Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 92 The New Horse King of the Jungle

When Ethan came out of the library, he was sure that "The Dawn of the World" was indeed a masterpiece of the dwarves.

Whether it was the inexplicable marks on the illustrations or the various functional facilities of the large ship, high-tech shadows could be seen.

Especially the core fire drive, which converts heat into power.

Even though the application of steam engines in this world is very mature now, the mystery is still unsolved.

These are not what the dwarves are good at.

It's just that both dwarves and dwarves have disappeared in the long river of history, and perhaps they still live in a corner of this world.

Even in the library of Flo University, there are not many books about dwarves, as if they were forgotten by history.

In addition to the huge amount of funds needed to rebuild the Dawn of the World, Ethan's technology is also one of his goals.

When he was looking for relevant knowledge about dwarves, Ethan also found evaluations of dwarves, dwarves and goblins.

Generally speaking, it is generally believed that dwarves have the strongest scientific theories, dwarves have the strongest technical craftsmen, and goblins have the most black technology designs.

If the dawn of the world can be accomplished by these three races together, it must be a pioneering work that has never been done before and will never be done again.

As for the goblins... be careful!

Ethan suddenly thought of many records in history. For safety reasons, goblins are not a perfect partner.

With the venue, horses and zoologists settled, Ethan turned his attention to the cultivation of snake venom.

Generally speaking, zoologists are competent in the process of extracting snake venom, but a good cook cannot cook without rice. Ethan needs more venomous snakes.

The most urgent task is to find a batch of suitable venomous snakes first, so as to facilitate the cultivation and extraction of venom.

In the long run, a batch of snake eggs should be purchased, and then incubated by physical heating. Long-term holding is the best, but now there is no time.

No matter from which angle, the trip to the snake cave cannot be avoided.

The trip to the snake cave again was much smoother than the first time.

It may be because the new nest has just been established, and the supplies are very scarce, which is not enough to support the survival of the entire snake group. Ethan's appearance is like a timely help, so only a few eggs and meat were used to rent a batch of adult snakes and a large number of snake eggs.

It is enough to support the initial tasks of the serum plan. If the market feedback is good and the scale is expanded, the hatching of this batch of snake eggs will almost meet the demand.

As long as the laboratory is properly arranged, this batch of venomous snakes can move in.

The next day, Ethan rode Xiaobai to the entrance of the dense forest where he had an appointment with Emma.

The zoologist introduced by Emma is Raymond Nelson, who was once a lecturer at Flo University.

Now he focuses on the study of animal living habits.

For example, he is more interested in the study of horses. He has another identity, the head of the dense forest horse herd.

The collective activities of the dense forest horse herd often disturb other species and affect the research of zoologists.

And Professor Raymond found that the activities of the horse herd were largely led by the horse king.

In order to completely solve the root cause of the disturbance in the dense forest, it is necessary to replace this group of unscrupulous horses with a horse king.

When he saw Xiaobai from a distance, Professor Raymond knew that the horse king he had been looking for for a long time had a place.

From the appearance, Xiaobai is tall and majestic, and can be called Mr. Mighty.

Especially the long mane behind the neck, which flutters slightly in the wind, and is free and unrestrained.

It makes people yearn for it at a glance.

From the temperament point of view, as a senior "unicorn" actor, the temperament is firmly grasped. Although its long horn has been sawed off by Ethan, this step is unrecognizable.

In short, Professor Raymond has been completely captured by Xiaobai.

After close observation, Raymond finally saw the thin scars on both sides of Xiaobai's waist and abdomen.

"Is this... Pegasus blood?"

Raymond waved his left hand, and a snowy owl landed on his arm. The snowy owl was holding a small package in its mouth, which should be his tools.

Sure enough, he took out a magnifying glass from the small package and observed the two slits carefully.

After a long time, he raised his head.

"It's a pity that its bloodline can't support it to stretch its wings, but this is already very rare."

After a brief understanding, after learning about Ethan's experiment, Professor Raymond was somewhat disgusted. Zoologists must maintain enough goodwill towards each animal in order to really get close to their research objects.

But injecting snake venom into the horses seems to violate this principle.

Raymond himself is repulsive.

Just when the proposals of both parties were deadlocked, the snowy owl that had sent him a tool kit before fell from the sky again, but this time it didn't fall on Raymond.

Ethan felt his right shoulder sink. It turned out to be the snowy owl just now.

This snowy owl is snow-white, with a brown pattern on the upper edge of its beak.

It looks quite familiar at a close distance. Isn't this the owl that sent me the admission letter at that time?

I prepared a lot of snacks for it at that time.

"Hey, Snow Cake doesn't reject you."

It seems that Snow Cake is the name of this snowy owl.

Ethan stretched out his hand and gently scratched under its neck.

Snow Cake closed his eyes in enjoyment.

Raymond witnessed this scene and fell into deep thought.

It was obvious that this medical student named Ethan did not seem to be hostile to animals.

On second thought, his research could also help animals resist snake venom to a certain extent.

There are many people and animals bitten by snakes in the dense forest.

With the indirect help of snow cakes, and Ethan's repeated assurance that the horses' lives would not be harmed.

After repeated consideration, Raymond finally agreed to Ethan's request. Small doses of snake venom are indeed not fatal, especially for large creatures such as horses.

The most important thing is that Raymond has found another good seedling who meets the conditions for changing careers to zoologists.

However, he was quickly rejected by Ethan, and Professor Raymond sighed and turned to cultivate feelings with Xiaobai.

After a brief contact, he found that Xiaobai was very human and was really suitable to be the king of this herd of horses. The most important thing is that it is beneficial to his own research.

And Ethan's attempt this time can be regarded as opening up a new link between humans and animals.

This will undoubtedly enable him to establish a new topic.

It is called: the formation of a new relationship between humans and animals.

In this consensus-reaching research, Ethan will get a steady supply of snake venom antibody serum, and Professor Raymond will get a relatively harmonious new herd of horses.

As the horse in question, Xiaobai will become the new horse king and gain the right to fire without restraint.

Besides, it has long been bored in the Wizard of Oz, and it is eager to move. It raised its five limbs to express its strong support.

Everyone is happy, a win-win situation, why not do it.

Xiaobai did not waste a lot of time to become the horse king. With the two spring baptisms given by Pegasus, Xiaobai's body is stained with some sacred breath. Once he enters the dense forest, the horses will bow and bow to him. He can be called Ye Liangchen among horses.

Ethan saw it, but smiled. He didn't expect that the trick he gave to Xiaobai when he just entered the fog would become a maxim.

So far, Ethan has cleared most of the obstacles of the serum plan.

Now he is waiting for the approval result of his independent laboratory.

If it can pass, it would be the best, but if it can't pass, Ethan has also prepared to go out to set up a laboratory.

Although this should have been his plan after he had his own relics, it is not a bad idea to do it in advance when the situation is urgent.

The antibody serum is destined to bring him the first pot of gold in his life.

PS: Direct ticket recommendation~

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