Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 93: The Potion of the Longevity

From the site, to the snake venom and the organisms for cultivating antibodies, everything has been agreed upon.

And these are just the first part of the whole plan.

The next step is the process of extracting anti-snake venom antibody protein.

To extract useful components from blood, this is inseparable from the technical team.

Ethan did not have to wait long before he received good news. His paper was directly included by the top of the Wizard Tower after being verified.

The top of the Wizard Tower refers to the extraordinary researchers who live on the 80th floor or above in the tower.

In other words, they attach great importance to Ethan's paper.

The Heimlich first aid method involves a lot of knowledge in biology and physics. For those who have not learned about the relevant knowledge system, although this paper is explained in detail, it is like a fairy tale.

And according to Teacher Colin, the paper was indeed not taken seriously at the beginning.

But one of the researchers felt that the format of the paper was very sophisticated. This kind of summary and conclusion, clear and organized format is not like the one written by the general sensationalist.

In fact, the format of this paper is written by Ethan in the mode of medical papers in his previous life. The topic, thesis, and argument are arranged in sequence, and the logic is very strong. Ethan tried to describe the knowledge involved in the middle with the existing knowledge system, which is indeed refreshing.

In addition, the rescue measures of this first aid method are not complicated, so the researcher found a test subject to do relevant experiments.

It worked immediately after one try.

In the previous life, countless people died every year due to tracheal obstruction, and there are countless people in this world.

This has always been an incurable emergency. Once it occurs, there is nothing to do, which often indicates death.

The researcher was ecstatic, and then directly handed the paper to the senior management of the Wizard Tower, and attached a test data.

No medical equipment, no secret medicine, no baptism of holy light is required.

The Heimlich first aid method seems to be a favor from God, which has attracted the attention of the senior management.

Teacher Colin guessed that Ethan would be able to obtain the certification of the knowledge patent magic network next week.

At that time, the Wizard Tower will personally send a researcher to discuss this matter.

Once included in the magic network of intellectual patents, everyone who uses the Heimlich maneuver will pay a certain fee for it.

Another good news brought by Teacher Colin is that the laboratory Ethan applied for was also approved.

With the comments of the top leaders of the Wizard Tower, it became easy to apply for a laboratory.

The next day, Ethan and Teacher Colin came to the laboratory approved by the school.

This is an independent tower located in the corner of Flo University, facing the lounge tower of Eagle Academy, and close to the dense forest and Black Lake.

And Ethan's laboratory is on the ninth floor, the highest floor of the tower.

Because there are snakes among the experimental subjects, the school considers safety, so the location of the laboratory is arranged here.

Maybe because it has not been used for too long, the laboratory is a little old, but the space is large enough and the equipment is complete, far beyond Ethan's expectations.

Ethan sent Teacher Colin away with thanks.

That day, he took Nicole and Bingo to his laboratory and then revealed the serum plan.

The two were stunned, and when Ethan announced that he was the owner of this laboratory, their expressions were even more exciting.

Naturally, the two new students of Eagle Academy successfully joined the laboratory.

Everything went more smoothly than Ethan expected.

In the evening, Ethan came to the Wizard of Oz.

In addition to quitting his part-time job, Ethan also needed to purchase a batch of medicinal materials.

Because the anti-snake venom serum cannot be directly applied to the human body after extraction, and the serum extracted from animals can cause allergic reactions when directly applied to the human body.

The solution to this problem is very simple-the Flowing Years Potion.

This is a relic formula that Ethan found in Connell's old book a long time ago.

Its function is to make the target substance store longer when mixed with other medicines.

In other words, it is a preservative.

There are also preservatives in the snake venom serum in the previous life.

At first, Ethan wanted to use it as a preservative for the snake venom serum to make the snake venom serum store longer.

But when Ethan fused the Flowing Years Potion with the anti-snake venom serum, the originally yellow serum was gradually purified until it finally formed a turbid white suspension.

After repeated tests by Ethan, this white suspension turned out to be antibody protein after the impurities were removed.

That is to say, after adding the Liunian potion, only antibody proteins were left in the serum extracted by Ethan.

Liunian potion is not valued in this world, because the medicine in this world is far from the level of microscopic medicine.

They don't understand the preciousness of Liunian potion.

But Ethan was ecstatic.

He hurried to experiment to verify his guess.

The anti-snake venom serum extracted from mice before was naturally safe to use in mice, but when he tested it with other animals, he found that the serum was still effective, but allergic reactions occurred in the experiment.

Severe allergies can also cause the death of individuals, which is a difficult problem.

The anti-snake venom serum in the previous life needs to go through multiple process steps to extract, and finally it has to be solved by experimental needles. It is obviously impossible to reproduce this process in this world.

But the antibody protein suspension that has been used with Liunian potion is different. First of all, it has a miraculous effect on snake venom, because the direct cause of anti-snake venom is these antibody proteins, so no allergic and rejection reactions were found in the whole process.

Secondly, even if exposed to room temperature for a long time, the antibody protein has no tendency to deteriorate, which is the antiseptic effect of the Liunian potion.

This just confirms Ethan's guess. The reason why the Liunian potion can keep the substance from deteriorating for a long time is that it removes other microorganisms and purifies the substance, so it is not easy to deteriorate.

This undoubtedly clears the obstacles for the delivery of anti-snake venom serum.

Not only that, although some of the materials used in the Liunian potion are very expensive, they can be found in any pharmacy, which means that the threshold of the potion itself is not high.

When Ethan returned to the laboratory from the Wizard of Oz, it was already evening.

He couldn't wait to grind the medicinal materials purchased today into powder.

But the moment he opened the door, Ethan was stunned.

On the wide windowsill, a slender person was sitting there looking at the night sky infatuatedly.

Bright window, small person, quiet night.

What a wonderful composition.

Ethan was reluctant to break this scene, but the lovely girl sitting on the windowsill spoke: "Why are you here?"

Nicole's voice was cold and slightly surprised. Obviously, she didn't expect Ethan's arrival.

Ethan stood at the door, secretly blaming himself for destroying the beautiful picture just now.

"I bought some medicinal herbs...well, I'm going to debug some reagents tomorrow."

PS: Thanks to the three big guys Ziyue Songsong Shi, Majia Majia That House How to do it, and a passing newbie for the reward, Caihua is happy to get two taels of cauliflower to drink~

PS: Special thanks to the book friends who made suggestions in this book. There are many very interesting settings. When I adopt them in the future, Caihua will thank them one by one.

PS: This book will be recommended by fantasy on October 11th. Please help me, all book friends~

PS: Thanks to the editor-in-chief Qingting, thanks to the editor-in-charge Jiangcha, I wish the Qingting Dianshui combination a great success~

PS: Tomorrow will officially enter the fourth volume.

PS: Recommendation ticket transfer portal.

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