Shennong Daojun

Seeking guaranteed monthly pass for June (with update plan)

First let me talk about the results: including the chapters to be updated later, in May, 440,000 words were updated!

The daily average is close to 15,000.

Let's calculate the owed updates: 3 updates for the leader, 11 updates for the monthly ticket, 2 updates for the basic, a total of 16 updates? It seems like that.

In fact, according to the update plan put on the shelves at the beginning of the month, it is set to update 8,000-12,000 words every day. According to the lowest standard, all the above owed updates have been paid off.

However, if this thing is calculated in this way, everyone will definitely not agree.

So these 16 updates will be left until June.

As everyone knows, burst updates cannot last long, otherwise it is easy to be happy this month and there will be no next month. In addition, this kind of book with complex settings is not as easy to write as the emotional flow of mindless upgrades in the past, and the author's speed is really not fast.

In addition to eating and sleeping, I really write every day. Many times, in order to make everyone happy, I grit my teeth and update, and I work and work like hell...

In order to make it last, the update plan for June will be adjusted.

June: 8,000 words guaranteed, 2 chapters per day

The minimum number of words for June updates: 240,000.

Counting the 16 updates I owed in May (my god, I owed 16 updates after updating 440,000 in May, and my head feels dizzy when I think about it.), I still maintain 16 days of three updates and 12,000.

The rewards from the leader are still effective.

The threshold for adding more words for monthly tickets is slightly raised, mainly because my brothers are so powerful. At the beginning of May, I set a 3,000 votes for an extra update, and I didn’t even think about adding so many updates.

Let’s raise the threshold for adding one more update for 4,000 votes, otherwise I can’t always reach this extra update, and it’s meaningless for my brothers to not be able to eat this pie, right? So I won’t draw this pie too big, and I will try to reach it.

According to the voting situation in May, as long as June remains the same as May, 10 more updates can be added. Counting the 16 updates I owe, that is to say, in June, I may have to update three times a day and 12,000!

In addition, I will report the results. The average subscription is 15,000 at present, and the 24-hour subscription is close to 10,000. Thank you for your support.

Finally, I will shout out again, please give me the minimum monthly ticket!

PS: The third update will be around 2 o'clock, so those who can't wait don't have to wait!

PS2: Happy Children's Day to all the adults!

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