"Did Saratoga say anything more specific?"

"No, but Commander, what do you think of Gaga? She's a little too clingy, I'm afraid it will affect the commander"

"Do you know anything about her situation at Saratoga?"



"This child Jia Jia woke up from the sea more than ten years ago and has been staying at the joint headquarters of ship girls. She is a free ship girl."

"That's it, I understand."

Wei An thought and nodded.

After returning to the dormitory, Wei An picked up the phone number in the dormitory and called Elizabeth's office.

"What's going on with your kid?"

"Dean, about Saratoga."

"Did you see it?"

"She has never left Lexington, and I can't even think about it. I want to ask why the dean suddenly thought of bringing her here."

"I saw her talking about her sister every day. I saw how pitiful she was so I let her come over. And don’t you like aircraft carriers? Now that your mother is gone, I have to worry about you."

"She is very capable, and she usually doesn't have any important duties and is very lazy every day. If you can get along well, your safety will also be a big guarantee."


"By the way, she has never made a contract with other admirals, and most of the attempts by others to salvage the ship have failed. This is a chance for you. As for the result, it depends on you."

"That's it. You should pay more attention to your own safety. I'm busy all day and may not be able to take care of you."

After saying that, Wei An heard the sound of writing from Elizabeth and the phone was hung up.

【Do you want me to fish the boat? No wonder. 】

Now Wei An finally understood why Elizabeth called Saratoga over. He had Lexington, a special attack tool against his sister.

"Commander, Dean, is this what she is talking about?"

Lexington, who had been sitting next to Vian, also heard Elizabeth's words and understood that Elizabeth was preparing to let Vian fish the boat.

But it also gave rise to a new idea in her heart.

If it really happened Saratoga has also become Vian's ship girl, so Gaga really doesn't have to leave them, so Lexington looks at Vian with some expectation.

"Just treat Saratoga normally. Even if you don't fish for the boat, I haven't stopped your contact. It's good to have a sister to accompany you to relieve boredom."

"I was just calling to make sure Saratoga's identity was okay, it's okay now"


Vian's answer made Lexington very happy. She felt uncomfortable looking at her aggrieved sister.

And now Wei An's answer is obviously the best result.

It can make Gaga happy without affecting their contact. She Don't worry about making Wei An angry

【As expected, the commander is very gentle.】

"But I was still a little surprised that it was Saratoga. Before, I was afraid that I would meet a ship girl who would be difficult to get along with."

"Now it seems that I can finally rest assured"

"What did the commander say?"

Looking at Wei An who breathed a sigh of relief, Lexington looked at him doubtfully.

"I don’t know if other admirals can get along well with her, but I should be considered lucky because I have Mrs. Lexington."

Weian looked at Lexington with a smile on his face.

"The commander is a little naughty today."

Lexington, who has always been relatively calm, felt the heat on her face for the first time but didn't know why.

She was obviously just looking into Wei An's eyes.

【The term"wife" is too foul, Commander.】

"Xiaowei has eaten."

After there are more people in the dormitory, we eat more food every day, so now every time we buy food, we need to heat it up.

Originally this job was done by Wei An, but since Lexington joined, it was Xuefeng and Lexington took his turn.

Today it was Xuefeng.

Now Xuefeng called Wei An to eat, and at the same time he woke up Lexington who was thinking about it and saw Wei An who had been staring at him and smiling.

"Commander, I was very naughty today. Please don't make fun of me again next time."

Lexington didn't calm down for the first time, and ran away with a blushing face.

This made Wei An feel extremely comfortable.

【The counter-killing of the wife is completed! 】

Since the construction of Lexington, Wei An felt that his life was clearly arranged and he could not escape from his wife's hands, so he kept thinking about this issue during class today.

In the end, he thought that every time Lexington teased him about his wife who had spilled the beans before, so this time he had to turn the tables.

As long as it's not him who's embarrassed, it's someone else who's embarrassed.

As expected, Lexington was not as calm as she had acted before.

However, the interaction between Wei An and Lexington was seen by Xuefeng, who came to call Wei An for dinner.

【Alas, the thing I was most worried about happened. 】

Looking at Wei An who let Lexington run away, Xuefeng sighed inwardly.

The reason why she was unwilling to let Wei An become the admiral was also because she was Wei An's wedding ship, so that her brother could belong to her only when it was obviously safe.

But as a ship girl, she couldn't refuse her admiral.

Looking at the ship girls appearing next to Wei An, Xuefeng was obviously mentally prepared, but now she still felt a little sad.

Most of the ship girls are beautiful, kind, and obedient. If these are not lovable, then who else is more lovable.

Not only were the male admirals unable to refuse these lovely girls, but even the female admirals turned their shipgirls into wings in the end.

It's just that Xuefeng didn't expect that Wei An would have wings so quickly.

It has been less than three months since Wei An became the admiral, and he already has three ship girls. And according to the current situation, Wei An's fourth ship girl may not be far away.

The speed is a bit ridiculous.

At first, Xuefeng thought that with the help of the resources left by Wei An's parents, it would be good for Wei An to have three ship girls a year.

But what she didn't expect was that every step of Wei An's steps exceeded her expectations, and the school also had Elizabeth, who even added rocket thrusters to Wei An's running wheels.

So Xuefeng felt that she needed to do something now, otherwise her brother would have too many wings and she would have less time to occupy Wei An in the future.

And there is no guarantee that one day this younger brother who loves aircraft carriers will be the first to board the aircraft carrier.

So during dinner in the evening, Xuefeng, who usually liked to nag Wei An, was silent today, thinking carefully about his own plan.

She raised her brother little by little, so she couldn't give him up to others easily.

【Xiaowei, forgive my sister for being willful this time. 】

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