Chapter [-]: Dark Lights

In the pitch-black corridor and the slightly slippery stone walls, you can see faint fluorescent lights flickering on the walls, as if walking in the starry sky.At first glance, it is not inferior to the brilliance of the lights.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi walked side by side and descended step by step.Every ten steps, you can see two terracotta figurines holding torches, standing opposite each other on the left and right.

At first, the two thought they would be attacked, but after a long time, the terracotta figurines holding the torches did not change, and they were relieved.

However, they were always vigilant, and the swords in their hands never retracted.

The terracotta figurines standing on both sides are wearing warrior uniforms, which can be carefully identified as the armor costumes of the Han Dynasty, but in retrospect, they seem to be somewhat different from the soldiers and servants seen before.

"A Ye." Xie Yi couldn't help calling out.

Shen Ye knew what he wanted to say, and said briefly: "Go down first and then talk."

Xie Yi nodded: "Alright."

The corridor, which was thought to be very long, came to an end soon unexpectedly.After passing through a curved arch, there was a cold wind blowing over the cheeks, bringing fresh air.

In front of the two of them, there are three vertical stairs.

The three steps are made of white jade, starting from the platform in front, and spreading down in the air in three directions: front, left, and right.Looking from the angle where Shen Ye and Xie Yi were, what they saw was not the front of the stairs, but the bottom of them—without any support, the three stairs stopped in mid-air, connecting each other step by step.

And the stone platform is also made of jade, and there is an ever-burning lamp in the center, which is full of oil and burning blazingly. I don't know how many years it has been burning.Beside the stage are three soldiers and servants holding torches. Judging from their appearance, they seem to be lighting the oil lamps, and they seem to be guarding the oil lamps.

The suddenly empty space, because the stone walls are pitch black, and with the light spots that shone like stars, it will only feel illusory and unreal.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi exchanged glances, then stepped onto the stone platform calmly.

There are exactly three stairs behind the three pottery figurines. Looking down, apart from the stairs, there is an endless abyss.

"Aye, we..." Xie Yi hadn't finished speaking, but his eyes swept across the ever-burning lamp, and the next moment, he covered his mouth uncomfortably, "Um..."

Shen Ye was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

Xie Yi frowned, and looked at the ever-bright lantern with disgust: "It's a sky lantern."

Sky Lantern is just a nice name, its real name should be Human Lantern.It has been said in ancient times that human oil is the most difficult to burn, so if a whole living person is boiled into oil, the oil lamp can burn for hundreds of thousands of years without extinguishing.

They didn't pay attention to it before, but it was only at this moment that Xie Yi realized that such a sky lantern was actually lit on this altar-like place.The full lamp oil, the grease is semi-circular, what is it if it is not human oil?

And the most disgusting thing is that the wick as thick as a thumb is actually made of human skin!

Closest to the wick above, a small patch of black hair can be seen.I don't know if those hairs are coated with special oil, which is damp and slippery, and it doesn't dissipate despite the flames burning.Under the hair are human eyes, but the eyeballs are gone, only the twisted, extremely thin eye sockets are twisted and connected to the lower lip.

The whole face of this sky lantern is distorted to the length of the palm, and the original appearance can no longer be seen clearly.And at the bottom of the wick, on the grease surface, two pieces of floating gauze-like human skin can be seen undulating—these are the feet of the deceased, not light enough to hold.

Xie Yi only felt extremely uncomfortable.

Shen Ye also looked at the human skin and remained silent.As expected of the ancient emperors, only these people can light up the sky lanterns.

Yingying's candlelight looked very strange at the moment, Xie Yi took a moment to say: "A Ye, let's go." At this moment, he didn't want to stay here at all.

However, which of the three roads in front of you should you choose?

There seems to be no difference between the three steps and the three terracotta figurines, and the ever-burning lamp, which is supposed to serve as an indicator, is also in the middle of the three, and there is no intention of favoring any of them.

Shen Ye simply said, "Right."

At this moment, the two are standing by the stairs on the right.

Xie Yi was taken aback: "So simple?"

Shen Ye said lightly: "Look at the eyes of this sky lantern."

Reminded by Shen Ye, Xie Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, really forgot about this.He only paid attention to the sky lantern, but forgot that those eyes without eyeballs were indeed facing in their direction.

Even if it is distorted out of shape, "he" has been looking to the right with resentment - the direction the eyes are looking at is the front, so the way out here is to the right.

Not wanting to take another look at the sky lantern, Xie Yi dragged Shen Ye on the road.

Stepping on the jade steps makes a tinkling sound, just like the oldest music.It's just that there are no railings on both sides of this ladder, and the bottom is empty. This feeling is almost the same as crossing a single-plank bridge.However, the single-plank bridge can still see the other side, but here is an abyss that cannot be seen to the bottom.

The stairs are not spacious, Xie Yiben proposed to walk one after the other, but he didn't want Shen Ye to wave his hand, and directly took him over: "That's no problem."

Xie Yi was helpless, there was indeed no problem.It was as if he was afraid that he would freeze, the two of them almost became one.

However, the two of them were so close, it was indeed a lot warmer, and also, a lot more reassuring.

The two walked down the jade steps, obviously far away from the light source, but those tiny fluorescent lights still brought light to them.Twinkling, twinkling like stars in the sky.

The cold wind was rustling from bottom to top, but the two walked down side by side with warmth.But after an unknown time passed, a jade stone platform appeared in front of them again.

The stone platform is divided into three stone steps, each stone step corresponds to a pottery figurine holding a torch, and in the center of it is the impressive ever-burning lamp.

Here, it is exactly the same as the stone platform above.

After seeing the appearance of the stone platform clearly, Xie Yi couldn't help but looked up to the left. In the pitch-black ground, the stone steps they hadn't chosen before had already disappeared.

Shen Ye didn't pause, and walked up to the stone platform with Xie Yi, but before Xie Yi looked at the ever-burning lamp, he covered his eyes.

"A Ye?" Xie Yi asked suspiciously, but he didn't try to break Shen Ye's hand.

"It's okay, let's go to the left." After finishing speaking, Shen Ye walked around the pottery figurines with Xie Yi and walked to the left.

Xie Yi asked as he walked, "Is there something wrong with that lamp?"

Although Shen Ye didn't want Xie Yi to see it, it didn't matter if he said it: "There are two human skins."

Xie Yi sighed: "Really..."

Even if he didn't see it, Xie Yi could still imagine the twisted appearance of the wick.But what Xie Yi wanted to say more was that Ah Ye didn't have to protect him in this respect.

Although he was not used to it at first, it was just not used to it.

With just one glance, Shen Ye could guess Xie Yi's thoughts: "It's better to take one less look."

For Shen Ye's pampering, Xie Yi just smiled.

There were only two footsteps on the cold stairs. As time passed, in the darkness, the other two stone steps disappeared as expected.

And below, the very familiar stone platform appeared again.

The long lights are like the only lighthouse in the vast sea.

Xie Yi couldn't help laughing and said, "A Ye, do you think this looks like the illusion we saw before?"

Keep repeating, keep standing still, how similar.

The only thing that is not repeated is the wick of that lamp.

But this time the sky lantern is not as good as the previous two.In this sky lantern, the wick in the middle is as thick as an adult man's arm, and what floats on the surface of the oil is densely packed human skin like waterweed, one next to the other.Only the shape of the toes was still visible, spreading out like flower petals, weightless.

As for the wick, let alone Xie Yi, even Shen Ye frowned uncomfortably.The front side of the lamp post is in the shape of eye sockets, densely packed and twisted together.In each eye socket, another eye can be seen, wide open, crooked, smiling, going deeper and deeper layer by layer.

Looking at the size and shape of those toes, Xie Yi's voice was a bit dull: "It's a child..." The sole of the foot is only half a foot long, with delicate skin, what is it if it's not a child?

This sky lantern is actually a wick made of countless children and boiled lamp oil.

Shen Ye held Xie Yi's shoulders: "That's why I said, you shouldn't watch." Although he knew that Xie Yi would not be afraid, it was obvious that his lover was in a very bad mood at the moment.

Xie Yi sighed: "What's the difference between watching and not watching?" Those children had already died, and even if they wanted to save them, they couldn't be saved.

Shen Ye didn't speak, but pulled Xie Yi and walked towards the stairs in the middle.

And Xie Yi quickly restrained his mood.It is said that there are only three things, and the bottom, he instinctively will be the bottom of the ladder.If so, he can't relax his spirit.

The author has something to say: In fact, it is not necessary to use human skin to light a sky lantern, but the whole person is usually used to make it.

PS: "The author has something to say" seems to be unable to post the URL, which is a pity.In a certain field, I made the first part into TXT and uploaded it to the network disk.

Any girl who wants to leave a message, the URL should be posted in the message O(∩_∩)O~

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