Shennong Daojun

Chapter 160: A merciful army is not suitable for military command, Zhao Xing’s choice

Xi'er County City, Inspection Department.

Chen Shijie parked the swordfish flying boat in the square of the Inspection Department.

The first place to land was not at the Agricultural Supervision Department, but at the Inspection Department. This was Zhao Xing's request.

If he wants to do an inspection, he must go through the inspection department.

In addition, the task involved a large number of people, and he could not handle it alone. He had to use the power of the Inspection Department.

When they got off the boat, Chen Shijie and Long Xiao looked a little ugly, because just by looking at where Zhao Xing came first, they knew that the problem was going to be big this time.

If there are dozens or hundreds of people and their ranks are not high, Zhao Xing and Long Xiao will be enough to take action without resorting to the power of the Inspection Department.

"Are you really going to come here as your first stop?" When he was about to enter the Inspection Department, Long Xiao couldn't help but said, "What's the matter? Can't you tell the Marquis first?"

"Long Xiao!" Chen Shijie said in a deep voice, "Don't interfere with him, the Marquis will understand."

Qiu Mingyi, the "Grand Inspector" in the Inspection Department, is the fifth rank.

As a fifth-level official, he is not subject to the control of Boping Hou Yang An. This position is used to monitor the internal affairs of the army.

Except for Yang An, he can't control other generals. If they do anything illegal, the Inspectorate has the right to arrest and question them. The Inspection Division also acts as a law enforcement guard during times of war.

Of course, as long as it is not treason, if the Inspection Department wants to deal with a military general, it must ask Yang An's opinion.

The Inspection Department has always been hated by the soldiers. Basically every few years, the number of people in the Inspection Department has to be replaced, and when they leave office, they have to leave secretly to avoid being beaten by the soldiers.

Grand Inspector Qiu Mingyi has only been in office for a year, and his relationship with Yang An is quite harmonious. The previous internal clean-ups were basically completed by Yang An himself. He only assisted and provided some interrogation and inspection work.

When he learned that Zhao Xing was coming to the Inspection Department at his first stop, he immediately came out to receive him in person.

Because Zhao Xing's current Swordfish Flying Boat is planted with the Ten Yang Flag of the Military World, a genius who receives such a mission, no matter what happens before and after.

At this stage, they were like imperial envoys, representing the will of the military world, or to put it more broadly, the will of Emperor Jing.

"Go and invite Zhao Xing to the main hall to receive him." Qiu Mingyi ordered, "Order the inspectors at level three or above from each department to return to the county and wait for orders."

"Also, go to the temple to inform the commander of the sacrificial ceremony, Master Ma Dezhu, and ask him to bring a team of sacrificial worshippers and invite the two law enforcement statues of Fan Wujiu and Xie Bian."

"Go and take out the Qilin Treading Sea uniform and the sky-facing bird feather hat. I want to take a shower and change clothes."

Qiu Mingyi was in high spirits and gave instructions to his servants.

He was drinking leisurely under the grape trellis. When he heard that Zhao Xing was coming, he suddenly became energetic and licked his lips unconsciously.

He fully understood what signal Zhao Xing sent when he came to the Inspection Department as his first stop.

"Kill, kill, kill, I want to see blood flowing like a river!" Qiu Mingyi had a hint of excitement in his eyes. "I've prepared all the sharp weapons for you, kid. Don't let me down."

This year, Qiu Mingyiguang drank, Yang An returned to the position of commander, and he could only watch many things. In Qiu Mingyi's view, Yang An's knife was not sharp enough and the carrion was not scraped clean enough. If he were to investigate severely, more than just those people would be killed.

Now, Zhao Xing is here. When he comes, he must have serious evidence of crimes, and the level and quantity of such talents are not low.

Two quarters of an hour later, he inspected the main hall.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Xing, pays homage to Lord Qiu." Zhao Xing saluted Qiu Mingyi. This great inspector was also one of the reviewers for this first-level mission.

After completing the first round of tasks, Qiu Mingyi's evaluation will hold a lot of weight.

"Zhao Xing, why did you come to the Inspectorate to see me?" Qiu Mingyi asked.

"According to the order of the military community, we are here to rectify the illegal activities in Xi'er County." Zhao Xing got straight to the point, "Please ask the Inspection Department to assist me."

"Oh? I wonder how many people you want to mobilize and how many people are involved in the crime?" Qiu Mingyi asked.

In fact, the moment Zhao Xing entered the door, he knew the intelligence information at the same time. Now he was asking just to see how much Zhao Xing was willing to submit.

Zhao Xing also knew this. As long as he did it himself and as long as Yang An didn't interfere, these people would be dead. The only difference was whether he did it himself or someone from the Inspection Department did it.

"There are a total of 1,423 illegal members involved. I need all members of the Inspection Department to be dispatched. It is best to ask the Military Temple to cooperate with the operation." Zhao Xing took out a list, "These are the people involved in the case."

"Okay, investigating illegal activities is a matter within the scope of the Inspection Department. I will block the information and leave all manpower to you to deploy!" Qiu Mingyi said, "This is the order of the Grand Inspection Commission. After you receive the order, all personnel in this department will Everyone listens to your orders."

"In addition, Master Ma Dezhu from the Military Temple will arrive at the Inspection Department in an hour to cooperate with you."

"Thank you, sir." Zhao Xing bowed his hand and immediately took the order from the inspector and left the courtroom.

Outside the courtroom, when Chen Shijie and Long Xiao saw Zhao Xing coming out with a large inspection order, their scalps suddenly went numb, and even Chen Shijie's pupils shrank.

Zhao Xing, holding the order from the Grand Inspection Envoy, began to move around various departments and formulate an arrest plan.

"Inspection envoy of the First Division arrested Changshui Colonel Hong Tai and Zhongli Colonel Qi Shan..."

"Inspector of the Second Department, arrest Fan Geng and He Cheng..."

"Inspector of the Third Department..."

Long Xiao, the protector, was with Zhao Xing. As for Chen Shijie, he stayed in the side hall of the Inspection Department to drink tea and avoid suspicion.

Long Xiao's eyes widened when he heard Zhao Xing read out the long list.

After the order was given, figures all over the Inspection Department suddenly rose into the sky and flew away in the dark night.

Zhao Xing saw something strange about Long Xiao and immediately asked, "Why don't you go and rest first."

Long Xiao said sadly: "Can I still sleep now? Several of these people you reported are brothers who lived and died with me and Lao Chen."

"That was six years ago." Zhao Xing said calmly, "Now, are you still sure they are your brothers? When you see them again, do you feel anything different."

Long Xiao Moran, as a sword cultivator, he has a clear sword mind. When he met old acquaintances one after another a year ago, he could indeed feel that there were some changes in his brothers, but he did not want to think about it.

"Can you tell me, can they be saved?"

Zhao Xing was silent.

His first stop was here, which meant that his choice was definitely not one of compromise or compromise.

Killing one person is an offense, and killing a thousand is also an offense.

As long as you do this kind of thing, there can be no perfect plan.

Unless Zhao Xing is willing to destroy his own future, all sentences will be light.

But this is simply not possible.

With no relatives or friends, how could Mr. Zhao ruin his future for these scum?

"Let me tell you the truth."

"Without me, they would be dead." Zhao Xing said. "The military community has been collecting evidence of these people's crimes for a long time, but it is only now that the investigation is clear that they will take action unless..."

"Unless Lord Marquis protects them, right?" Long Xiao looked hopeful. "Yes, no matter how old Qiu Mingyi is, he is not as big as Mr. Hou."

Zhao Xing shook his head and said: "Hong Tai, the current captain of the Shenwei Army in Changshui is under the seventh rank. He once served as the field magistrate of Tao County, Xi'er County for five years. He returned after the reorganization of the Shenwei Army. Crimes committed: rape of fourteen people, forced Five people died. After Bopinghou was reinstated and transferred, all fourteen of the victims’ family members were killed in order to cover up the crime.”

"Qi Shan, the current Lieutenant of the Middle Base of the Shenwei Army. From the seventh rank, he served as the Pinghuai Order of Fubu County, Xi'er County for three years. He set up private checkpoints and accepted a total of 3,420,000 taels of bribes from foreign chambers of commerce."

Long Xiao's face turned pale and his eyes burst into flames: "How could these bastards be so, so..."

Zhao Xing saw this and stopped reading.

Yes, Marquis Boping can protect these people, but if he does so, it proves that he is too kind!

Compassion does not control the army, but it is harsh to govern the army. This is the basis for Zhao Xing's actions this time.

If Yang An really protects those bad people, Zhao Xing will run away and join them even if it costs him some money.

Because this was different from what he understood. The army was not strictly run. How could such a person become famous in the future?

That must be because he remembered it wrong, or something went wrong with Yang An in this life.

All in all, not only the imperial court but the Shenwei Army were observing Zhao Xing through this mission.

Zhao Xing is also observing whether the Shenwei Army ship is worth boarding.

Although he was optimistic about Lao Chen and felt that Lao Chen liked him, in the final analysis, the Shenwei Army was led by Yang An.

Xi'er County, Changshui Military Camp.

Hong Tai was holding a staff and wearing armor while patrolling the camp.

It was not his turn as a captain to do night patrols, but for some reason, he felt particularly uneasy today.

"Is there anything abnormal in the Lanjiang River? But I don't feel that the solar terms have shifted from the correct position, and the phenological evolution is just an ordinary change in the four seasons."

"Liu Ming, prepare a flying boat for me. I'm going to patrol the Lanjiang River!"

Hong Tai shouted to his guards.

But no one responded.

The night was quiet, and a bright moon rose, but this bright moon was behind the head of a dark golden figure.

"Fan, the yin god of justice, is hopeless?!"

Hong Tai's skin got goosebumps, he suddenly shivered, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

A flying boat really came, but this flying boat came from outside.

"The people from the Inspection Department also invited the Judicial God from the Military Temple?!" Hong Tai's uneasiness had reached its peak at this time.

It was a feeling of guilt in his heart, which made him want to run away.

But Hong Tai endured it forcefully.

"Captain Changshui, I have met the Yin God of Justice and all the inspectors." Hong Tai knelt down on one knee, "I wonder why you came to my Changshui Military Camp?"

"Hong Tai, you are suspected of rape and murder. Fourteen people and their whole family were killed." An inspector said coldly, "I am here to arrest you under the order of the chief inspector. Let's arrest you without mercy."

Hong Tai's heart skipped a beat. When the other party named the exact fourteen people, he knew that this matter could no longer be hidden.

"Bastard, who is slandering me? I want to see the Marquis!"

"When you get to the Inspection Department, it's time for you to meet Marquis Boping."

Meanwhile, Zhongba Barracks.

Qi Shan was also bound by a golden rope and fell to the ground struggling.

"Slander, this is slander, I want to see Marquis Boping!"

Qi Shan shouted.

A large number of patrol envoys appeared in various military camps in Xi'er County at the same time. They all appeared suddenly and attacked with precision.

Overnight, there were sounds everywhere.

Some people refused to admit guilt, while others confessed openly.

"I just embezzled a batch of military rations, but that happened in the thirteenth year of Jingxin. I will go to the Marquis to admit my mistake and pay the fine!"

"I am performing official duties. The inspection department can wait until three days later to investigate. What?! An order from the chief inspector?!"

Others want to escape.


Zhao Xing stood on the flying boat and retracted his fingertips. In front of him, a figure fell from the air. It was a nine-section commander.

He also followed one of the teams to a certain military camp. When the inspector announced his arrest, the military commander appeared to confess his crime, but he knelt down and actually wanted to escape.

I don’t know if the previous execution was too smooth, or if the members of this group were slightly weaker and were caught off guard, they were actually escaped.

But immediately, this person was bounced out of the ground by the [Endless Underground Palace], breaking his escape method.

Later, he was killed by Zhao Xing using the dripping rain method.

"The commander of the Fire Camp, Zhang Ze, refused to obey the order and has been brought to justice. The Fire Camp is temporarily taken over by the deputy commander Huang Ming."

Zhao Xing's voice spread towards the surroundings.

Then he rolled up the body and took it to the flying boat.

The accompanying inspector was sweating profusely, and he handed over to Zhao Xing: "This official has neglected his duty."

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Xing said lightly, "The information is wrong. His strength has improved. Return to the county."


The operation started at night and ended at nine o'clock the next day.

A quarter past noon.

Zhao Xing sat in the first left-hand seat under the inspector's hall, listening to an inspector's report.

"Your Excellency, all the teams from all divisions returned at Mao Shi. There are 1,423 people, and there is no mistake. 57 of them resisted arrest and were executed on the spot."

"After a joint interrogation between the Military Temple and the Inspection Department, all the remaining 1,366 people confessed."

Zhao Xing nodded slightly when he heard this.

At this time, the intelligence provided by the military circles of the Great Zhou Dynasty was still very reliable. Although there was a slight gap in individual strength and intelligence, it was not big. The evidence of the crime was irrefutable, and it was the same whether they admitted it or not.

Qiu Mingyi looked down: "Zhao Xing, these people have all pleaded guilty, and it is up to you to decide how to deal with them. You can consider their past achievements and give them a lighter sentence. After all, you are a member of the Divine Power Army."

Zhao Xing's face was expressionless. As a judge, Lao Deng gave himself another test. This was obviously a large-scale crackdown. Not only the Shenwei Army was conducting self-examination, but other armies were also taking similar actions. If you say this, you should be lenient. Feeling down?

He stood up and saluted Qiu Mingyi: "Yes, thank you for reminding me, sir."

Zhao Xing took over the review list from the person reporting below, and now the remaining 1,366 people have been divided into different levels and placed in front of Zhao Xing.

Now as long as Zhao Xing checks the list, he can immediately decide the life or death of these people.

Zhao Xing picked up the list, pretended to browse through it and pondered it.

"The remaining 1,366 people, according to information obtained by the military community, are all guilty of serious crimes and capital crimes."

"During this special period, strict laws should be used, and serious crimes are also capital crimes!"

Zhao Xing paused, and under Qiu Mingyi's surprised eyes, he closed the document directly.

Then he used the sign of "Zhan" to draw the word "Zhan" on the cover of the document.

"1366 people, all executed immediately!"

There is one more update, but it’s very late, so there’s no need to stay up.

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