Ancient Sword II: The Tracking of the Fierce Mountain

Chapter 105: Surrounded by Giant Serpents

Chapter [-]: Surrounded by Serpents

The light and white tail feathers swept across the gravel path; the plump and bright wings brought a small breeze.What you see in front of your eyes is white like clouds and black like ink, intricately intertwined.

"Ahh..." a white peacock called coquettishly, and after a while, a pair of hands hugged it.Caressing the extremely smooth feathers, a somewhat mellow voice sounded: "Are you coming? Well, here we are."

After a short pause, he said again: "Should be soon?" Tilting his head, he smiled, "Well, soon."

"Too slow?"

"What can I do? I can only wait."

The man just asked and answered himself, smiling all over his face.Behind him, there are countless black figures standing vaguely, with faces made of pottery, and debris keeps falling as they move.

"Oh, it seems to be coming soon?" Then, "Yes, it's really coming soon."

"Soon...haha, soon...soon!" With a flash of sharpness in his eyes, he heard a painful cry from his hand, bowed his head, and the man felt a little regretful, "You guys, why are you so fragile?"

"It's not your fault." The man threw his torn body in half with a wave of his hand. The next moment, another black peacock ran over coquettishly. It was so brilliant from beginning to end.

"It's coming soon... It's really coming soon... You guys, come on..."


As Xie Yi expected, what appeared in front of him and Shen Ye this time was no longer the disgusting stone platform, but an arch leading to nowhere.

Looking back, under the jade steps, sharp stone forests stand like blades, densely covering the entire space.He just didn't know where he and Ah Ye would lead if they had chosen the other two paths.

When they came to the flat ground, Shen Ye didn't intend to let go, but still walked forward with Xie Yi in his arms.

Xie Yi didn't know whether it was a compromise or he was a little bit reluctant, this time he didn't struggle and obeyed meekly.

The pattern of the arch piled up with stones cannot be seen clearly, but the cold texture is hard to ignore.At the moment when the two of them entered the arch, the very familiar sound of waves suddenly filled their ears again.

The "rumbling" waves and the "squeaking" sound of running water are so familiar and unforgettable.Xie Yi couldn't help raising his head, and the next moment, his eyes widened in surprise: "This is..."

Above the two of them, the top of the tomb, which was supposed to be pitch black, turned out to be as bright as day.why?Just because it is full of flowing mercury, emitting a silver-white light that is not inferior to moonlight.

The two were a little surprised.Above them is the Milky Way?

It is indeed the Milky Way.

The fine texture and flowing metal texture fully fill the entire top.In the distance, strips of black shadows swam intertwined—they were countless silver snakes.

Xie Yi didn't have time to sigh, but a black shadow suddenly blocked his sight, and the next moment, the eyes of the beast, which were the size of a bathtub, filled the entire field of vision.

The beast's pupils were always full of plunder, just like the huge silver snake above them now.It could swallow the body of a living person with just one mouthful, and the silver snake quietly stuck to the top of the tomb passage, moving its body slowly.After a while, the fine scales filled the top of the entire tomb passage.

"Crack" and "Crack", that is the sound of scales rubbing against rocks.Silver Snake didn't move his head, just staring at the two prey, Shen Ye and Xie Yi, but his body twisted extremely quickly.The silver snake coiled around layer by layer, getting faster and faster, and more anxious, as if it wanted to break the layer of "glass" in front of it and rush down in the next moment.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi stood still, just staring at the silver snake. From the snake's pupils, they could see their slightly shrunken figures.

Xie Yi kept his gaze on the giant snake: "This snake...has Ah Ye seen it before?" He would not doubt that this galaxy is full of these huge animals.

Could it be ancient creatures that can survive in the poisonous mercury?

Shen Ye said decisively: "It should not be an ancient creature."

Xie Yi looked at Shen Ye: "So sure?"

Shen Ye withdrew his gaze: "Naturally." He paused, "If they were really ancient creatures, they wouldn't be unable to break even this barrier."

Xie Yi laughed when he heard the words: "It's true."

As if confirming what Shen Ye said, when both of them looked away, the giant snake moved.Perhaps thinking that the prey had lowered its defenses, the silver snake opened its mouth and slammed its head into the transparent "glass".

Surprisingly, such a huge snake body didn't even vibrate at all, not to mention that the tomb passage was broken.


"Boom!" Again.

The sound of raindrops replaced the sound of running water, but the tomb passage was safe and sound.

Smoothly like the giant snake outside is just an illusion.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi stopped looking at the greedy monster and walked straight forward.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi didn't know if the snake would follow them all the time.The top of this tomb passage has always been transparent, and a black shadow flashed from time to time, some stayed and some left.

Are the people inside enjoying the "scenery" outside?Or is the "landscape" outside trying to catch the prey within?It can only be said that the person who built this tomb was really ingenious.

Especially in the end, the top is full of incomparably huge snake heads, layer upon layer, innumerable, all with mouths open and fangs bared.This kind of "appreciation" mood is really no one wants to enjoy.

Fortunately, the invisible barrier ensured that Shen Ye and Xie Yi could move freely. After passing through the many corridors, the two finally came to a circular stone room.

"Boom--!"You don't need to look to know that this transparent stone room has been surrounded by giant snakes.It is densely packed, leaving no gaps, and when one snake retreats, the next snake will naturally squeeze in.

I also don't know how these two people who are only big enough to squeeze a snake between their teeth attract so many giant snakes.

But Shen Ye and Xie Yi didn't look at the dense group of snakes, what they saw was the messy terracotta warriors in front of them.

Yes, terracotta warriors.Fragmented bodies, cracked heads, rotten bronze swords, and the intact terracotta warriors who were arranged out of order: infantry stood on chariots, followed by cavalry guards.

There is the beating sound of war drums in my ears, but if there is a real war, these messy terracotta warriors and horses will definitely lose no matter what the battle is.

It feels like Liu Wu should be buried with pottery figurines.Xie Yi was so emotional.

The messy terracotta warriors and horses piled up the entire stone chamber in this way, which was more than three feet thick, leaving no place to stand.Xie Yi and Shen Ye looked at each other, as if they were different from the terracotta figurines they had seen before?

Shen Ye said: "Be careful."

Xie Yi nodded: "Yes."

Because there were no gaps, the two had no choice but to step on the terracotta figurines.However, the sound of the shattering terracotta figurines could not cover the restlessness of the giant snake outside.

Just when the two walked to the center of the stone room, several hands suddenly stretched out from among a pile of broken pottery figurines.

The author has something to say: I think my procrastination is hopeless_(:зゝ∠)_

However, even if you are procrastinating, please bookmark (>_<)

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