In the darkness, with a bang, the flash of the SLR camera in Guizi Liu's hand exploded into a spark, and even the camera itself seemed to be burned out, and the entire carriage fell into absolute darkness again.

"He actually! You!" In the darkness, Li Chuo could only hear the unbelievable roar of Guizi Liu. His voice was no longer a tall and pure boyish voice, but instead had an indescribable majesty. Li Chuo remembered his own voice speaking in the Golden Luan Hall. With the help of the ingenious layout of the building structure, his young and even immature voice sounded very powerful and unpredictable.

Li Chuo heard Guiziliu's heavy panting in the darkness, it was no longer like what a human's slender throat could make, it seemed that in the dense darkness on the opposite side was hiding the voice that had been forced into a corner The trapped beast is preparing to counterattack anytime, anywhere!

After a few seconds of stalemate.

Finally, with a long sigh, the darkness disappeared, and the light returned to the carriage, and it was unbelievable that it was still full of people like before nothing happened!

What exactly is going on?These people didn't seem to know what happened just now. They sat or stood as if nothing had happened, and most of them were playing with their mobile phones with their heads down, just like what Li Chuo himself was doing just now, without any expression of panic.

Don't these people know that they all disappeared just now?Li Chuo looked around, and there seemed to be a crumpled piece of waste paper under the seat where Guizi Liu sat just now.

He secretly rubbed over, stood not far from the seat, waited for a few stops, the person in the seat got off, Li Chuo quickly grabbed the seat, bent down and pretended to tie his shoelaces, and stepped on the seat with his foot. He picked up the ball of paper, slowly pulled it out and tucked it in the palm of his hand. This is the method he learned when he was walking with Zhang Tao and watching him pick up money secretly.

Li Chuo looked up and looked around, no one seemed to have noticed his actions just now, so he was relieved, blocked the front with his schoolbag, lowered his head and slowly unfolded the ball of paper in his hand.

It turned out that it was a photo similar to a Laptop. The photo paper felt strange to the touch, as if it were some kind of skin, warm and lively.What is gradually reflected on the paper is a carriage full of people!

Immediately afterwards, the photo seemed to feel the body temperature of others, and the people inside began to shake, making Li Chuo feel that he was not holding a piece of crumbled photo paper, but a high-end computer like ipad365. LCD screen for electronics.

The people above moved for a while, and gradually disappeared one by one. They seemed to be walking in the same direction, towards Li Chuo, and disappeared at the same time as they approached the camera. In the end, a piece of photographic paper became In an empty carriage, there was only one person sitting in the carriage, and suddenly he looked up at Li Chuo, with resentment and unwillingness in his eyes, that was Guizi Liu's face!


Li Chuo shuddered all over, quickly rubbed the photo paper again, and held it tightly in his hand.After thinking about it after getting off the subway, he still found a secluded place and burned it with the remaining fire pockets on his body. Six is ​​nowhere to be found.

The hair on the little emperor's body was blown up. It seems that Guizi Liu's skills are outstanding, as if taking a photo can capture the soul of a person, no, not only the soul of a person, but also the body, and those The people being photographed are arranged in a parallel world that is exactly the same, where time may flow very slowly and almost stand still, so people will not realize that they are actually kidnapped, or stay in a peaceful place. Only in two-dimensional space.

this is too scary!


All of a sudden, Li Chuo felt someone poking his waist from behind.

"Where is the evildoer?!" The child yelled with explosive hair, stretched out his hand and drew out the soft sword at his waist, and it was a killer move with one swing.

"Oh my god! You murdered your husband!" Concubine Zhang yelled in horror, while performing a classic scene of empty hand into sword.

"Why is it you? It's very dangerous." Li Chuo's heart skipped a beat, and he snatched back Shang Fang's sword and wrapped it around his belt. He took Zhang Tao's hand and looked, but fortunately he was not injured.

"It's dangerous, so don't draw your sword if you disagree with me?" Zhang Tao was no less frightened than Li Chuo. He shook his hair and looked around. Fortunately, this is a remote alley, and no one passed by. Otherwise, it must be scared to death.

"How did you come?"

"The pig ran away, I'll chase after it." Zhang Tao moved his nose, smelled Li Chuo's body, and knew that Qiuqiu had successfully entered Li Chuo's stomach.

"I told you it's called cinnabar!" What kind of pig, no matter if it's a boy or a girl, it doesn't sound good.

"No, my friend Lu Han said that the child's nickname should be in the middle school style."

"Why?" Li Chuo was born in the palace, and he had never heard of such words. Think about the various emperors in the past and present. It became a laughing Lin Guangji.

"Hey, your aristocratic class actually has this kind of tradition, but it is better than the folk, such as slaves, Guanyin maidservants, etc." Zhang Tao explained with gestures.

"Oh, there are such things, but I haven't thought about why."

"Because the King of Hades thinks that these middle-school and second-year-old children are difficult to deal with when he rolls his name, he will be lazy and not pick them. They usually die naturally at the age of ten." Zhang Tao remembered the science popularization given by Lu Han, so his own The child's nickname was Zhang Broadou, and he was given the nickname Lu Li only after he had fully grown up.

"Well, that's fine." Since it means wealth and auspiciousness, the little emperor who came from the feudal superstitious era had no choice but to nod his head and was inconvenient to say more, but he still couldn't say, what kind of pig, it sounds like their family is a pig The circle is the same, cinnabar is so nice, and after having a second child, it can also be called moonlight, cinnabar mole, and white moonlight.

"In the future, if you have a second child, let's call it Ergou." Zhang Tao said very ignorant of current affairs.

"Get out! By the way, I haven't asked you yet, why did Zhu Sha come after me all of a sudden? Did you abuse the emperor's heir again when I was away?" Li Chuo looked at Zhang Tao sternly. He hates domestic violence the most. Man, if it's true, he plans to live on campus tonight.

"Ahahaha, how could the concubine, mother Yitianxia, ​​do such a thing." Zhang Tao waved his hand guiltily.

"Zizhu must have felt that you were under some kind of threat, so he suddenly appeared." Zhang Tao leaned over Li Chuo and smelled it, and sure enough.His brows frowned, and if Li Chuo hadn't seen it, there was a sneer on Zhang Tao's lips.

The way he sneered was so handsome, he changed from a half-baby who was stupid and sleepy to a black-bellied army strategist who planned a decisive victory for thousands of miles in a second.

"It's Guizi Six, hey, he's finally learned to behave this time." Zhang Tao groaned and became a warm man again.

"What do you mean? Hmm..." Li Chuo suddenly remembered that the moment he was taking pictures of himself, the machine in his hand seemed to have burned out.

"Our old cousins ​​are not allowed to attack pregnant people or animals. This is a kind of check and balance given to us by God." Zhang Tao said.

"It's for this reason that you think of a way to breed dragons?" Zhang Tao's well-intentioned efforts were not just to keep him, but also to protect him and not to let him be harmed by his companions. .

"Hey, is he so angry that he's about to go to heaven?" Zhang Tao smiled meanly, as if he was getting revenge.

"Well, it seems that you are very angry. It's worse than when you took off his arm before. What's going on?" Guizi Liu was actually planning to warn him last time, and it didn't seem like he really killed him. Why did he react so strongly when he saw that he had a child this time, could it be?

"Tell me honestly, did you have an affair with your old cousin before you met me?!" Li Chuo's phoenix eyes were wide open, and he tightly grabbed Zhang Tao's collar in a small alley where no one passed by. If he wasn't tall, he would have been lifted up by Li Chuo.

"Huh? Hahahahaha!" Zhang Tao laughed wildly, without any flaws. Anyway, Li Chuo didn't think it was because of his guilty conscience, he probably just thought his idea was funny.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Chuo had patiently waited for him to finish laughing, but the more the guy laughed, the happier he was, and finally he laughed so hard that his stomach ached and he lay on the ground.

"Get out of here!" Li Chuo kicked the ass of Concubine Zhang who was rolling all over the floor, and it was only then that he barely stopped his manic laughter.

"Haha, I'm sorry, Your Majesty, it's so funny." Zhang Tao said while touching his tears.

"You don't know, right? We are relatives." Zhang Tao spread his hands helplessly, saying that the marriage of close relatives violates the Marriage Law and the relevant regulations on prenatal and postnatal care.

"What does that matter, you are ancient people, not to mention you are so old, even my 800-year-old people know that cousin brothers and sisters can still marry in our time, I really think I haven't seen The Dream of Red Mansions?! "Li Chuo has fallen into the big pit of TV dramas since he crawled out of the grave. His true love is the 87 version. When he watched the reunion in 20 years, he hugged Zhang Tao and cried. When you are sad.

"Well, that's different. We say they are old cousins, but according to human induction, they were born using the same uterus-like organ, so they can also be said to be brothers." Zhang Tao said with a smile.

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