Zhou Tianze rarely pleases others.

But his wife's maiden family, he is very happy.

He hopes that his daughter-in-law will have more family care besides him.

After saying the same thing, Grandma Qiao and Zhou Tianhui entered the kitchen to prepare meals.

Zhou Tianze greeted Sheng Zhengming and accompanied her daughter-in-law into the room.

As soon as the door of the room closed, Zhou Tianze leaned over.

He hugged him from behind Mu Qing.

A big hand fell on her stomach and touched it softly.

Daughter-in-law, you want to kill me. Zhou Tianze's chin was on Mu Qing's shoulder.

The heat of speaking and the stubble on her chin made Mu Qing itchy and want to laugh.

Is the child obedient? Did it bother you?

Is the due date in February of the lunar calendar?

Oh, you're so careful, why are you asking me what to do?

I'm not here to ask you who? Zhou Tianze chuckled, turning his daughter-in-law over and holding her in his arms.

At that time, every day, the approximate time should be around February, and it probably won't be much different.

When Mu Qing heard this, an inexplicable loss rose in her heart.

Tianze? She looked up at the man.

Then were you free at that time? Mu Qing asked.

Although she knew that being a soldier couldn't help herself, she still hoped that at that time, the child's father, her lover, would be by her side.

This... Zhou Tianze frowned slightly.

I try, I can't guarantee it, he said frankly.

If the mission goes well and things go well, that's when I can come back.

Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I can't be by your side. Zhou Tianze said, his voice full of apology.

He seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly talked to Mu Qing again.

In the last month or two, it's going to be a little messy. Don't go out if you're okay.

Especially in the past few days, don't go out.

Well, I know, I'll remember what you said.

Mu Qing nodded, she hadn't planned to go out recently anyway.

After talking about the serious business, Zhou Tianze began to be serious.

Take your own daughter-in-law and kiss her.

Probably, Mu Qing, a pregnant woman's body, needed to be comforted, so she let the man kiss her indulgently.

Anyway, if it's just a kiss, there should be no problem.

The two made out for a while in the room and talked a lot.

It was not until dinner time that Mu Qing and Zhou Tianze came out of the room.

The lips of the two were obviously wrong.

But everyone is from the past, see through but not say through.

At the dinner table, Zhou Tianze was concerned and considerate to his daughter-in-law.

Looking directly at Mu Qing's grandparents, they nodded again and again.

After the meal, Zhou Tianze accompanied Sheng Zhengming to talk for a while before being released back to the room.

Inside the room, Mu Qing was reading a book under the light.

Zhou Tianze leaned over curiously, Daughter-in-law, why are you reading books?

You man, I finally came here, can't you see me?

As Zhou Tianze said that, he pulled out the book from Mu Qing's hand.

Accompany me tonight, and I will have more time to read books in the future!

As Zhou Tianze said that, he reached out and hugged Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was so panicked that she quickly reached out and wrapped her arms around Zhou Tianze's neck.

Is the door closed, what are you anxious about? You are not afraid of being seen.

It's closed. Zhou Tianze said, and had already carried Mu Qing to the bed to lie down.

Then he lay down himself, raised his hand and placed it on Mu Qing's stomach.

I heard that children who are more than five months old can move. Have they moved? Zhou Tianze asked.

It will move, you put your hand here, and the other here.

As Mu Qing said that, she grabbed Zhou Tianze's two hands and placed them where the two little guys liked to move the most.

After a while, Zhou Tianze really felt the beating under his daughter-in-law's stomach.

Moving gently, a very magical feeling...

Zhou Tianze turned sideways, and the light in his eyes fell on Mu Qing's face.

Daughter-in-law, thank you!

He said emotionally, then leaned up...

However, the daughter-in-law has a big belly, she has to get up early the next day, and she still has tasks to do.

Zhou Tianze naturally didn't dare to mess around, just grabbed his daughter-in-law's little hand...

In the middle of the night, the two of them were sweating and sticky!

In the air, there was a mixed smell floating in the air.

Zhou Tianze hugged his daughter-in-law sideways, very satisfied.

Daughter-in-law, it's great to have you!

Chapter 103

Reminder, don't go out recently

At dawn the next day, just as the day dawned, Zhou Tianze got up.

Although, his movements to get up were very small.

However, he still woke up Mu Qing, who was not very sound asleep.

Seeing that Mu Qing was awake, Zhou Tianze quickly lowered his body and kissed her forehead.

He said warmly, It's still early, I'll pack up and leave by myself.

Sleep a little longer on the bed, don't tire yourself out.

If there is anything in the future, let Tianhui do it.

Also, don't go out alone.

You have a big belly, and it's inconvenient to ride a bicycle. Let Tianhui take you with you, which will save you trouble.

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