"Girls und Panzer" is directed by Nuo Mizushima, written by Reiko Motoyoshida, and an original animation produced by Actas Inc.The world of Yamato Nadeshiko, the martial art "San-do" that uses chariots, flower arrangement, and tea ceremony are described.The story is derived from this background.When an oriental girl set foot on German land.When the chariot track she is proud of meets the iron-blooded chariot blitzkrieg, when she meets a man with the characteristics of a traditional Prussian soldier in his blood, everything will change her fate This is just a novel, There are many inconsistencies with the real history, please forgive me and check the information properly ★Content label: Wen Tianwen, Uniform and Love ┃ Search keywords: Protagonist: Wen Feiyan, Ben Heisler ┃ Supporting roles: Sugiyama Yui, Marseille, Manteuffel, some relatives of the heroine
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