She could have separate discussions with the admiral.

As long as she can stay by Lexington's side, that's fine, but if that admiral doesn't know what's good, then she'll cry to that admiral.

She and Lexington were inseparable sisters.

But it would be better if we could get along in a friendly way. You would be my brother-in-law and I would be your sister-in-law. Half of my sister is mine and half is yours.

As for whether or not to approach the admiral.

Her journey to Saratoga was all due to her own efforts and strength. She did not need these admirals who were hiding behind the ship girl.

Her evaluation of an admiral depends on her sister's evaluation. Whatever her sister does is always right.

"I'm not sure about this yet, but he's quite kind, so there should be no problem."

"By the way, Gaga, sister has something to do today. Do you want to follow her? Or you have to be busy with work."

Lexington suddenly thought that he and Clemenceau would continue to collect information today, but they were delayed because of Saratoga. Maybe Clemenceau is already waiting for him.

"Elizabeth has not arranged any courses for me yet, she just wants me to be a teacher, and there are many aircraft carrier teachers now."

"So I will follow you sisters to work and see what you have to do in a day."

Lexington thought for a moment that what he and Clemenceau do every day is to ask around and observe the market conditions in various trading areas. There is nothing particularly confidential.

"Then let's go."

When Lexington and Saratoga reached the usual gathering area, Clemenceau had already been waiting here, but the difference was that the snowy wind was also here today.

Because the snowy wind was more prominent at sea yesterday. Wei An was also afraid that something might happen to Xuefeng, so he went to Reputation to temporarily cancel Xuefeng's commission.

Also because of the incident in the deep sea, the number of commissions from Reputation had increased after a brief introduction. The girls already had a preliminary understanding of each other.

Only Xuefeng followed the team at the end, thinking about it.

When Wei An finished class, he saw several ship girls waiting for him at the door, and he also saw them. Saratoga sticks to Lexington

"Hello, I am."

After seeing Wei An come out, Saratoga wanted to introduce him to me.

"Saratoga, I know, Lexington, where did you find your sister?"

"Eh! You know me?"

Seeing Wei An's unsurprised expression, Saratoga exclaimed.

Wei An took the things they bought outside today from Lexington and Xuefeng's hands and took them into his own hands. , and didn’t ask much about Saratoga.

"Are you the special teacher that Elizabeth mentioned?"

"Elizabeth told you about me?"

"No, it's just a guess. There are only so many aircraft carrier girls coming and going, and we just finished talking yesterday, and I saw you walking with Lexington today."

"So maybe it was Elizabeth who did it."

After this period of contact with Elizabeth, he also roughly understood Elizabeth's care for him.

Rather than treating him as a junior and student, it is better to say that he is like a son. No matter what good things happen to him, he will not forget him.

This This also makes Wei An feel helpless.

Elizabeth's identity is very special in Wei An's eyes. She could be his mother's ship girl, but from afar, Elizabeth is now a free ship girl affiliated with the Ship Girl Alliance.

"So Lexington you guys got anything interesting going on today?"

On the way back, Wei An turned his head and looked at Lexington.

"It was just that this kid Jiajia found me quite suddenly and has been sticking to me until now. I'm sorry, Commander, the incident happened suddenly and I didn't report it to you."

"Why do you have to apologize to me? You also have your own life. Just like the tasks assigned to you are not mandatory requirements. I am already very happy with your help."

"Besides, Saratoga is your sister, so I can understand that. But we will be in the dormitory soon. If Saratoga wants to play, she has to wait until tomorrow!"

After all, Wei An draws pictures and does other miscellaneous things in the dormitory every day. In addition to his own ship girl, he should try not to let others know.

"But sister, I can’t bear to leave you."

Saratoga looked unwilling to give up, which made Lexington look at Wei An with a headache.

She has experienced the clinging power of this sister who has not seen her sister for a long time today. From morning to now, she has My hand has never been let go

"Gaga, we are not leaving here. We are all in the same college, so be obedient."

In the end, Lexington put on a tough attitude and made Saratoga part ways with them in grievance.

When leaving, Wei An could feel the burning gaze coming from behind him.

"Lexington, can you identify your sister?"

After they were far away, Wei An raised his head and asked Lexington.

"The shipgirls who united the shipgirls, as Elizabeth testified, she specially called Gaga here."

"Well, it should be fine then. Did you get any useful information today?"

Wei An glanced at the girls around him.

"Gaga said I was the only Lexington she had seen in the past decade, and there had been no other Saratoga before her."

"Is that so?"

No one has counted exactly how many ship girls there are in this world, and no one knows how many types and names of ship girls there are.

Just like he already knew Yukikaze, a ship girl, so he deliberately understood Only later will I know that there are ships with the same name as Xuekikaze, but they are very rare.

And like Kaohsiung and her sisters, there are more ship girls in various garrison buildings and ship girl unions, but unexpectedly there are heavy cruisers that are more powerful than destroyers. He is also the mainstay of most of the admiral's guarding the mansion.

But today, when he told his wife that he was the only one who owned it, it was inevitable that he would have a little more to think about.

"Did Gaga mention the difference from other ship girls with the same name?"

"Jia Jia said that it is easier for her to win when fighting other ship girls with the same name, and she is stronger than other ship girls with the same name."

【Prototype ships and isotope ships?

An idea flashed through Wei'an's mind, but he began to wonder again.

He had paid attention to this issue when he was studying before, but there is no such statement in this world, because every ship girl is built or awakened from the sea with certain memories.

There is no obvious difference in the embodiment of the ship body, and even when the same ship girl is exercising, the victory or defeat in the battle is also related to the training level and other factors.

So although he thought about whether there are prototype ships and isotope ships, reality told him that there are no.

And today Saratoga told him that this difference may exist?

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