Silent Lover

Chapter 198 The auspicious time has come

On the third day of July, the first string of firecrackers exploded in the Chu Mansion, and the childish maid happily pushed open the door, only to see Shen Yu still sitting on the soft mat.

"Young Master Yu, it's time to wash and change!"

The servant girl smiled and walked to the incense burner, added some spices, and green smoke came out of the hole in the copper stove. After finishing these, the servant girl saw that Shen Yu was still sitting and did not respond. .

"Young Master Yu!" the maid shouted, "You just sat here all night?"

Shen Yu looked outside the house, and the sky had already been exposed, and he was startled to realize that it had already passed the night, from dark to dawn, it just passed in the blink of an eye. .

"That's right, if I got married, I would be so happy that I couldn't sleep all night." The servant girl said shyly. .

"What time is it now?" Shen Yu asked.

"Mao Shi." The servant girl urged, "There are only two hours left before worship, Mr. Yu, go and wash up quickly, I am worried for you.".


Shen Yu bathed in incense, changed into a red dress, the hem of which hung down to his feet, making his slender figure look taller, and his black hair was scattered freely. Jade has lost the fairy air, and has more worldly luxury, so beautiful that the maids can't move their eyes.

"Didn't you urge me? Why didn't you move?" Shen Yu asked while sitting in front of the dressing table. .

"Oh, here it comes.

Several maidservants also came in, and together they hurriedly put a crown on Shen Yuwan's bun, and hung a jade pendant and gold lock on his body.Just as everything was done, Chu Ling had arrived. .


Chu Ling was also dressed in a festive gown, his whole body was meticulous, and even the hair was combed neatly. He was originally elegant and gentle, and he was also energetic when he was happy. .

The maids retreated knowingly, looked at Shen Yu and Chu Ling, and secretly chirped with words like "Made in Heaven". .


Chu Ling's eyes lit up in astonishment, and he wanted to say some words of praise, but he thought to himself, it's a pity that Shen Yuchuan didn't wear this body for him, and his joy became slightly lost.

"There are still two hours left, brother Chu Ling, don't worry, sit down."

Shen Yu smiled at Chu Ling, and Chu Ling sat opposite him, for a moment she couldn't tell whether Shen Yu's words were comforting him to take it easy, or comforting herself. .

The two faced each other, speechless for a moment. .

It was very noisy outside, full of voices and firecrackers, but the room was silent. After Shen Yu drank tea, Chu Ling helped him to refill it. Repeatedly, when Shen Yu went to get the teapot by herself, the teapot was already empty. .

It's the time of day.

"I'll cook another pot for you."

Chu Ling stood up, but Shen Yu stopped him. .

"No need, I drink so much tea, what should I do if Baitang is in a hurry to go to the toilet later?"

Shen Yu laughed and joked, but Chu Ling didn't see how much he was smiling, but was full of panic and loss. .

"Yu'er, it's too late for you to regret it now." Chu Ling said gently, you don't have to force yourself to compensate me. ".

"Why do you say that? I don't regret it...

Shen Yu's eyes kept looking outside, the look of anticipation gradually extinguished. .

There is only one hour left, so it can be seen that he will not come.

Chu Ling grabbed his hand and said: "Look at you, you are restless, you are so nervous that you drank a pot of tea, and your palms are still sweating, so your heart is elsewhere, I'd better announce that the wedding is cancelled.

"How can this be done? How many people in the clan have spent their energy for the wedding? At this time, let's talk about regretting the marriage, what should the uncles say? Even Brother Chu Ling, you can't explain it?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll let the elders talk about it. They won't blame you." Chu Ling said.

Shen Yu shook her head and said: "If you agree, you agree. Brother Chu Ling, why did you marry me? Is it to fulfill the wish of my grandfather, or is it because of yourself?"

Chu Ling thought for a moment, and said solemnly: "Partly because of the mission, and half because, Yu'er, as long as you are willing, I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you and enjoy each other.

Shen Yuzhu's lips twitched, she couldn't respond to Chu Ling, and everything she said would disappoint his sincerity. .

"The time has come!.

Someone outside shouted, many people stood waiting outside the door, and someone knocked on the door to ask questions. .

"Young Master Ling, Young Master Yu, the auspicious time has come, are you ready?"

Chu Ling looked at Shen Yu and asked what he meant. .

Shen Yu panicked, dropped the tea cup in her hand on the table, splashed some water stains on her body, and wiped it off in a hurry. .

'Brother Chu Ling... Shen Yu's voice was flustered, "Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, didn't you say that you can finish the salute before noon?"

Chu Ling nodded, and said loudly to the outside: "Wait a moment.

"Yes, but please hurry up, don't delay the time. People outside are discussing a lot, and it's strange that the two of them should have prepared early, and I don't know what's delayed. .

Chu Ling turned her head again, only to see Shen Yu's face was ashen, and the palm holding him was cold.

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