Shennong Daojun

Chapter 162 Second Ring Mission, Yin Shen System?

The golden sword kills 1,366 criminals instantly, and Yang An and Jia Pu fly away.

The inspector immediately became quiet.

Long Xiao was still following Zhao Xing. Chen Shijie didn't say much, just nodded to Zhao Xing and left immediately.

At the end of the first round of tasks, Zhao Xing rested for a night in the Inspection Department and set off the next day.

He used the dream preservation method to review the first round of missions on the swordfish flying boat, and soon woke up again.

There is nothing wrong with the heavy sentencing of the lawbreakers within the Divine Power Army this time. If it were to happen again, Zhao Xing would still choose to sentence them all to death.

As for offending people? This has little impact.

First of all, Zhao Xing was not yet a member of the Shenwei Army. Those criminals who died only blamed Qiu Mingyi.

As for those who are alive, we can look at them in two parts, one is the low-level soldiers below the seventh rank, and the other is those above the seventh rank.

The lower-level officers and soldiers below the seventh rank do not have such a strong subjective will. What kind of characterization the court gives to the matter can basically be settled at this level.

What's more, these dead people had no grievances and really deserved to die. There was no resentment towards Zhao Xing.

To put it bluntly, they are not qualified to resent Zhao Xing, because those who were beheaded were at the highest seventh level.

As long as Zhao Xing completes the mission, he will also be a seventh-grade general! And he will only be stronger than rotten people like Hong Tai!

Those who are higher than seventh grade will have a clear judgment on this matter and know that Zhao Xing does not have much choice.

Even if he didn't judge, Qiu Mingyi would. For example, Chen Shijie and Long Xiao knew to avoid suspicion as soon as they heard Zhao Xing talk about it, and they also knew that he was on an 'inspection mission'.

They will basically have an understanding of Zhao Xing's identity, including his training performance in Shiyang Cave.

Do you want a talented military commander to join the army, or do you want those rotten so-called brothers?

Everyone knows how to choose!

Before Yang An appeared, some people might still think that Zhao Xing was too cruel.

The Inspector was given the opportunity to kill without asking. To do so, he should first ask Yang An, the Marquis of Boping.

But Yang An appeared in time.

He solved this part of the hidden danger for Zhao Xing.

His influence in this matter was greatly reduced.

After Yang An arrived, the person he talked to was Inspector Qiu Mingyi, not Zhao Xing who held the inspection order.

Just want to pick Zhao Xing out.

He killed someone himself because he wanted to take out Zhao Xing.

Qiu Mingyi also took the initiative to respond, because he also knew that the court was to test geniuses, not to destroy them. If he still pushed Zhao Xing to the front to talk to Yang An, he would be ignorant.

Zhao Xing also understood this very well, so when Yang An appeared, he didn't say a word and left after saluting. This made it more reasonable for outsiders to think that Zhao Xing was just here to go through the process.

"If you are a stupid young man who really feels that you have the power of life and death, that you can be proud of the prince, and then goes up to the big boss and insists on killing him, he will not kill you, then he is a complete idiot." Zhao Xing secretly said.

No matter how serious his words were, that was not the time for him to speak.

It would be unreasonable for the military community to require a new recruit to be a tough warrior in order to get the highest rating.

It is enough to see this attitude from the judgment. The more you do, the more you pass.

"What worries me most about the whole thing is that Yang An used his privileges to pardon criminals. This means that he has a great conflict with the court's rectification trend. He is a narrow-minded person, so I will kill him without asking. , will not be tolerated by him.”

"He came, but did not pardon, which proves that Yang An is smart. At least he can see the court's intention and the trend of reorganizing the border army. In addition, he only asked Qiu Mingyi and didn't even look at me. This is downplaying My influence will make it easier for me to do things later.”

"Yang An's attitude also shows his support for me." Zhao Xing said secretly. "The generals support it, so others have nothing to say."

"What's more, Yang An killed it himself!"

"Rule the army strictly, be strict with others, and be strict with yourself."

"He also knows how to deflect internal conflicts and can kill barbarians to atone for wronged souls. This general is qualified." Zhao Xing commented.

Yang An can cut off his own arm and even punish himself. Such a general does not have to worry about him doing anything unfair.

You have talents, you can use them to your fullest!

Killing people are quick and neat, which shows the strictness of military management.

Self-punishment and surrender can win people's hearts. I heard that he had to bear a lot of pressure for the Shenwei Army before. Rewards and punishments are clear, even the general himself is no exception. He can achieve great things!

"There is no simple boss who can shock the world."

The difficulty of this task is actually Yang An's attitude.

Compassion does not control soldiers, and justice does not control wealth. Mr. Zhao is very satisfied with Yang An's performance now.

"No matter what, I won't stay on this train for too long. After completing the Nine Rings mission, I will be at the seventh level. After that, I will seize the opportunity in the Pingman War and get the fifth level, and I will leave the Shenwei Army."

In fact, Mr. Zhao doesn't care what Yang An is like. The only thing that matters is changing places.

Looking at it now, you can still follow Yang An. The Shenwei Army is inconspicuous now, but it will suddenly rise in the future.

Following a wave of credit is equivalent to investing in advance.

Just wait for the potential stock of Shenwei Army to rise.

Zhao Xing no longer thought about this matter, but began to look at the second ring mission.

Just opened the ground mirror.

I saw that the evaluation of the first ring mission has been released.

[The first round of mission ‘Inspection of the Divine Power Army’ has ended. 】

[Military world evaluation: top level]

"It's exactly what I thought." Zhao Xing smiled slightly.

Then look at the second round of tasks.

[Second Ring Military Affairs: ‘Anping Mansion Temples’]

[Location: Anping Prefecture]

[Military World Intelligence: Anping Mansion is located to the west of Datong Mansion. Since the establishment of Yingyuan Mansion in Nine Heavens two hundred years ago, there have been many legends about strange gods and immortals among the people. People have spontaneously established Yin Temple temples and set up spiritual altars in their homes to worship. The objects of sacrifice are not only human beings. , also includes the spirits of strange beasts. 】

[The following is a specific list of temples. There are 52 temples in total, including the origin of the temples, the main worship areas, and the main deeds of the Yin God in the past two hundred years. Please go to Anping Prefecture to explore one by one and decide whether to leave or leave the temples. 】

"Folk temple?"

Zhao Xing couldn't help but frowned after seeing the second ring mission.

This matter is far more difficult than the task of "inspecting the Divine Power Army".

Because this involves the ‘yinshen system’ of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The system of Yinshen is an extremely important part of the Qiyun Dynasty. It can even be said to be the foundation.

It is the dream of all officials to enjoy incense after death, with the ghost remaining in the world forever, and to rest with the country.

This is more than just leaving a name in history.

Because the Yin God can continue to exist as long as the incense continues and the country is immortal.

It is equivalent to another kind of immortality!

It is actually not difficult for the strong to achieve the title of marquis and general, and it is not the ultimate goal.

Being canonized as a Yin God and enjoying incense for eternity is the greatest temptation!

Because there is a mainstream understanding in this era: death is not the end, being forgotten is. If you can turn into a Yin God, you can live freely in another world!

Therefore, rituals, music and sacrifices were popular in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Zhao Xing had received this task in his previous life and understood the difficulty.

"Even the Yin God System wants to move. Emperor Jing of this period is really ambitious." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

A carrot, a pit, Yin Shen's position is also limited, and it is impossible to canonize him indefinitely.

From Taizu, Emperor Wen, to Emperor Jing, more and more Yin gods have been canonized.

The requirements are also constantly increasing.

Among them, the Taizu Dynasty and the Wendi Dynasty had the most canonizations.

The founding heroes had to be honored, and they conquered the country. Before they could enjoy many blessings, many strong men came to the end of their lives. If they didn’t enjoy blessings during their lifetime, they couldn’t not enjoy them after they died, right?

In addition, there are seventy-two Taoist sects and Taoist sects that have been affiliated. Each Taoist temple has one or more second-grade Yin gods. This is one of the conditions for affiliation.

For example, Zhenjun Lihuo is a first-class Yin god. His Taoist Dharmakaya has existed before the Zhou Dynasty and can influence the laws of heaven and earth in the nineteen states.

Senior members of the Lihuo Taoist Academy can even summon the founder's Taoist body to fight against the enemy, which is so awesome.

Other Yin gods, such as Shenxing Dai Zong, have low status.

Sending messages to the army is a painstaking job for no price. For example, Huang Chengzhi issued four emergency march orders a day, and Shenxing Dai Zong could only curse a few times, or at most not accept the job.

But Zhenjun Lihuo, if you borrow the Tao, you have to return the Tao afterwards, so your level of force is much higher.

"The collapse of the Yin Shen System was the last straw that broke the big Zhou Dynasty." Zhao Xing recalled the tasks he did in his previous life.

Those clay Bodhisattvas jumped off the altar one by one, looking fierce and evil, asking the people to worship this and that.

Moreover, countless Mao gods were born. Zhao Xing had a mission. If he traveled ten miles, there would be a Yin god who wanted to collect tolls.

Some even asked to sacrifice young girls.

"Originally, the 'Yin God System' could effectively guard against lawlessness and allow criminals to hide. But later, a family raised a Yin God, which opened the era of privately raising Yin Gods in aristocratic families, which could completely block the detection of the court's Yin Gods. , killing people and stealing goods, no evidence can be found at all..."

"It's not without reason that Emperor Jing is stingy. If he opens his mouth too much, there won't be many opportunities left for his descendants when he dies. However, being stingy only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The addition of the Hall of Heroes will not be able to meet the demand."

"It's very reasonable for me, a farmer, to receive such a task."

"After all, Sinong can also invite gods, and here, they are all like the god of Sinong in the temple."

"For the priest profession, you can also invite the god of agriculture to take possession of you, which is equivalent to having the spells of the profession of agriculture. The profession of agriculture is also closely related to the Yinshen system."

"What's more, this is the cornerstone of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you go to the battlefield and the environment is harsh, you can ask the gods to open an altar to pray for rain and let the Yin God help."

"On the battlefield, the Yin God can collect souls, save the soldiers from misfortunes, and extend their lives."

"If you don't understand the system of Yin gods, you don't know which gods to worship!"

Zhao Xing read the mission content carefully and couldn't help but frown a little.

"Isn't it really easy to be an official under Emperor Jing? One person can serve as the equivalent of ten people. It's really a good job."

"Priests need to be able to invite various professional gods, and farmers need to understand the system of Yin and God. Engineers and mechanics also need to assist farmers in digging mountains and rivers to fight against natural disasters."

"Officials are really put to good use in his hands." Zhao Xing complained a few words in his mind and began to sort out the tasks seriously.

It’s difficult to do, but it must be done!

No one can shake Mr. Zhao’s determination to live forever!

[Yan Guang Temple: Sixth Grade Yin God]

[Location: Pingjiang County, Hongyuan County, Anping Prefecture. 】

[Military world information: Yan Guang is a native of Pingjiang County. He was born in the 233rd year of Yongan, the third year of Dingxin. He participated in the establishment of Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion. During his lifetime, his high-ranking official position was the "Pingjiang Dushui Sizheng" on the eighth rank. 】

[In the fifty-eighth year of the Reform Period, Yan Guanglao died in office. He diligently controlled floods for a period of one year and was commended by the court. He was awarded the third-class Pingjiang Bo title and was praised by officials. 】

【In the 60th year of Dingxin, the Yan family built a family temple for Yan Guang, and people often came to worship. In the 65th year of Dingxin, people in many places spontaneously built temples. In the 89th year of Dingxin, Yan Guang's tablet was taken out of the Hall of Heroes and enshrined in the Pingjiang Jiaoshibao Temple. In the 143rd year of Dingxin, Yan Guang's ghost was worshipped with incense and promoted to the seventh-grade ghost realm. 】

【In the 195th year of Dingxin, Pingjiang was flooded. The Yan family spread charity, opened porridge stalls, repaired rivers and built bridges. Yan Guang appeared for the first time, helping Wang Ze, the then Pingjiang County Sinong Supervisor, to perform agricultural magic to calm the flood. 】

【In the 198th year of Dingxin, Yan Guang appeared for the 49th time, and the incense was prosperous, and he was promoted to the sixth-grade Yin God. 】

【In the early years of Jingxin, Yan Guang appeared for the 376th time...】

【In the tenth year of Jingxin...】

Although there are only 52 temples in the second ring mission, the rank of the Yin God is not low. The worst are all seventh-grade Yin Gods, and the highest are up to the sixth grade.

The main reason is that if the rank of the Yin God is too low, it cannot appear. During this period, the seventh grade is the lowest threshold for appearing to intervene in the world of the living.

Of course, these are not officially canonized gods, and even if they appear, their power is limited.

They belong to "pseudo-gods".

It is impossible to achieve the level of Donghu Bo and Caoxi. They are capable of beheading the soul clone of the Blood Spirit Venerable. The Blood Spirit Venerable is at least the third-grade Yuanhun realm, because only in this way can he "split the soul to receive offerings and feed back the main soul".

The intelligence information provided by the military world is also a hundred times larger than before.

It is quite difficult for ordinary people to analyze some useful information from this information, it is too complicated.

If you don't understand the Yinshen system, you will be confused and don't know why the court issued this task.

"Analyze the problem to see the essence." Zhao Xing began to think from the perspective of the military community and even from the perspective of Emperor Jing.

"Anping Prefecture is a border prefecture. Like Datong Prefecture, it is located south of Pinghai Prefecture. There are many tributaries of Cangjiang River and Lanjiang River flowing into the territory."

"There are also many important military towns in its territory."

"The Yinshen system opened too many loopholes during the Taizu period. There were also many precedents for the spontaneous spiritual cultivation behavior of the people to be regularized. This situation did not gradually decrease until the Emperor Wen period. It was suppressed. This was because Emperor Wen deliberately controlled public opinion to prevent large families from manipulating public opinion to cultivate the gods."

"There are many examples of wild gods being regularized. In addition, many people have made meritorious contributions and were granted titles and fiefs when they conquered Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture before. The legend that has been circulated is There are so many of them, and the border areas have gradually developed this phenomenon of spontaneous worship of wild gods. "

"However, it is hard to say that there are no descendants of Yin gods who are fanning the flames. Take Yan Guang as an example. The Yan family is mentioned many times in the intelligence, but the Yan family did not push at all. I don't believe it, and the military will not believe it either."

"Although the nature of this wild god cannot be called the serious nature of evil god worship, the war to pacify the barbarians is imminent, and everything is prioritized by the military. How can these unstable factors be allowed to exist? Not to mention, there are also sacrifices to strange beasts as gods, which is obviously influenced by the southern barbarians. "

Finally, Zhao Xing concluded: "This is evil god worship, and he deserves to be killed!"

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