
Chapter 85 Must die?

When the jungle blind monk on the purple side came up from behind his defense tower along the grass, his eyes and attention were all on the opposite blue side's ADC Obama.

He keenly grasped the opportunity of Obama being lured into the bait by his own ADC mouse teammate.

Grab the grass.

The W skill assists the teammate Thresh.

Receive the Q skill "Tianyinbo".

The whole set of operations was as smooth as flowing water, but at the moment when he kicked up with the second-stage Q "Echo Shot", he did not expect that his intention of this operation completely fell into the calculation of the opposite assistant Nami.

It is almost a backhand anticipation Q with extremely fast reaction speed.

Summoning Chao Yuji's "Blue Wave Prison" transparent water bubble instantly forcibly controlled the opponent blind monk who kicked up in the air.

It even just happened to attract the hatred firepower of his own bottom defense tower to the blind monk!

"You can fight!"

Lin Feng's eyes were extremely bright at this moment.

Qiu Le, who was sitting across the seat, yelled, "Wait for me down the road! I'll be there soon!!"

As the ADC Obama, Zhao Yang reacted a little slower, but he immediately understood that this was an opportunity to fight back. He subconsciously manipulated his Obama's E skill to move back for a while, opening the gap between him and the target blind monk. After the distance, the backhand made two flat A bursts.

It seems to be a very normal and reasonable operation.

After all, for an ADC player, when outputting, he must first distance himself from his opponent and ensure the safety of his output environment

But seeing this scene, the pupils of Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Behind him, Tang Bingyao, who was watching the battle, also couldn't help frowning her beautiful brows.


For this step, Obama should not be in a hurry to submit an E.


The blue side's defense tower energy light bullets landed on the target blind monk twice in succession.

Cooperating with Obama's two flat-A bursts and WA's small combo damage, the blood bar on the purple jungler's head, which was originally at about two-thirds of the blood volume, almost quickly fell to the endangered blood line.

The rhythm of being counter-killed directly!

The moment he got rid of the control of Nami's blisters, the purple jungler blind monk turned around almost desperately and retreated out of the attack range of the defense tower.

Under the control of Zhao Yang, Obama is anxious to chase after him, but at this moment

Thresh, who was originally in the distance from the purple side, suddenly handed over a [flash], and rushed forward!

E skill "Pendulum of Doom" swept out!

Slow down and control Lucian!

Immediately receiving the Q, the Warden of Soul Lock threw his sickle and chains, without giving Obama any chance to react, entangled the target and dragged it out!

Tang Bingyao, who was sitting by the side watching the battle, couldn't help shaking her head

So, Obama shouldn't have handed in the E skill just now.

Such a subconscious operation, although it seems to feel safer after opening the distance with the opponent, is actually meaningless at all. Obviously, it is enough to stand directly at the blind monk just now. The E skill is the hook control that should be used to guard against Thresh. , the result is now...

[Flash] The Holy Gun Ranger, who has not cooled down his E skill, is thrown into the face by Thresh, of course, there is no chance of dodging.


The battle situation became critical again in an instant.

As soon as his ADC Obama was charged, Zhao Yang hurriedly used [Healing] milk to restore a mouthful of blood, but the purple ADC mouse on the opposite side quickly came up again and started to output.

Flat A, then A!

Cooperating with Thresh's flat A damage, the blood on Lucian's head that had just been pulled back quickly dropped again.

At the same moment, Nami, the assistant controlled by Lin Feng, stepped forward quickly.

[Weakness] Put on the target mouse immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the "Shocking Tide" of level A followed by W skills was handed over immediately, and the rushing spring water fell on Lucian's body to force a mouthful of blood back, and then quickly ejected towards the target mouse with residual blood.

The blood bar on the top of the mouse's head fell off!

Zhao Yang, who got rid of the control of Thresh's Q skill, immediately retreated while walking and slashing, and continued to fight back against the output mouse.

In the last draw of A, Lin Feng's assistant Nami and Zhao Yang's ADC Obama hit the source of the plague almost at the same time, and the blood bar on the mouse's head instantly emptied and returned to zero.

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The kill announcement sounded by the female voice of the system.

The last head shot was completed by Lin Feng's assistant Nami.

Under the control of Zhao Yang, Obama, who had only the last trace of blood left, turned around and fled desperately towards his defense tower, but at this time, the jungler blind monk on the opposite side suddenly rushed back with a [flash], and his displacement suddenly reached In front of Paladin

E skill, shoot the floor!

Take Obama's head away in an instant.

"An-ally-has-been- (A friendly hero was killed)."

The notification tone of the female voice of the system rang in the ear again.

But Lin Feng couldn't pay attention anymore, because at this moment, accompanied by a solemn and anxious shout, a beam of teleportation light suddenly soared into the sky on the line of soldiers in the bottom lane:

"Be careful on the way down!"

"The opposite Riven teleported! The distance is too far and I can't interrupt it!"


Summoner's Canyon went down the road, and the ADC heroes of both sides were killed and taken away one after another.

One head for one, no loss or gain.

The jungler blind monk and the auxiliary Thresh of the purple side have already lost their blood. In this case, they can't easily cross the tower and kill an auxiliary Nami.

But Riwen's teleportation made Lin Feng's situation suddenly become precarious again!

Thresh, the auxiliary of the purple side, has already stepped forward and started to take the damage on the tower.

The jungle blind monk with residual blood immediately approached the target Nami.

Lin Feng didn't even think about it, he quickly manipulated his assistant Nami to retreat towards the defense tower, and in the next second, the single Riven on the purple side teleported to the ground, and Riven, who had just reached level six, opened her big move and held the golden light in her hand to flow The rune broken blade quickly rushed up to the side of the tower!

Nami is going to die.

At this moment, almost everyone in the Internet cafe room had such thoughts in their minds.

If it's just blind monk and Thresh, maybe Nami can still live.

But a level 6 Riven teleported over...

There is almost no hope of Nami's survival!

In desperation, Zhao Yang has already started to yell at Shen Zhuang: "I told you to keep an eye on Riven's teleportation, how did you do that? If you go down the road, the outer tower will be pushed by the opponent, do you understand! How can I develop?" !?"

Feng Tao also frowned tightly. His mid-laner male sword was still on the mid-lane at this time, and there was no time to support it.

He also felt that the next wave was useless.

An assistant Nami was besieged and killed by three people on the opposite side, how could there be any troubles?

There may be only two people in the whole box who don't think so.

Tang Bingyao's eyes subconsciously fell on Lin Feng's body, and the light in her beautiful big eyes was shining brightly, full of unconditional trust in someone

Fengzi's words.

Absolutely no problem!

same moment.

Seeing Shan Ruiwen, the opponent on the opposite side who was flying towards him with a murderous aura, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly became sharp.

Must die...?

Not necessarily!

In the next second, Shan Riwen on the purple side raised his sword and entered the tower.

A period of E skill "go forward bravely" quickly shortened the distance between himself and the target prey Nami.

another second

Almost unresponsive, Shan Riwen on the purple side instantly casts [Flash] in a shimmering golden light, and suddenly rushes forward, within a short distance of the target Nami. At the same time, the W skill "Shaking Soul" Roar" suddenly opened!

Flash W first!

Strong control!

And almost at the same moment...

The light in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and the summoner skill keys on the keyboard were tapped and pressed almost simultaneously!


The update is here, the next chapter should be around 9:30~

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