The salty sea breeze drifted into Wei'an's nose while walking on the beach

"Dean, what's the matter?"

Wei An, who was ready to rest, was dragged out of the dormitory by Elizabeth in the middle of the night.

Listening to the chaotic sound of the waves, Wei An asked

"Golden Loot Did you get a special core?"

"There is indeed a core with a different color from other battleship cores."

"Because this kind of resource is special, it generally does not appear in teaching. You will always learn about it after you obtain it."

"Appreciate further details."

Weian listened carefully to Elizabeth's words.

"You defeated the Deep Sea Heavy Patrol this time, so what you obtained is the Heavy Patrol Core."

"This special core can also build ship girls, and it is also a fixed construction of heavy cruiser girls."

Wei An, who was already familiar with this effect, nodded.

"But more important than the effect of building a ship girl is another way to use this core."

"It can make the heavy cruiser girl more powerful. Many ship girls who have reached a bottleneck will need such a special core to increase their strength."

"This is why I came to see you tonight. The Joint Headquarters already knows about this naval battle, so some ship girls are interested in the core you have."

"By the way, your core hasn't been used yet."

Weian thought for a moment that he still had a few ordinary cores on hand, and he could make heavy patrol cores on the spot, so he shook his head.

"That's good. I'm afraid you'll be wasteful and just plan to build a ship girl."

"What do you think, Dean? If you can build heavy cruisers stably, it will be a relatively powerful battleship."

"You still underestimate the importance of special cores."

As she said this, Elizabeth pointed out two fingers.

"20 ordinary battleship cores. The other party wants you to transfer this battleship core to her at the price offered by the other party."

【I blanch!】

"20 pills? Dean, are you sure you are right?"

Elizabeth's words shocked Wei An.

"I think you may be thinking too simply. 20 pieces is the lowest price. Do you think special cores are easy to get?"

"How many powerful ship girls are always stuck at that bottleneck and can't get over it, but this special core of the deep sea can allow them to cross this barrier."

"20 pieces is less. This is just the lowest price. If you want to sell this battleship core, there are many people who are interested."

"Let me tell you a more intuitive change. If a ship girl wants to break through to level 100 or above, the simpler way is to find an admiral for herself."

"This is also the reason why a ship girl cannot live without an admiral. The supreme order within the core of our mind is to obey the admiral’s command, and the admiral is like the key to unlock our limiter."

"In fact, your situation with Yukikaze is quite special. It is basically impossible for a normal ship girl to establish a contract with another admiral after having an admiral."

As she said that, Elizabeth patted Wei An on the shoulder.

"She replaced the basic contract with your mother with a higher level oath, so she can become your ship girl"

"A normal ship girl will only have a favorable impression of her own admiral. The emotions within the core of her mind are missing, so a ship girl who has had an admiral will not be interested in other admirals."

"There are only two ways to fill in the missing data. One is to use a contract to open the lock, and the other is to use a special core. The power inside the core can forcefully break through and fill the gap."

"So you know how valuable special cores are."

"Fortunately, my vacancy in the contract with your mother has been filled, but the ship girl alliance and many free ship girls awakening at sea cannot break through normally."

"Even Saratoga is the same. Although her bottleneck has not yet been reached, if she continues without looking for the admiral, the upper limit will have been locked."

"And now the heavy patrol core in your hand represents a hope, a chance for a ship girl to break through herself."

"Of course, the final choice still depends on you, whether to keep it and build the ship girl, or to sell it."

In response, Wei An touched his chin and thought deeply.

"Dean, if you can't break through, will your training level be limited to level 100 for the rest of your life?"


"In other words, the training level of the ship girl I purchased is already level 100?"


"Can I ask who she is?"

"how? Interested in her? But it seems okay, she is a free ship girl."

Elizabeth was a little surprised at first when she heard Wei An's answer, but then she thought about it and thought it was very reasonable.

"However, you still have Saratoga to worry about, and others have persisted for so many years without an admiral. Do you think you can easily get her to join your naval base?"

"As a talented admiral, you'd better take it one step at a time."

Elizabeth said to Wei An earnestly.

"I'm just curious about why you, the Dean, made such a special trip. And didn't you also say that I don't need anyone to buy my core?"



After listening to Elizabeth's words, Wei An said subconsciously, as to why he knew so well who Shropshire was.

Or was it because Shropshire herself was a maid ship girl, and even the thick maid uniform could not stop her surge.

Even after she changed out of her swimsuit, she caught Wei An's eyes, which was unforgettable.

Moreover, she and Devon County were the only big Ying girls with cooking talent. The inside of my mother is particularly prominent.

"you know?"

When Elizabeth saw the immediate answer, she looked at him with something wrong. Wei An's understanding of the ship girl refreshed her knowledge time and time again.

After all, the ship girl does not use her own outfit every day, and sometimes she also She also wears ordinary clothes and only uses her own outfit when fighting, except for some ship girls with special personalities and professions, such as her reputation as the head maid and her sister's counterattack, because the outfit also represents everyone. The difference between ship maids is why Elizabeth is surprised that Vian knows that Shropshire is a maid.

"I know a little bit about it, so Dean, you have a good relationship with her?"

"It is also a good thing to know more about the ship girl, at least it will give people a better first impression."

Many unfamiliar ship girls may not be able to recognize them even if they are also ship girls before they introduce themselves.

"Do you think I have a bad relationship with the ship girl from the E-Union Department? After all, I am also Da Ying’s ship girl, even though I am not the flagship."

As soon as Elizabeth explained this, Wei An understood everything at once. There will also be various branches in the Ship Girl Alliance.

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