Silent Lover

Chapter 197 He Loves You That Much

The first day of July.

The Chu Mansion has been decorated in bright red, and there are lanterns and red couplets everywhere. The Chu Mansion, which was originally quiet and quiet, became lively and festive.The master's servants all had such a smile on their faces, and they would congratulate each other when they met.

This is indeed the most important event for Chu Mansion recently.

The bridal chamber was in Qionghu Xiaozhu, so Chu Ling sent a dozen servants to clean up the arrangement, and the pillars of the door frame were covered with auspicious couplets. .

Shen Yu stood under the eaves, holding a knot in his hand, and accidentally broke the knot by kneading it.mouth

"Young Master Yu!".

Shen Yu hurriedly hid the broken concentric knot in her sleeve, turned around and saw a childish maid stepping on the two-story table, pasting the couplet at the front door.

The perfect combination of the perfect couple and the phoenix couple, the auspicious gathering of the host and guest on a good day. "

The servant girl was holding the horizontal sign of "A Match Made in Heaven" and gesticulating on the door. .

"Young Master Yu! Help me see if this is crooked?"

Shen Yu replied: "It's been put right...why don't you let those men come? You climb so high and be careful not to fall, or if you come down, I'll post it."

"They are going to move things... how can the master do it? I can do it.

The servant girl put her hands and feet together quickly, she jumped down a few times when she was satisfied, her movements were light and nimble, and then she went to other places to help.

Shen Yu took out the concentric knot from the sleeve, the knot was more complicated than usual, Shen Yu looked at it for a long time and didn't know how to repair it.

It is said that the concentric knot will be tied to the lead red at that time. .

There are only two days left until the big wedding day, and the mute guard has not shown up until now, Shen Yu has a bad premonition in anxiety, and as the day approaches, he becomes more and more impatient.

"Brother Yu!"

In the past few days, people have been coming to Shen Yu, this time it was Chu Yi, who was holding a large wooden box in his hand.mouth

"Brother Yu, I've brought you something!'.

Chu Yi ran and jumped with the black box in his arms, Shen Yu was afraid that he would trip over something and fall. .

"What is it?".

Chu Yi opened it, and said with a smile: "It's a dress! I just got it from Xiu Niang, and Brother Ling asked me to deliver it. I just made it.".

Shen Yu looked at the neatly folded and ironed dress. On the top was a new crown, which was in the style of the prince's jade crown that Chu people like, but it was decorated with a lot of red jade cinnabar, which was gorgeous and festive. .

It was done so quickly, how did the four days pass so quickly? Shen Yu thought in a panic, he waited day and night, and felt very uncomfortable, but in the blink of an eye, so many days had passed, and Shen Yu realized that the big wedding was about to come .

"Thank you, I'll take it in.

Shen Yu didn't want to face this Liangguan robe, but felt that it was a red-headed lottery sent by the supervisor to sentence him to death. .

"Hey! Brother Ling said to let you try to see if it fits, but if it doesn't fit, there's still time to change it." Chu Yi stopped him and said. .

"Try again?"

"Of course, if the sleeves are long and the collar is short, it won't look good when the time comes, so go quickly."

Chu Yi pulled Shen Yu into the room and let him go behind the screen.

Shen Yu hesitated for a while, then took out the gown and put it on, it was tailored to his figure, of course it fits well, and the man's gown is comfortable to wear, it is not as heavy as a woman's wedding gown when entering the palace, a suit is enough It's too heavy, and I still have to stare at the phoenix crown headdress on my head, and the gold jade on one head, Shen Yu's neck is almost broken...

"Brother Yu! Are you ready? Why is it taking so long?" Chu Yi urged outside.

Shen Yu hurriedly tied up her belt and went out. Shen Yu's heart was empty before she realized that there were so many memories related to Jun Xuanxiao, which poured out as soon as the box was opened.

When Shen Yu came out, Chu Yi was stunned

"What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?".

Shen Yu saw him staring wide-eyed and remained silent for a long time, thinking that he was not dressed properly. .

"Looks good... so good!".

Chu Yi walked around Shen Yu in amazement. He wanted to praise Shen Yu, but he stared for a long time and didn't think of a suitable word. He felt that any word was suitable.

"Does that fit?"

Shen Yu raised her sleeves and made a few movements, but she didn't feel any looseness.

"Fit! No need to change it!" Chu Yi blurted out, "No wonder even your guard loves you,

I'm about to fall in love with it, hehe... Day

The smile on Shen Yu's face froze, and he asked: "What did you just say?".

Only then did Chu Yi come to his senses, and muttered, "I'm talking nonsense, Brother Yu, don't take it to heart."

"Why do you think so? He loves me?" Shen Yu continued to ask..

Chu Yi said hesitantly: "Brother Yu, don't you know? I can see it, that is... that is, he treats you very differently from others, and when he sees you... I can't tell, anyway, it's love You can only be so gentle when you go to your heart, you don't know how fierce he is to me....".

Shen Yu was in a trance for a while, he always felt that when the dumb guard was facing him, his eyes were always silent, did he not notice it earlier?

"Brother Yu! You won't go back on your word!" Chu Yi exclaimed in shock. .

"Repent what?"

"Repent the marriage, regret marrying Brother Ling." Chu Yi patted his mouth, "It's all my nonsense...

Shen Yu shook her head, since even outsiders could tell, why didn't he come to him until today?

"That's good." Chu Yi patted his chest, and then asked, "By the way, what about others? Aren't they inseparable from you? He loves you so much, he won't make trouble on the wedding day, right?"

Shen Yu didn't know, the mute guard avoided him, but he hoped that he would jump out and make trouble.

Unfortunately not.

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