies left——for such an obvious change, no amount of pretentious concealment was in vain.

I saw that their eyes were still wide open, and their upper body was still as thin as a stick, but suddenly there was nothing below them starting from the waist.Be it bones or muscles, nothing remained, only a piece of limp human skin was left, mixed with the clothes, and spread on the floor like a paste.

As time went on, more and more parts of these people's bodies disappeared. When they came to the top of the cave, Xie Yi couldn't bear to look at it—the human skin was spread out in a ball, and only the pair of eyes on the top could turn left and right.

Judging from the turning frequency of those eyes, this "person" is already crazy.The eyeballs rotate back and forth up and down, left and right, without focal length, without stopping, what else could it be if it is not crazy?The most important thing is, with only this piece of human skin and a pair of eyes, he can still live?Xie Yi couldn't imagine.

What is the purpose of this crystal wall?Is this absorbing the vitality of people, or is it another way to make people live longer?To be honest, looking at that piece of human skin, no one would like such a way of longevity.

The end of the crystal wall was finally reached. It was a fairly neatly dug cave, and a warm air flow was slowly flowing out of the cave.

Behind the two, there are thousands of pairs of eyes flickering, crazy, rational, resentful, jealous... can't be rescued; in front of them, there is the only way.

There is no other passage, Xia Yi and Xie Yi can only choose to enter.

Unexpectedly, this dark cave is not long. After a short period of darkness, the exit is accompanied by dazzling light and scorching heat waves.The eyes of the two were stinging, the exit in front of them was full of dazzling white light, and they couldn't see the situation in front of them clearly.

Still, this heat wave is full of nature.

Are they back on the surface of the forest?

Why is something different?

Xie Yi put his hand in front of his eyes, but Xia Yi refused, "I'll go first." The two of them were very close to the exit, if he had an accident, it would be convenient for Xia Yi to deal with it.


Xia Yi saw Xie Yi's back being engulfed by white light, and waited for a while, but there was no movement: "Thank you senior?"

There was still no sound ahead.

The dazzling white light seemed to swallow Xie Yi.

The author has something to say: the legends of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors are all entangled, and the original setting of Gu Jian II has been changed. Shennong is a descendant of Fuxi, above!

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