"You can pick lotus in the south of the Yangtze River, lotus leaves and He Tiantian, and fish play among the lotus leaves." Li Chuo sat on the bow of the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, fishing in the cold river alone, with a sense of sight of a certain emperor enjoying himself Ah, Jiangnan is worthy of being the spiritual hometown of all literati leaders.

"Did you catch it? I'm hungry. Why don't you buy some food from the small cargo boat passing by?"

Zhang Tao got out of the small door at the stern with his body nestled, his stomach growling with hunger, and the sound could be heard far away.

"I just know how to eat!" Li Chuo said angrily. How can he marry such a bastard who only knows how to eat, sleep, and talk about cross talk? A miniature pig was raped by a large Ukrainian white pig, which is also a sin in a previous life.

The two originally planned to fly directly from the provincial capital to the location of the lotus root indicated in the recipe, but the child has been the emperor for so many years but has never been to the south of the Yangtze River. When he was in the provincial capital, he happily bought and bought along the way, and all the souvenirs were delivered by express. The imperial capital was still not enough, so Zhang Tao temporarily decided that it would be good to walk along the waterway together and enjoy the scenery along the way.

In addition, he has a selfish intention, so he regards it as a traveling wedding, which saves a lot of money for the banquet. People say that a civilized and frugal wedding should be held now, which is also a call for the new social fashion, and he will correct it in the future. If a child asks, they will say that it was a make-up, um, so smart.

"You two little brothers, haven't you caught yet? The fish in this big river are not so easy to catch. This is the lotus root starch presented by the boss. You didn't go to the cafeteria to eat it, so I brought it here."

After walking on the waterway for more than a day, Zhang Tao was very lovable among tourists and boat bosses because of his dexterous hands and feet and his eyesight helped him run the boat. Even the cleaning aunts liked him and sent him lotus root starch.

"Oh, thank you, I'm pretty hungry if I don't have another bite to eat." Although Zhang Tao was full of hunger, he still thoughtfully gave Li Chuo the first bowl of lotus root noodles.

This is the production area of ​​lotus root. The lotus root powder is freshly made without any additives.

"Is this guy a local? He looks whiter than the girls here." Aunt Baojie pointed at Li Chuo and said with a smile.

"No, I'm from the imperial capital." Li Chuo has been selling goods with Zhang Tao for a long time, and his noble and cold beauty is gradually replaced by the temperament of a village flower. When he is in a good mood, he can also argue with others.

"Hey, the smog in the imperial capital is so heavy, it's rare for you to have good skin."

"When I was young, there was no smog, and I grew up drinking water from springs and mountains, so my skin may have been fairer." Li Chuo agreed casually, completely ignoring Zhang Tao's winks.

"What's the brand of Quanshan mineral water?" Fortunately, my aunt is not from the north, and I am not very familiar with the terrain, customs and customs there. I don't know that Quanshan is a water dragon that specially supplies the royal family. Said that when I was young, there was no smog, and the water I drank was from spring mountains. I guess I was either crazy or really timeless.

"Aha, it's a real estate brand in our place. I'll bring you a bottle next time. You're busy, you're busy." Zhang Tao joked in the past, and he was relieved to see his aunt walking away. The child is more restrained. I used to meet a pervert on the subway by accident, and he would get a fat beating while shouting, "Where is the pumpkin warrior?" Hitting the top, those who didn't know thought that the children were performing martial arts.

"Well, lotus root noodles are delicious. I don't know if the big lotus root tastes the same." Li Chuo squinted his eyes and savored the juice of lotus root noodles that melted in his mouth. Thinking about the products I encountered when I went to prepare ingredients with Zhang Tao, no matter how I thought about it, I didn't think it would be such a simple and delicious food.

"Hey? I'm hooked!" The child had just finished eating the lotus root powder, when he suddenly felt the fishing rod in his hand tighten, and with a clean flick of the rod, a fat river fish was thrown onto the deck!

"Long live! Long live! Long live!" Taking advantage of no one around, Zhang Tao quickly lay down on the ground and gave the emperor's hunting ceremony. The embarrassment and phobia in his heart were almost committed, but it is reasonable to say that salutations are required when catching fish. After all, there are Stuttering, the most perverted thing about a child is that even a mosquito in the middle of the night has to pull him out of the mosquito net and kneel and knock nine times.

"Let me ask you, where is the boss of the ship?" Zhang Tao ran into the small kitchen in the cabin with fresh fish and asked people everywhere, but he said he didn't know, maybe he went to the command room.

"Oh, can I borrow a stove from you?"

"No problem, if you don't know how to do it, we can help you process it." The master chef and Zhang Tao are also called brothers, and it is not a meal now, so he readily agreed.

"No, no, no, I'm with you." Zhang Tao said cheerfully, he had already pinched the fish's gills and washed and peeled it very quickly. After the washing and peeling, the fish body was still alive and kicking under the action of nerves twitching.

"Brother is young, so you need a good technique." The master master showed an expression of approval, let the stove out, and went to smoke on the deck.

On the other side, Zhang Tao used his professional skills to fry, fry, fry, stew, stew, and stew. He made a West Lake vinegar fish and brought it to the deck for the children to try.

"It's so thick!" Li Chuo ate so much that he couldn't roll his tongue, chewing on a large piece of fish with delicious soup, he said vaguely, and suddenly agreed with the fact that he married a cook.

"Who's making a fuss in this section of the river?!" Just as Zhang Tao and Li Chuo were squatting down and eating without food, the boss of the boat roared from the deck.

"Me." Zhang Tao stood up like a roe deer, and raised his hand to show that he was the man who touched the boat's boss Nilin who caused a fire in this section of the river.

"Are you 484 stupid?!" The kid next to him put down his job and kicked Zhang Tao's knee, directly kicking him into Uncle Ge's paralysis, and sat down on his buttocks.

"How can you fry on this section of the river? It's not fun to offend Grandpa the River God!" Li Chuo was still a little slow in reaching out, and the angry boat boss shot straight at Zhang Tao like a bird, pointing at Zhang Tao's nose and cursing.

"Goo!" Zhang Tao was unprepared, choked in fright, and quickly swallowed his saliva to force himself to swallow. The voice was really like the pig's head with a very obscene smile in Angry Birds.

"Boss, I didn't do it on purpose. Just now the chef told me to hurry up, but the West Lake Vinegar Fish dish is a waste of time. I..."

"What did you say? You still make vinegar fish from the West Lake?!" The boss of the boat jumped up and was tall and tall. Those who didn't know thought this guy was playing a big trick.

"It's over, it's over, if Grandpa River God shows up, the people on our boat will not be safe."

"Uh, why don't I come forward and talk to it?" Zhang Tao thought for a while, something like the River God is nothing more than a fine little loach or water ghost, relying on the strength of his strongest group of friends The lineup, no matter what type it is, should still be able to sell him a face.

"Are you talking? How old are you?"

"I'm the third child." Zhang Tao looked up at his eldest brother, Huang Tian, ​​and then at his second brother, Houtu. There shouldn't be any problem.

"You!" The boss of the boat was about to jump up and grab him to comment, when suddenly, the whole hull shook violently, and seemed to have changed its course, no longer going forward, but spinning around in place, and the speed Faster and faster, like a top being whipped crazily!

"It's over, it's over, Grandpa River God is here, everyone, kneel down and kowtow!" The boat boss lay on the ground proficiently and pouted his buttocks, and his parents, grandparents, and grandma shouted indiscriminately.

"Aren't you kneeling?"

"Heaven and earth are my brother, and you are you. I knelt down before, and the kiss is gone. There is no such thing as a teacher." Zhang Tao spread his hands to express that he didn't need it.

"What about you?"

"Under the whole world, on the shore of the land." Li Chuo ╮(╯_╰)╭ paused.


The two of them stood at the bow of the boat so loudly, waiting to see who Shen Sheng would come out, standing out among a group of crew members lying on the ground with their buttocks sticking out and burning incense, and the melon-eating crowd.

"Well, it can't be done." Li Chuo was standing handsomely at the bow of the boat waiting to see who the evildoer was, but because the hull was spinning too fast, the child suffered from motion sickness again, his little face was tense, and he was everywhere. Find a vomit bag.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intentionally destroy the ecological environment, vomit!" Li Chuo just finished apologizing to the creatures in the river, and couldn't help but vomit out with a "wow", but this vomit was not as he imagined. Spit into the river like you do, but...

boom!Crash la la la la!

An aquatic creature with a head as big as a Jiefang truck jumped out from the center of the vortex, opened its mouth, and swallowed the lump that Li Chuo had just spat out.


Zhang Tao: "..."

Li Chuo: "..."

The eyes of the strange fish are the size of lanterns, and the dead fish eyes without eyelids and whites are staring at this bold human who dares to spit salt soda all over his face. The sausage mouth is opening and closing and roaring, emitting ultrasonic waves that are approaching like dolphins tweet.

"Call again, and I'll eat you if you call again." Zhang Tao pushed away Li Chuo who was already in a daze, stepped forward, stretched out his fleshy claws, and slapped him!

In an instant, I saw Feng's long meat claws waving in the bloody storm. A big-eared post made the truck transform into a fat-headed fish. A carp jumped up high and fell down again, causing huge waves. Roll up a thousand piles of snow.


"What about the fish?"

The boss of the boat, who had been lying on the ground with his buttocks pouted and kowtowing, got up at some point, and looked around, but he didn’t see his grandfather. He saw two little boys, Zhang Tao and Li Chuo, chatting on the bow of the boat, so he hurried over to ask .

"Here." Zhang Tao pouted angrily towards the river. The boss of the boat looked down and saw that his feelings had already been revealed. But the most puzzling thing is that the fish eyes are much more prominent than before. If you use human expressions to explain it , No matter how you look at it, you are scared to death.

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