Shennong Daojun

Chapter 163: Destroying the clan and abandoning the temple, meeting an acquaintance again

The swordfish flying boat flew towards Anping Mansion. Since it was next to Datong Mansion, one day was enough at the speed of the swordfish flying boat.

Zhao Xing came out to get some air, while Long Xiao concentrated on driving the flying boat.

One day was enough for Long Xiao, a very nervous warrior, to come out of his sadness. Now he started talking more: "Why does it keep raining and I can't even see? Can you make it stop raining?" "

Zhao Xingdao: "The number of rains in a house, how can I just change it? I don't want to live anymore."

In normal times, in inland areas, it doesn't matter if there is more or less rain.

But now is the eve of the Pingman War, and Datong Prefecture and Anping Prefecture are both important border areas.

If a little Karami like Zhao Xing dares to change the rain number, regardless of whether he is a genius from the Ten Yang Cave Heaven or a genius from the Ten Great Cave Heavens, the Ministry of War will cut off his head without mercy.

Long Xiao also had nothing to say: "We have arrived at the boundary of Anping Mansion. Why did the military world give you such a task, even taking care of the affairs of the underworld?"

The Yin God lives in the Yin Realm, and its function is similar to that of the Soldier Realm. However, there are only two types of people who can enter the Yin Realm. One is the dead. If their souls are not destroyed, they will be automatically absorbed by the Yin Realm. If they are not sealed as Yin Gods, after a period of time, Just dissipate.

This duration is usually three or five generations.

Because after three or five generations, the younger generations basically no longer respect the incense, and it will naturally dissipate.

One situation is that after cultivating to the third level Yuan Soul Realm, one can get rid of the shackles of the life soul living in the womb and go to the underworld.

The underworld was not created by the Great Zhou Dynasty, but existed in ancient times.

It is difficult to get in, but not difficult to get out. Incense, magic, and even the natural entrance of the intersection of yin and yang can allow the ghost to leave the underworld.

Zhao Xing had previously made some money in Gucheng. That situation was a combination of yin and yang. The entrance appeared because the wandering soul could not enter due to other abnormal reasons and stayed in the yin world.

Therefore, when a new Qi Luck Dynasty is born, the first thing to do is to take over the underworld and establish the underworld system to prevent the underworld from causing harm to the world.

Zhao Xing also thought about Long Xiao's question carefully.

"In the seventh-level realm, not only agriculture, but also all professions can invite gods. Maybe if I complete the ninth-level mission, I have a high chance of being named a seventh-level official, so I have this training."

"Long Xiao, have you ever asked God?"

Long Xiao nodded: "I invited Lord Siming once and Lord Giant Spirit once, but those were all seven years ago."

"Only twice? What's the price?" When Zhao Xing got up in his previous life, the Yinshen system had already begun to have problems, so he played less.

But there is a price to pay for asking God, mainly because the process of sending it back is difficult.

"Twice is already a lot, and the price is not small." Long Xiao said: "When warriors in the army pray to gods, they usually use essence and blood as the medium. The second time I invited the Giant Spirit Lord, it was at a critical moment of life and death. I had no choice but to pay the price. The price is 50% of the essence and blood.”

"That time I said that I would lose 10 years of my life. Later, I went to the temple to rejuvenate my life. I don't know how much I made up for it."

Long Xiao recalled: "There was really no other way. The situation at that time was too dangerous. If I didn't ask, I would have died immediately. How could I care about losing my life?"

"It's better to offer sacrifices. The price they pay for asking gods is very small."

Zhao Xing said: "It also depends on which deity is worshiped. If the span is too large, the life of the sacrifice will be shortened."

Long Xiao said: "I don't know the specifics, but I feel that those who can serve as sacrifices are very powerful. They are truly omnipotent in heaven and earth."

Zhao Xing nodded. Master of Ceremonies, Priest. Why do you say it is an early priesthood?

Because they are too powerful and comprehensive.

All the gods canonized by the Great Zhou Dynasty are invited to do anything!

Especially military priests, after the seventh rank, can recruit Yin gods from almost any profession.

After taking possession of the body, the priest possesses some of the abilities of the Yin God during his lifetime.

All professions can call upon gods, but the restrictions on calling upon gods are too great. You can basically only call upon gods of your own profession.

Priests can invite everyone. For example, an eighth-level priest can invite the True Lord Caoxi to his body. Then he can call the wind and rain, and in a short time he is equivalent to a military commander.

If you ask Uncle Donghu, you will immediately become a big muscle tyrant.

The priesthood is literally a super-divine profession.

Zhao Xing was in Gucheng at that time, and he never thought about becoming a master of ceremonies to have fun, and later becoming a priest. He was really an invincible existence at the same level.

But for the sake of long-term planning, I finally gave up the temporary pleasure.

Because the priests are too dependent on the Qi Lun Dynasty system, once the Yin Shen system collapses, the priests will fall off the altar.

If you ask the gods again at that time, the unfettered Yin gods will not obediently work for you. They are basically the masters who take money and do nothing, or the price is ridiculously high.

If Si Nong causes trouble to the local area, the destructive power caused will be great, so the review and promotion of Si Nong, especially military Si Nong, is even more stringent.

But compared with the military priest, he is still a bit young.

"Sacrifice is indeed powerful." Zhao Xing said, "I will not invite gods unless it is necessary. This time I went to Anping Mansion, I guess I am just a juror. I am not the one who really does the work on this task."

Zhao Xing saw it more clearly. He was a farmer, and he only wanted to make some comments when he accepted this task. It was impossible for him to really kill those evil spirits.

To put it bluntly, it’s just to talk.

All officials need to understand the system of Yin gods. Army Sinong is on an expedition, and if he invites gods, he must not borrow the power of any evil gods.

Otherwise, the destructive power of Army Sinong + Evil God would really cost you your life.

Cui Zhe, the current prince of Anping Mansion, is of the fourth rank.

However, Wei Hong, the high priest of the Anping Mansion Temple, is in the fourth rank, half a level higher than Mr. Fu.

After Zhao Xing arrived in Anping Fucheng, he first went to the Fucheng Si Agricultural Supervisor to report, and then posted a message to the Fucheng Temple through the channels of the Si Agricultural Supervisor.

During this process, he naturally looked through the list of officials in the temple. Zhao Xing vaguely felt that the name Wei Hong was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

To show their respect, the Anping Mansion Temple sent out a team of priests and asked Zhao Xing to follow this team of priests to do things.

When he got the list the next day, Zhao Xing saw a name named Wei Xuancheng on the list, and his brows jumped immediately.

"Hiss, it turns out it's him. Now he's met a ruthless person. Are they all here to eat a bowl of rice?"

Zhao Xing looked at the list and was speechless.

Wei Hong was nothing yet. He was a fourth-level official, but later he only reached the third-level official level. Moreover, he was still a priest of the imperial mausoleum, so he had no actual power.

But his younger brother Wei Xuancheng became prime minister during the reign of Emperor Wu!

This person's greatest achievement was to reform the "Yin God System". He single-handedly implemented the strategy of "destroying sects and abandoning temples" and solved the problem of the gradual overabundance of Yin Gods for Emperor Wu.

Of course, the end was tragic. In the Yuan Dynasty after Emperor Wu, Wei Xuancheng even had his grave dug up, expelled from the ancestral temple, and finally was pulled out from the underworld.

Whip the corpse, whip the soul, and scatter the soul. This person died exactly under his own plan.

"Master Zhao, why are you always looking at me?" The person sent by the temple to pick up Zhao Xing the next day was Wei Xuancheng, but he was only a seventh-grade priest at this time.

Wei Xuancheng came from a wealthy family, and he was arrogant but respectful to his subordinates. The less he cared about those with higher status, he instead showed great respect to the people at the bottom.

At this time, Wei Xuancheng was only thirty years old, but he was already a seventh-grade man and a fourth-grade man. He had a bright future.

"Master Wei's appearance is similar to that of an old friend of mine. He was lost in thought for a while. I hope Master Wei won't be surprised." Zhao Xing bowed his hand.

In fact, he was stunned for only a second, but the priest was very sensitive to thoughts, so he quickly found a reason to deal with it, locked his mind, and stopped thinking about it.

Wei Xuancheng didn't care. After all, he was not much older than Zhao Xing. It could be said that they were both young people.

"Master Zhao, please."

"Master Wei, please."

Zhao Xing and Long Xiao followed Wei Xuancheng on the flying boat and arrived at the Fucheng Temple first.

Then he visited the side hall priest who was responsible for leading the team this time, the official of the sixth rank, Gong Ming.

Following thirty-two priests, including Wei Xuancheng, they boarded a 'Yunyu Tower Boat'.

The next tasks are completed as follows:

Gong Minghui took Zhao Xing to 52 folk temples.

At each location, Zhao Xing will give advice on how to deal with the folk temple: go or stay.

He will stay inside the Yunyulou ship and will not go out.

Next, the Fucheng Sacrifice Association will carry out the actual processing.

It doesn't necessarily follow Zhao Xing's opinion.

If more than half of Zhao Xing's suggestions are adopted, it will be considered qualified and can be rated C. If you adopt 70%, you can rate B; if you adopt 90%, you can rate A.

"This task is difficult or not easy, it's just two options, go or stay."

"You can try your luck, even if you only say one word, go or stay, as long as the final suggestion is consistent with the temple's actions, you will pass."

"Even if you know nothing about temple government affairs, if you are lucky and guess correctly 26 times in a row, you can pass." Wei Xuancheng sat with him in a private room. He was the person responsible for delivering messages and explanations to Zhao Xing.

"If your opinion is meaningful and adopted by Lord Gong, even if you guess wrong a few times, as long as the difference is not big, you can still be promoted by one level. Do you understand, Lord Zhao?"

"Yes, thank you Master Wei for the suggestion." Zhao Xing handed over.

In other words, this Gong Ming is the same as Qiu Mingyi, and he has a lot of autonomy in rating him.

After waiting on the boat for two quarters of an hour, we soon arrived at the first location.

Wei Xuancheng left the private room first, and then returned.

"The first place has arrived. Master Gong asked me to ask you, what should we do with Yanguang Temple?"

Zhao Xing thought for a moment and said: "The temple should be removed and its golden body destroyed!"

Wei Xuancheng said: "Do you have anything else to say? I'll reply if you don't."

Zhao Xing nodded and said: "Not only this one, but also the 52 temples in Anping Prefecture have the same attitude, that is, to get rid of these folk temples."

"There are three reasons for this."

Wei Xuancheng stretched out his hand and said, "Please speak."

"First, there are private temples set up by the people in Anping Prefecture. Although some of them are not considered to be worshipers of evil gods, and even occasionally perform meritorious deeds, it has been a huge expense to maintain the advancement of Yin gods for two hundred years."

"According to the Yin God sacrifice system of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the main gods still have annual sacrifices, monthly sacrifices, four-season sacrifices, and daily sacrifices. The Yin gods who are no longer canonized by the imperial court require more sacrifices."

"The lower official is not familiar with the government affairs of the temple, but he is quite knowledgeable in mathematics. He can settle accounts for Lord Wei and other temple lords."

"Take Yanguang Temple as an example. To advance in two hundred years, it must maintain major sacrifices for ten years and small sacrifices every year."

"In the year of the Great Sacrifice, daily sacrifices must be made, four times a day, and three animals must be sacrificed each time. That is, cattle, sheep, horses, silks, jades, and bronzes, a total of one hundred and sixty items."

"Even if the sacrificial rituals can be used repeatedly, it still needs to be worshiped 1,695 times a year. Although the remaining fifty-one temples are not as big as the Yanguang Temple, the official has calculated that these fifty-two temples , a total of thirty-four thousand four hundred and fifty-three times.”

"Every moon festival, we have to invite guards to carry the statues through the streets, invite temple blessings, retainers, and musicians. Each time we are dispatched, there must be no less than 3,000 people, and the number of dispatches a year reaches 100,000."

"Whenever there is a parade, believers will buy incense, paper money, and even put copper coins into the merit box. Even if 100,000 people only put in 10 coins each time, it will be more than 100,000 taels. In fact, this number will be even higher! The military can't count it."

"This is just one year. Let's just talk about those privately set up temples. Anping Prefecture still has the official gods canonized by the court! If the people don't believe, then forget it. If they do, they would rather live in poverty and support the gods they believe in."

"In the past two hundred years, these 52 temples have absorbed the power of several generations of people. How can there be hundreds of millions of people? Are the beneficiaries really the people?"

"Even if those Yin gods have so-called merits, why do wild gods need to do it?!"

"Absorbing the power of the people, exceeding authority and being selfish, this is the first thing to be killed!"

Zhao Xing's voice was loud and clear. After hearing it, Wei Xuancheng's eyes flashed with anger.

This is too much to his taste!

Originally, he hadn't thought about it so much, but Zhao Xing listed the numbers, which immediately made Wei Xuancheng furious.

Yes, how wasteful? !

It might not be obvious for a generation of common people, but the accumulated number over the past two hundred years is astonishing. What Zhao Xing said was very heartbreaking. Since there is waste, there must be beneficiaries. Who are the beneficiaries?

Of course, it is the aristocratic family!

They are like termites lying on the people and sucking blood continuously.

There are always some people who will be fooled by these people without knowing it, and they will take out their hard-earned money and praise them.

Zhao Xing is worthy of being the Minister of Agriculture. He used the financial perspective as the basis for handling, which immediately moved Wei Xuancheng.

Wei Xuancheng bowed and said, "Mr. Zhao's analysis is incisive and enlightening. Please accept my greeting."

"I dare not, it's just some arrogant words. If I say something wrong, please forgive me, Mr. Wei." Zhao Xing quickly stood up and returned the greeting.

In fact, what he said were the correct policies that Wei Xuancheng later presented to Emperor Wu in the temple.

Of course, these are not as exaggerated as Wei Xuancheng later.

Wei Xuancheng even wanted to reform the imperial mausoleum. He proposed the "Five Temples System", that is, the emperor, concubines, princesses, and princes, who are five generations of descendants, should not be worshipped. If they want to worship, they should go to the Temple of the Son of Heaven.

Zhao Xing still said this in a restrained way. Compared with the drastic measures taken by Wei Xuancheng in later generations, his words now are just a needle.

It is enough to pierce the hearts of Wei Xuancheng and the temple priests, but it will not appear too much.

"Please continue with the second and third points, Lord Zhao." Wei Xuancheng's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light. He really wanted to know what other unique views Zhao Xing had.

The next chapter will be after twelve o'clock. Please ask for the guaranteed monthly ticket for June!

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