Shennong Daojun

Chapter 161 Yang An, Marquis of Boping (3rd update)

As soon as the beheading order was signed, changes immediately appeared on the document.

All the names on the list turned scarlet, and then the names of these people twisted and turned into ashes and dissipated.

This is not an ordinary document, but a fate disc!

Zhao Xing signed this order, which was equivalent to removing these people from the Qiyun Dynasty system.

"Ah, how did I fall to the eighth level?"

"Puff~ My bones, my bones are broken!"

"Silver bones have turned into iron bones, and I have been stripped of my official position!"

"Hahaha, so this is my own power."

"Qi and blood are not flowing smoothly, and they are still flowing in the court, is this what it means to return to the court?"

In the square, the criminals who were brought in suddenly became agitated.

Some people have found that their realm has fallen, and even their martial arts have degenerated.

Some people even became gray-haired and wrinkled at this moment.

Qiyun Dynasty, this is Qiyun Dynasty!

If Zhao Xing knew how to read the Qi, he would be able to see that the 1,366 people in the square had a "Qi" drawn away from them, circling in the air and condensing.

Since the court can bless, it can also take it back. No matter the realm or life span, once it is completely removed from the Qiyun Dynasty system, it will return to its original form.

Generally speaking, this process will be even worse. Whether it is a warrior or a wizard, the court has helped you lay the foundation and build a house for you. If a beam or even half of the foundation is removed, the final result will be more than just returning to its original form.

So if you commit a serious crime and are about to be removed from the Qiyun Dynasty system, it is basically no different from death, unless you are like Zhao Xing, who has cultivated every step by himself, and only has the two effects of Qiyun and longevity.

Then even if you are demoted in the future, it will not have much impact on your own strength, at least it will not be as miserable as those criminals in the square.

"I want to see the Marquis, I want to see the Marquis!"

"Why, I am a seventh-rank military commander, why don't I even have a chance to atone for my sins?!"

"You are going to kill me just for embezzling tens of thousands of taels?"

"Marquis, Marquis, I don't accept it!"

Many people in the square had a premonition when they saw the large-scale regression of realm and the whitening of black hair, and they struggled frantically.

In the hall, Qiu Mingyi watched Zhao Xing issue the beheading order without hesitation, and a trace of admiration flashed in his eyes.

The Inspection Department needs such talents!

1366 people, all executed, this is not something that can be done with a little courage, but with great courage.

And Zhao Xing is not a reckless man who issued the beheading order when his brain was hot.

Qiu Mingyi set up tests many times in the front, first asking how many people to be dealt with, implying that he had the right to conceal some of the number of people, and said that they were people of the Shenwei Army and could be given a lighter sentence.

It can be said that Zhao Xing signed this order without anyone to rely on.

All they can rely on is the "law" and the crackdown by the imperial court.

If Zhao Xing was a fool, or a weakling, without courage and political sense, it would be difficult for him to make this decision.

Qiu Mingyi had a glimmer in his eyes, and he stood up and stretched out his hand, saying, "Please ask the Grand Inspector to supervise the execution."

Holding the Grand Inspector's Order, he is the Grand Inspector. Zhao Xing was originally a decoration, but now Qiu Mingyi admired him very much and even called him the Grand Inspector, which was enough to prove his admiration for Zhao Xing.

"In this case, I will dare to supervise the execution for Mr. Qiu." Zhao Xing stepped on the cloud and came to the top of the square with the order arrow in his hand.

Once something is done, it must be done to the end and done beautifully.

How can ordinary minor crimes be regarded by the military intelligence department?

So 30% of the people on the list are serious crimes, and 70% are capital crimes!

There is absolutely no problem with Zhao Xing sentencing them to death.

Long Xiao was full of sorrow, but he still appeared behind Zhao Xing at this moment. He didn't dare to look down because they were all familiar faces.

"Long Xiao? How come you are here?"

"The Grand Inspector? Who is this person? He is not Qiu Mingyi!"

"I know, he seems to be Zhao Xing."

"Zhao Xing? Isn't he the genius Si Nong of my Shenwei Army?"

"He took the inspection mission? He wants us to die?"

"Long Xiao, you bastard, you betrayed your brother!"

"Long Xiao, please plead for your brother, have you forgotten the years we once stood side by side?"

Zhao Xing ignored him and did not change his expression. He held the command arrow and shouted: "Silence!"

The command arrow temporarily gave him the power of etiquette cultivation to follow his words.

At this time, he cast the silence spell, and the square suddenly became silent.

"As military commanders, you should stop war with force and protect the country and the people."

"But now you have committed many evil deeds, burning, killing, looting, bullying the people and harming the country, which are too numerous to list!"

"Even if you have made contributions in the past, you have also enjoyed the welfare of the court."

"Merits are merits, and crimes are crimes."

"Today, I, according to the order of the Great Zhou, sentence you to death!"

"Immediate execution!"

Zhao Xing threw the order down.

As the order fell, the sky over the entire square seemed to collapse. The 'qi' that had originally condensed above the sky was now like a mountain, falling down.

As long as the order fell to the ground, these people would die instantly without pain.

But at this moment——


A low voice came from a distance, and Zhao Xing turned his head to look.

I saw a figure in green armor, wrapped in the power of heaven and earth, quickly descending to the Inspection Square.

Below the order with the word "behead", a giant claw of a green dragon appeared and lifted it up again.

"The blue dragon extends its claws! This is Marquis Bo Ping coming."

"Yang An, he is really here."

Zhao Xing was quite disappointed.

If Yang An protects one person today, his impression in his heart will be greatly reduced. If he pardons everyone, Zhao Xing will have to discuss changing places with Wei Yuan tomorrow.

"See General Divinity."

The inspectors in the square and everyone in the temple, including the accompanying soldiers, all saluted.

When Zhao Xing saw this, he also raised his hand.

Yang An is very young, with white skin and red lips, a high nose and a very handsome appearance. If he hadn't been wearing a blue armor, military boots, a big sword on his back, and a gorgeous suit, he would have been a handsome young man, completely It doesn't appear that he is a general in charge of an army.

At this time, everyone was calling him ‘General Shenwei’, not Marquis Boping.

Because the former is an official position and the latter is a title, he is generally called Marquis in private, but in formal situations he is called General Shenwei.

He was accompanied by a middle-aged scribe with triangular eyes and a cunning look on his face. He must be the famous counselor of the Shenwei Army, Jia Pu.

Zhao Xing was a little disappointed with Yang An, and even the salute was a little perfunctory.

After handing him over, he lowered the clouds silently and returned to the corridor, standing with Lao Chen.

Chen Shijie couldn't guess what Zhao Xing was thinking, so he immediately whispered: "Just wait and see what happens, Lord Marquis will never disappoint anyone."


Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky again.

As soon as Yang An came out, Zhao Xing no longer had the right to speak, and it was Qiu Mingyi who spoke.

"Why did General Shenwei obstruct law enforcement?"

"The Inspectorate is going to kill 1,366 of my brothers, how can Yang An not come?"

"Even if Mr. Qiu insists on killing him, he should be given a chance to say his last words."

Yang An landed on the square, and the cry of the blue dragon came out, immediately breaking the silence spell.

"Master Hou, Master Hou!"

"I am wronged, Mr. Hou!"

"Master Hou, this cruel official Qiu Mingyi has evil intentions and wants to kill us!"

Everyone in the square suddenly started crying and howling.

Zhao Xing? The portion wasn't big enough, and we didn't know each other very well. It was obvious that the anger was directed at Qiu Mingyi.

Qiu Mingyi stepped out of the sky and arrived at the square, facing the power of the blue dragon head-on without fear.

"Then let's hear what else they have to say."

Yang An nodded: "Quiet!"

The sound was instantly picked up in the square.

A strange look flashed in Zhao Xing's eyes. This was not some ritual magic, but was achieved with Yang An's fleshy mouth and personal prestige.

"Hong Tai, what's your grievance?" Yang An took the lead in asking Hong Tai, the highest-ranking general. "Speak out, and I will make the decision for you!"

Hong Tai raised his head and opened and closed his lips, but was speechless.

Is he unjust? He is not unjust.

The crime is real and the evidence is real.

How to tell?

"Can't tell?" Qiu Mingyi sneered, "Then I will tell you for you. Hong Tai, in the 10th year of Jingxinli, you were transferred to Tao County as Tian Ling. Considering the situation of the Shenwei Army at that time, Boping Hou even dismissed you."

"When you turn from martial arts to civil affairs, you will only fall from the seventh rank to the seventh rank. Taoxian County is a fertile land. Not to mention good weather, at least there are no natural disasters. As a military commander and a peasant, you don't need to fight hard or be on duty day and night. , your salary has been increased, do you think this transfer is treating you badly?"

Hong Tai frowned and said, "Then the Marquis took the blame for the brothers! The Marquis was forced to resign to save the brothers in the army..."

"Okay!" Qiu Mingyi interrupted Hong Tai, "As long as you know."

"But how did you repay Marquis Boping in Taoxian County? Answer me!"

"Master Hou, I, I know I was wrong..." Hong Tai didn't dare to look up.

"Are you aware of your mistake?" Qiu Mingyi snorted coldly: "I don't think so."

"You were in Taoxian County for five years. You raped fourteen women and forced five of them to death. The other nine were silenced by you with money."

"A year ago, Marquis Boping returned to the army and began to reorganize military affairs."

"You were afraid that the matter would be exposed, so you frantically killed the families of these fourteen women."

"You think it's done perfectly, but you don't know that there is a god just above your head!"

"You are a good captain of Changshui. Why do you make mistakes again and again? Have you fallen to this point?"

"You said the injustice is yours, the women who were killed by your bestiality, or the dead souls?!"

Qiu Mingyi took a step forward every time he spoke. In the end, his voice resounded throughout the sky, and all the criminals in the square could not raise their heads.

Qiu Mingyi glanced at the people in the square: "If you feel you have been wronged, feel free to speak up. If there is even one wrongful conviction, I will commit suicide immediately to apologize!"

Silence, deathly silence.

When Qiu Mingyi finished speaking, the arrow in the sky above the square suddenly dropped by three points. The Canglong's claws seemed to be unable to hold up and were on the verge of collapse.

Hong Tai kneels to Yang An's feet.

"Master Hou, Hong Tai knows that his crime is unpardonable!"

"For the sake of following me for many years, please forgive me temporarily and let me die on the battlefield!"

"Hong Tai will definitely die in battle!"

After saying that, Hong Tai knocked heavily on the ground.

Seeing this, the others followed suit and kowtowed one after another.

"Master Hou, I, He Long, am only greedy for tens of thousands of taels, how can I be punished with death!"

"Master Marquis, let us die on the battlefield!"

"Master Hou..."

Qiu Mingyi stopped talking.

Because these people all pleaded guilty and did not refute, what they asked for was for Yang An to use his privileges to pardon them and let them die in a different way.

If Yang Anzhen did this, Qiu Mingyi would not be able to interfere, because this is the privilege of the strong and the aristocratic family, and it is a system problem left over from history. When Taizu conquered the world, the first-level strong men could choose to go to the eight wastelands and stand on their own. If you are a king and your personal power is strong enough, if you don't have privileged treatment, why should you vote for Dazhou?

It’s hard to say whether these privilege systems are good or bad, but they exist.

Zhao Xing looked at this scene and felt that this test was really difficult.

Facing his former subordinates who begged for mercy, and only asked for a different way to die, I am afraid that anyone else would have been moved to pardon.

However, if Yang An is pardoned, his evaluation will inevitably decrease.

Of course, he would never try to persuade her again at this time.

Everyone has their own choice, and Zhao Xing's choice was to impose a harsh sentence and not go against the court's harsh style.

How would this Marquis Boping choose?

After a moment of silence, Yang An spoke, his tone a little cold:

"Hong Tai, Qi Shan, you were once brothers of my Shenwei Army."

"I, Yang An, admit that I have never treated you badly!"

"You have made meritorious deeds, but you have also received rewards!"

"The crime committed now is unforgivable!"

"There is no grievance, no matter who makes the decision today, the result will be the same!"

"The law of the country punishes you, and there is no mercy for crimes, so I will personally give you a ride!"

After saying that, the sword behind Yang An suddenly came out of its sheath.

In an instant, 1,366 people in the square were penetrated!

After doing all this, Yang An's reputation spread hundreds of miles.

"The Divine Power Army is not a place to harbor filth and evil. The purpose of practicing martial arts and fighting is to protect the country and love the people!"

"If you no longer have your true heart, you will no longer be a member of our Divine Power Army!"

After saying that, Yang An's golden sword made a circle and turned back.

"I, Yang An, mismanaged me, and as a result, I lost 1,366 brothers and sisters today!"

"I deserve to be punished too!"

Then, in full view of everyone, the golden sword suddenly crossed his left shoulder and right leg.


The sword blade neatly cut off his left shoulder and right leg!

"Marquis Boping!" Qiu Mingyi looked moved.

"Master Hou!"

"General Kamui!"

From all over the square, there were waves of exclamations!

Zhao Xing was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yang An would be so cruel and cut off his hands and feet.

Although there is a treasure in this world that can resurrect a broken arm, it is not difficult for a fourth-level expert to obtain the bone-extending ginseng.

But whoever dares to do this is also a ruthless person!

"From now on, I, Yang An, will be reduced to a slave and sent to the First Deng Camp to atone for the wronged souls killed by the scoundrels of the Divine Power Army!"

"You will not be reinstated until you have killed ten times the number of people! The officers and soldiers of the Divine Power Army should take this as a warning and restrain themselves and their subordinates!"

After saying that, Yang An rolled up the bodies of these dead soldiers and flew away from the Inspection Department.

"What a Yang An, you are so ruthless." Zhao Xing looked at Yang An's retreating figure with a flash of brilliance in his eyes, "You handled it so neatly and neatly. You deserve to be famous all over the world!"

The third update is over, go to bed! Continue tomorrow!

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