Silent Lover

Chapter 196

Three days after the funeral of the old man's coffin, the clan got the news that Shen Yu and Chu Ling were married, and they became lively and busy again. .

Originally, the elders in the clan felt that it was unlucky to have just finished their errands. It would be better to pass the filial piety period and choose another auspicious day, but Shen Yu always insisted on getting married early. The third day of July is an auspicious day for marriage.

Early this morning, Chu Ling brought a four or fifty-year-old embroiderer, followed by several maids, carrying all kinds of materials. .

"Yu'er, she is the best embroiderer in the clan. She makes all our beam crown dresses. Let's measure the size first."

Shen Yu replied absent-mindedly: "Oh, good.

Then he got up, stood up straight and let the embroiderer measure with a ruler. Chu Ling saw that he was standing still, with no joy on his face, so he beckoned for a maid. .

"Let's choose the material together, which one do you like?".

Chu Ling picked up a piece of satin and handed it to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu touched all kinds of clothing materials in the tray. The texture of silk and satin was different, but the similar one was the same kind of bright red, which was as bright as fire, and made people's faces glow red, which was naturally festive. .

"They all look similar, I can't tell the good from the bad, Brother Chu Ling, you can decide."

Shen Yu put down the clothes, and the embroiderer had already finished measuring. Shen Yu sat down in the Taishi chair relaxedly, drooping her legs listlessly. .

"They are all expensive and hard-to-find clothes, which one do you like?" Seeing that he was not interested, Chu Ling nodded and smiled, "But Yu'er, you have never seen any expensive things...then choose what you are comfortable to wear. ".

"I didn't mean that... Shen Yu said apologetically...

"I know, choose quickly, I have other things to discuss with you later."

Chu Ling's smile made people feel happy, he was always so generous, Shen Yuyue felt sorry for him. .

"That's fine then.

Shen Yu pointed to the brocade in the first tray. .

"it is good.".

Chu Ling didn't hesitate, and had already handed over the brocade to the embroidered lady, and after a few instructions, the embroidered lady repeatedly promised.mouth

"How long does it take to make a ready-made garment? Is it possible in three days? Chu Ling asked...

"The style of the Liangguan dress is complicated, and it will take four days at the fastest for us embroiderers to go together," embroiderer replied.mouth

"Well, that's fine, there's still time."

Shen Yumu looked at Chu Ling thousands of times and ordered her to send Xiuniang away. He could see that Chu Ling was very happy and was seriously preparing for it. .

"Yu'er." Chu Ling turned back and squatted beside Shen Yu and asked, "Which one is in the new house? Is it the courtyard where I live, or Qionghu Xiaozhu? If you think Qionghu Xiaozhu is too small, You can move to my yard, if you don’t like to move, you can do it here.”

"New house?".

Shen Yu's temples throbbed. It turned out that marriage and wedding are so cumbersome. From choosing a date to the day of marriage, there are many trivial things, but they have to do it. This is still in the clan, which saves the preparation of the guest list and other matters.

Speaking of which, when Shen Yu married into the palace, how could there be so many trivial matters? The magistrate Shen arranged everything at that time, just put him on the wedding dress, put him in the sedan chair and it was done.


Chu Ling waved his hand in front of Shen Yu and pulled Shen Yu back who was distracted.

"Ah? Uh... a new house... a new house is fine, Brother Chu Ling, you decide.".

"Okay." Chu Ling said helplessly, "Then go to my yard, it's spacious, and there will be a lot of people, and it will be able to accommodate, Yu'er, move your things there in advance, people are busy these days I'm so busy, I don't have time...

Shen Yu listened to Chu Ling's rambling, and when he heard that he was going to move there, he suddenly raised his head.

"...Still here, don't move...

Shen Yu's eyes dodged after he finished speaking, what if he moved and the dumb guard couldn't find him?

He can't move, he has to wait here, Shen Yu thought about it and felt ridiculous, the Chu Mansion is so big, how can someone with a heart not be found?

"That's fine." Chu Ling didn't object, "You can do as you like. Although this place is a bit small, it has the best view and is suitable for living. Then the banquet will be held elsewhere. This is... the bridal chamber. "

With a smile in his eyes, Chu Ling looked around the room, as if

Looking forward to how to arrange the bridal chamber, the days after marriage. .

"Chu Lingda...Shen Yu said in a low voice,'"Actually, you don't have to be so serious, you also know that the marriage is fake...

Chu Ling restrained some joy and looked at Shen Yu.

"But we also agreed that if he doesn't come, we will really get married.

Shen Yu felt a pain in her chest, like a stick in her throat.

"You...don't you blame me?" Shen Yu asked.

Although Shen Yu had made it clear to Chu Ling that the marriage was just a show, Chu Ling didn't mind at all. He was magnanimous, and he would always give in and tolerate Shen Yu's requests. .

"How come?" Chu Ling stroked his frown and said, "I'm very happy."''

Shen Yu turned her face sideways, her heart was in a mess.

He promised Chu Ling that if there is no one to stop them on the day of their marriage, then the fake show will come true. .

Will he come?.

If you don't come, what difference does Shen Yu marry?

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