
Chapter 83 Just in case 1

Lin Feng and Zhao Yang's bot lane began to take the initiative and dominate the rhythm in lane.

In the middle lane, Feng Tao's male mid laner was facing off against the purple mid laner's enchantress. He was at a slight disadvantage in the early stage, and was poked by the opposite LeBlanc and lost a lot of HP, but Feng Tao was also mentally prepared to lead There are a lot of supplies, so the situation can be stabilized online for the time being, and the last knife is not dropped much.

As for hitting the road

Shen Zhuang's top laner Alchemy is not very easy to play against the purple side's top laner Riwen.

It stands to reason that alchemy vs. Riven should not be easy to kill anyone in the early stage, but it seems that Riven on the opposite side is quite strong. A few times relying on QA's small combo to poke up alchemy HP, and after finishing a small set Withdrawing quickly, Shen Zhuang failed to throw Riven back with E skill several times.

On the contrary, Shen Zhuang himself controlled the alchemy and became more and more restrained. He opened the poisonous gas of the Q skill, but it often affected his last knife, and his mana was gradually not enough.

It was also at this time that Qiu Le controlled his wild wine barrel and swam to the middle after collecting his own red buff:

"Attention in the middle!"

"Let's face each other!"

At the same time that Qiu Le's wild wine barrel pierced through the grass at the mouth of the river in the middle road, Feng Tao's mid-lane male sword also quickly pressed forward.

The wine barrel's E skill "meat bomb impact" rushed towards the target enchantress.

Pick up [Flash] halfway!

A shattered golden glow lit up, and Qiu Le caught the enchantress on the other side by surprise with a stunning and beautiful E flash operation. The burly and sturdy body of the wine barrel slammed into the target LeBlanc, and at the same time Feng Tao's The male knife is also an E skill "Battle of Cutting Throat" that instantly shifts and rushes up.

In the blink of an eye, the blood bar on the top of Yao Ji's head plummeted rapidly.

But the purple side's mid-laner enchantress also reacted very quickly, and immediately handed over the "Magic Shadow" connected with the W skill with a [Flash], and fled back to her own defense tower with two shifts.

There is no way to continue chasing this.

Qiu Le has some regrets:

"The middle route is still too short... It's still hard to catch the enchantress to death."

Feng Tao frowned a little:

"What did you rush out to do just now,

Can't you wait for the enemy line to come over a little bit and then go around and outflank it? When you come up, you will dodge. Of course you can't catch up with people if you don't move, okay? "

There was dissatisfaction in his tone.

Qiu Le wasn't very happy either: "I didn't E flash to control the enchantress first, can I force him to flash? It's not easy to kill, but now it's good to force a summoner skill."

Just when the two had a dispute, a systematic female voice suddenly heard a kill announcement on the road:

"First Blood!"

The purple jungler, the blind monk, wandered and gank on the road, and cooperated with Riven to kill and take away the alchemy.

One blood is born.

The number of heads between the blue and purple sides became 0 to 1.

Shen Zhuang's tone was extremely frustrated and guilty: "My, just as I was going to the river mouth to insert an eye, the blind man from the opposite side came over, and I sprinted and didn't run away."

Seeing that the blood was taken by Riwen, Feng Tao frowned even more, obviously annoyed at the performance of his Shandong roommate:

"I told you earlier, be careful."

"Riwen on the opposite side took the head, and you will be hanged and beaten next time, okay?"

Shen Zhuang's voice weakened: "Yes, I'm sorry..."

Qiu Le was a little displeased with Feng Tao's attitude: "Okay, okay, it's just a head, Zhuang, don't worry, don't lose your mind, I'll hit the road later and help you out."

The corners of Feng Tao's mouth twitched, and he said to himself mockingly in a voice that only he could hear:

"Do a wave?"

"With this level of jungler...you'll be damned if you succeed."


The bloodshed on the top lane also had a little impact on Zhao Yang's mentality on the bottom lane.

Although the current bot lane is an advantage, he still feels that it is not enough.

The pace is too slow.

Just suppressing the last attack of the opposite mouse will not be able to quickly expand the advantage, you must take the head.

So he began to urge a little impatiently:

"Nami is looking for a chance to Q one."

"If you don't go first here, how can I follow up and output?"

Regarding such unreasonable accusations, Lin Feng still just nodded: "Oh yes, I'll find a chance to have a look."

After a few seconds.

Nami, the assistant under Lin Feng's control, suddenly took the initiative to press forward again.

Not far from the opposite side, Thresh, the assistant of the purple party, saw the opportunity, and a "death judgment" scythe chain with the Q skill was thrown towards the target Nami. At the same moment, Lin Feng controlled Nami and suddenly moved to hide He opened Thresh's hook, and at the same time backhanded the water bubble of Q skill and suddenly threw it at the opponent mouse who had no time to react.

hit the target.

The ADC mouse on the purple side was forcibly held by the water bubble and suspended in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang was overjoyed, and immediately manipulated his ADC Obama to follow up with an E skill, flat A followed by Q skill "Penetrating Holy Light", followed by two flat A bursts, and quickly sent the mouse away. The blood strip on the top of the head fell off.

And Mouse Tuqi, who had been consumed to a state of residual blood before, quickly entered the endangered blood line, and desperately handed over [Flash] to escape the moment he landed.

Zhao Yang manipulated Obama to immediately flash and chase after him.

Then level A.

Then W and A!

The summoner skill [healing] that forces out the mouse.

At this time, it was no longer realistic for Obama to continue to climb the tower, so Zhao Yang controlled his Holy Gun Ranger to retreat again, but this wave was able to force out the double call of the opposite mouse, which was also profitable.

"This wave of mice can only go back to the city."

"Then you have to lose a wave of soldiers, and the next time you return to the line, you can kill them directly."

Zhao Yang turned his head proudly and said this to Tang Bingyao who was beside Lin Feng.

Tang Bingyao tilted her head when she heard it, but didn't make any comments.

But in fact, she doesn't think there is anything commendable about this wave of Obama's operations. It is nothing more than the simplest way to go up and deal damage. The biggest credit is entirely Nami's beautiful Q skill that took the opportunity to go first.


In the bottom lane, the ADC mouse on the purple side lost its double call after being disabled, and was forced to return to the city.

On the blue side, Zhao Yang and Lin Feng took advantage of the situation and quickly pushed a large wave of troops under the purple side's defense tower, causing the opposing ADC to lose the economy and experience of the troops, and then decisively chose to return to the city.

The game time is just over 5 minutes.

The ADC support heroes of Zhao Yang and Lin Feng returned to the line. At this time, the pawn line of the bottom lane just pushed out and stayed in the middle near the river mouth.

"This wave can find opportunities, control the mice and kill them immediately!"

Zhao Yang commanded like this with some high spirits.

Lin Feng nodded cooperatively:


But his gaze had already scanned the small map, thoughtfully, and then sent a signal to Qiu Le's wild wine barrel:

"Ale, you can come down the road."

Qiu Le subconsciously replied "Yes", but Zhao Yang glanced at Lin Feng:

"There's no need to let the jungler come?"

"We can still win in 2V2, what are you talking about?"

There was a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

Lin Feng still wasn't angry at all, he just smiled cheerfully and said, "Oh, just in case, just in case."

The update is here, the next chapter should be around 12 o'clock~ I beg for a wave of red envelopes.

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