Chapter 150 Five: Skeletons

As a Snake, he knew he was incomplete.

This body, half of which is still human, is not beneficial to him.He looked to his side, holding him tightly was a human corpse that was getting cold and stiff.

It was so tight that he, the snake man, could hardly move.

Human beings are really weird things, and snakes are annoying.

If this person hadn't suddenly come over to interrupt the sacrifice, he thought, he would be able to accept the gift of the mother god and use his body as bait in the Ten Thousand Snakes Cave to lure thousands of fellow clansmen to reorganize his body.

That's the real snake clan, the real him.

What a pity.'s not too late.

He withdrew from that embrace, stretching his limbs.The Snake Girl who got the news had already been waiting outside the tomb passage, her expression was quite joyful.

This is a welcome to his new life, he thought, and he couldn't wait any longer.

It's just that before he left, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Some stagnation, some dull pain, some reluctance.

His companion began to urge him outside, but he couldn't help turning his head back.

In the corner, the dead man was smiling, with blood all over his head and face, which was extremely ugly.

Just looking at it, the corners of his eyes were inexplicably sour.

He raised his hand to touch it, then tilted his head in doubt, where did the transparent water on his fingertips come from?

How strange, he thought, he is a snake and not a man, why does his eye hurt so much?


Under the scorching sun, Xia Yi is struggling to move forward.The sweltering wind brought up a cloud of sand and dust, and the sand dunes on the other side hit the one on the other side, making it almost unbearable to be pricked by needles.Although the sand under my feet is soft, it is still burning. If it is not separated by a layer of soles, blisters will inevitably form.

There are no road signs, no special animals and plants, and in this vast sea of ​​sand, Hawaii can only judge the direction according to the sun.

Where will Senior Xie be?Xia Yi raised his eyes and looked around. Even if such a sandy land is marked, nothing will be left when it is blown by the rampant wind.

How should the two of them meet?

The most frightening thing in the desert is getting lost, and the description of Xia Yi and Xie Yi couldn't be more suitable at this moment.

Not to mention that Xia Yi is looking for Xie Yi's trace, why is Xie Yi the same.When he stepped out of the cave, there was quicksand under his feet. If he hadn't reacted in time, he might have been buried alive.

So when he fled to a safe place, he couldn't help but stay where he was, fearing that Yi Ze would also be in danger when he came over.

It's just that until the heat wave caused a thin layer of sweat to form on Xie Yi's forehead, Xia Yize's figure also disappeared.Xie Yi thought for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that Yi Ze's luck is better than his own.It's just that, it was a lot of trouble for the two of them to meet each other.

There is only yellow sand besides the quicksand, Xie Yi tried to call Xia Yize's name while walking, and finally tried the names of Shen Ye and Le Wuyi.

It's a pity that, in the gusts of wind, the endless yellow sand, and the vast sky, only his voice echoed.

The sound cannot be transmitted, and the marking cannot be done. What should I do?If they left their belongings on the sand, it would be fine if they were found by barbarians, but if they were not found, wouldn't they lose their wife and lose their soldiers?

It's not right to stay where you are, and it's not right to walk aimlessly, Xie Yi has a terrible headache.Helpless, he could only roughly choose one direction—the east, and move on.

The wind howled in the desert, the sky was full of dust, Xie Yi didn't wear goggles, so he suffered a bit.Fortunately, the wind gradually weakened, and the only sound left on the yellow sand was the sound of him trekking alone.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the sun is still on the head—obviously, the sun here never sets.Xie Yi wiped off the fine sweat from his forehead, swept his eyes slightly, but suddenly found out - on the sand dunes not far away, a few small mounds protruded here and there.

Xie Yi rushed to the vicinity of the sand dunes and wiped away the yellow sand on the surface of the mound. Before he could feel happy, he suddenly fell into the bottom of the valley - gradually exposed under the yellow sand was a snow-white human bone.

Xie Yi looked at the hand that almost touched the human bone, and then at the exposed spine, after thinking about it, he still stretched out his hand and continued to pull.

This person's bones have been dry for a long time, so there shouldn't be any problems.

The skeleton under the yellow sand was finally exposed, but it looked extremely distorted.Xie Yi had seen skeletons with miserable and hideous death, but they were far less weird than this one.

The thighs of the skeleton in front of him were bent up to the waist, and the hands were encircled in a very regular way—it seemed to be holding something vaguely.It's just that there is nothing in front of him, and it looks more like holding air in his arms.

Xie Yi cleaned up several other mounds one by one, and the next one was a skeleton as expected, but unexpectedly, their movements were the same.

With legs bent and arms folded, according to the degree of bending of the hand bones and finger bones, they exerted great force before death.What is certain is that they must be holding something before they die, and they will not let go until they stop breathing.

But now apart from the yellow sand in this place, Xie Yi can't find anything else.Judging from the undamaged bones, the "treasure" in their hands should not have been taken away by external forces.

So... where did things go?

Xie Yi couldn't figure it out.

The heat was steaming, Xie Yi worked so hard for a long time, but he got nothing. Fortunately, these bones are not useless.He tore off a strip of cloth, simply cut out a family pattern of the Lieshan tribe, said softly "offended", and tied the strip of cloth to one of the bones.

I hope they can see it.

Taking a last look at the skeleton, Xie Yi turned and left.

The journey to find the exit and Xia Yi was extremely long. After the skeleton, Xie Yi didn't see anything again.

The scorching sun is scorching the earth, and the distant horizon is hot; the clouds are curled up in the distant sky, and the air is stagnant.It's just that in the wind, there was a faint rumble at some point.

By the time Xie Yi noticed it, the movement was already very obvious.The rumbling sound was not like the rolling waves of the sea, and when the distant scenery was clearly visible, Xie Yi couldn't help but sigh, the house leak happened to be raining overnight.

The cloudless sky gradually became dark, and after a while, the bright sun was covered by yellow sand.In the distance, a tawny wave is coming.

The last thing you want to encounter in the desert is a sandstorm.It only took a while to raze the sand dunes to the ground.

Looking at the dust that was almost touching the sky, and feeling the more violent wind, Xie Yi took off his jacket to cover his whole body as much as possible, and then fell down on his stomach.

You must know that it is difficult to find cover here, and getting down is the most effective way of protection.

The gust of wind came whistling and galloping, and the sky and the earth suddenly changed color.Even with clothes covering him, Xie Yi still felt suffocated.The yellow sand under his body slid straight to the rear like a pulled silk thread.Just at this moment, Xie Yi heard a strange movement.

That was the "slap" sound of the strong wind beating on the obstacle, from far to near.

Yi Ze?

Xie Yi carefully lifted a corner of his clothes, and saw that his whole body was in darkness, and the sky was full of yellow sand.And in this darkness, there was indeed a black shadow slowly approaching him.

The black shadow moved extremely slowly, up and down, like a puppet swinging from side to side.He paused for a moment with each step, his head limply tilted to the side of the force, his neck bent in a horrific way, so that his head seemed more like growing on his shoulders.After lifting his foot and walking again, his body paused and tilted again, and his head hit the shoulder on the other side with a "click".

Due to the low visibility, all Xie Yi could see was the head bumping back and forth on his shoulders.

The wind howled and the yellow sand flowed away. The man swayed back and forth with one foot deep and the other shallow.

After the first black shadow, within a short while, several identical figures followed.They also sway from side to side, with their heads like pendulums attached to their necks, swinging back and forth with their bodies.

The "popping" sound of the strong wind gradually became louder, as if passing through hollowed-out stone caves, echoing each other.

Xie Yi felt that the strips of cloth left before had not yet guided the way for the barbarians, but now they were warning him—the black shadow moving to the left, the strips of cloth on his arms fluttering in the wind, extremely conspicuous—that was him not long ago. left before.

The skeleton can move?He really underestimated them.

No wonder the sound of the wind is so strange, every black shadow is a hollowed out skeleton, the wind and sand flow through the gaps and collide with each other, of course it is louder.

Xie Yi propped up his body carefully, the stinging pain on his face had long been ignored.Unexpectedly, he just propped up his body gently, but the bones that were moving slowly felt it, and suddenly stopped moving.

For the headed skeleton, the body was tilted even more, as if a person leaned out to look at it - it's just that it is impossible for ordinary people to tilt the upper body to the waist.

The sound of the wind well covered the sound of Xie Yi's breathing, the few skeletons did not move against the wind, and after a while, maybe it was confirmed that no one was there, and they moved forward again.Only the headed skeleton was folded in half, and the guards stood still.

The skeleton's back was facing Xie Yi, but the skull had already been hollowed out, was he looking at his companion?Still looking at yourself?

Skeletons appeared one after another in the sandstorm, dark and grey, with creaking noises between the bones, it was definitely more than what Xie Yi had seen before.The army of skeletons first moved in the same direction, but when they got down the sand dunes, they scattered in all directions.

Are you looking for something?

I saw that those skeletons did not bend down, but their bodies suddenly became shorter—they returned to the appearance Xie Yi had seen before, with their legs bent.But their hands were not in the shape of arms, but in a seemingly powerless state, they penetrated deeply into the sand.

The sand dunes ahead were collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the bones were going away against the center of the sand dunes.Limping but searching extremely seriously, this scene is extremely weird.

Is there really a treasure under the sand?

Xie Yi was puzzled.

The wind and sand hit Xie Yi's cheek continuously, causing endless pain.But there were skeletons staring at him, Xie Yi did not dare to move easily - the skeletons of the original team leader did not go to the sand dunes ahead.

Xie Yi shifted his gaze to the other party, but saw that the skeleton had long since disappeared on the sand dunes where the yellow sand kept flowing.

The author has something to say: The novel is updated today!

The four of them would be killed if they were separated!

The story feels a bit boring!

Huanghua and Huangyan are good friends!

Master Brain Hole, don't die!

"Three-Body" is really great!

Liu Cixin is so amazing!

But I don't want to read science fiction anymore!

Liberal arts students really can't afford to be hurt!

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