Chapter [-]: Search

A rebellious prince, what is the most taboo of Emperor Han Jing?Of course, it is the army in the hands of the opponent.The previous terracotta warriors and horses were neatly arranged, including infantry, cavalry, horses, and chariots.It would not be an exaggeration to say that the uniform posture and the majestic posture are strictly disciplined and full of arrogance.

With such an army, can Emperor Han Jing safely hand them over to Liu Wu after his death?

It's not obvious that he will rebel again!

Is Emperor Han Jing really so generous?

What Xie Yi said naturally has his reasons.Judging from those ferocious beasts, Liu Wu's shabby main tomb and the "disappeared" funerary objects, Emperor Han Jing hated this cousin very much.Therefore, those precious terracotta figurines, those incomparably precise murals, and the magnificent Milky Way in the front are not things that Emperor Han Jing allowed to exist.

This extremely contradictory comparison before and after, is not so much to believe that Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty allowed Liu Wu to be buried thickly in a moment of enthusiasm, but to believe that this is indeed not a special tomb of Liu Wu.

What Xie Yi meant was that there were other tomb owners here, but Liu He and others couldn't accept it for a while.

There are no two owners of the tomb, and stacking holes is the most taboo way of burial.At the least, it will affect the development of the family business of future generations, and at the worst, it will cut off children and grandchildren.Except for husband and wife who can be buried together, even father and son cannot be placed in the same tomb, let alone the emperor's family with many rules.

As a prince and king, Liu Wu is the Liu family.For the luck of his own dynasty, Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty should not have chosen to destroy his own cornerstone out of a moment of anger.

"This..." The Liu family walked around each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

No matter how much Emperor Han Jing held grudges, he wouldn't allow overlapping acupoints, would he?

Maybe it's because Liu Wu's family couldn't bear to live in desolation after Liu Wu's death, so they hid it from Emperor Han Jing's eyes and ears and secretly buried him like this?

Rather than believing in the overlapping acupoints, judging from the hesitant faces of the Liu family, they obviously believe that this is the tomb of Liu Wu alone.

Listening to everyone expressing their opinions, Liu He couldn't help but look at Shen Ye, and saw the other party succinctly say: "I listen to Xie Yi."

Ignoring Liu He's disappointed expression, Shen Ye looked calm.Not to mention that what Xie Yi said was reasonable, but he clearly remembered the pieces of golden nanmu brought by the Yanjia bird earlier.

Liu Wu's coffin was an ebony coffin after the jade pieces were stripped off.They had never seen traces of nanmu along the way, so Shen Ye believed even more that there was another coffin of nanmu hidden in this extremely mysterious place.

It's just that there are fragments of nanmu in Xie Yi's hands, but this cannot be said.Its origin is too likely to arouse the suspicion of the Liu family.

It was hard for Liu He to speak, but some people couldn't wait any longer: "Then what are you going to do?"

Shen Ye said simply: "Keep looking."

Although they knew that Shen Ye and Xie Yi would definitely choose to do this, the Liu family was even more hesitant to put it on the surface.

Is there any need to waste time here?

One more point here is more danger, but if this is really a stacked cave, there are really other tomb owners...

Seeing that everyone looked hesitant, Liu He gritted his teeth and said, "Let's stay first."

"Master!" Some people called out anxiously, but then they didn't say anything else.No one would be reconciled to just taking a trivial Chu King Seal back home.

Now that there is a goal, the next action is much clearer.Surrounding the entire tomb, everyone searched everywhere.

The protruding rocks, the dusty ground, and even the bottom of Liu Wu's coffin were searched carefully one by one, but after several laps, there was no so-called passage, let alone signs of other coffins, and nothing was found.

Liu He felt unwilling, and couldn't help looking at Shen Ye and Xie Yi who had been walking together.

Will they discover anything?

After Xie Yi fumbled around, looking at Shen Ye's calm face, he just shook his head slightly - there is nothing wrong with this stone room.

Shen Ye was also straightforward: "Then let's go back." Shen Ye has always believed in Xie Yi's ability to find and crack the mechanism.Since there is no problem here, naturally we can only start from other places.

Seeing that Shen Ye and Xie Yi seemed to have come to a conclusion, Liu He heard Shen Ye say directly as soon as they stepped forward, "There is no problem here, go back."

Liu He was taken aback, but Shen Ye had already pulled Xie Yi and left without looking back.

Liu He sighed and beckoned everyone behind to follow.

Back to the stone room where the ridge beast was, everyone searched non-stop.The walls, stone bricks, and ridge beasts, groping inch by inch like a carpet, almost smashed those ridge beasts.After searching and searching, they still didn't find any useful clues except for the ashen corpses of Liu Yijun and the others.

Everyone still didn't give up, but after Xie Yi shook his head at Shen Ye again, and the two left, they had no choice but to follow.

A feeling of disappointment welled up in his heart.

Rare and Exotic Beast Pit, same result.

At this moment, the faint light beads of the bowl lamp meander to the front like strings of light—that is the way they came.The din of the Milky Way and flowing water sounded in their ears again, and in front of everyone was the dark pottery and stone room.

They are back here after all.

What happened here is still vivid: those distorted living people turned into terracotta figurines, the dead Liu Qian, the missing Nian Shu, and the crisis hidden in the tumbling galaxy.

There is only the stone chamber of the terracotta figurines in front, to enter, or not to enter?

Did they really have the courage to search for so-called clues in that stone room?

What if you follow in the footsteps of Liu Xuan and Liu Qian?Also become a monster and live forever?

"Let's...let's go back and look for it again." Someone said, with an extremely unsteady voice.

Xie Yi shook his head: "There should be no problem there."


There was a sound of "哗啦", only a wave was heard, everyone was startled, and they looked at the silver-white river beside them with extreme speed and fear.

Fortunately, no giant snake poked its head out this time.

Standing at this junction, everyone just felt chilly all over.It's not like going forward, staying here is even more problematic, but backing away, Xie Yi said that there is no need for that.

Don't advance, don't retreat, do you just stay here and wait to die?

There is an unknown hell ahead, is it really necessary for them to go there to find so-called clues?

Is everything Xie Yi said really reasonable?Do you really have to listen to him?

If they entered the stone room in front of them, they would rather not take any treasures and escape directly through the stone room than to find something that is not there.

So what if you get nothing, what could be more important than your own life?

It is inevitable that there will be times when the news is wrong. If you don't save your life at this time, is it still rushing to die?

The panic had worn down the will of the Liu family. Shen Ye and Xie Yi saw this embarrassing situation, and Liu He also felt distressed.

How to do?

Liu Donghua stood up first: "Master, let's go."

Liu He looked at the helpless Liu Donghua, while the rest of them also looked like they wanted to give up.

"This time it's not a mistake in the news. The tomb of the third king of Chu can also be regarded as the tomb of the emperor." Liu Donghua licked the corners of his lips and said with difficulty, "Let's take some other more valuable things, plus the tomb of the king of Chu." Yin, the master won't say much, will he?"

Shen Ye and Xie Yi stood on the side without saying a word. Seeing that the Liu family gradually chose to retreat, they began to persuade Liu He one by one.

In fact, the road ahead is too dangerous, and the possibility that Xie Yi mentioned, they have made no progress at present.Instead of facing the unknown crisis again, it is better to go back.

The Liu family all stood up and persuaded Liu He to go back like this.

Liu He sighed, looked at Shen Ye and Xie Yi: "You two, you should stay here, right?"

With an affirmative tone, Shen Ye and Xie Yi nodded as expected.

Glancing at Shen Ye, Liu He was a little bit reluctant, but he would not refute the opinions of his companions behind him: "Then we will split into two groups here."

"Yes." Shen Ye answered simply.

Having said that, they still went into this stone room together—the Liu family chose to leave, and Shen Ye and Xie Yi wanted to search for clues here.

It's just that when a group of people stepped into this place that left them with lingering fears, the scene in front of them was unexpected and shocked everyone again.

The stone room, which was full of terracotta figurines, was empty.

The author has something to say: Moutian is going crazy, and finally uploaded it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

There is really an urge to drop the computer, the hand is so uncomfortable that it is called terrible, but fortunately I held back _(:зゝ∠)_

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