Chapter [-]: Strangers

This was originally a slightly crowded stone room, neatly lined up with soldiers, well-behaved servants, singing and dancing dancers and a hundred operas, the end of which could not be seen at a glance.With their presence, this originally very empty place has become much more substantial.

But now, it's empty.

It was so empty that it seemed that what I had seen before was just a dream, a nightmare that even in retrospect was horrifying.Not to mention the standing terracotta figurines, even the messy parts that were originally scattered at the door have disappeared completely - so clean that the air becomes suffocating.

What the flickering candlelight left on the wall were the elongated figures of the people, overlapping each other, indistinct, flickering and flickering.Looking around, no matter whether it is front, back, left, or right, it is empty.

There are only living people like them here.

It's like suddenly coming from the hustle and bustle of the city to the dead silence of the morgue. Who can accept the gap between them?

Originally, the group had been brooding over this stone room, but now, their suspicions have directly turned into panic.Even though there was no cool breeze around them, everyone still had goose bumps all over their bodies.

How did those monsters disappear?

Where did it go?

They walked over just now and didn't see any terracotta figurines. Does that mean that those monsters are waiting in front?

Thinking of this possibility, the Liu family's original intention to escape sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.If so, can they still escape?That's rushing to die!

Despair and fear gradually rose: "Master...we..."

Looking at the exit in the distance, Liu He felt that the bright place was full of danger at the moment. He looked at Shen Ye and Xie Yi at the side, and forced his lips to curl up and said: "It seems that we are going to stay here with you."

Xie Yi also glanced at the exit, but he didn't say much, he smiled and said, "It's fine if those things aren't there, at least it's safe here, isn't it?"

Liu He could only respond with a wry smile.

Forcibly suppressing the fear, the group of people dispersed again, but their pale faces were full of uneasiness.But also, a hidden crisis is already in front of us, and it is only a matter of time before we encounter it.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi could see the Liu family's fear, but they were not prepared to say more.They still have their goals to accomplish and can't pass up any opportunity to find them now.

So Xie Yi tapped along the stone wall, carefully listening to the sound made by the stone slabs, while Shen Ye followed him silently, in a posture of protection.

Just as Xie Yi listened carefully, Shen Ye suddenly pulled him back if he felt something.

"A Ye?" Xie Yi asked, "What did you find?"

Shen Ye pointed forward: "Look there."

Xie Yi followed him to look, but saw a cut Tao lying alone but conspicuously beside a bowl lamp.

Judging from the shape, it was an arm with five fingers clasped tightly.

Shen Ye sneered, the stone room where all the traces disappeared, and the piece of pottery that was left suddenly, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the "opponent" left it on purpose.

The two walked forward, Xie Yi knelt down and fiddled with the dark sword for a while, then shook his head at Shen Ye—there was no problem with this arm.

But since the "opponent" left this clue on purpose, it couldn't have been done by accident, so the two started to check around here.

And that was indeed the case. Soon, the two discovered a hidden mechanism—a bowl lamp with two wicks.

That is really too small mechanism, if it is not intentional, who will pay attention to how many wicks are in a lamp?Maybe if you see it, you will only treat it as a coincidence.

Seeing this, Xie Yi couldn't help laughing: "A Ye, which one do you think is fake?"

Shen Ye glanced at him, his tone was indifferent, but his eyes were doting: "Ask knowingly."

Xie Yi smiled, took out the piece of nanmu and held it between his fingertips, and with a snap of his fingers, he extinguished the wick on the left side of the lamp.

And at the very moment when the wick was extinguished, the two only heard a light "Ka Da", followed by the dull sound of stone slabs falling.

The noise from Shen Ye and Xie Yi naturally attracted the attention of Liu He and the others, but before they walked over to see what was going on, they saw that the two of them had all drawn out their swords, and the next moment, the rock cracked Voice - Several black shadows rushed out from the ground, and were cut clean by Shen Ye and Xie Yi, who had been prepared for a long time.

Accompanied by the shattered terracotta figurines and a very pungent smell, Shen Ye pulled Xie Yi back a step, and saw black water slowly flowing out from under the shattered terracotta figurines.

This is an extremely weird scene. Obviously, the figurines are made of pottery, but after being chopped into pieces, they are so broken that they cannot find their original appearance. However, their previous flexibility and the "blood" flowing out of nowhere at this moment, I can't help but feel my scalp tingle.

Is this a living person?But those cross-sections also look like clay pottery, not human flesh.So, where did these "black blood" come from?

Looking at the terracotta figurines broken into stones in front of him, Xie Yi paid attention to another point: "Aye, how do you say they move?"

The pottery is hard, and if they really want to change their limbs, they don't need to do it at all, and these pottery figurines will shatter on their own.But the truth is, they not only move, they move with ease.

Shen Ye looked at the foul-smelling "black blood" with disgust: "Who knows."

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Xie." Liu He walked over, looking at the sudden entrance and the shattered pottery figurines, but his eyes were a little hesitant.

Shen Ye glanced at Xie Yi first, and seeing Xie Yi nodded, he turned to Liu He and said, "We are going down, how about you?"


Before Liu He expressed his opinion, the others behind him couldn't help it: "Master..." The voice was full of begging—begging not to go down.

Everyone saw the shattered terracotta figurines, and the terracotta figurines attacked the moment the secret passage was opened, so what about the back road?They had no doubt that those disappeared terracotta figurines were just below this secret passage.

Countless terracotta figurines, countless monsters.They had already taken the seal of the King of Chu, pried away a few fowl bricks, and obtained an incomparably exquisite bronze leopard in the strange beast pit. Although it was not a peerless treasure, it was absolutely priceless.

They really don't want to go down and die.

Liu He didn't know what his companion was thinking, but he...

Shen Ye didn't wait for Liu He to get tangled up there, and said quickly, "Then let's separate from here."

"Mr. Shen..."

Shen Ye just glanced at Liu He, pulled Xie Yi who nodded in greeting, and disappeared into the passage after a while.All that was left was the black water that was still winding down, making a gurgling sound.

Liu Donghua stepped forward: "Master, let's go."

Liu He sighed, and looked at the dark corridor reluctantly, but in the end he could only follow everyone's wishes.Even though he believed in Shen Ye's ability, he still wanted to say to Shen Ye, forget it. With so many monsters, no matter how powerful he is, can he really break out of the encirclement?But he also knew that once Shen Ye made a decision, no one else could change it.

However, perhaps this has changed?Liu He thought bitterly, that's all, let's talk about it next time we meet.

Everyone is gone, why do you still want to do something?

When he turned his head again, Liu He had completely buried his reluctance, leaving nothing but perseverance.At this moment, he will only be the young master of the Liu family, and he will not think about anything other than taking all his companions out.

The sound of scattered footsteps disappeared from the door of the stone room in a short while, so the Liu family who left, Shen Ye and Xie Yi who went to the depths of the corridor would not know that a pair of slender sharp claws, after returning to tranquility here, Quietly came to the entrance of the corridor.

There was a "crack", that was the sound of the terracotta figurine being kicked away, and the tiny fragments fell into the black blood, turning into a part of it and rushing forward non-stop.

The black blood dyed those small claws black in a short while, but the visitor kicked the claws indifferently, raised his head and let out a very familiar and hoarse cry: "Ahhh——"

The author has something to say: They finally split into two groups, Wang Tian.

But where are the terracotta figurines~~~

PS: Why did I send it in advance, because the network speed is so slow that I can’t send it up at all, so I’m lucky if I send it first.Hehehe, hehehehe, hehehehe(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

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