Shennong Daojun

Chapter 164 I am here, Jun Si Nong is the boss! (Please give me the guaranteed monthly ticket for th

"The second is the invasion of alien beliefs!"

"Among the fifty-two temples, seven have animalistic images, either with wings or carved scales."

"The Yin God carvings of my Great Zhou Dynasty have totems of auspicious beasts, but they are just for background. Only the foreign tribes of the Southern Barbarians have this style."

"If things continue like this, if there are barbarians crossing the Canglan River, it will undoubtedly reduce the resistance of the soldiers and the people."

Wei Xuancheng nodded slightly, those seven temples must be demolished in this operation.

Then why are we dealing with it now? Firstly, it has not become bigger, and secondly, it has been ignored. They are all standing in the mountains and swamps.

In the past, Emperor Wen didn't rectify it, and everyone didn't think there was any problem. Now that Emperor Jing wants to rectify it, they naturally find it.

"Thirdly, the war is about to begin. For the sake of internal stability, all private private temples should be banned. It is an overkill and not enough to demonstrate the power of thunder. It is easy for those with evil intentions to hold on to hope and wait for the storm to pass to rebuild for the wild gods. The golden body is resurrected."

"It is the humble opinion of this official that all fifty-two temples should be uprooted!"

Zhao Xing cupped his hands to indicate that he had finished speaking.

Wei Xuancheng raised his hand and returned the greeting: "I will repeat your words to Lord Gong verbatim. Please wait here, Lord Zhao."

After that, Wei Xuancheng left the private room.

When Long Xiao saw Wei Xuancheng going out, he immediately gave a thumbs up to Zhao Xing: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so talkative that you could scare people into being stunned."

Zhao Xing smiled slightly, who wouldn't be a keyboard warrior?

Emperor Jing in history did indeed make a knife to Yin Shen during the Jing New Year period. He was responsible for military affairs and Yin Shen control at the same time.

It's just that the latter is not that powerful and the effect is not obvious.

As a juror, I can say whatever I want, as long as the general direction is good, the butt is not crooked, and it is in line with the direction of the court, then there will be no problem in getting an A.

The great Zhou Dynasty was open to public opinion. This is enough to show that there was an official who answered "Absolutely all the knowledge of heaven and earth" during the examination, but nothing happened.

Outside the building, a middle-aged man wearing a robe with three interlaced stripes of black, white and gold stood on the deck, holding a statue of King Ming in his hand.

He was looking at a magnificent temple below.

The temple is thirteen feet high and the temple is enclosed with an area of ​​500 acres. This is obviously against the institutional rules.

In the past, we didn't investigate because we didn't want to investigate, and some people were covering up.

But today, Gongming is coming to tear down this temple that has been built for two hundred years.

Just as he was about to give the order, he saw Wei Xuancheng coming up from downstairs.

Gong Ming immediately waited.

Wei Xuancheng is Wei Hong's younger brother, and he is very talented and is also deeply liked by Wei Hongming.

"Lord Gong, Bingjia Si Nong Zhao Xing has given his opinion."

"Are you going or staying? Do you have any specific comments?" Gong Ming asked casually, but he didn't take it to heart.

Geniuses among military officers and farmers may not necessarily understand the ways of priests.

Of course, as an official, you are good to me and everyone is good to you. As long as this genius's answer is not too outrageous, even if he just reads a few lines according to the "Da Zhou Sacrifice Law", he will give it a favorable response.

If he is an idiot who gives random instructions and is annoying, then it is not his fault.

"Zhao Xing said..."

Wei Xuancheng repeated Zhao Xing's words in detail.

Gong Ming's eyes suddenly looked a little surprised.

He did not expect that Zhao Xing gave a unified answer to all fifty-two temples.

What's more, I didn't expect that Zhao Xing could really say something.

Especially the first point.

After hearing this, Gong Ming also sighed with emotion: "He is worthy of being a farmer in charge of money and food. After his calculation, it is really, really..."

It’s so impactful. Using data as the basis for his statement, he quantified the harm of the wild god!

As for the second and third points, although there is nothing surprising, they are still in line with etiquette, which adds to the persuasiveness of his judgment.

"Master Gong, how do you reply?" Wei Xuancheng asked.

Gong Ming thought about it and said, "I will report to the military community and review the armor."

He is not the only decision-maker. Since Zhao Xing gave an excellent answer and has nothing to do with him, he is naturally willing to give it to him.

"Yes." Wei Xuancheng was about to leave.

"There is no hurry, Xuancheng, please take the people down to take action." Gong Ming said,

"As commanded."


The sky changed drastically, and the area around Yanguang Temple was shrouded in dark clouds.

Wei Xuancheng rushed into the temple with a group of priests.

Gong Ming was in the sky quietly watching every move below.

The people sent below were not of high rank, and this was intentional on his part.

"I want to see who will come out to stop us."

Below, Yanguang Temple.

When the priest sealed off the temple and sent people into the main hall of the temple, they were intercepted as expected.

A middle-aged man wearing Chinese clothes came out.

His name is Yan Kuan, he is the cousin of the current head of the Yan family and one of the leaders of the Yan family.

"My lord, Yan Kuan, why did you suddenly seal off the temple?" Yan Kuan asked in confusion.

"How can it be called a temple without being canonized by the imperial court?" Wei Xuancheng looked at Yan Kuan. At this moment, his expression was serious, and he completely lost the feeling of spring breeze on the building. "I came here today to overthrow the obscene priest!"

After listening to Zhao Xing's words, Wei Xuancheng looked at Yan Kuan as if he saw a series of numbers.

I also saw countless foolish faces, people who had their blood drawn without even realizing it.

Yan Kuan also had a bad reputation in the county, but at this moment, in Wei Xuancheng's eyes, he looked like a human-shaped blood-sucking insect!

Yan Kuan's face changed slightly: "My lords, Yanguang Temple has a long history. It was built voluntarily by the people. It has been like this for two hundred years. The god of this temple has been revered by the people since its origin. There have been many manifestations in the past two hundred years. I dare not say No matter how meritorious he is, he will not be condemned as a prostitute."

"My lords, you must have misunderstood something. Please follow me to the back hall to rest for a while, and let me introduce you..."

"There's no need to delay!" Wei Xuancheng interrupted, "If you want to inform someone, just do it now, but I must destroy the temple first!"

Yan Kuan saw that this team of officers refused to accept hard words, and his expression suddenly turned cold: "Can you tell me the name of the master, and who ordered the demolition?"

"I am Wei Xuancheng of the Anping Prefecture, but I am the seventh-grade priest of the Fengtian Palace." Wei Xuancheng stared at Yan Kuan and said, "As for who gave the order, if you have the ability, you can go check it out and take action!"

Wei Xuancheng was already extremely impatient with Yan Kuan and didn't bother to say any more.

Immediately ordered to take action.

Yan Kuan originally wanted to reveal the person behind it to delay time, but when he heard Wei Xuancheng's name and heard that he was from Fucheng, his heart suddenly dropped.

Wei Xuancheng is nothing, but his brother Wei Hong is a high priest of the fourth rank!

No matter how he finds connections, can he still be bigger than Wei Hong?

Mr. Cui Fu is only a member of the fourth rank!

When Yan Kuan saw Wei Xuancheng move out the judicial statue and walk into the main hall, he immediately collapsed to the ground.

In this way, not only will the temple be destroyed, but the Yin God Yan Guang will also be captured.

"My ancestor is dead!"

Yan Kuan collapsed to the ground.

In the sky, inside the ship.

Zhao Xing waited left and right, but when Wei Xuancheng did not return, he couldn't help but feel doubtful.

However, he felt the drastic change in the weather outside, and seemed to understand something, so he sat back down and waited patiently.

Half an hour later, Wei Xuancheng left and returned.

It's just that there's a bit of a cold air on his face.

It seemed that he had just experienced a battle.

"Master Zhao has been waiting for a long time. He just went to demolish the temple and wasted time." Wei Xuancheng said.

"I don't dare, Master Wei's matter is important." Zhao Xing stood up quickly.

"Master Caigong has just responded to Master Zhao's suggestion. I believe it won't be long before Master Zhao can receive the message from the earth mirror."

"If Mr. Zhao is willing, you can leave now without having to follow us one stop at a time."

Zhao Xing saw that Wei Xuancheng looked tired and stood up immediately: "In that case, I will bid farewell to you all."

Wei Xuancheng cupped his hands and said, "Although you and I only know each other once, we feel like old friends at first sight. If you don't mind, we will call you brothers."

"That's what I mean, then I will boldly call you Brother Xuancheng." Zhao Xing climbed up the ladder and made friends with this big boss. So far, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Wei Xuancheng smiled and said: "Now that you and I have official duties, we are not allowed to gather together. If Brother Zhao comes to Anping Fucheng in the future, please be sure to come to my house to drink tea and chat."

In certain periods, priests have a lot of rules and regulations, and they are not allowed to drink alcohol. What would it be like to go to worship the gods drunkenly? So Wei Xuancheng only talked about drinking tea, but not drinking.

"It's a deal!" Zhao Xing said goodbye, and then went out to say goodbye to Gong Ming and thank the other priests in the temple.

After completing the process, he took the swordfish flying boat from the building boat and flew away with Long Xiao.

Before leaving Anping Mansion, the military community sent a message from the ground mirror.

The evaluation of the second ring task is: top level.

"Now that we have the armor, the fifty-two temples seem to be in danger." Zhao Xing said secretly.

Knock them all down, that's for sure.

Will those Yin gods kill them?

I guess even if I don't kill him, he will have to return to his original form and let two hundred years of Taoism disappear.

If it is discovered that someone is using the power of the Yin God to seek benefits and do illegal things, killing the Yin God will not be enough; he must also kill someone.

Under the general trend of peace and barbarism, all unstable factors must be eradicated. No matter what kind of prince you are, you must keep your tail between your legs at this time.

"Judging from the first two missions, Emperor Jing's determination to conquer the barbarians is unprecedentedly strong. After all, in this battle, he intends to surpass his grandfather's achievements."

"In the past, we have been scrambling, but this battle will no longer be punished. We should kill and reward."

"In this early stage, both the military and the government will usher in a group of fresh blood."

"My Nine Rings mission is a channel." Zhao Xing thought.

According to Emperor Jing's temperament, if we push it forward another ten years, how could the military world issue such a mission?

After training, it is impossible to directly let someone become a seventh-grade official.

So why do some people look forward to war.

Because fighting can lead to promotion and wealth!

"The third ring mission should involve crossing the river."

Two rounds of missions are enough for the reserve sergeant to sense the direction of the plan. If you still can't sense it, you are a fool. A few more rounds of missions will be useless, so just be a cannon fodder.


There was a tremor in the ground mirror, and soon the third mission came.

[The third ring mission: Taking office in Yuncheng]

[Location: Yuncheng County, Wangnan County, Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture]

[Military Intelligence: Yuncheng County is bounded by the Lanjiang River, Youzhi River, and Zhijiang River to the east, and the Fengming Mountains to the south. The flood season is approaching, and you have been temporarily appointed as the Water Order of the Yuncheng Agriculture Supervisor. Please Immediately go to Yuncheng to take up the post of agricultural supervisor and make preparations to ensure harvests during the flood season. 】

[If the flood causes heavy losses to Yuncheng, your mission will end in the third ring and you will be reassigned. 】

"Here comes the big life!"

Zhao Xing suddenly became energetic when he saw the third ring mission.

Because he checked the scale of Yuncheng's agricultural supervision department and found out that this place is a county-level county!

The place is not as big as a county in the interior, but it is much larger than a county.

The administrative standards are higher than those of counties and lower than those of counties. This is usually a standard only found in war zones and the hinterland of the capital.

Since floods are an important natural disaster, Du Shui Ling is the highest-ranking official in the agricultural supervisory department, and his rank is from the seventh rank.

Although it is a temporary appointment, if the job is done well, becoming a full-time employee becomes a matter of course, and even an upgrade is not impossible.

Because of the specifications of agricultural supervisors in counties at the county level, the chief official can also be of the seventh rank.

Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion was already in a state of war readiness, so as a military commander, he had great power at this time.

If there is no agricultural officer higher than him in the surrounding counties, he can even order the agricultural officers in other counties to act together.

Because water control cannot be achieved in one county, the cities along the river basin must be coordinated to control the water.

"From the seventh level down, this starting point is high enough."

"The rank of the county government officials is probably lower than mine, or even the same."

"This way, he can't order me, at least he doesn't have to worry about being held back."

The hard work in Shiyang Cave Heaven paid off, and the evaluation of the first two levels also played a role. Now Zhao Xing's starting point is inherently higher than others.

"What's going on, making you so happy?" Long Xiao asked. After he put Aotian Miao to sleep, he saw Zhao Xing grinning silly as soon as he came out.

"Long Xiao, now we are only two levels lower than you." Zhao Xing said with a smile.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Long Xiao said, "I, the brave captain, am on the seventh rank, and you have been downgraded from the seventh rank?"

"The enemy." Zhao Xing said, "He is not talented at all, but he was appointed by the military community to temporarily serve as the water commander of Yuncheng County."

"The County Agricultural Supervisor, even if he is the chief official, shouldn't the highest level be the eighth rank?" Long Xiao was confused. "Why are you from the seventh grade?"

"Because Yuncheng is a county-level county, the standards are higher."

"I see." Long Xiao suddenly realized, "But I can't say whether this is good or bad. What kind of position you have, you have to bear what kind of pressure. Most of the counties in Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture are facing the attack of the barbarians. , from time to time there are harassments from foreign tribes.”

"Harassment? I'm afraid they won't come!" Zhao Xing snorted, "Thirty years of hard training finally came in handy today!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Counting your time as a civil servant, you have only been practicing for two and a half years."

"I trained in Shiyang Cave for one year, which is equivalent to others for thirty years!" Zhao Xing said with a smile.

"Don't get too proud too early. There might be some fool who will hinder you. For example, the Yuncheng County Magistrate. Doesn't he have to be in the seventh rank?"

Zhao Xing smiled and said nothing.

I am a military sergeant, and that military sergeant is the top leader in Yuncheng! County magistrate? Just be obedient, and share the credit with others, but not be obedient? If you offend Mr. Zhao, then go ahead and eat shit!

Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass! ! ! !

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