Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 94: The Rower on the Long River of Time

Everything was packed up, but it was still early.

Nicole did not leave, but sat on the windowsill again, staring at the deep night sky in a daze.

The weather was slightly cool at this time, and the body under the wizard robe curled up into a ball.

"It's getting late, aren't you leaving yet?"

Nicole looked up at the starry sky, motionless.

Looking at the gradually disappearing and appearing stars in the sky, it seemed like she was telling her thoughts.

"I like to look at the stars in the night..."

Hearing Nicole's words, Ethan was stunned for no reason.

He used to like looking up at the stars.

Following Nicole's line of sight, Ethan looked at the starry sky, as if he had returned to the circus, and became the boy who lay alone on the caravan and looked up at the stars on a sleepless night.

At that time, he had dreamed countless times that he could turn into a star, hanging high in the sky without restraint.

Both of them were blood cursed by the 'nebula chain'. Ethan was forced to wander because of it and lived with the circus.

Because of it, Nicole suffered cold eyes and bullying in the family until she could no longer bear it and came to Flo University alone.

Perhaps the stars will always be the blood root engraved in their bones.

There is mutual appreciation and mutual support.

"Nicole, if I can let you unlock the seal of the 'Nebula Chain', but you must agree to one condition, are you willing?"

"I am willing"

Nicole's voice was cold, she seemed not to think at all, or she had been thinking for many years.

Her beautiful face and firm eyes contained too much misfortune and frustration.

"Don't you ask first, what are the conditions I mentioned?"

"If it's... you... any conditions are fine."

After you finished speaking, you pulled up the cloak and hid yourself deeply in it.

But the looming ups and downs can still make people fall into it.

Ethan: Which old cadre can withstand such a test?

"Sign your name."

"This is a "Crew Contract". After signing the contract, you will become my crew member. Once you appear on my ship, you cannot go against my words."

The contract is the last one attached to the dawn of the world.

Everyone on board must guarantee absolute loyalty.

Nicole was relieved at first, but seemed a little disappointed. Then she picked up a pen and signed her name and pressed her handprint.

Something seemed to be added in Ethan's mind in an instant.

Including Nicole's position, heartbeat, status, etc.

Ethan can even control her at any time now. If the other party goes against his will, Ethan can directly crush her heart.

"Okay, the contract is reached. Welcome, my crew member."

Ethan shook his right hand, and the next second there was a ceramic box in his hand.

"This pair of glasses may be the answer."

Awakening to the extraordinary is like having countless doors in front of you. The worlds behind the doors are different, but you can only choose one of them to enter. Once you enter, you can never go back.

As for the world behind the door, there are other various doors, waiting for the next choice.

The extraordinary awakening is a door, and the career sequence is the second...

Nicole's breathing was a little rapid.

She carefully took the box.

Her knuckles were pinched blue. The glasses box, which was easy to open, seemed to weigh a thousand pounds in her hands.


A pair of elegant crystal glasses lay quietly in the box.

"Try it on, maybe you will discover a new world."

Ethan gave Nicole an encouraging look.

Nicole's heart was warm.

She finally mustered up the courage to lift the cloak.

Her slender fingers rubbed the frame, and she was more nervous than ever.

Suddenly her eyes became firm, and she quickly put on the crystal glasses.

Everything in front of her changed.

The whole world was like a mottled old wall, and the erosion of time had made it overwhelmed.

Pieces of old wall skin began to fall off, as if it had been a long time, but it also seemed like just a moment.

I don't know when, the mottled old wall collapsed.

A new world appeared in front of me.

In Ethan's eyes, Nicole raised her head and began to float in the air, with stars gathering on her body.

Her jade-like cheeks were extremely holy under the starlight, and the wide wizard robe added a bit of fairy spirit. Nicole was like a goddess chasing the moon, floating in the air.

After a moment, the vision disappeared, and Nicole fell back to the ground.

She closed her eyes, as if she was feeling the world. Suddenly, she walked straight to the windowsill and opened a small window on the far right of the windowsill.

Just when Ethan was confused, a snowy owl suddenly rushed in. It was the snow cake that came to look for food.

All this happened as if it was natural, as if she could predict it in advance.

And her eyes were still closed throughout the whole process.

After a long time, Nicole opened her eyes. When she saw Ethan's concerned eyes, she could no longer maintain her indifference in the past and suddenly threw herself into Ethan's arms. (Revolutionary friendship.)

"Ethan, thank you!"

"I...finally awakened!"

Ethan could feel the warmth dripping from his shoulder. He patted Nicole on the back and was really happy for her.

Perhaps suddenly realizing that her action was a bit inappropriate, Nicole took a step back in panic, then turned around to wipe away her tears, tidied her hair on her forehead, and couldn't help laughing again.

She quickly put on her cloak and shrank back in.


Ethan scratched his head and broke the silence.

"It turns out that legend is true."

Nicole's delighted voice sounded.

"What legend?"

Nicole sat back on the window sill and motioned for Ethan to sit down as well.

“There is a fountain of youth in the ruins of Rainbow Hall, where the Rainbow Council was stationed.

It is said that the long river of time flows through every corner of the world, and finally merges into the Fountain of Youth in Rainbow Hall.

At the same time, there is a kind of sand in the long river of time that condenses the power of time and is deposited here. This kind of sand is the sand of time.

The Sand of Time is a special existence. Once it leaves the Fountain of Youth, it will be washed away by the long river of time, disappear in an instant, and then be deposited again in the Fountain of Youth.

There is a kind of shell in the Fountain of Youth that can swallow the sands of time. This is the senbei.

The senkai swallows the Sands of Time and then gives birth to senkai spirits. "

Nicole held her senbei, which was painted with ripples of flowing water.

It seems that these ripples are the imprints left by the passage of time.

"Then the talent these glasses give you is..."

Ethan suddenly asked.

"The ability to see and touch the flow of time!"

Nicole held it with her right hand, as if she was holding a pool of water in her hand.

"The water of the river of time cannot wash away the senbei, so they can never grow old."

"So my baptism ceremony is called - Changhe Boatman."

Ethan marveled in his heart, the people on the Yangtze River are not just the calm and confident people on a small boat in the turbulent river.

As a rafter on the long river of time, Nicole can naturally see the past and future that the long river of time can carry!

Perhaps in the future she can stir up the flow of the river of time and influence its direction.

What an amazing ability.

"This ability is very powerful, but it also has many limitations."

"Thank you, Ethan."

"You're welcome, this is what a captain should do."

Finally, there was another general on his ship. Ethan smiled and looked out the window again.

Nothing can trap the stars.

PS: Recommended ticket, monthly ticket teleportation array.

PS: The next chapter goes to volume four.

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