Also, daughter-in-law...

Zhou Tianze said, and lay down half of his body beside Mu Qing again.

He seriously looked at his daughter-in-law's beautiful face like a flower.

Frowning, don't hesitate to say the sour words in your heart.

Daughter-in-law, don't get too close to other gay men, or I'll be jealous.

I was jealous yesterday. Although I know you guys are normal friends, I'm still sour.

Think about it for yourself, how should you compensate me?

After Zhou Tianze finished speaking, his eyes fell seriously on Mu Qing, as if he was really waiting for her compensation.

Stop making trouble... Mu Qing smiled and pushed away Zhou Tianze's big face.

Where is anyone like you?

You weren't jealous yesterday, and you didn't tell me until you were leaving today.

You don't know how much fermentation is in your heart, where can you neutralize it casually?

Zhou Tianze's eyes were deep, he raised his hand and grabbed his daughter-in-law's little hand, and pressed it on his chest.

My vinegar, because of you, should naturally be reconciled by you.

You don't care how jealous I am, but you can give me some practical actions to let me lower the degree. Zhou Tianze's voice couldn't help but worry.

Well, okay, what did you say you were going to do?

Mu Qing helplessly got up and cooperated to satisfy his careful thoughts.

Then you kiss me and say that you will only sit behind my car in the future. Zhou Tianze said domineeringly.

Okay. Mu Qing said helplessly.

I'll sit in the back of your car in the future. If someone invites me, I won't sit. You can see.

Well, my daughter-in-law is really good. I'll give you candy when I come back next time for your man!

Zhou Tianze said, and when he stepped forward, an excited one hugged his daughter-in-law and kissed him.

This is going to leave soon, if you don't take the opportunity to kiss enough, you don't know how long you will have to wait in the future!

Zhou Tianze's relative, the direct relative, caused Mu Qing's brain to be deprived of oxygen, and the world was spinning and she couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west.

By the time she recovered, Zhou Tianze had already got up and left.

Only Mu Qing was left, sitting in the bed in a messy clothes.

This man... Mu Qing licked her lips and cursed.

It was stolen from me, so I set fire to it casually.

Next time, come back and see how I clean up you!

After Mu Qing was finished, she couldn't help but shyly rolled herself up with the blanket.

Outside the gate of the courtyard, Zhou Tianze went out and waited for a while.

Land Rover came in the car.

Zhou Tianze got into the car, and Land Rover immediately asked excitedly.

Captain, have you seen your sister-in-law?

Did you eat meat last night?

Zhou Tianze's face sank, and he kicked his foot directly.

What do you do with so much?

I want to know, go back and find one, don't miss my daughter-in-law!

battalion commander, who cares about your daughter-in-law, let's share our experience, and I can carry a gun and go into battle in the future, so I'm not unfamiliar!

Bah! Rogue embryo! Can my wife come out and share her experience?

Hurry up and drive! We will gather later!

Let me tell you, this mission, be nice and don't leave any tails behind.

I'm still waiting to see my wife and children before I go back!

After Zhou Tianze finished cursing, he urged them to drive and left the gate of the courtyard.

In the morning, Mu Qing got up a little late.

Originally, she was going to find an excuse to give Jiang Yansong some ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum today.

However, she was still thinking about what Zhou Tianze had specially instructed to her last night.

Tell her not to go out for a few days.

That is to say, it is not very peaceful outside these days.

Combined with the history and time that Mu Qing had seen, she already had a general idea of ​​what was going on.

Anyway, Jiang Yansong has a box of quick-acting heart-saving pills, which can last for a few days.

During breakfast, Mu Qing deliberately said to her grandfather and grandmother: Grandma, grandpa, I'm afraid it will be a little uneasy outside these few days. Let's not go out if we have nothing to do.

Grandma Qiao and Sheng Zhengming looked at each other, and some things didn't need to be said, and they already knew what was going on.

Grandma Qiao asked Mu Qing slowly, Is this what Comrade Zhou told you?

Yeah. Mu Qing nodded.

This time he came to Kyoto to perform a mission, and he specifically told me not to go out recently.

Mu Qing said, and reminded again in combination with history.

It's going to be messy for a while.

Uncle works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so he usually contacts a lot of big people.

Grandma should remind my uncle, just do your job well, don't get involved too much in the rest.

When Mu Qing said this, Grandma Qiao and Sheng Zhengming's faces became serious.

Sheng Zhengming has not worked for more than half a year because of his health, which is almost equivalent to retiring.

Nothing will find him.

However, Sheng Liangping was different.

He is the most powerful generation of the Sheng family. If he can't stand up, then his

Yuren may also follow him unlucky.

Chapter 104

Sheng Yumo is making a fuss

After Mu Qing's reminder, the two old men couldn't help but think deeply.

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