
Chapter 84: Bait

Summoner's Canyon went down the road, and the rhythm of the line was still dominated by Obama and Nami on the blue side.

The ADC mouse on the purple side is now more than half a level behind Obama in terms of level experience. He didn't dare to go head-to-head with the Paladin Ranger online. In addition, someone's support Nami was extremely strong in the early laning stage. It was even more suppressed, making the purple side's bot duo extremely uncomfortable.

And from this time on, Zhao Yang's ADC Obama became more and more aggressive.

Now he can't wait to kill the mouse on the other side once and get the head to show his technical level to everyone including Tang Bingyao.

So online, Obama almost went straight to the front E whenever he had a chance, and raised his guns to point at the mouse, which was a set of output, which was quite sturdy.

It stands to reason that such an aggressive position also has risks, but Lin Feng's assistant, Nami, has always been closely guarding Obama's side, making it impossible for the opponent to find a chance to counterattack.

Twice, the support Thresh of the opposite purple side even QQed Zhao Yang's ADC Obama, and was ready to force him

But every time Lin Feng's assistant Nami reacted extremely quickly with a Q skill at the same time as her own Lucian was hit by Q to control the opposite Mouse Tuqi, so that the opponent's firepower output could not keep up in the first place.

In this way, on the contrary, Zhao Yang's ADC Obama still has no worries after being hit by Q, and directly fights back with his gun and mouse standing on the spot.

In the end, the mouse can only be forced to choose to give in.

After several rounds of confrontation, the blood bars on the heads of Mouse and Thresh were quickly consumed and disabled, and the supplies on their bodies were also exhausted.

Zhao Yang, who felt that his rhythm was getting smoother and smoother, was even more energetic:

"There is some food on the opposite side."

"Lin Feng, Nami, can you Q be more accurate?"

"The next Q, control Thresh or the mouse, whoever can kill it!"

Lin Feng responded with "oh oh".

But at this time, he became uncharacteristically cautious and conservative, manipulating Nami to go to the grass at the mouth of the river to fill in an eye position to ensure the safety of vision.

The blind jungler on the opposite side...

It hasn't appeared on the map for more than half a minute.

Lin Feng glanced at the small map. Qiu Le's wild wine barrel on his side had just collected a wave of F4 wild monsters. The next step was to fight the stone man. He followed his suggestion and slowly moved down the road. come over.

Someone squinted subconsciously:


The next road may be lively.


The game time is 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

The pawn line in the bottom lane still stayed near the river mouth, Lin Feng glanced at the top lane, Shen Zhuang's top laner alchemy was crippled by Riven's HP, and now he didn't dare to go to the lane to make up the knife, and then he turned The head reminded Zhao Yang:

"Senior Zhao, be careful next time."

"Riven has teleportation on the opposite side."

Shen Zhuang's top lane alchemy also brought [Teleport], but when he was killed and took away the first blood, he chose to teleport back to the line in order not to lose too many soldiers. At this moment, the summoner skill CD is still Did not cool down.

Zhao Yang seemed a little disapproving:

"I know."

"Riven can come, it's useless to come, you haven't seen the blood volume of Mouse and Thresh on the opposite side?"

"Besides, Riven directly starts the teleportation online, won't it be interrupted by an E in alchemy?"

Shen Zhuang, who was on the road, nodded quickly after hearing this:

"If Riven on the opposite side starts teleporting online, I will keep an eye on it!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yang glanced at Lin Feng again, with a sense of protest.

Lin Feng still smiled with a good temper.


The game time is 5 minutes and 54 seconds.

In the bottom lane, after maintaining a period of stable development, the purple side's ADC mouse and auxiliary Thresh seemed to have slowly regained their rhythm, and began to take the initiative to push the A-pawn to make more damage.

So the line of soldiers advanced slightly from the central area near the river mouth towards the blue defense tower.

At this time, Zhao Yang only saw the head of the mouse on the opposite side, and when he saw the push line on the other side, he didn't notice something was wrong, but he became happy instead:

"The other side still dares to push the line, now?"

"Double summoning of the mouse is not good, Lin Feng, you find a chance to flash up and Q the mouse directly, and force the first move. My damage is definitely enough!"

Lin Feng looked at the line of soldiers:

"Wait a little longer."

"Don't worry."

Zhao Yang, on the other hand, was a little impatient. Seeing Lin Feng being so cowardly, he decided to look for an opportunity first. He controlled the ADC Obama and started to move forward a little bit, seizing the opportunity to use the Q skill "Holy Light Through the Body" "Shoot forward.

The silver-white holy light pierced through the body of a purple Fang Xiaobing with residual blood, and while receiving the make-up knife, it also hit the target mouse, completing a period of poke damage.

Zhao Yang took advantage of the situation and manipulated Obama to continue pushing forward.

Another two flat A bursts hit the target.

The purple ADC mouse whose blood volume was crippled also seemed to be angry at this time, and instead of retreating, it counterattacked Zhao Yang's Obama with a backhand A, and then threw a venom bucket with W skill at Paladin, Slow down and hold the target.

Zhao Yang came alive:

This idiot mouse dares to flirt with him?

Just when he was about to continue manipulating Obama to teach the opposite mouse a lesson, Nami, the assistant under Lin Feng's control, quickly issued a warning signal to retreat.

Ding ding ding! !

Zhao Yang was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously was about to be annoyed and teach someone "what's so cowardly".

But the next moment...

Zhao Yang barely had time to react, only to see a figure flying out of the grass behind Mouse and Thresh not far away.

The jungle blind monk on the purple side bypassed the eye position at the mouth of the river, and touched it directly from the back of the outer tower of his own bot lane!

This wave of rats is deliberately making bait!

Zhao Yang, who finally realized the danger, immediately controlled his Holy Spear Ranger to retreat, but the movement speed was slowed down by the W skill of the mouse on the opposite side, and he had just retreated two steps, but the blind jungler on the opposite side rushed up one step faster .

The W skill support moved to Thresh's side.

A Q skill "Sky Sound Wave" was shot forward like lightning!


The skill hits the target.

A silver-white bright mark lit up above Obama's head.

In the next second, the purple jungler Blind Monk directly triggered the second stage of the Q skill "Echo Strike" without hesitation, and the second stage of displacement kicked the target Paladin Ranger fiercely with a fierce momentum!

"Ah, be careful!"

Ji Yue, who was sitting not far from Zhao Yang, couldn't help but exclaimed.

And at the same moment

The assistant under Lin Feng's control, Nami, also made her fastest response at this critical moment.

The Q key on the keyboard is pressed instantly!

"Blue Wave Prison"!

The tidal staff in Nami's hand was raised, and a transparent bubble was thrown directly towards the ground in front of teammate ADC Obama.

Predict Q!

The Q displacement of the blind monk's second stage suddenly arrives.

But the moment the blind man kicked in front of Lucian, Nami's Q skill blister hit the target with precision, forcibly levitating the blind monk into mid-air to control it!

And it just happened to be...

Under Zhao Yang's control, Obama subconsciously took a step back the moment the blind man kicked him up, just entering the range of his defense tower.

The blind jungler from the purple side who kicked over was held in mid-air by Nami's Q skill, and also attracted the hatred firepower of the defense tower in the first place!

Tang Bingyao, who was sitting next to Lin Feng, was the first to light up her eyes:

this wave

You can fight back!

The third update is delivered, today is very sleepy... go to bed, good night, friends.

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