Zhou Tianhui glanced at the sister-in-law who came back. Although she was cowardly, she still tried her best to remind her sister-in-law.

Brother, don't scare sister-in-law.

Mu Qing's line of sight was blocked by Chen Siyuan, so naturally she didn't see the person standing at the gate of the courtyard for the first time.

When she heard Zhou Tianhui's voice and looked up, Zhou Tianze's tall and burly body had already walked towards her.

Tianze! Mu Qing instantly exclaimed with joy, her heart beating uncontrollably.

The sound of Boom! Boom! Boom vibrated, like a dream-like happiness.

She subconsciously moved, and she was about to get out of the car and walked towards Zhou Tianze.

But she forgot that it wasn't her who stepped on the car today.

By the time she reacted, most of her body had already tilted.

This frightened Mu Qing, and hurriedly stretched out her hands to protect her stomach.

However, the expected collision did not come.

She was pulled into a warm embrace.

Zhou Tianze's panicked voice came from above his head.

Daughter-in-law, what are you doing when you suddenly jumped out of the car?

You want to scare me to death?

I finally found the opportunity to see you, and I want to surprise you, but you should give me a surprise first.

If something happens to you and the little brat in your belly, what will I do?

Daughter-in-law, you don't know that the most precious thing in me is you! I am most afraid of you!


The man's chattering voice sounded above Mu Qing's head.

Mu Qing nestled in his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling extremely relieved.

He is like a harbor, allowing her to unload everything and dock.

She likes the feeling he brings to her, solid, comfortable, warm, and she will always be the only one!

These young couples are very affectionate.

Just a few people watching on the side were shocked.

Sheng Yumo even came to Zhou Tianhui's ear and asked.

You...you...is your elder brother like this?

Why didn't you tell us earlier, we were startled.

As Sheng Yumo said, she couldn't help but patted her chest.

She has been worried for a long time.

Zhou Tianhui had a pure smile on her face and answered with a natural look.

My eldest brother always treasures my sister-in-law.

He was very mean to others.

Fortunately...fortunately! It's just that the change is a little big, and I can't react for a while.

Grandma Qiao let go of the heart she was holding.

She almost thought that her granddaughter was forced by the Mu family.

Chen Siyuan on the side was also taken aback by Mu Qing's dangerous actions just now.

Seeing that she was all right, she said, Comrade Mu Qing, it was really too dangerous just now.

But thanks to this comrade, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Is this your lover? Chen Siyuan guessed.

If it is not a lover, it is impossible to be so close.

Mu Qing blushed when she heard Chen Siyuan's words!

At the same time, she secretly cursed herself: Love Brain!

What car to jump in? I'm not afraid of one corpse and three lives!

Mu Qing scolded, and then said apologetically.

Comrade Chen, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now.

This is my love, Zhou Tianze. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I'm so sorry to surprise you.

It's okay. Chen Siyuan understood.

He parked his bicycle beside him and said goodbye.

Since I have sent you back safely, it's time for me to go back.

Goodbye, Comrade Mu Qing.

As Chen Siyuan spoke, he saluted Mu Qing and Zhou Tianze before turning around and leaving.

At this time, Grandma Qiao and the others came up.

Xiaoqing. Where have you been? Comrade Zhou has been waiting for you for a long time.

Grandma, just call me Tian Ze, you don't have to be so outside.

Zhou Tianze spoke politely with a toothy smile.

Compared with the ice scorpion just now, it is not like a person at all.

Grandma Qiao smiled awkwardly.

Sheng Yumo said directly with a guilty conscience.

That, grandma, I still have something to do, I'll come back another day!

After saying that, she ran away quickly.

Mu Qing looked at Sheng Yumo who couldn't wait to escape, her eyes were full of doubts.

What happened to my cousin today? You went back so soon? she asked.

Mu Qing remembered well that every time her cousin came, she would stay for a long time.

She looked down on her cousin from the countryside, how could she not be sarcastic when she met her lover who was a soldier today.

Grandma Qiao looked even more embarrassed, She probably has something to do, so she went back.

We don't need to worry about her, hurry back and sit down.

Grandma Qiao quickly changed the subject and called everyone in.

Chapter 102

good daughter-in-law

After returning to the yard, Zhou Tianze politely and enthusiastically introduced himself to Grandma Qiao and Sheng Zhengming.

And I am very grateful to the two elderly people for taking care of his daughter-in-law.

And said that he will leave early tomorrow morning, and will not stay here too much


I also ask the two old people to continue to take care of his daughter-in-law.

Moreover, he did not come empty-handed this time, and brought a lot of things to the door.

Totally able to express his sincerity and respect.

His eloquent way of talking is really not on the same level as the coldness that he couldn't see his daughter-in-law when he entered the door just now.

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